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Michele Bachmann Jumps the Shark by Suggesting HPV Vaccine Can Cause "Mental Retardation" ^ | 9/13/11 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 09/13/2011 3:24:23 PM PDT by Evil Slayer

RUSH: Perry goofed up by using an executive order on the Gardasil -- there's no question he goofed up on it -- instead of taking it to the Texas legislature. He's admitted that over and over again. I think one of the reasons that Perry gets tired is that he had all the questions. He had to answer every question three or four times last night, and he did it smiling. I tell you, I would have probably (by the third or fourth time they came at me on this) have said, "What more do you need to hear on this? What more do you want to know? There was an opt-out! If anybody didn't want to take it, they didn't have to." There was an opt out. So the next time, I'm gonna have to issue another warning: "Not only don't go bother with this Social Security Ponzi scheme stuff, but forget this vaccine business." This is ending up being a giant distraction. Now, I said that Bachmann may have jumped the shark. It's just a gut feeling. Last night on Fox she was on with the Greta after the debate and she continued to talk about this.

BACHMANN: It's the Merck drug company, and the governor's former chief of staff is the chief lobbyist for this big drug company; and mandated, again, that every girl would have to have this particular drug. And the problem is it comes with some very significant consequences. There's a woman who came up crying to me tonight after the debate. She said her daughter was given that vaccine. She told me her daughter suffered mental retardation as a result of that vaccine. There are very dangerous consequences. It's not good enough to take, quote, "a Mulligan" or you want a do-over. Not when you have little children's lives at risk.

RUSH: All right, now, she had scored the points in the debate, but now this comment has become a news item for Bachmann today rather than what she said at the debate last night. That's what I mean by jumping the shark. She scored the points and should have left it there.


RUSH: We've got Vinny. Vinny in Queens. Vinny, are you no New York 9? Do you vote in that district?

CALLER: No. No, I live in Long Island.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: I wish I could vote in New York 9, but that's been gonna be some race to watch.

RUSH: That really is. I've got so much to say about that race, but I gotta wait 'til it's over.

CALLER: Well, let me say what I have to say, and that's this. You know, I like, Michelle Bachmann but, quite frankly, she sounded shrill last night. This is before what you just said about her talking to someone claiming that this drug causes mental illness. She sounded a lot like a Democrat by pushing the words "innocent" and "children" over and over and over again. Part of the problem we have in politics is people afraid to say, "Hey, I was wrong," okay? Rick Perry as much as said that to a degree. The guy basically came out and said, "Yeah, I would have done it differently. I'm sorry I did it that way," but she went after him over and over again. And I thought it was kind of unnecessary, and I thought it cheapened her status, quite frankly, as a contender. And I do like her, but I think -- and, by the way --

RUSH: Vinny, put yourself in her shoes. Here she comes out of the Iowa straw poll in Ames, she's the winner. Perry is not in the race yet. Perry announces -- and by the way, I, El Rushbo, predicted this. I said, If he announces, it's gonna shake everything pick up," and it did. He announces, and all of a sudden, even before his first debate appearance, he's in the top tier, and he's taken her place. She's got one chance here, in her mind, I'm sure, to recapture the energy that she had going into the straw poll and winning it in Iowa, and that's what last night was all about. You just think she did it the wrong way?

CALLER: I really think so. You know, I'm an adherent to Ronald Reagan's Eleventh Commandment, thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican.

RUSH: That's impossible in a primary!

CALLER: No, no. Let me finish. I know you're right. It is impossible, and they should go after each other, but we shouldn't sound like Chuck Schumer going after each other. We should make our point and we should go on to the next issue. Now, like you said Perry has a big problem with immigration. All these candidates have their problems. Okay? And, by the way, why does he look fatigued at the beginning of the second-hour? Because if you were Rick Perry and you realized every question from the moderator and every candidate is gunning for you you'd like fatigued, too. Because he knows what's coming. He knows if the guy tied his shoelace the wrong way they're gonna make an issue out of it, and I understand that part of the process, but to me that's why he kind of peters out the second hour because the guy spends all his time saying the same thing over and over and defending himself.

RUSH: Yeah. I know.

CALLER: Well, that's the way I feel about it, and let me premise again: I like Bachmann. I do. I just thought she went a little overboard last night with that whole child vaccination thing I really do.

RUSH: Vinny, I appreciate the call as always.


RUSH: Seattle, Washington, as we go back to the phones. This is Ania. Great to have you. Welcome to the EIB Network.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Greetings from the beautiful state of Washington. By the way, from your intro, I just got back from Alaska and I just wanted to let you know the glaciers are fine, they're there, everything's good on that.

RUSH: Yeah, in fact they're getting bigger, yeah.

CALLER: Yeah, they're massive, they're huge, they're not going anywhere. But just about Bachmann's big pounce that she did on Perry yesterday and trying to get him on the HPV vaccine. I'm a mom, and there is an opt-out on this whole thing. Usually I really like Bachmann, I think she's very genuine, I just didn't see the real zinger in that one. It's just much ado about nothing. I think he was honest, Perry came out as being sincere, and if that was her big thing, I just didn't see it. I just wanted to share that there's an opt-out.

RUSH: I hear what you're saying. Okay, he admits that he made a mistake in the way it was implemented. He admits he made the mistake, and then the pile-on continues, and people did see that as a little bit gratuitous. That's what you're saying. I understand, especially since there was an opt-out. Again remember, now, from Bachmann's perspective, she's the Iowa straw poll winner. Perry announces, he totally takes over. This is a campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. She's got to get back in that upper tier. She's got to go after the number one guy. That's what she's doing.


RUSHL Let's go to central Texas here. Janice, you're next. I'm glad you waited. Welcome to the Rush Limbaugh program. Hi.

CALLER: Hello. Oh, my gosh, Rush Limbaugh, it's unbelievable I'm speaking to you. Have a great day. I have two points on Perry and Bachmann on the immunizations. Simply by mandating the immunizations, he put it on the schedule, the immunization schedule that's required for kids to even come to school for years. For instance, recently chicken pox, recently meningitis, recently hepatitis B, so Gardasil ought to be there. Now, if you've got a problem with getting your kids immunizations, there's always a flat risk, flat. But the benefits far outweigh that. Number two, with Gardasil and hepatitis B, they are both sexually commutated. And if you are a parent of a girl or a boy now, because both sexes can get this immunization now, you should definitely get it for your kids, because genital warts is so prevalent that the CDC doesn't count the numbers anymore, statistically speaking.

RUSH: Okay. So let me see if I understand where you are on this. You think that the Gardasil was a good thing, and you think that the mandatory vaccine of little girls in Texas that Perry required was a good thing?

CALLER: Should be little boys as well now 'cause now boys and girls can get it.

RUSH: Right.

CALLER: Back then when he first did it just girls could get it.

RUSH: But you also think it was a good thing because there was an opt-out?

CALLER: Absolutely. And if you didn't want it, then you take responsibility for what happens, don't ask me to pay for your opt-out if something goes wrong.

RUSH: Yeah, I've been there.

CALLER: And my other point is the Ponzi thing. If only people that added into Social Security were taken out it wouldn't be much of a problem. Unfortunately we have a lot of hands in that bucket that never put a dime in.

RUSH: Oh, yeah, I been there, too. Yeah, okay, well, this affords an opportunity. Here's a woman in Texas who has no problem with what Perry did on the Gardasil and the HVC vaccine, no problem whatsoever, thinks about everybody ought to get it. Now, I must admit, I bring no shortcomings to this program. However, there are things that I have to work extra special hard on to get up to speed with you on, and one of them is things involving kids, 'cause I don't have any. So my natural inclination when this stuff about the vaccine hits, it has no personal impact on me so I have to work hard to, quote, unquote, care about it. I don't have little girls, therefore I don't have the fear that mine are gonna get cervical cancer. Therefore when this thing hit, the natural inclination was, that's somebody else's problem.

Of course I can't afford to look at it that way. So I'm just wondering as I sit here how many of you mothers out there raced out and got this vaccine? When you heard what was being touted about the vaccine that it would go a long way toward vaccinating your kid, your daughter against cervical cancer, did you wait or how many of you, you know, a lot of people, government mandates a vaccine, when the Clintons came along and tried to do it, it depends on who's doing the mandating as to people's reaction. Now, here we have Janice in central Texas, just fine, she has no problem with it whatsoever. (interruption) What is that? Well, it only works before they've had sex. Right. Well, you have to get the vaccine -- yeah, preferably -- well, if it only works before the kids have sex, then you got to vaccinate them before they're seven or eight, I would think. Isn't that about right? I don't have kids. Isn't that about right?

So if you don't do it before they're seven or eight, is it automatic it doesn't work, or its chances of working are much reduced? (interruption) Oh, really? Oh, oh, your daughter, she had to sign something that said she hadn't had sex? So if you've had sex and you admit you've had sex as a kid they won't give you the vaccine? Okay. Okay. So it must be that it's no impact whatsoever if you've had sexual activity, zip, zero, nada. Well, let's go to the debate. Here's how this happened. It was in Tampa last night, and Wolf Blitzer said, "Governor Perry, as you well know you signed an executive order requiring little girls 11 and 12 to get a vaccine to deal with a sexually transmitted disease that could lead to cervical cancer? Was that a mistake?"

PERRY: It was, indeed. If I had it to do over again, I woulda done it differently. I woulda gone to the legislature, worked with them. But what was driving me was obviously making a difference about young people's lives. I will tell you that I made a mistake by not going to the legislature first.

RUSH: Now, he also said he hates cancer. I mean I'm quoting him there, he hates cancer. At any rate, here is Bachmann after Blitzer said, "Congresswoman Bachmann, do you have anything to say about what Governor Perry just said?"

BACHMANN: I'm a mom, and I'm a mom of three children, and to have innocent little 12-year-old girls be forced to have a government injection through an executive order is just flat-out wrong. That should never be done. That's a violation of the liberty interests. That's little girls who have a negative reaction to this potentially dangerous drug don't get a mulligan, they don't get a do-over. The parents don't get a do-over.

RUSH: She wasn't finished.

BACHMANN: We cannot forget that in the midst of this executive order, there was a big drug company that made millions of dollars because of this mandate. It's wrong for a drug company because the governor's former chief of staff was the chief lobbyist for this drug company. The drug company gave thousands of dollars in political donations to the governor, and this is just flat-out wrong. The question is, is it about life or was it about millions of dollars and potentially billions for a drug company -- RUSH: All right, so there was the charge, crony capitalism, that Perry had no real interest here in saving lives, he wasn't interested in that, it was simply the fact that his former chief of staff was the chief lobbyist for Merck, and that there was a payoff, and that that's why he insisted on the vaccine be given because it had to be bought, and that meant profits. So Perry said that he ended up being offended by this.

PERRY: Yes, sir. The company was Merck, and it was a $5,000 contribution that I had received from them. I raise about $30 million, and if you're saying that I can be bought for $5,000, I'm offended.

BACHMANN: I'm offended for all the little girls and the parents that didn't have a choice. That's what I'm offended for.

RUSH: Now, what I didn't understand throughout this whole thing was there was an opt-out, there was a choice, there was an opt-out. I don't know how widely advertised the opt-out was, but there clearly was an opt-out there. Now, I'm also being told that we might not be correct here in saying that this vaccine is no good if given to you after you have sex. There's a school of thought that says the Gardasil only works if you get the vaccine before you get the HPV infection. It's not so much that you've had sex; it's that it only works before you've had the infection. If you get the infection first, the vaccine doesn't work.

I am not a doctor, I don't play one on television, and I don't want to be stamping official medical news that we're putting out here that may not be a hundred percent accurate here. In other words, you have to be vaccinated before you get the infection. All vaccines work that way, that's what a vaccine is. The smallpox vaccine will not prevent you from getting smallpox or chicken pox, mumps, whatever they shoot you up for. In my day, the polio vaccine was a sugar cube that they gave you and had something in it, kids loved the sugar cubes. But if you had polio it wouldn't do any good. All vaccines actually work that way.


RUSH: Now, on this crony capitalism business. I mentioned this at the top of the program. Sarah Palin jumped on this with Greta last night, the Perry and the Merck thing. She jumped all over, in defense of Bachmann. There's no evidence that what Bachmann charged Perry with doing happened, and Perry said he can't be bought for five grand. A cynic could listen to what Perry said, "Well, what is the price?" (laughing) I'm not saying that. Some could. Crony capitalism is when the government is using tax dollars to subsidize a particular industry or company. What Bachmann is accusing Perry of is a quid pro quo. That's making a decision based on a donation. That's not crony capitalism. Crony capitalism is what Obama's doing with GE and Solyndra and that kind of stuff.


RUSH: Palin getting involved in this is a little unsettling only because there's no evidence that Perry did any of this, and it really isn't crony capitalism anyway. Now, if you're making official policy in exchange for a donation, we're talking about something criminal, and that you'd better be able to back up if you're going to charge that. That's why, frankly, people cringed when she said it, because that takes it to a different level. That's not simply a policy disagreement; that's an accusation of criminal activity that she made, Bachmann against Perry. That's why this little nervousness that you could see and sense settle through the hall there, changed the whole dynamic.


TOPICS: Extended News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: bachmann; barkingmoonbat; captaingardasil; gardasil; jumpedtheshark; perry; rushlimbaugh; rushlive
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To: 9YearLurker
She did what was best for AK, given how the politicized legislature was galvanized against supporting any of her agenda after her VP run.

So she's really not "undefeated" then. She allowed herself to be forced out right? By your logic EVERY Alaska governor could be just as easily forced out by frivolous ethics charges. Perhaps they should all just quit?

I understand why Palin left. She is an influential conservative, and felt she could take on what she perceived as a larger role unshackled from her gig as Governor.

She still quit though, and the kinds of things she pursued are perceived by many conservatives to be nothing but fluff. RealityTV shows? Come on, seriously? Do we really need to see Palin on TV with Kate Gosselin? And these hit and run appearances obviously designed to muscle in on other candidates media is just getting old. Looks pretty clear to me that the choices she made since leaving her Governor job have been very unpopular with most Republicans.

I have no problem with her criticizing the Republican candidates from her perch at Fox News. It's what she's paid a million dollars a year to do. I think Rush is right though, the Gardasil thing was dumb, but certainly doesn't rise to the level of corruption.

I certainly don't feel sorry for Perry though. If he is a good candidate he will be able to take the heat, become a better debater, clarify his positions better, and emerge even stronger.

121 posted on 09/13/2011 5:13:32 PM PDT by Longbow1969
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To: ncalburt
There were ZERO nasty trolls attacks on Romney or Bachman or Palin or Huntsman or even Barry last night and today ???

I guess the irony of you posting this on a thread criticizing Bachmann just sails right over your head.

This site is all Perry haters posting the same lies and garbage non stop. Count the number of recycled old Perry smear. Its called ASTROTURFING created by Jeff Axelrod and used by Romney bots ,Paulites and Obots swarming this site.


Why don't you instead stop whining, put on your big-boy britches and refute what you can about what is being said about Perry. If what is being posted are lies, you should have no problem making a convincing case for such.

122 posted on 09/13/2011 5:16:20 PM PDT by dirtboy
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To: winoneforthegipper
So much for your PHONY TIRED VETTING line which Perry HATERS like think its some sort free pass to ASTROTURF WAY LIKE SOME LEFT WING TROLL.

But at least you dropped the phony concerned act.

The entire debate was a trash Perry event which was what CNN , MSDNC, POLITCO ,ABC..... WANT and DEMAND.
They are invested in destroying Perry.

The ONLY real opponent that scares the Soros puppet and his Soros media mafia is Perry. Its obvious by their non stop attacks.
Like Rush says , the left will always tell you who really scares them !

So the Soros puppet and his media THANK YOU for all your hard work here !

123 posted on 09/13/2011 5:18:05 PM PDT by ncalburt (NO MORE WIMPS need to apply to fight the Soros Funded Puppet !)
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To: nurees

If you had talked to me like that in a bar, any bar, I would have bought you a drink of your choice.

124 posted on 09/13/2011 5:20:04 PM PDT by 353FMG (Liberalism is Satan's handiwork.)
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To: ncalburt
here's a wake-up call...

I believed right from the start the only chance this nation has is for total revamp of the way things are done.

In fact we all believed that.

Your boy is having a seriously hard time selling that aspect.

I will not rest nor vote for anyone that falls short...why? Cause if we don't get it right this time, it really does not matter who is in the oval office.

that's reality and that's that.

125 posted on 09/13/2011 5:21:57 PM PDT by winoneforthegipper ("If you can't ride two horses at once, you probably shouldn't be in the circus" - SP)
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To: Evil Slayer

Got a time for when Rush said that? I posted the sentiment that Bachmann had jumped the shark to FR at 12:35 CDT (1:35 EDT). Is it great minds thinking alike, or is Rush using FR for show prep?

126 posted on 09/13/2011 5:25:26 PM PDT by The_Reader_David (And when they behead your own people in the wars which are to come, then you will know. . .)
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To: winoneforthegipper
I will not rest nor vote for anyone that falls short...why? Cause if we don't get it right this time, it really does not matter who is in the oval office.

AMEN! Even Mc Cain would be better than Obama. Would you vote for him now, knowing that it is the last chance we have to save America? Another rino will not do the job this time. We are too far gone.
127 posted on 09/13/2011 5:26:40 PM PDT by American Dream 246 (Open your eyes. Freedom is not a one day fight. Enemies of Freedom are legion.)
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To: The_Reader_David

Just a few minutes after 4pm Central Time.

128 posted on 09/13/2011 5:28:13 PM PDT by Evil Slayer (Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war)
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To: The_Reader_David

Just a few minutes after 4pm Central Time.

129 posted on 09/13/2011 5:28:22 PM PDT by Evil Slayer (Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war)
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To: Evil Slayer
I'm glad that Bachmann brought this up. Opt out isn't enough for vaccines. I want to control the medical treatment of my daughters and not be subject to intimidation and vilification.

Re Perry and the unsafe vaccine:

Now they're finding viral contamination in the vaccine:

130 posted on 09/13/2011 5:28:48 PM PDT by eens (beware the errors of Russia)
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To: The_Reader_David

Guess I need to clarify that. 4pm CDT is when his website containing this article went online.

131 posted on 09/13/2011 5:37:01 PM PDT by Evil Slayer (Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war)
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To: winoneforthegipper

I agree, I think Rush is out of touch when it comes to Sarah and the Tea Party. He is to inside. We will not settle anymore like he wants us to.

132 posted on 09/13/2011 5:38:43 PM PDT by Brimack34 (Tea party will not settle)
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To: Brimack34
Rush has his moments of clarity and his heart of course is pure conservative and he sees what we all see in Romney.

But he made a cardinal sin when it came to Perry.

It is obvious Rush has not followed Perry all that deeply but in his defense none of us have, and those that have(Texans) only on a state level.

This is to important a race.

Yes we will need to transition towards concentrating solely on Obama and start driving the narrative but that was not going to happen in two debates hosted by the likes of CNN and MSNBC anyways.

So that was our time to clearly get a feel who is pretending to be teaparty worthy or those that will carry our message with honor.

Perry failed that test yesterday....and from my understanding and observation was that it clearly was personal pride that paved the way for that failure. It's not about our candidate it's about our beloved nation. If our nominee does not get that simple fact than well it matters not even if we do win.

I challenge anyone to prove me/us wrong on that basic premise.

133 posted on 09/13/2011 5:49:50 PM PDT by winoneforthegipper ("If you can't ride two horses at once, you probably shouldn't be in the circus" - SP)
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To: plain talk
Perry has not been significantly damaged and while it is still early it would still seem the nomination is Perry’s to lose.

You could be right, but I honestly believe Perry has been damaged to the point of no return.

It is a real shame because I thought he was the one candidate in the race who could unite the Tea Party and the GOP establishment. I guess in a sense he did, but I didn't realize they would join forces to destroy him and his career and not to support him.

Now that he has been sufficiently marginalized, look for Mittens to sail through to the nomination.

The GOP is thrilled because "their guy" gets the nod. The DNC is thrilled because there is 0% chance he will not be challenged from the right with a third party candidacy. Obambi now needs only about 43% of the vote to win, and he will almost undoubtedly get it.

You are correct that it is still REALLY early, but I honestly believe we have managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory yet again. I am praying for a miracle at this point. The country needs it.

134 posted on 09/13/2011 5:58:45 PM PDT by comebacknewt (Newt (sigh) what could have been . . .)
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To: MeganC
You can't quote from a lawyer's sales brochure and expect to be believed.Everything in that article was preceded by the words”may,might,is believed, could be and possibly”. They even solicit “victims” in the article. I haven't read upon Gardisil and don't plan on it but a lawyer is the last place to get medical advice. The drug may be dangerous or not. My only concern is the Governor using an executive order to implement the vaccinations without legislative input.

Not harping,just hate every lawyer except mine.

135 posted on 09/13/2011 6:22:11 PM PDT by WePledge (Ich werde fur immer ein Hollenhund werden. Semper Fidelis)
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Elvis died. And Jimmy Peanutbrain was inaugurated earlier in the year.

136 posted on 09/13/2011 6:29:52 PM PDT by rfp1234
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"The thing is, why does Perry appear strong when he sticks to his position on immigration and Romney looks weak when he sticks up for Romneycare? Because he does. Have you noticed that? Perry seems strong when he defends his positions; Romney doesn't; and I think that's probably because Romneycare is Obamacare no matter how many times Romney says states' rights or laboratory or test or what have you."

"Romney's worried that Ponzi scheme scares seniors, but he's not worried that Romneycare scares Republicans. I'm gonna tell you something: In a comparison to those two, Romneycare scares Republicans far more than Ponzi scheme scares senior citizens. This is where political instincts come into play. Romney's defending the indefensible, which is Romneycare; and he's attacking the concept of reforming Social Security because he's saying (paraphrased), "Don't even bring it up! We can't win elections by talking about Social Security." This is not, by the way (I continue to stress here) a pro-Perry comment right now. I haven't endorsed anybody. Don't want anybody to misunderstand here. I just think Romney needs to step back and take a look at these issues through a conservative lens."

If most people could even write the way Rush talks extemporaneously...the people that hate Rush hate him because he's smug, not because he's wrong...

137 posted on 09/13/2011 6:34:17 PM PDT by StAnDeliver (/)
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To: Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus
"Obviously Rush has Palin Derangement Syndrome."

Obviously Bachmann glugged down a pint of Gardasil last night before going on.

138 posted on 09/13/2011 6:36:38 PM PDT by StAnDeliver (/)
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To: elli1
>>What’s a few cases of cervical cancer in exchange for a televised campaign debate gotcha’ moment?<<

Have you researched the number of women Gardesil has damaged as it relates to the number that would have gotten cancer without it? You may want to do that.

139 posted on 09/13/2011 6:38:39 PM PDT by CynicalBear
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To: rfp1234

Charlie Chaplin, too. RIP

140 posted on 09/13/2011 6:43:28 PM PDT by GBA
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