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Donaldson Brothers TWA800 Website
Cmdr. Donaldson Hospitalized
Dear Friends of Bill,

This will be a difficult letter to write, but it must be done.

Some of you may know that Bill was scheduled for back surgery to rectify some lower back problems such as weakness in his legs. More recently he began to experience weakness in his left arm and a couple of weeks ago he began to loose some vision in his left eye.

On Monday, January 22nd, Bill's wife took him to the emergency room at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington where an initial CAT scan showed a brain tumor. Over the next few days many other tests were done and on Thursday he had a detailed MRI which showed that there was not one, but two tumors. The largest of the tumors was located in an area which was accessible, but close to the brain stem. The other, much smaller tumor is in an area of the brain that is not operable. On Friday morning, January 26th, the neuro surgeons at Walter Reed performed a 6 hour operation and removed as much as they could of the larger tumor. The part touching the brain stem could not be removed. Bill spent Saturday and Sunday in the Intensive Care Unit and was transferred on Monday to the general Neurosurgery ward where is recuperating. He is alert and cracking jokes about the permanent part in his thinning hair. His progress over the last two days has been excellent. He has regained some of the use of his left arm and left leg and began walking today. If he continues to improve he may be transferred to a rehabilitation center nearer to his home in Southern Maryland early next week or possibly as early as the end of this week.

His long term prognosis is still uncertain. The doctors will not speculate until they see the results of the biopsy but their initial reaction was not very encouraging. They plan both radiation and chemotherapy, but we don't know when that will start or how effective it will be.

In the meantime, he is surrounded by his family and friends but could use a couple of extra prayers.

Some of you have been asking about his surgery thinking it was the long planned back operation. I was reluctant to say anything until he could advise me how he wanted to handle this. For that I apologize. This morning I asked him what he wanted me to tell people and his reaction was typical: " Just tell them the truth!", "Its a fact, we can't change that.".."Just tell it like it is". It's too bad that our government doesn't have the same faith in people's ability to handle the truth as Bill Donaldson.

Bob Donaldson

Donaldson Brothers TWA800 Website
Updates on Cmdr. Donaldson's Condition

Associated Retired Aviation Professionals
Post Office Box 90, Clements, Maryland 20624 USA

Dear Friends of Bill,

Bill passed away yesterday afternoon.
The following obituary will appear in the local papers in St. Mary's County, MD, Virginia Beach, VA and Kingsville, TX.  Thanks for all of your prayers and support.


CDR William S. Donaldson, III, USN (Ret)
William S. Donaldson, 56, a retired Navy Attack Pilot, a nationally recognized aircraft crash investigator and local member of the Planning and Zoning Commission, died of a brain tumor August 22 at the Charlotte Hall Veterans Home in St. Mary’s County Maryland.

Bill Donaldson was an All-State football player at the Rancocos Valley Regional High School in New Jersey where he won a Football Scholarship to the University of Maryland and has since been inducted into the RVRHS Hall of Fame. He joined the Navy and entered flight school in 1965 and in 1968 he flew more than 70 Strike missions over North Vietnam and Laos in an A-4 Skyhawk off the aircraft carrier Intrepid.  In later years he was the Air Traffic Control Officer on the carrier Forrestal and flew an A-6 Intruder off the carrier Eisenhower.  In the mid 1980’s he was assigned to NATO in Naples Italy as a Nuclear Weapons Targeting Officer.  Over his career he held assignments as Safety Officer and had extensive training in aircraft crash investigation and investigated numerous crashes, including one that was accidentally shot down by a missile.  Bill was awarded the Defense Meritorious Service Medal; the Air Medal, 7th Award; Navy Commendation Medal (with Combat “V”) and numerous other medals and awards.

Bill retired from the Navy in 1991 and moved back to his family home on St. Clements Bay where he took up farming and was appointed to the St. Mary’s County Planning and Zoning Commission.  In 1997, after reading an editorial by the Chairman of the NTSB about the tragic crash of TWA Flight 800, Bill had a letter to the editor published in the Wall Street Journal that began a 4 year effort to bring to light the true cause of the crash.  Over that time he was interviewed on several hundred radio programs and appeared on several national TV broadcasts as an expert aircraft crash investigator and vocal critic of the NTSB and FBI investigation.  He founded the Associated Retired Aviation Professionals (ARAP) and started a website,, to document the many discrepancies in the “official” version of the crash and to the end remained committed to proving that the aircraft was shot down.  He was not alone in this crusade as there are hundreds of other aviation professionals who will carry on the fight.

Bill is survived by his wife Joyce, one son, Michael of Houston TX, a daughter, Teresa of Avenue, Maryland, three grandchildren, Christopher, Hailey and Hana, one brother, Robert who lives in Falls Church, Virginia, and two nieces Jennifer & Jessica.

The family will receive friends at Brinsfield Funeral Home Sunday evening from 6-8 pm.  The funeral service will be held at Christ Church, Chaptico Maryland, 10 am, Monday, August 27th.  In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the 7th District Rescue Squad, Avenue, Maryland, 20609.

Home - Last Updated: 

 © 2000 William S. Donaldson III.  All rights reserved

1 posted on 06/12/2002 2:07:02 PM PDT by Asmodeus
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To: Asmodeus
Didn't know him, but sad to hear this hear about Donaldson passing.

What would indicate murder? Obit says he died of a brain tumor.

2 posted on 06/12/2002 2:20:57 PM PDT by Freedom of Speech Wins
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To: Asmodeus
Are you really Elmer Barr ? I recall reading your stuff on one of the new sites about 4 years ago and my impression is that you were a one trick pony who couldn't see the flaws in your logic about the sequence of events. I recall folks who were far more knowledgeable that the typical FReeper easily pulling apart your calculations. What disturbed me most was the complete lack of acknowledging any weakness on your arguments part but instead a mantra like restatement of your original premise. When confronted by posters like that I assume they have an agenda and become distrustfull of their analysis.
4 posted on 06/12/2002 2:32:35 PM PDT by VRWC_minion
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To: Asmodeus
Before this thread gets pulled, let me post this My-T-Fine tidbit...

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5 posted on 06/12/2002 2:44:23 PM PDT by ThreeYearLurker
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To: All
MEYER: "Lisa Perry is the best witness of all I have interviewed. However , she fears for her safety and is being urged by her husband and family members to "keep a low profile". She gave us the details of her observations in Oct. '96; long before careful investigation confirmed everything that she said."

LSoft Flight 800 Forum
Date: Fri, 22 May 1998 From: Bardonia
Subject: Eyewitness Report
New addition to Eyewitness Reports. See "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever" at

Lisa Perry - Dan's Papers, Long Island, May 15, 1998
I saw the missile. I was facing eastward, toward the Hamptons, the ocean on my right, the deck of the house on my left. The deck is about 22 feet about the beach. On a clear day, as you look straight down the beach along the line of the shore, you can see the parking lot at Smith's Point Beach, 12 miles away. There was a plane in the sky ... out from the left, from the North, something was moving North to South over the dunes ... from the direction of the Great South Bay. The object came over the dunes of Fire Island. It was shiny, like a new dime; it looked like a plane without wings. It had no windows... It was as if there was a flame at the back of it, like a Bunsen burner .... It was like a silver bullet ... It was moving much faster than the plane. The silver object took a left turn, and went up to the plane. The plane stopped for an instant, as something would when it had suffered an impact, not just an explosion. Then it began to fracture - as if you had slammed a frozen candy bar down onto a table. You could see the spaces in between the parts of the plane. Then a moment later there was another explosion and the plane broke jaggedly in the sky. It was sideways to the way it had been ... there is smoke, fire .. the plane starts to fall apart in the sky ... the nose is continuing to go forward: the left wing is gliding off in its own direction, drifting in an arc gracefully down; the right wing and passenger window are doing the same in their direction out to the right; and the tail with its fireball leaps up and then promptly into the water below. The sounds were hugh BOOM! - then another BOOM! There was a hugh rumbling rolling in the sky... I told the FBI the nose of the plane had come off; and I told them this before the Navy pulled it out of the water. (Mrs Perry was interviewed by the FBI )- The two agents were very supportive; I was very comfortable with them .. I got the impression that they themselves thought a missile had hit the plane. After the (NTSB) hearings I spoke with one of the agents, who told me the FBI had concluded I was too far from the accident to see what I had seen. (Speaking of the CIA video) It wasn't like that at all. They said most people turned to the sound and then saw something. I was already looking at the event, before any explosion.

Having asked for a copy of her testimony to the FBI she was told to file a FOI request.

I knew what I was seeing was a plane breaking apart with people in it. It still haunts me how it continued to be in the air not quite flying but not exploded apart. I'm heartbroken for the families of all those people who were on that plane.


THE "Missile Witnesses" Myth
FBI Chief Metallurgist Blows Whistle On Kallstrom's Wild Goose Chase

18 posted on 06/12/2002 8:38:14 PM PDT by Asmodeus
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To: Asmodeus
Do not bother to reply to any of Asmodeus' posts. He puts them up so he can waste FR bandwidth with his pet theory.

Regarless of how carefully you refute his errors, misconceptions, and outright lies, he will ignore you and paste a multi-colored pastiche of obfuscation and dare anyone to prove negatives. NOTHING will get past his preconceived opinion of what happened. In his world ALL of the witnesses did not see what they reported they DID see... irregardless that unrelated accounts trangulate to the same places.

Ignore him.

19 posted on 06/12/2002 11:16:20 PM PDT by Swordmaker
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To: Asmodeus
I still think it was a botched AirNG exercise.
25 posted on 06/13/2002 5:44:56 PM PDT by RedwM
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27 posted on 06/13/2002 6:26:11 PM PDT by WIMom
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For related info concerning Fritz Meyer go to:


31 posted on 06/14/2002 11:56:48 AM PDT by acehai
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Bob Donaldson's’ TWA 800 forum
DanPride - June 20 2002, 2:15 AM [excerpt]
Too many deaths to make fun of
"God I hate pompus SOB's that try to use ridicule to hide uncomfortable facts. How stupid do you think we are. I too believe Commander Donaldson was murdered. When I suggested as much he sent me an unsolicited envelope with three of his bumper stickers in it. I figured it was kinda like three stars for the thought."
46 posted on 06/21/2002 8:20:40 PM PDT by Asmodeus
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To: All
Yahoo TWA 800 forum
From:John Fiorentino June 23, 2002 5:47 pm
Bob Donaldson's TWA 800 Forum
From: John Fiorentino June 23 2002, 7:19 PM


Do you know why your BS falls apart Stan? Simply because you don't see a REAL threat when confronted with one. Why hasn't anybody knocked on my door from this super secret underground government you hypothesize? This subject is like the plague to most sincere researchers. Why?. And I'll say it again, because of crap similar to that posted recently. I did notice after the sh*t hit the fan so to speak the yahoo800 forum came to a frickin screeching halt. I admired Bill Donaldson. Did I agree with everything he said, no. I do believe he should be allowed to rest in peace without being disturbed by the eternal drumbeat of fanatical mountebanks.

If you want to believe every hair brained notion put forth regarding Fl800, that's your business. I want to get at the truth. My earnest sympathies go out to Don Nibert. I admit openly that I haven't the foggiest notion what I would be saying or doing if I were in his shoes. But regardless of my sympathies, I find I don't agree with (or unfortunately believe) much of what he has to say. I think he may believe it, but that doesn't make it true.

I've had doors slammed in my face to as I've looked into this thing. It hasn't detered me, nor will it. I offered to honestly look into anything you presented. I just request you back it up with some FACTS.

Look at the botch job Reed Irvine performed on the last little "tidbit." Look at the f***** attitude displayed by FIRO when I merely pointed out that SSE IS NOT SSW! What was the response from Stalcup?. I'll change it, he never did. What did Bob say?. He treated me to a geography lesson on Long Island. I frickin live 40 miles away!!!

No, you tell me Stan. Just what is this REALLY all about? A search for truth - or a G** d***** ego contest? [expletives deleted - caps his]

47 posted on 06/23/2002 9:50:50 PM PDT by Asmodeus
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To: All
Yahoo TWA 800 forum
From: "Richard Savage
Date: Thu Jun 27, 2002
Subject: The Commander
I had wanted to comment on the possibility of Donaldson being murdered while it was a hot topic but couldn't find the time at the time.

1. From the little I know of Fritz Meyer, I've gotta believe that he knows something that we don't. I have to believe that he has credible evidence supporting his suspicion, or he never would have raised it.

2. Clearly, those who would assassinate their enemies these days can be much more sophisticated than they could in the past, have some rather exotic methods for accomplishing their objectives and for the most part, want to make it look like natural causes. I hadn't heard about cancer in that regard, but who knows what they're capable of these days? George said something about radiating your victim… Also, can we be sure that the Commander really had cancer?

3. Not only does power corrupt, but corruption empowers. This seems to me a fact of life and, consequently, we should expect anyone at the top of our food chain to be rather sociopathic and capable of doing pretty much whatever it takes to maintain and extend his power. We shouldn't expect such a person to share our values or worry for long about wasting somebody.

4. There really is an "Establishment" that pretty much owns our governments and major media. They're not so much worried about keeping their corruption totally secret – they just need to make sure that the necessary knowledge never reaches critical mass. And by owning the major media, they've been able to do that quite effectively so far. The Internet might be cause for concern, but they’ve probably got that one figured out by now, also.

5. I don't know of any direct evidence that Donaldson was murdered, but if we've been paying attention to human beings and world events in general, it sure shouldn't surprise us to find out that he was.


Yahoo TWA 800 forum
From: George A Donaldson
Date: June 27, 2002 10:33 am
Subject: Re: [twa800] The Commander
[quote] Rick, There would be no reason to murder the Commander. He was acting as a shill in the defense of the US Navy. At last count, the navy is part of the government. He lived in the shadows relative to debating any of us. Had he been open, I doubt that he would have explained the towed object behind the P3 or the presence of chaff. A theory about terrorists took the heat off of the navy. His cohorts were navy types as well when including the Admiral. Just so much bull sh*t. Smoke is smoke wherever its source may be. Sad that he died. Sad that anyone has to die. I had a sister-in-law die of a brain tumor and I'm sure that she wasn't murdered. At least not intentionally. She was loved by all around her. [end quote]

[quote] I am sure that the Commander got press time because he was blowing smoke and the government wanted to mask the crash as being a shoot down. [end quote]


Circular logic - "a logical error, caused by first making some assumption that can't be proven true, then, on the basis of that assumption, deriving some result that is then used to "prove" that the first assumption is true."

ALL of the "shootdown" tinfoil hats made the same "logical error" at the outset of the investigation, the ASSUMPTIONS [1] that the streak of light seen by many witnesses was the ascending fiery exhaust of a missile in flight and [2] that the Massive Fireball was the Initiating Event when "the missile" intercepted the airliner. Therefore, it became their duty as Patriots to prove they were right. Therefore, those who disagreed with their interpretation of the witness reports are government agent disinformationalists engaged in the felonious criminal coverup of a heinous crime, the missile shootdown of the 747. Therefore, in the minds of some of the "shootdown" tinfoil hats, those engaged in the felonious criminal coverup will even murder those who the government believes to be "getting too close to the truth", the missile shootdown of TWA Flight 800.

Excerpts from:
Man's Disappearance Remains a Mystery
By Mark Henry
PALM SPRINGS The disappearance of civic watchdog Jeremy Crocker while researching the crash of TWA Flight 800 last year has left his two sons baffled and searching for any sign that their father is still alive.

Crocker, a longtime Palm Springs resident whose father built the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway, was last seen Dec. 9 at the downtown Los Angeles library where he did much of his research on the crash.

His preoccupation with the airline crash included countless hours of research in libraries and on the Internet. He did not trust the government's probes of the crash and believed a projectile knocked the airliner from the skies. He created mathematical models and studied the aerodynamics of the crash and similarities to other air disasters worldwide.

Crocker's two grown sons believe their father's disapperance may be connected to the July 17, 1996 crash of TWA Flight 800 off the coast of Long Island.

53 posted on 06/27/2002 11:35:37 AM PDT by Asmodeus
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