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A Collection of Predictions of the 9-11 event made years before the attack.
The Delphi Associates Newsletter ^ | The following excerpt was taken from an article pulished in The Delphi Associates Newsletter, Issue | SEAN DAVID MORTON(Compilation and Editor's notes by Melissa Thomson)

Posted on 06/14/2002 7:09:51 PM PDT by vannrox

(The following excerpt was taken from an article pulished in The Delphi Associates Newsletter, Issue #74, September 2001 ©)


(Compilation and Editor's notes by Melissa Thomson)


~The Millennium Factor~
September 17, 1992
" In July of 1999, New York will be attacked unsuccessfully...The Anti-Christ will be behind this. We will intercept the nukes in time, but large scale damage is still sustained by the East Coast."

"A neutron-like bomb will be successfully exploded over the Pentagon in Washington, DC. It will turn Washington into a ghost town, but the monuments will all be left standing. The Anti-Christ will be responsible for this, and the US will make no further moves against him. Many in the country will think him a hero for getting rid of Washington once and for all."

Air date: November 17, 1995
Announcer: Watch out New York this psychic's got a shocking forecast for the Big Apple's future.
SDM: "I think you are going to see a nuclear attack on New York City in July 1999.
Announcer: And if you think that's bad, listen to what he says is in store for Washington, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
SDM: Get out of the way because something is going to come!
Announcer: Don't believe it? Wait till you hear from the Prophet of Doom...
Host: Now, is disaster our destiny? From New York City to San Francisco, the apocalyptic forecast from the man who predicted the LA quake.
SDM: There will be a series of terrorist attacks on New York City in the next couple of years and chemical warfare attacks on Washington, D.C.
Host: Now, is it the end of the world, as we know it? As we head into the new millennium just four years from now, futurists warn that disasters will strike major cities around the world. Tonight, a renowned psychic with a remarkable track record shares his shocking predictions for the future. As Sylvia Villigran reports what we have to look forward to, is enough to make you want to crawl under a rock.
Sylvia: As we race towards the year 2000, Mother Nature seems to be sounding a worldwide wake up call.
SDM: All these things are certainly contributing to people being nervous because everything is coming together.
Sylvia: Sean David Morton is a futurist, whose vision of the coming century is not for the squeamish.
SDM: I think you are going to see a nuclear attack on New York City in July 1999. Next season, the hurricanes are going to be twice as big as the ones here, [in the past year.]
Sylvia: Morton calls himself an earth sensitive who gets his information by meditating and feeling the "hotspots" given off by maps.
SDM: This energy will manifest itself in a number of ways. It will either manifest itself as an earthquake, a hurricane or a natural catastrophe of some kind.
Sylvia: Skeptics might dismiss Morton as a crackpot, but he stands by his predictions and cautions people to heed his words. After all, he gave advance warning of both the devastating 1994 earthquake and the 1993 Los Angeles firestorms.
SDM: This is not just me being crazy standing up on a roof somewhere, screaming that the house is on fire. Large groups of people are saying the same thing I am saying about the changing of the millennium, the next thousand years, the new age.
Sylvia: And if natural disasters aren't bad enough, then count on man to be the culprit.
SDM: There will be a series of terrorist attacks on New York City in the next couple of years and chemical warfare attacks on Washington, D.C....I see [IN NEW YORK] like a white snow that falls on the entire city. Much of the city has been evacuated. But there's... it's like a sphere that explodes like the sun.
Sylvia: If all this doomsday prophecy puts you over the edge, there is some good news. Even Sean David Morton himself admits his predictions are not 100% guaranteed.
SDM: It's tough predicting the future because if you are right...nobody likes you. If you are wrong...nobody respects you. Long-range predictions have become virtually useless because everything can literally change in the twinkling of the eye.
Sylvia: In fact, Morton says that we have the power to shape the future and avert disaster by focusing positive energy.
SDM: It is mankind that makes the ultimate decision as to what its fate is going to be. I think that massive catastrophes, massive great wars and a lot of things that should be happening now are not happening because people are waking up and they are getting in tune with the energy and beginning to listen to the voice of God within themselves.
Quote from NYC Eyewitness on ABC News 9/13/2001~
"It's like a bizarre 'Snow Day' with everything closed and shut down, but there is no joy. It's like everything here is covered with snow, but it's not the good kind."
{Editor's Note: This prediction may still YET to be fulfilled with a future NUCLEAR/BIO-CHEM attack on New York, causing it's evacuation. The white snow like substance, which rose in a huge cloud over all of New York, and was even visible from space, was massive amounts of asbestos insulation used in the WTC towers construction in the 1970s.

Recorded live August 17, 1994, in Anaheim Calif.
VOL. III, Issue 35-36, August and September, 1997

DOUG: Can you tell us a little bit about the war? When it started, how it started, who was involved?
VAJRA: We can't go back and talk about agriculture can we?
(Audience Laughter)
VAJRA: (A pause, a deep breath and a heavy sigh.) There were actually a number of wars, but from our perspective it looks like one long 27 years conflict. Just as your entire dark 20th Century looks to us like one long war from 1914 AD on, with the various sides only stopping long enough to rearm!
There were great forces allied against each other, primarily China and the Jihads, or at that time what was called the Islamic Jihad although there were a number of factions, and I know the great overview of this because even though so many of the records were lost, I remember the beginning of the war started when many people began to be murdered in India and Israel, and it had to do with-and we still even have this in our history-the great battle that took place when Pakistan attacked India with troops and limited nuclear weapons.
This was the beginning of the last great conflict. And the conflict did not occur all at once. It spanned nearly 27 of your old standard years. IT lasted from...6 years...from your dating...1998, when the rumblings and skirmishes started, until 2025 to 27, when the smaller battles were winding down...
The great wars began primarily as a final conflict between China, between the Islamic Jihad, and between Europe, The United States and Russia...
The conflict began, as I said, with the attack of Pakistan against India. And there was "The Nameless One" who was responsible for most of the great destruction and great terror that began in the Middle East that was then strewn across the planet, and the final invasion and destruction of Jerusalem in, I believe, 2006. He and the Chinese Hordes were the last great evils.
DOUG: Is he the one...your grandfather has talked to us about, the one that is called the Anti-Christ? Would this be the same person?
VAJRA: Om. Jamal. Which is truly the sickest of jokes, because his name meant 'The Beautiful One'.
DOUG: Okay. So the United States doesn't get too involved until much later in the Great War?
VAJRA: The old United States are involved early on, and because of great defeats that are suffered, military defeats, the United States are no longer involved....
We [the old USA] had great military force and might but with the destruction of the computer data bases and the financial system of the old New York by the pulse of a near miss of a nuclear missile, and later by flood, and the destruction of what was then the Capitol of Washington DC, by an unusual biologic weapon. I think the conclusion was that the weapon was something called Red Mercury, as it was atomic, but also with biologic effects. Like a very dirty radioactive bomb...but I do not understand such things.
When the two cities were both destroyed at approximately at, and then, a few years after the Great Age turning (1999 to 2006), none of the other countries (the States) would come to their aid. There was only minor retaliation, due to great confusion as to who the perpetrators actually were, so revenge was difficult.

(Editor's NOTE: The entire transcript is available on our website@ www.DelphiAssociates.Org. This was a Tibetan Soul Transference, which Sean did with his future self or next incarnation, living approximately 100 years from now. Like a Post-Life progression, but much more advanced. Vajra made it very clear by saying, "approximately AT, and THEN, a few years AFTER the Great Age Turning", which is the year 2000-2001, that there were AT LEAST two attacks on both cities, and possibly many more during the Islamic Jihad war period between 1998 to 2006.)

~The Delphi Associates Newsletter~

Volume V ISSUE # 55, September 30, 1999

"In my own visions, I kept seeing a face so strongly that I worked with my friend police sketch artist Steve Hill, who lived down the street from me, to make sure I got it right. I saw this man clearly as he was at that time in 1992. I felt he would be on the front page of every paper in the world around 2000, taking credit for blowing up planes, buildings, and even poisoning entire cities.

That face, as you can see here, was Osama Bin Ladin, the royal Saudi Arabian multimillionaire, who has become the global financier for Islamic terrorism.

He was linked to the bombing of US embassies in Africa, and last week was linked to the apartment building bombings in Moscow, which killed 300.

In his possession are 167 US made backpack Stinger missiles, which we gave him to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. He now plans on using them against us. A well-trained team, with those types of weapons, could shut down the entire US aeronautical infrastructure! You could blow up 5 planes a day, from practically anywhere, and never be caught. The chaos would be monumental.

There is evidence that this is exactly what was used on TWA Flight 800, and the Fed's have gone to a lot of trouble to cover it up!"

"I am not sure when his birthday is, but when I find out, I will pass it along. (It is some time in 1957.)

"I do not believe that we can expect one single individual. I believe that it will be a group of men working in concert to achieve the final goal of enslavement of all humanity. George Orwell's nightmare (or blueprint) "1984", coming to fruition with "a boot stamping on a human face, for all time!"

"Here are the men that I see as key players in the coming chaos:

KING ABDULLAH, King of Jordan
(BORN January 30, 1962-)

"Abdullah was named crown prince less than 2 weeks before he was sworn in as regent of Jordan, following the declaration of the clinical death of his father, Hussein I.
Through his adult life, Abdullah has been a career soldier, and was until the time he was declared crown prince, commander of the Special Forces of Jordan. The Special Forces has been central in controlling internal order in Jordan, and they were in action no later than 1998.
"Abdullah has for years mainly been known for his interests in extreme sports. "BIOGRAPHY
"1962, January 30: Born in Amman as son of King Hussein I and the English-born Queen Mona (whose real name is Toni Gardiner).
"1963: Abdullah is named crown prince.
"1965: Abdullah is replaced as crown prince, by his uncle, Hassan, after King Hussein amends the constitution so that it allows also brothers to be heirs of the Jordanian throne. The background for this change was that Hussein had been exposed to a number of assassination attempts, and did not want to take the risk of leaving Jordan in the hands of an infant.
"1966: Abdullah is sent to England to attend school. Later he continued his education in the USA.
"1980: Abdullah joins the British military academy at Sandhurst, and later serves with the British army.
"1993 June: Abdullah marries the Palestinian-born Princess Rania.
"1999 January 25: In a last minute coup, Abdullah is announced as new crown prince by his father, replacing his uncle, Hassan.
"February 5, 1999: Abdullah is sworn in as regent of Jordan, the day after his father is declared clinically dead.
"February 7, 1999: Eight days after his 37th birthday, Abdullah is crowned as new king a few hours after his father dies. Five US presidents and the heads of state and finance from every nation, including Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller and the entire Rothschild family, show up to pay their respects, kiss the ring and pay homage to the new young king.
Abdullah was born 6 days away from the 2/5/1962 target date. In THE MILLENNIUM FACTOR I described how I saw an urbane young man, in a western suit, and that he was being trained and educated by his UNCLE! And that evil power would flow from his uncle INTO HIM!
"This is EXACTLY what has happened in the case of King Abdullah.
There is a reason why David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, the House of Rothschild and five US presidents, came to kiss his ring and pay homage to him. He is being prepared for some very BIG and very EVIL things in the near future! This is the man to watch!"


"I see Bush ruling from 2001 to 2004. I have seen what looks like a bomb or explosion in an open plaza in front of a state house that takes him out along with a group of people, including members of his family...
"He will open the floodgates for huge economic deals and corruption regarding China. He will push the barn doors wide open for anything they want. The China Syndrome comes on strong, and they will threaten most of the world on his watch.
"Bush's Kow-Towing to the Chi-Coms will make Clinton look like he has a spine of steel!
"There is a direct threat on the Bush family either IN a foreign country or BY a foreign country between September, October, and November of 2001. This could be the death of George SR. or ANOTHER WAR, OR A TERRORIST ATTACK, BUT AGAINST THE BUSH'S SPECIFICALLY. (Emphasis added)
" Gee Dubya has MARTIAL LAW WRITTEN ALL OVER HIS CHART. His 'Aw Shucks' demeanor hides a fascist state mentality through and through! This is the same governor who used the Texas Rangers to attack peaceful protestors in front of the [Austin] State House, proclaiming that 'The rules have changed!' Who exactly changed the FIRST AMENDMENT, GEORGE? YOUR DADDY?
"Problems with both Iran and Iraq, having to do with fundamentalist ISLAM and the Kurdish rebels, are just beginning and will heat up over the next year."
{Editor's Note: Once again, I am stunned and totally FLOORED by Sean's uncanny abilities! That date is not a typo or a mistake. I could not even believe it myself when I dug it out of the archives! But there it was!! Not only was he predicting the outcome of the most hotly contested election in US history, where Bush was BEHIND in the polls, and actually LOST the popular vote, A FULL TWO MONTHS before it happened...but here he is predicting EXACT EVENTS a YEAR before they occurred!!)

VOL. VI, ISSUE #63, JUNE 23, 2000

"...Of course the polls will all be fixed. "It is not who casts the votes," said Mao Tse Tung, "It is who COUNTS the votes!" Keep that in mind when ABC accidentally calls the exact numbers the day before the election.
"A STUNNING VICTORY, but the BUSH/WHITMAN ticket will sneak through with about 45% of the popular vote...
"There is a real political war going on behind the scenes...[there is] a plan to stage a series of N.B.C. (Nuclear/Biological/Chemical) attacks on major US cities, which would begin a WWIII scenario, combined with a total collapse of the stock market. There is also technology in place to induce catastrophic earthquakes in the mid-west, California and along the New Madrid fault. OPERATION: GUNSLINGER 2000 was a dry run for this scenario....
"It was decided a long time ago, that in order to institute the NWO [New World Order] agenda between 2000 to 2005, that a Southern, Christian "Conservative" had to be in the White House, in order to diffuse a possible Civil War while the NWO agenda was being put into place and America was being divided up and subjugated....
"I see Bush dying around 2003 in the fall, in an explosion that takes a large group of other people along with him. So whoever is elected president, you should look upon with pity as a doomed man, who will only be there temporarily."


"It was my feeling that now that the Oslo Peace accords, which were signed September 13, 1993 have now run for seven years, expiring on September 13, 2000, that now we are entering a seven year war period. This seven-year war period would lead up to a number of great nuclear sneak attacks on various cities around the world, eventually resulting in the destruction of Jerusalem sometime in 2006.
"This was something I originally saw in 1994 and printed in the newsletter in an article called THE VAJRA CHRONICLES. It is also something that has been pointed out at great length in a book called The Bible Code by Michael Grozny. He said there were two possibilities of the nuclear destruction of Jerusalem. The first was in 1996, which he felt was averted by a series of fortuitous events and the second one for the leveling of Jerusalem was in the year 2006. His research, published in 1997, and my predictions and prophecies, made in 1994, are beginning to converge.
"With the end of the Oslo Peace Accords and of course with the amazing rapidity with which the violence in the Middle East has actually grown, stunning all of the experts who felt that the peace process had been properly laid between all of the various parties. It is almost as if a greater hand, a hand from above is causing all of these horrific things to occur.
"A few days after I was on the Mike Siegel program (October 9), everything that I had talked about began to come to pass as the entire Mid East exploded....
"Some very interesting stories coming from a number of my sources in the intelligence community. First off, the USS Cole incident is very unusual for a number of different reasons...
"Of course the first person it was pinned on was Osama bin Laden, who was and possibly continues to be a direct employee of the CIA. He is in fact America's "designer terrorist". A guy we can pin any act of global terrorism on because he is a James Bond, Blofeldian SPECTRE-like villain. Super wealthy, with secret underground labs and teams of evil scientists working for him, that is not connected with any particular country, just seemingly wandering from place to place. Whenever a terrorist act comes down, we don't have to pin it on any one particular nation like Iran, Iraq or Saudi Arabia or any other country we might actually need oil from and have to take steps against. We can blame Osama as our "rogue" terrorist.
"Remember that bin Laden worked for the CIA for many years, providing him with US [back-pack style] Stinger missiles that allowed him to completely nullify the air power of Russia during the Afghan War. One of the things that the United States rather uncomfortably doesn't tell you is that we gave Osama 300 stinger backpack rockets and he has, according to the last CIA estimates, about 167 left. With a team of fanatical, dedicated terrorists spread throughout the US near some of our major airports, bin Laden could completely shut down the aeronautical infrastructure of the US.
"Also, on another point before we move forward, bin Laden is the individual I had seen and worked with a police artist to draw a picture of and published all the way back in my very first manuscript The Millennium Factor on September 17, 1992. I saw him being an anti-Christ figure that was responsible for massive terrorism around the year 2000 and was in fact responsible for the destruction of a number of global targets including quite possibly Jerusalem and Washington DC (not that DC would actually be MISSED!)
"The $64,000 Question is, does Osama bin Laden have nuclear weapons? Yes, according to Sheik Kabbani. The main sources of Sheik Kabbani's information, as far as the Arab press is concerned seems to be the Saudi-owned al-Wasat newsmagazine, and al-Watan al-Arabi, which is close to Egyptian intelligence.
"Sheik Kabbani claims that bin Laden bought "20 nuclear war heads" with opium money. Remember that the Russians "Lost" about 100 nuclear brief case bombs about 3 years ago, and it seems some of them wound up in bin Ladin's hands. This is reported as fact in mainstream news sources. For example, the Florida Times-Union (Jacksonville, FL) in a January 24, 1999 byline titled "More counter-terrorism funds urged. Clinton fears bin Laden, others growing bolder," writes:
"The leader of a major Muslim organization in the US told a recent gathering at the State Department that bin Laden has already purchased nuclear warheads from the former Soviet Union. Sheik Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, chairman of the Islamic Supreme Council of America, said that bin Laden 'has used two tons of opium and $30 million to purchase over 20 nuclear warheads.' Kabbani said bin Laden also 'had hired an international team of rogue nuclear scientists working in a secret underground base to convert warheads stolen from former Soviet republics into miniature portable nuclear devices capable of striking targets around the globe.'"
"In my prophecies and predictions I saw some kind of RED MERCURY bio-nuclear weapon destroying Washington DC in 2006 and nobody seemed to know who to pin it on. Something happening from the inside in regards to Jerusalem such as an interior attack would of course take out Israel's ability to defend itself even though they have a massively impressive army made up of US weapons. They'd be defenseless against an atomic suitcase bomb.
"Jerusalem has been destroyed and leveled to the ground 37 times in recorded history. Anyone, who has EVER claimed to own it or control it, has been destroyed. Maybe the place is just BAD LUCK!
"If a coalition government is formed with Ariel Sharon and the hard-line Likud Party then the entire situation will of course get much worse. Sharon is called the "Butcher of Beriut" for his invasion of Lebanon and the slaughter of defenseless Palestinian prisoners of war, for which he was convicted of war crimes in his own country. Israel will also most likely take a much harder line and basically do everything in their power to wipe out the Palestinian protestors. This will certainly be very difficult because 75% of the Israeli population do want some kind of solution to the Palestinian homeland crises. For the first time the Israelis are facing the fact that almost 2 million of their Arab Israeli populace are actually also fighting for some sort of deal and clarification of Palestine.
There may be a master plan in place according to a Mossad operative who is one of my contacts, claiming that Sadam might do something really crazy before he dies of cancer sometime next year. Sadam may take action and destroy Mecca and try to blame it on the Israelis. If that happens and Mecca is destroyed and somehow Israel is blamed for it, that would effectively be the end of Israel. You would have a Jihad by hundreds of millions of Arabs who would give their very lives to simply drive Israel back into the sea.
Khadaffi has been very quiet simply waiting for an opportunity, as there has really been nothing out of Libya. Yassir Arafat, a homosexual, CIA tool and 'reformed terrorist' has been saying, "We must fight. If we don't take Jerusalem now we will never take it back."
The solution will be an Israeli APARTIED STATE. Total separation from the Palestinians. Fences, bridges, guard towers. This will contribute to the abject poverty of the area as 110,000 Palestinians will lose their jobs and be removed from the Israeli work force....
"However, the aftermath of this is you are now seeing Phase I of the violence in Israel and the fact that you now have one Israeli civilian killed as opposed to upwards of 180 Palestinian civilians now killed in this conflict. And the Israelis have used US military hardware like Apache helicopters and American made rockets to level dozens of city blocks in Palestine, which have now left close to 12,000 Palestinians homeless. So they have no choice but to riot in the streets as they don't have homes anymore to go back to. This is Phase I where you will see a confederation of the Arab world against the United States and Israel, and of course that's where we get most of the oil that we are so dependant upon.
"Phase II will be large scale terrorist actions that are supported by the Arab world against Israel and the US. This is all leading up to Phase III, which will be the rise of some great Anti-Christ, the man in the blue turban, the man Nostradamas predicted coming out of Iran. And of course, we have not seen the last of Osama bin Laden. As he has said over and over again in every interview he has made,
"You must defend against me and succeed a thousand times. I must succeed only once."
"Also, along with the very severe and freak temperature fluctuations, things going up and down, up and down, I see a massive influenza epidemic striking the Northeast and specifically New York City... I am seeing very young and very old people dying of respiratory infections. People coughing, businesses shut down because of a major, major flu epidemic, especially in New York City.
"You may even consider when taking the public subways wearing surgical masks over your face, even though it's a little embarrassing and a bit unfashionable...maybe you buy them in bright pretty colors to match your outfits, but it's something I would definitely do when taking mass transportation."


"His first year in office will have a number of major political victories, even though the economy continues to be unstable, and the country and the world are unsure of his abilities. Almost as if everyone is holding their breath. After a gigantic fight with the Democrats, Bush WILL push through his tax cut proposal, and it will be more generous than it currently stands. This will also include a major overhaul of capital gains tax, inheritance taxes and the abolition of the federal "Marriage Penalty."
Religion, higher education and high philosophy will be in the spotlight. A new way of looking at government services using and funding religious schools and programs. But a true breath of fresh air and a more forthright way of doing things.
" But FOREIGN AFFAIRS will be the main focus. Travel to other countries to reassure leaders that GWB is not a mental incompetent and is in complete control. Mexico, Eastern Europe, Japan, Canada will all be part of the focus. Mexico will be a sticky point among Republicans as the gates will be thrown wide open for a flood of illegal's swarming across the border after major earthquakes in Mexico and Central America. His "Open Border" policy with Mexican El Presidenté Vincente Fox will be a disaster for California, Arizona and Texas.
"Of course, foreign affairs also means war, War, WAR! I told you even before he was elected that this man would be drenched in blood, as he has surrounded himself with all the hawkish War Lords from his daddy's administration. Desert Storm II is just now getting started, and it will get bloody ON BOTH SIDES...
"GWB's patriotism is not in question. He feels deep pride for this country and all its institutions. But he also firmly believes that the hand of God played a role in his being chosen, and that he was anointed president by the personal hand of Jesus Christ Almighty.
"He truly does have a mission, or he believes that his presidency will be a Holy Crusade. But make no mistake about it; the TRUE powers behind the throne will quickly destroy the king who believes he rules by Divine Right, and does not do as he is told. "

VOLUME VI, ISSUE #69, MARCH 10, 2001

"There is one last symbol that I couldn't resist. George W. Bush took office at just a few moments after Noon, EDT January 20, 2001. A bit unusual as US presidents are required to swear in at noon January 21, unless that date falls on a Sunday, which it did this year, so the inauguration was held the day before. The solar degree of the sun was 30º Capricorn. I will let this chilling Sabian symbol speak for itself:
"PHASE 300 (SUN at 30º Capricorn):
"KEYNOTE: The power to assume responsibility for crucial choices arrived at after mature discussions with those who share this power.
"We are all aware now of the work of secret committees in the White House and at all levels of the government. The student of esoteric philosophy believes in the existence of what has been called an "inner Government" which has the power to direct or guide the evolution of our planet and of mankind. Some people speak of "The Occult Hierarchy", or of the "White Lodge". Here again what is at stake is a "seeing through" the facts of telluric processes and human history-assuming that these facts are at least in part the outcome of the decisions of a supreme Council of quasi-divine Beings. Obviously the symbol can also refer to what occurs at the more ordinary level of business and politics. At any level, it refers to the highest form of social interaction."
"If by now you smell a snake in the BUSH, you are certainly NOT ALONE! I have said many times that when GW Bush was elected that it would be a return to government done in secret Star Chambers and very much behind closed doors with a siege mentality at it's base. This supremely powerful symbol occurring on a presidential inaugural day is a portent of earth shattering things to come. We can only PRAY a Divine hand of Providence guides our leaders in the cataclysmic times ahead."

I remembered you having predicted that New York would be attacked, so in light of recent events, I dug out an old audio tape of a lecture of yours that I attended in around 1993. It was at the UFO Conference in San Mateo, entitled "The Millennium Factor". The exact quote was, "In the year 2001, New York City and Washington, D.C., are both destroyed by some sort of chemical bomb. It's a bomb that just explodes over the city and it looks like falling snow." You went on to say that the attack would be masterminded by the anti-Christ.
The Sacramento Bee ran a photo the day after the attack with the caption, "Looking as though they are running through a snowstorm, people flee through the falling dust and smoke from the area where the World Trade Center towers collapsed."
Chilling and foreboding. . .
Ronna J. Griffen

I have heard you on Coast to Coast AM from time to time, and have marveled
at your insight.
Recently a prisoner, one of several with whom I communicate as a result of
my weekly astrological radio program on KRXS 97.3 in AZ, sent me several
past issues of your newsletter.
I was reading your September, 1999 issue "Who is the Anti-Christ" and found
a picture of Osama Bin Laden.
On that same page were your words: "A well trained team, with those type of
weapons, could shut down the entire US aeronautical infrastructure! You
could blow up 5 planes a day, from practically anywhere, and never be
caught. The chaos would be monumental."
Needless to say, my jaw dropped. I just wanted you to know that I've
noticed how accurate you (and your associates) are, and that I appreciate
the information you provide which helps us to know what is coming in this
extraordinary time, which we are blessed to witness.
Light and Peace
Rhonda El

Your prediction of an explosion in NYC has come true.
When the planes hit the buildings they exploded and that is surely what you saw. I was in your class in NYC last year when we went via meditation {Spiritual REMOTE VIEWING} into the future and saw NYC with no one above the ground.
Can you give us some insights into what's next.
Is this the beginning or the end?
Many thanks,
Carole Dean,
From the Heart Productions, inc.

Please update your site, too much is happening. You nailed this one too!!! Who would have thought it could happen so soon.

Dear Sean,
I have read your message of February, and you certainly had it right.
Upon rereading THE VAJRA CHRONICLES, actually it doesn't seem as "out there" as I initially thought. I only hope that the destruction, pain etc. will not be so extreme. Maybe our determination (and ????) will enable us to come together and prevent at least some further attacks. It all just seems so very sad.
Thanks again.


TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Editorial; Foreign Affairs; Government; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 911; attack; bible; esp; horror; islam; muslim; prediction; religion; wtc
An interesting read.
1 posted on 06/14/2002 7:09:51 PM PDT by vannrox
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To: vannrox
Where is the investigation of the Arabic calendars predating 911
and predicting it in picture TO THE MONTH?

2 posted on 06/14/2002 7:15:23 PM PDT by Diogenesis
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To: vannrox
" In July of 1999, New York will be attacked unsuccessfully...The Anti-Christ will be behind this. We will
intercept the nukes in time, but large scale damage is still sustained by the East Coast."

I must have missed this.

3 posted on 06/14/2002 7:55:12 PM PDT by gcruse
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4 posted on 06/14/2002 7:55:51 PM PDT by Mo1
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To: gcruse
I fell asleep after:
Air date: November 17, 1995

5 posted on 06/14/2002 8:16:08 PM PDT by Lunatic Fringe
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To: Lunatic Fringe
6 posted on 06/14/2002 8:21:19 PM PDT by gcruse
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To: gcruse
Obviously you were in the shower at the time.
7 posted on 06/14/2002 8:36:39 PM PDT by constitutiongirl
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To: constitutiongirl
Obviously you were in the shower at the time.

Well, yes.  But just because grime doesn't pay.  ;)

8 posted on 06/14/2002 8:41:11 PM PDT by gcruse
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