Posted on 07/20/2015 11:28:55 AM PDT by nickcarraway
Donald Trump has jumped to the top of the national polls for the Republican Party's presidential nomination.
It's an embarrassing moment for the GOP, the country and the planet.
But everyone knows America's richest celebrity businessman will never become the Republican candidate, much less president of the U.S.
Unfortunately for the GOP's future, however, the billionaire blowhard is not going to fade away in a week or two like Herman Cain or Michele Bachmann did in 2012.
Whether he's really worth $10 billion, as Trump claims, or just a few billion, he has more than enough money, ego and media pull to keep him in the race all the way until Election Day.
With an ego bigger than America, Trump could pull another Ross Perot and put another Clinton in the White House.
Meantime, Candidate Trump has been a running political joke for weeks.
Underneath his criticism of America's weak and stupid leaders and his boasting about his being able to make better trade deals with foreign countries than anyone else, he really has just one issue - immigration.
An issue which he blew badly.
In trying to explain his crude position on that politically complex subject, he managed to offend every Latino in the hemisphere by implying that illegal immigrants from Mexico are mostly murderers and rapists.
As for Trump's positions on other issues important to conservatives and the future of America, they remain a total mystery.
The media won't ask, and he won't tell.
Is he pro life or pro choice?
Is he for national health care or against it?
How exactly does he plan to create all those new good jobs for Americans?
Is he going to raise taxes on the rich? Flatter taxes or fairer taxes?
What would he do to fix the education problem?
If indeed immigration is his signature issue, how is he going to stop or control it? And what's he going to do about the 12 million illegals already here?
Maybe Candidate Trump filled in Ted Cruz on where he stood on these issues the other day when Cruz made a friendly visit to Trump in his Tower.
But other conservatives need to find out if Trump is really a Republican.
He sure doesn't act like one. He's already broken Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment - never speak ill of another Republican - dozens of times. (Trump's 12th Commandment is "Speak ill of everybody.")
So before any more conservatives jump on the Trump bandwagon, wouldn't it be better to find out where he stands?
We only get sound bites from Trump's events. But no one in the liberal media is in a big hurry to go deeper on him and his views.
They aren't going to dig deep into his "colorful" personal or business history in an attempt to discredit him or prove, as some people say, that he's not even as conservative as Bill Clinton.
If the media did some excavating, they might be surprised by Trump's answers.
They might find that he doesn't say the same thing to conservatives in private as he when he bloviates in front of crowds and cameras.
What, for instance, did Candidate Trump say in private when he talked to the Friends of Abe, the support and networking group actor Gary Sinise started for about 2,000 political conservatives working in Hollywood?
Were the FOA's elite members put off by him? Did they embrace him? Who knows?
No one in the mainstream news media seems too eager to expose Trump for the conservative fake he really is.
They treasure him for his celebrity and his entertainment value and don't want to spoil the show.
But the liberal media treasure Trump even more because he spends so much time helping them discredit the Republican Party and conservatism.
This is really it, although I think Cruz is willing to stand up. However, it’s also about celebrity. Cruz isn’t anywhere near that level of celebrity yet. We are in a new age. What Trump’s “positions” are is largely irrelevant to the mass of voters. At this point, all I want is someone who will actually fight for SOME of my positions.
You are falling for a mirage. Trump didn't say anything about McCain's terrible record.
I agree, there is no good conservative leader. That's no excuse to support a reality TV show liberal. If Trump wasn't doing this what would you do? Support Lindsay Graham?
Bingo. Most of us here are for Cruz, but that doesn’t lessen our enjoyment of watching Trump do to the gutless wonder party establishment (or the bipartisan big gubmint cabal) what they’ve been doing to us Conservatives for years and years. He’s doing us an enormous favor shining the spotlight on these cockroaches.
think of the brilliance of that... that’s why Jim you are the boss!
I’m for Cruz myself. But lovin’ the grief Trump is inflicting on the ruling class by simply being straight forward and adamant with the truth. The libtards and RINOS
scream and howl but Trump just keeps on stickin’ it to them.
>>This is really it, although I think Cruz is willing to stand up. However, its also about celebrity. Cruz isnt anywhere near that level of celebrity yet. We are in a new age. What Trumps positions are is largely irrelevant to the mass of voters. At this point, all I want is someone who will actually fight for SOME of my positions.
Everyone I know who is currently cheering for Trump has no intention of voting for him. But, at this stage of the game, he is doing the job of forcing the Democrats to defend the indefensible because he’s not some gentleman who refuses to call them out, as losers like McCain and Romney did. He’s also crowding out the field of RINOs. No one even knows that 12 of the candidates are still running.If it wasn’t for all the “helpful” Democrats who keep trying to tell us that only Bush or Rubio is “electable, we’d barely notice them anymore.
I don’t know what Trump’s endgame is on this, but he is taking this 16-person circus and turning it into a 1-man circus so the Left isn’t getting us to pick off the real candidates one-by-one as they uncover that one thing about each that causes our right-wing purists to declare them dead, as they did in 2012.
I support my Sen Ted Cruz. That’s who’s bumper stickers I have on (both of) my vehicles.
I support what Trump is saying, as does Sen Cruz.
Who do you support, nick?
who’s = whose
You seem to support Trump. Trump is hurting Cruz. Badly. Shouldn't you tear of the Cruz stickers and put Trump stickers off.
Who do you support, nick?
I've said any time Cruz, Jindal, and Walker are in the top tier, but I have my doubts about all of them. Cruz was great, but has been disappointing in the last two months.
exactly.. poor Nick just doesn’t get it... who is the only person running who will zero in relentlessly on the establishment’s guy Jeb Bush?.. That’s why Ted Cruz won’t attack Trump and will pick up the baton on those crucial issues if or when Trump exits the race.. It’s Cruz’s best option to have Trump hammer Bush into oblivion. IMHO
Sounds like a plan to me!!!
” Dont know how he stands on abortion “
He once was pro choice but has been pro life for some years now .
The so called conservative Senators voted for the Corker bill, which gave Obama a path to get the Iran deal through the Senate. There was no reason the Republicans should have supported a bill that gave up the Senate’s constitutional 2/3rd requirement to approve a treaty. This bill allows Obama to make a treaty through executive action.
Only Sen. Tom Cotton voted against the stinking bill. I want an outsider, Trump, Carson, anyone but the political whores we now have.
I’ve heard Trump label himself a Conservative on many occasions .
Was Mikey wearing his ‘Hilliary 2016’ button when he said this?
Wrong ! Of the last 4 .
It’s true. Trump is no conservative and he’s a globalist. He does not care about Christians’ rights under the first amendment. He’d be 100% for gay everything. But most importantly, he’s going to break off and run a third party to put Hillary in the white hut.
Cruz is a real conservative, he cares about Christians’ rights and he’s a globalist, too.
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