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Why I’m Leaving America
Dollar Vigilante ^ | August 31, 2012 | redmond W

Posted on 11/19/2018 5:04:02 AM PST by vannrox

Please read this rant with an open mind. This guy is frustrated with the liberal encroachment on traditional American values under President Obama, and he decided to bail. Listen to his reasons, then comment. Thanx.


Goodbye, America.

For as long as I’ve lived you’ve been my only home. I’ve had a wonderful life here. Your inhabitants are almost universally kind, and I’ve become lifelong friends with many of your citizens. All of my family lives here, everyone I have ever known or loved, and I will miss them all a lot. But after 22 years, I feel impelled to leave.

According to your founders, “When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one [person] to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.” Well, I certainly wouldn’t want to be disrespectful.

At first glance, you look like the greatest of all social systems. You seem like a stable and sturdy structure. People look at you and see strength. They see freedom and opportunity, democracy and unity. But a peak behind the curtain reveals a scared old man, desperately trying to maintain an illusion. Your size and complexity hide a simple truth: that you don’t physically exist. You are nothing more than a system of human interaction; not a thing in and of itself, but the result of a widespread pattern of behavior. You emerge from our beliefs, and the actions they compel us to take.

We learn our roles and play them well. The guards act like guards, the judges act like judges, the cops act like cops, and we all pay our taxes. You exist because individuals behave as if you did. Of course this seems patently obvious, but it has some frequently overlooked implications. There is an inherent problem with this sort of system, a cancer written in your genetic code, an inoperable tumor that spells your demise.

The mistake is so subtle that generations have failed to identify it. Your creators devised a way to hide it for centuries. They separated your powers, pitted ambition against ambition to mask your fatal flaw. As long as people were content, as long as your tyranny was well hidden, the problem went unnoticed. But it was there all along, metastasizing beneath the stars and stripes.

The problem is choice. I alone control my actions. Your system depends on us adhering to a certain pattern of behavior, but we each have the power to reject it. You will only survive as long as individuals believe you exist and act accordingly, but you cannot compel the choice. You can never take away my ability to choose life without you, to ignore your behavioral suggestions, to act on my own.

Oh but of course, you tried your best to conceal this fact, to convince me I needed you, to give me faith in your existence, to make me fall in love with you, to count you as my own. You started young, indirectly at first and then directly through my “education”.

For thirteen years I was forced into your indoctrination facilities, and social pressure pushed me into another three and a half. Without a doubt I learned many useful things. I had many wonderful teachers who only wanted what was best for me. I am grateful for their wisdom.

Far more sinister were the unspoken lessons. Structure matters more than content; your hidden messages are far more powerful than what is said aloud in lecture. For more than a decade you required my direct submission to your representative at the front of the class, using all the silly threats that work on a child. You taught me that knowledge is obtained from authority, that all problems have answers in the back of the book. You judged me constantly, trying to teach me to look to others for approval, trying to make me conform. You lead me in the pledge of allegiance over 2,000 times. But worst of all, you tried to parent me. You tried to make me realize a familial bond with you, to make me believe you had my own interests at heart. You tried your best to make me choose you, but it didn’t work.

The more you try to coerce my affection, the more obvious the ploy becomes. All the ridiculous forms of manipulation that go unseen by the masses are the red flags of malicious intent. My obedience isn’t for my protection, but for yours. You don’t want me to see the choice because that leads directly to an investigation of merit. No longer are you a parent that must be respected, but a business transaction that must be evaluated. Well America, your benefits don’t outweigh your costs. You do more harm than good.

I recognize your advantages. I understand you have rivals who treat their citizenry far worse. Raised in another land, it’s possible I would have never received enough information to understand my situation. And for that, I thank you. But it’s not enough. Your existence relies on a mortal sin, and no amount of bribery will sway me to forgive you for it. No number of schools, hospitals, roads or defense networks could ever justify your systematic use of aggressive coercion.

Coercion is “the practice of forcing another party to behave in an involuntary manner by use of threats, intimidation, fraud, or some other form of pressure or force.” Making someone do something they wouldn’t out of their own free will. Aggressive coercion means the initiation of such action. Threatening someone who hasn’t threatened you, defrauding the trusting, harming an innocent; the initiation of force.

Coercion is your single purpose, your only weapon and your only form of control. A government IS a monopoly of the “legitimate” use of aggressive coercion; a monopoly over the initiation of force IS a government. Hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

It’s not your fault. You were created with one lever, so every time the people wanted change you pulled it. When people got scared about retirement, you gave them Social Security. The price: enslaving the next generation. You put the bill on the backs of their children before they were old enough to vote, and the only choice you provided was pay up, leave or live in a metal cage. When people got scared about flying or drugs or pornography, you pulled the lever and made more threats. All of your rules are coercive. Every single piece of legislation is ultimately backed up by a threat of physical violence. Every law is a gun under the table, and I don’t negotiate with terrorists.

I will not support the use of aggressive coercion as a solution to social problems, even implicitly by voting or paying taxes. It causes far more problems than it solves. This isn’t a belief that was handed down to me as many of your citizens obtained their ethics. My belief that that coercion is undesirable and ineffective isn’t based on faith, and I’m open to the possibility that I’m wrong. But this is the conclusion of my sincerest attempt at an objective search for truth. It is a conviction forged with evidence and reason. I don’t believe aggressive coercion is wrong because anyone says so; I won’t support its use because of the way it affects humans as individuals and societies.

This probably seems like a radical and unsubstantiated belief to you. It’s certainly an uncommon principle within your borders. It might be unusual, but popularity has no bearing on truth. On the scale of individual interactions, it’s clear that receiving threats is not desirable. Nobody wants to be coerced, by definition. But what if threats can be used for the common good? What if the negative effects of coercion to a society are outweighed by its benefits? The more I learn about the world, the more I realize that this is not the case. Coercion inhibits the evolutionary search of the free market, it prevents us from trying out new solutions to social problems and from recognizing failures. I’m convinced it’s the cause of almost every problem you purportedly use coercion to solve.

Of course, your greatest supposed benefit is the defense you provide. But what noble defender extorts payment from its clients? How could you possibly be defending us when YOU are our greatest threat? Like the Mafia’s protection racket, our greatest danger presents itself when we refuse to pay. There is only one entity that has ever threatened me with death or imprisonment, and that is YOU. No foreign government, terrorist organization or even a criminal on the street has ever threatened my life or freedom, only you America.

Granted, you provide defense from some of your smaller competitors. You imprison lesser thieves and murderers, a charade to prove your worth. Clearly these are problems that any society must deal with, but ceding the power of legitimate defense to a single entity only exacerbates them. Without feedback such as prices and profit, no one has any idea what methods are effective or desirable. Granting a monopoly of defense is like giving all the guns to an army of deaf men and acting surprised when they don’t respond to our shouts. People deserve a distributed, voluntarily-funded defense network that utilizes free exchange to find the cheapest, most desirable and most effective methods of preventing the initiation of force. Imprisoning tax evaders and drug users while bombing innocent civilians in the Middle East is NOT defense, and I will not allow you to fund your crimes with any portion of the fruits of my labor.

Almost every social problem can be traced back to your gun in the room, pointed at us under layers of abstraction and legalese. The most subtle, and most deadly, was the corruption of the price system. You enslaved us with the strongest chains known to man: a debt-based monetary system. You deprived us of accurate value measurements. You prevented us from equilibrating supply and demand. You tilted the scales in the market, and threw off all our transactions. You prevented us from acting rationally by quietly replacing our money with a cheap replica, and forcing us to use it.

But your tyrannical nature isn’t the only reason I’m leaving, especially not why I’m leaving right now. I’m not only fleeing your coercion, but the inevitable economic collapse your inhabitants are only beginning to appreciate.

I better explain that phrase. “Economic collapse” means a reduction is economic complexity: a decrease in specialization, a slow down in trade, brought about by a loss of confidence. It’s not a fantastical, delusional prediction. Your economy is based on a con game that cannot be sustained.

Your monetary and fiscal problems are rivaled only by the artificial complexity of your financial system. But at its heart, the problem is simple: Everything is based on the assumption of infinite exponential growth. For a long time, that assumption was never tested. We could stick straws in the ground and produce energy for pennies on the dollar. The underlying economy actually grew exponentially. This allowed the Ponzi scheme of your fiat currency to survive a little longer than usual. For a while, the growth of the money supply reflected the productive capacity of your people, enabling an astounding degree of complex specialization and trade. But the era of cheap energy has come to an end. Like any population that finds an untapped resource, we went for the easiest parts first. Now all the low hanging fruit has been eaten, and we can no longer increase annual global oil production. We have generations of social arrangements built on assumptions that are no longer valid. Your money supply is expanding faster than ever, but it no longer mirrors the productivity of your citizens. It is being artificially expanded to paper over the cracks in the dam. Your puppeteers have made more promises than could ever be fulfilled, and they are printing money to pay off their debts. This never ends well. Regardless of whether you print your way into hyperinflation and currency collapse, or default on your debt, it’s clear your path is unsustainable. Collapse is mathematically guaranteed, and it’s not something to play chicken with. I’d rather be ready a decade early than a day late.

Some might think I should work to save you instead of leaving you to crumble. The ship is sinking, and we either need to make repairs or head for the lifeboats. But I took a look at your blueprints, and you were never structurally sound to begin with. You were constructed with fundamental flaws. Moreover, I believe we’re passed the point of no return with this monetary system, and the dollar isn’t worth saving. The mainstream media is the band playing on the Titanic.

“There is no means of avoiding a final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as a result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved.” Ludwig von Mises

I don’t want to be here to witness your darkest hour. We will all have to face this paradigm shift, but I want to confront it on my own terms. I want to meet it with consciousness, integrity, and a sense of purpose. I don’t want to wake up one day and have a rough transition thrust upon me. I want to make that transition now, and sleep through your collapse.

[I wrote my first draft of this in December 2010, and I've been pretty concerned I wouldn't be able to get ready in time. While "extend and pretend" was the worst policy for the American people, it did provide me with time to prepare myself, and for that I again thank you.]

America, I never signed your social contract. I never agreed to taxation, even with “representation”. I refuse to recognize the legitimacy of an organization founded upon aggressive coercion. I don’t recognize your laws and I don’t recognize your property claims. I’m not leaving because I can’t live here with my principles, I’m leaving because you physically overpower me. I stand a much better chance fighting for my freedom outside your territory, and I don’t believe it’s cowardly to admit that. I see no value in your Federal Reserve Notes, and I sure as hell don’t owe you any. Your debts are not my own. Your battles are not mine to fight. I will not allow you to enslave me any longer.

I don’t know what the future holds. I may be underestimating the difficulty of life without you, or your vengeance towards dissidents and deserters. I could’ve very well come to regret leaving your borders, but right now I highly doubt it. All I can do is make the best decision with the information I have, and the only logical conclusion is that life will be better without you. Like your people are so fond of saying: freedom isn’t free; but I’m more than willing to pay the costs, no matter how high they might prove to be.PS. I don’t believe information can be legitimately owned. I don’t own these paragraphs anymore than I own the words they’re composed with, or the letters forming the words. Nothing here is copyrighted. Feel free to copy and distribute this however you wish.

Note: Many thanks to my good friend Benjamin Gilliam for helping me review and edit.

Michael Fielding recently graduated from the University of Texas with a BS in Computer Science. After which he headed to the Caribbean aboard his boat, Sovereignty. As of this update, he is in Miami preparing for the journey across the Gulf Stream to the Bahamas. He describes himself as a full-time thinker and adventurer.

This is one of those articles that really spoke to me. It captures EXACTLY how I feel. It's something that I might have written myself if I'd had Michael's way with words.

I'd been feeling increasingly uneasy living in the States, and the growth of that unease accelerated all throughout 2012 until I couldn't take it any longer. I took Jeff up on his invitation and left. I've heeded his advice and have stopped looking back. As much as I might miss my old trappings and culture, it's time to move on for the sake of my own prosperity and even survival.

You'll note, however, that I had no kids to worry about. And I did have the means to keep making a living anywhere in the world. Your situation may be a bit different.

We here at TDV acknowledge that. While we'd like to encourage those of you who can leave to do so, we also want to help those who can't or simply won't.

That's why we're working on a new service for those who will remain. We want you to have the edge as things get increasingly worse inside the USSA. And let's not kid ourselves. Things are indeed going to get worse. A lot worse. But we will make sure that you have the tools to thrive even as the assorted statists, brainwashed, fasco-communist tax slaves around you get shell-shocked by the ongoing economic collapse and increasingly rough handling by their political overseers.

We should have it all together in just a few more weeks. Keep an eye out for more updates.


TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; News/Current Events; Philosophy
KEYWORDS: america; bill; chicom; commieagitprop; leave; usa
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To: a fool in paradise

Mermaid Diaries,,,
so deep.

81 posted on 11/19/2018 7:55:21 AM PST by Big Red Badger (Despised by the Despicable!)
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To: BlackAdderess

Agreed, a man who has been seemingly well read, but likely never broke a sweat; the epitome of snowflakes- melting at the slightest hint of heat.

Seems he graduated from HS, and spent 3.5 years in college- the leftist ed system ruined him, thought without experience is a scary thing.

Gosh, I spent somewhere near 35 yrs going to school ( mil, university/professional and personal) after HS, still learning and seeking out knowledge, not simply information.

This boy still has baby soap in his ears....

82 posted on 11/19/2018 8:44:20 AM PST by Manly Warrior (US ARMY (Ret), "No Free Lunches for the Dogs of War")
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To: vannrox
I don’t know what the future holds.

I do - for him at least. A huge disappointment is awaiting him...

83 posted on 11/19/2018 9:07:47 AM PST by rockrr ( Everything is different now...)
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To: vannrox

I’ve often thought about the pros-cons of becoming an expat. A few thoughts:

1. As long as any of us personally desire to maintain USA citizenship we will still be subject to taxes. Sure we can’t ever be forced to file any returns. But we’d most likely be better off filing our own returns than letting the IRS assess us taxes owed. Its also vitally important to report all income and take deductions honestly.

2. On taxes there are many deductions that expats can take if they plan wisely - per diem deductions, be physically in the USA less than 36 calendar days during any 365 day period - keep in mind that if you arrive one day at 11:50pm but turn around just 48 hrs 20 minutes later at 12:10am that this is 4 calendar days, credit for taxes paid to foreign governments (including VAT), etc. - but get advice from a tax professional.

3. Regardless of whether you are an expat or stay in the USA - a government can only collect taxes on income that people earn, assets they have accumulated within their reach, and spending. If you want to cut your tax footprint then the first thing to do is CUT BACK on what you spend in life. Do you really need a fancier car? bigger home? designer clothes/purses/jewels? Its sure a lot nicer to be around people that are down-to-earth than those who are trying to keep up with the Jones’s.

4. If the USA goes bust then its hard to imagine the world not suffering huge negative chaos in the aftermath. Things are so interconnected now globally. I think we’re best off trying to get the USA on a good track of fiscal responsibility and limited good government. I’m well-aware of the risks and dangers. But the alternatives are quite unpalatable.

84 posted on 11/19/2018 9:56:23 AM PST by Degaston
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To: wastoute

My cousin left east of Ft. Collins because it was getting too crowded, in 1968!!!

85 posted on 11/19/2018 10:07:58 AM PST by mountainlion (Live well for those that did not make it back.)
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To: Manly Warrior

It’s the end of the semester and it sounds like he’s in his senior year. I’m a junior and at this point, everyone is well and truly tired and looking forward to the end of the semester. He expressed a good deal of unhappiness about dealing with the economy but it’s a heck of a lot better than it was just two years ago, thanks to Trump. More than likely this is all anxiety about competing in the economy and making his way. If so, he’s lucky Trump is the POTUS. I’m out Spring of ‘20 and I’m hoping the Democrats don’t do too much damage by then.

86 posted on 11/19/2018 10:28:50 AM PST by BlackAdderess (Dear GOP, please learn to punish bad behavior and reward good behavior instead of the opposite)
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To: Manly Warrior

Oh heck, I just noticed that this was written in 2012.

87 posted on 11/19/2018 10:30:02 AM PST by BlackAdderess (Dear GOP, please learn to punish bad behavior and reward good behavior instead of the opposite)
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To: vannrox

This dude has never been married, that much is certain.

88 posted on 11/19/2018 1:51:01 PM PST by Scott from the Left Coast (You may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you...)
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To: Mr. Jeeves

The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.”>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

True if you read “Animal Farm”

But Mr. Jeeves, you alone can’t put millions of historians out of work or you would be at risk of your 1st illucidated category!

89 posted on 11/19/2018 3:12:50 PM PST by Candor7 ((Obama Fascism)
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To: Degaston
There are pros and cons to being an expat. There is no question about that.

Contrary to what many people think it's not a comparison between fresh American apples, and ugly, rotten foreign apples.

It is a comparison between American apples and foreign bananas. The world is not a dark ugly fearful place out there. It really isn't.

For instance, I moved to (communist) China. I cannot vote. I cannot protest. These are losses of Freedom.


I can smoke in a restaurant with my dog on the chair beside me. I can go in barefoot, without a tee-shirt, and buy any medicine I want without a prescription at amazingly low prices. These items are repatriation of freedoms now lost to Americans.

It's all about the trade-offs.

You know, life has ups and downs. A bad divorce that throws your entire life out of kilter, a serious run-in with the IRS, A boss-from-Hell, and neighbors from Hell can all contribute to a person saying "Fudge it!" and leaving.

We've all been there. If you haven't, you have been a truly blessed man.

This fellow had a lot to say. And, I am actually ashamed at the responses from FR. "Be a man! stay and fight!" Or, "America is the best. Everywhere else is crap". Or, "You'll see" said by someone who never actually lived outside the nation.

The United States has some SERIOUS PROBLEMS. It is only going to get better, and the people who are aware, and who HAVE THE MEANS are finding safe havens elsewhere.

Don't tell me that you are free when you have to pay taxes on "your" house.

Don't tell me that America is a representative constitutional republic after the passage of the 12th and 17th amendments.

Don't lecture me on the Freedoms that Americans have when you could lose your job for smoking in your office.

Don't lecture me about your freedom when you have to ask permission, and pay for a permit, to fish.

Don't tell me about your freedoms, when everyone from your tax accountant to your barber HAS to be "certified", and pay yearly fees (passed on to you, of course).


I hope he found his safe haven. I am sure it will not be what he expected. It will probably be better in some ways and worse in others. I can almost guarantee you that he will have a much younger and cuter wife, that's for certain.

America has DEVOLVED.

It is now a place that is designed to take money from Americans and give it to rich oligarchs. This system is only getting tighter and tighter. Soon a wall will be up, access to passports will be redistricted, and Americans will be disarmed.

Right before that happens, there will be bloodshed. It happens every time. Don't you ever think that somehow Americans will be spared this certainty. It will come quickly. It will not be televised. It will happen in groups and clusters, and the progressive communists will be driving tanks, and conservatives will have hunting rifles.

So, are you going to protect your family or what? Pretend that it won't happen.

I'd look for a safe place for my family to ride out the storm; a life-boat, if you may. May I suggest THESE LOCATIONS.

I hope that the guy who wrote this, found his space.

I also PRAY for America as it nears a very deep dark time, and I hope that LIBERTY will prevail. Because, from what I am looking at... Americans (even Freepers) haven't a clue as to what real freedom is.
90 posted on 11/19/2018 4:52:24 PM PST by vannrox (The Preamble to the Bill of Rights - without it, our Bill of Rights is meaningless!)
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To: beejaa

If we cannot agree on what individual rights are, then how the hell can you be advocating we entrust government with power to enforce them?

91 posted on 11/19/2018 4:53:41 PM PST by mostly_lies
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