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Evolution of Deceit and the Vengeance of the God of Genesis
The Remnant Newspaper ^ | November 18, 2018 | Toni McCarthy

Posted on 11/18/2018 9:08:22 PM PST by ebb tide

Evolution of Deceit and the Vengeance of the God of Genesis


As told by Moses in Chapter one of the book of Genesis, the account of the creation of the world is exciting, glorious, magnificent; a mystery to man, who cannot fathom the power and greatness of God; a comfort to all those who have believed throughout the ages. 

Consider this summary of the text and the gift of faith which allows Christians even today to recognize these verses as absolute truth:  In the beginning, God made heaven and earth.  The earth was void and empty, darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved over the waters.  From days one through six, all that has been created was formed by God, whom, being perfect, made His creation correctly according to His will, from the beginning.  Light was made and divided from darkness. 

Seas were formed, as well as dry land, which brought forth the green herbs, the fruit trees, and their seeds.  The great lights were made; the sun to rule the day, and the moon to rule the night, as well as the stars.  All living creatures were made, blessed, and commanded to “increase and multiply.”  Man was created from the “slime of the earth” and became a “living soul” when God breathed upon him the “breath of life”, and woman was fashioned from his rib. 

“And God saw all the things that He had made, and they were very good.”  (Ge 1:31)(1)

Undermining the Authority of Holy Scripture

Having been given, through these verses, everything man needs to know regarding the creation of the world, it is sad to note that today, many Catholics no longer receive the consolation which comes from trusting in the true omnipotence of God, as they no longer believe this creation account. 

Thanks to the unprecedented upheaval in Church teaching which occurred as a result of the Vatican II Council, the Genesis account has been relegated to the status of a story and as mere poetry by theologians who favor the theory of “theistic” evolution and who religiously proclaim the wonders of modern science.  The result is a devastation. A devastation that has culminated with the situation we endure today:  A Pope who openly misrepresents and insults our Lord and His Word. “Outrages, sacrileges and indifferences” as described by the holy angel to the children of Fatima. 

How many Catholics who attend Novus Ordo services have even heard of the wrath of God, as many of the unpleasant references have been scrubbed from the Scripture readings they hear Sunday mornings? "

This has been allowed to occur because in the Church today, the importance of man is emphasized, the authority of Holy Scripture is undermined, and with this, inevitably, comes the loss of the true faith.  For if Christians are not taught to believe in the absolute power of God, how can they receive the gift of God’s grace which allows them the freedom to obey God’s commandments?  How will they endure the trials of this temporal world?  Surely only a true understanding of the faith, along with a steadfast hope in the world to come, can bring about the endurance necessary to survive these dry and bitter days of the reign of man.

While the world and its counterpart, the conciliar church, have apparently moved beyond the notion that the Bible is actually true, it is important to note that by contrast, it is obviously considered factual and accurate when referenced in Scripture and Tradition.  For example, Jesus Himself confirmed that God made humans male and female “from the beginning of creation” (Mk 10:6-8).  This is a most serious testimony, for who among Christians can deny the witness of Christ, who was in the beginning with God, and by whom all things were made (Jn 1:1,3)? 

St. Paul also denied the progression of creation through evolution when he observed that all things—including the visible attributions of creation as well as the invisible—such as thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers were created by Christ and in Christ (Col 1:14).  And a psalm for King David described the grand omnipotence of God, stating that the “ends of the earth” are in God’s hands, the “heights of the mountains are His,” the “sea is His and He made it” and that “His hands formed the dry land” (Ps 94: 4-5).

While many theistic evolutionists claim that the Biblical account of creation is not only outdated and uninformed, but also, that believing a literal interpretation is a Protestant notion, the authors of the Catechism of the Council of Trent taught otherwise, lending insight into the proper disposition of the faithful towards their Creator (2).  This Catechism states that the “Supreme Architect with infinite wisdom and power…. created all things in the beginning”, and that the “wonderous production of the stupendous act of creation can be easily believed when all doubt concerning the immense power of the Creator has been removed.” In addition, the authors clarified that all life is maintained and directly controlled by Almighty God, as the existence of all things is derived from His supreme power, wisdom and goodness (3).

And finally, one must consider the authoritative testimony of Pope St Pius X, who condemned the practice of revising Scripture in order to meet the “evolving” needs (or desires) of modern man.  He stated that a “whole multitude of Doctors, far superior to (the modernist philosophers of his day) in genius, in erudition, in sanctity” had previously “sifted through” the sacred books “in every way”, and contrary to finding anything “blameworthy”, had “thanked God…for His divine bounty in having vouchsafed to speak thus to men” (4).  With this single thought, the good Pope dispelled the notion that intelligent Christians need follow the revolutionary teachings of the conciliar church.  Rather, it seems, he reminded us all that in the eyes of God, the wise of the world are but fools.

Gaudium et Spes and the Peace of the World

So, while the Traditional Church upholds the integrity of the words of Holy Scripture, as is her sacred duty, it becomes apparent that a different spirit entered the Church with the Vatican II Council; a spirit that strives to diminish the belief in the greatness of God, promoting instead the power of man and recommending an unprecedented alliance with the secular world. 

Today, one could consider the term “immoveable Christian” to refer to those who refuse to abandon Tradition, who have kept the old faith by continuing to believe what the Church has taught for over 2,000 years. "

Among the documents originated with the Vatican II Council was Gaudium et Spes, the “Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World”.  This document strongly promoted an impermissible shift in doctrine and suggested a type of evolutionary theory that rejected the Genesis account and directed believers to a more man-centered way of thinking and worshipping.  The entire work is filled with praise for the technological advancements of the sciences and reads rather like a training manual for transforming Catholics into good and faithful one-world citizens.  

The promoted philosophy of the document is summed up in #32, with its definition of the role of the Church in preparing the world for the future deification of mankind.  It begins by attempting to lure Christians away from their devotion to God by proclaiming that men are not saved as individuals, but rather, for the formation of “social unity”.  While the authors stated that this “single people” would be comprised of those who acknowledge God in truth and serve Him in holiness, the means by which this goal of unified obedience is achieved remains unclear.  It is clear, however, that this theoretical unified body was expected to continually grow, for the authors referred to Christ as the Redeemer of all, declaring that He commanded His apostles to teach that the “human race” would become the “family of God”. 

It is interesting to note that the document does not provide a Biblical reference to justify this last statement, which appears to contradict the instructions Christ actually gave to His apostles, which was to preach “penance and the remission of sins” in His name unto all nations (Lu 24:47).  Thus, with this emphasis on social unity, and the proclamation that this unity—accomplished without individual responsibility—would eventually extend to the whole world population, it appears evident that the authors intended that the final sentence of the section should apply to the entire human race: 

“This solidarity must be constantly increased until that day in which it will be brought to perfection.  Then, saved by grace, men will offer flawless glory to God as a family beloved of God and of Christ their Brother.”

There appears to be no violence in the happy world created in the minds of theistic evolutionists, only the peace they proclaim the world has to give.

The New Salvation according to Teilhard de Chardin

It is interesting to note that this new and ultimately un-scriptural explanation of the salvation and final destiny of mankind has its origins in the bizarre teachings of Teilhard de Chardin, whose ideas regarding “theistic” evolution, once condemned by the Church, have now crept into a place of prominence.  According to a document by Prof. Peter Lowentrout (5), Chardin viewed the universe as an evolutionary process that is constantly moving towards a state of greater complexity, and towards a higher “level of consciousness”. The end result of this constant progression would be the final union with God—when man would become “like God”—"brought to perfection” as stated in #32 of Gaudium et Spes. 

Christians cannot be obedient to Rome when Rome is not obedient to Christ; they must choose whom they will serve. "

Thus, with the acceptance of the philosophy of Chardin by contemporary Catholic leaders, the entire definition of Christianity changed in order to conform with the theoretical “facts” of science.  For according to the theory, the force of evolution is moving forward, without the will, desire, or choice of the individual.  All are moving towards perfection without the grace of God, penance and the remission of sins.  The result is apostasy:  By proclaiming a love for God while re-defining the will of God to fit the will of man, Chardin was able to promote a philosophy which attempted to merge two opposing principles; “love of God and faith in the world” (6). 

These principles, which in the reality and truth of the Scriptures can never co-exist, were, nevertheless, considered essential components in reaching his version of man’s final destiny; when man would become essentially deified.  The term he used was “ultra-human”.  And while the fathers of the “modern” church of Vatican II, who have accepted Chardin’s theories, strive to convince believers of their expertise in the field of theology by re-interpreting and re-defining all things holy and conforming Church teaching to the ways of the world, it is important to remember that despite the authoritative tone by which they pronounce their new religion, there is nothing new or innovative in their teachings.  It is as old and tired as it was in the beginning, when Lucifer said: “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit in the mountain of the covenant, in the sides of the north.  I will ascend above the height of the clouds, I will be like the Most High”. (Is 14:13-14)

But our faith is not in man; it is in the Lord God who made heaven and earth.  He is the One who said to Lucifer in reply: “But yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, into the depth of the pit.”   (Is 14:15)

The New ‘Evolutionary God’

While it is thus clear that the theory of theistic evolution is diabolical in nature because it contradicts the Word of God, leads believers away from His commandments, opens a door to change the unchangeable, and glorifies man, it is also necessary to note that it must be absolutely rejected by Christians because it is a source of horrendous blasphemy against the holiness and sovereignty of the Almighty.  For according to the theory, God deliberately produced various types of creatures only to destroy them (or allow them to self-destruct) so they could evolve into something better.

Moreover, as explained by Hugh Owen (7), this “evolutionary god” used the process of mutation and natural selection, which “littered the earth with diseased and deformed creatures” in order to produce the alleged “beneficial mutations”.  This is clearly not the work of the true God who, being perfect, made all things perfect according to their natures from the beginning.

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Moreover, the cause of disease and deformation, according to St. Paul, is sin. It is for this reason that man has fallen away from perfection (Ro 5:12), and he falls further and further when continuing in sin.  When a Christian seeks sincerely to conform to Christ by turning from sin and seeking perfection through the gift of grace, he is restoring that which was lost through Adam; he is working out his own salvation “with fear and trembling” (Php 2:12). 

However, when a Church document (Gaudium et Spes) declares that the new mission of the Church (in the modern world) is to guide the (inevitable) progression of science in a morally responsible manner, neglecting the necessity of seeking God’s grace and turning from sin, it promotes a contradiction to truth as it has been defined and understood for more than 2,000 years. 

This contradiction was identified and condemned by Pope St Pius X, who stated that the “blind” and the “leaders of the blind, puffed up with the proud name of science” had chosen to base and maintain their definition of truth on “vain, futile, uncertain” doctrines, and had thus perverted the “eternal concept of truth” (8).  Indeed, the entire concept of the progression of mankind, with the attempted removal of humility and of dependence upon the Creator as promoted by the evolutionary theme of the Vatican II reforms, is surely an invention of puffed up, blind leaders, and as such, is reminiscent of the vision of the prophet Daniel; the vision of the little horn that speaks “great things”, that is, words against the “High One”, and who would think himself able to “change times and laws” (Da 7:20,25).

Everything will Change, Evolve and Improve

evolution by michael lang"Evolution" by Michael Lang

This boastful spirit of the little horn is precisely what is leading the conciliar church today, because once the door was opened, and the theory of evolution was accepted, change became necessary.  Indeed, it is for this reason that Pope St. Pius X referred to evolution as “practically the principle doctrine” (of modernism) (9).  For freedom of revision, not possible in past generations, was now simply the logical consequence. 

In the modern world, everything will change, evolve and improve; in the church of the modern world, this includes the Word of God.  Indeed, since according to theistic evolutionists, all of mankind is evolving physically, mentally and spiritually—at the same pace and towards the same goal whether Christian or not—the Christian religion must change and must be reconciled to the rest of the world, for the sake of the impending unity.  As such, this theoretical utopia and the resulting divinization of man would necessarily result in a revolution against God, where the precepts of man with his perceived needs, wants and desires would supersede the precepts and commandments of God.

A New and Unified Vision

theistic evolution 2

In a letter addressed to the Vatican Observatory, Pope John Paul II demonstrated his fidelity to this modernist view of theistic evolution by aligning himself with the “new world consciousness” reflected in Gaudium et Spes.  In this letter, he discussed the relationship between religion and science, explaining that the ultimate goal was to form a “new and unified vision” between the two disciplines (10).  This vision clearly favored the progress of science over religion, as he declared that Christians would “inevitably assimilate the prevailing ideas about the world”, which were “deeply shaped by science”.  Thus, he seemed confident that the Church could influence and change the Catholic concept of faith, and the corresponding belief in ‘things the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard’. 

Pope John Paul II then further aligned himself with the philosophy of progress found in Gaudium et Spes, connecting # 32 to the “forces of evolution”.  He said that the world was moving toward the final goal, the great consummation, wherein a culture would emerge that would be “more humane and in that way more divine”, and which would be the “completion and fulfillment” that would not be “overwhelmed by the forces of dissolution and death”.

Yet if this final transformation were true, the entire concept of Christianity would be abolished, as explained quite logically by a young Joseph Ratzinger.  In the book “Faith and the Future (11), Ratzinger attempted to reconcile the two opposing principles, evolution and Christianity.  While he called Christianity “an assent to God, who gives us hope and confidence” (para 14), he also proclaimed that the troubling Biblical passages were “not meant to be a textbook of natural science”, and as such, “need not be taken as a literal description (of) how the universe came to be” (Para 3).  He then proceeded to explain, from the point of view of an atheistic scientist, how the abandonment of the Christian faith was justified through a strict adherence to the theory of evolution (Para 3).  Among other things, he said that according to the theory, the account of the fall of man would be “impossible”, due to the modern “evidence” of natural science, as man started “not from above but from below”, and that he did not fall, rather, he is “slowly rising”.  He also stated that the Biblical description of paradise is contradicted by the theory of evolution, because “long before man existed, pain and death were in the world”.  With great precision, he then proceeded to demonstrate how the theory attempts to demolish the traditional view of Christianity in its entirety.  He stated that once the concept of paradise and the fall had been “broken in pieces”, the notion of Original Sin would logically fail, and without Original Sin, there would be no need for redemption. 

While Ratzinger then offered his own interpretation of the importance of Christian faith as a means to temper this rather violent opposition to Christianity, he failed to make a reasonable case.  By the logical consequences he so carefully enumerated, compromise would be impossible. For by presenting the scientific “discoveries” regarding the theory as indisputable fact while presenting God as a mystery; a higher-than-science but rather vague and undefined truth, he undermined the authority of the Scriptures.  Thus, by the authority of an evolving world by which, as he stated, there is no need for redemption, sin must be irrelevant. And if sin is irrelevant, there is no need for repentance or penance, and no need for a Savior.

Victory Belongs to the Faithful

But despite the false teachings which encourage Catholics to abandon the true faith, one can be encouraged, even in this day of confusion and darkness, to seek the light of the Holy Scriptures; to take refuge from the world by believing in the Word of God.  For in the end, it is man’s true destiny that matters, not his desired (or wishful) destiny. 

Thus, if it is true, as the Holy Bible states in various ways by prophets, patriarchs and apostles, that God created heaven and earth in six days, resting on the seventh, it is also true that God continues to exercise his direct and magnificent control over all His creation, and He will continue to do so, even until the end of the age.  “Do you not know, hath it not been heard?  Hath it not been told you from the beginning?  Have you not understood the foundations of the earth?” asked the Prophet Isaias (Is 40:21), who proclaimed that God sits “upon the globe of the earth” and considers its inhabitants “as locusts” (Is 40:22).  This immense power of God may be difficult to comprehend in our day, yet the Lord warned that in the last days, many would be deceived (Mt 24:5), and St. John prophesized that all the inhabitants of the earth, except the elect, would follow—indeed “adore”—the beast, a mere creature (Apoc 13:8).  But consider the damage—the unimaginable damage—incurred by those who follow that loud, boastful, menacing and frightening creature.  And consider the abject poverty they bring upon themselves by refusing to acknowledge the power and authority of their Creator.  For continuing his discourse, the prophet Isaias proclaimed that while sinful man labors in vain, attempting to control his own destiny and to discover the secrets of the universe, this knowledge belongs exclusively to the Creator, who stretched out the heavens “as nothing”, spreading them out as a “tent to dwell in” (Is 40:22). 

These “searchers of secrets” are made as vanity before the Lord; they “wither away at His will and are blown away as stubble” (Is 40:23-24).  And for those who choose the cult of man, who refuse to obey the laws of God and believe that their dark deeds are hidden from the Lord and their judgement passed over, there awaits a sad destiny they do not perceive.  For the prophet Isaias speaks to the worldly men of our day, even as he spoke to those of his own generation, when he warned that God is always present, even when He appears to be silent, and that man can never seek out His wisdom.  For no matter how sophisticated is the worldly prestige man can muster with the promotion of his new theories, and no matter how powerful and technologically advanced are his military forces, and no matter how fervently he prays to his secret gods, he will only be able to prosper for a short time.  Only as long as God allows. 

The Objective of the New Religion

And if, in our day, it seems the Lord is distant and perhaps even silent, the Scriptures also explain that the saints will be tested.  For during these dark times, the envious ones—the spiritual descendants of those who crucified Christ—are determined to crush the faithful witnesses of Truth in order to promote the power of man; in order to attempt to usher in the kingdom of this world and its “prince”. Today, believers must recognize and understand that those of the hierarchy that promote the ways of the world, as justified by the acceptance of theistic evolution, are leading their followers to a new religion. This practice cannot lead to salvation, despite the rosy predictions and confident promises.  This theory leads to destruction and to the selling out of the Church of Christ to the church of the New World order.  Consider the description of the “man of sin” described by St. Paul.  This man, who comes to lead the “revolt”, is he who “opposeth and is lifted up above all that is called God” (2Thes 2:3-4).  Is this not what we witness today?  How serious is this revolt against Christianity?  Consider the sobering words of Pope Leo XIII that were included in the original version of his small exorcism against Satan and the fallen angels (12):

Behold, very cunning enemies have filled the Church, spouse of the Immaculate Lamb with bitterness; have watered it with absinthe; they have cast ungodly hands onto all that is desirable in it.  Where the See of the blessed Peter and the Chair of Truth were established like a light for the nations, there they have set the throne of abomination of their impiety; in order that once the Shepherd is struck down, they may be able to disperse the flock.” (pp 151-152)

The Result of the New Religion

The “light of the nations” has been growing dim for fifty years, as those who wish to harm the Church of Christ—both from within and without—attempt to deceive (if it were possible) even the elect.  But what will become of the deceivers; those who attempt to lead the flock of the Lord astray?  In the end, according to the Prophets, the false leaders and teachers who speak glowingly of the final great day of consummation will discover that their fate is quite different than that which they imagine, expect and preach.  For even before the first coming of Christ, God warned the disobedient people of Israel through the prophet Amos that they should not desire and hope for the “day of the Lord”, as it would be for them a day of darkness not of light; a day of obscurity with “no brightness in it (Am 5:18-20). 

Indeed, the Israelites of the Old Testament who imagined evil and acted treacherously against the Lord were warned of their coming demise; they could expect an “utter end”, as there would not rise up a “double affliction”.  Rather, God proclaimed that He would destroy the graven and molten thing out of the house of their false gods, making it their grave.  Belial would not pass through them again because they would be “utterly cut off” (Nah 1:9,14,15).

Thus, God’s message to the false shepherds of our day, who lead the people astray, are clothed in “strange apparel”, and enter arrogantly over the threshold, filling the house of the Lord their God with iniquity and deceit” are warned:  The great day of the Lord is near, it is “exceeding swift and bitter, a day of wrath and tribulation, distress, calamity, misery, darkness and obscurity; a day of clouds and whirlwinds; a day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities and the high bulwarks” (Sop 1:7—9, 14-16). The fury of the Lord shall go forth as a whirlwind; as a violent storm that will rest upon the wicked.  The Lord will not turn away the “wrath of His indignation”, warned the prophet Jeremias, until He has executed and performed the “works of His heart” (Jer 30:23-24).

The Wrath of God

So where are the strong ones who will lead without fear, who will teach Christians by word and by deed to detach from the world and draw near to God?  How can one begin to comprehend the damage done to Catholics who have been taught to expect peace and security, when, in reality, the wrath of God shall come suddenly upon the unfaithful, even as a thief in the night (1Th 5:2)?   How many Catholics who attend Novus Ordo services have even heard of the wrath of God, as many of the unpleasant references have been scrubbed from the Scripture readings they hear Sunday mornings?  Nonetheless, according to Scripture, when God executes His judgements, fire will go before Him and will “burn His enemies round about” (Ps 96:3).  He will “rain fire and brimstone” upon the army of his enemies, and upon all the nations that are with them (Eze 38:22).  A smoke will go up in His wrath and a fire will flame from His face hot enough to kindle coals.  Indeed, when the Lord speaks out and utters His voice, he will thunder “hail and coals of fire” (Ps 17:10).  The mountains will be moved (Is 54:10), they will be thrown down (Eze 38:20) and laid waste (Is 42:15); they will melt like wax at the presence of the Lord of all the earth (Ps 96:5).  The floodgates of heaven shall be opened (Is 24:18), lightning shall consume (His enemies) (2Ki 22:15), and God will judge with pestilence, blood, violent rain, and vast hailstones (Eze 38:22).  When God bows the heavens and comes down, darkness will be under His feet (Ps 17:10), and the foundations of the earth will be laid open at His rebuke; at the blast of the spirit of His wrath (2Ki 22:16).  Consider the vision of utter destruction, as described by the prophet:

With breaking shall the earth be broken, with crushing shall the earth be crushed, with trembling shall the earth be moved, with shaking shall the earth be shaken like a drunken man and shall be removed as a tent of one night:  and the iniquity thereof shall be heavy upon it, and it shall fall, and not rise again.”  (Is 24:19-20)

Gathered Out of God’s Kingdom

And what will happen to those who love the world; the false teachers and their disciples and all others who have relied on the cult of man?  What will happen to the leaders who are leading Catholics astray when their glory, honor and riches are destroyed and their world is laid waste?  St. John offered some insight as he described his vision of the judgement of the great harlot Babylon, that false church or religion, that adulteress woman, “mother of the fornications and the abominations of the earth” (Apoc 17:4-5), who, like an anti-Mary, glorifies herself, lives in “delicacies”, sits as a queen (Apoc 18:7) and is depicted as drunk on the blood of the saints (Apoc 17:6).  On the “one day” the plagues come upon her—death, mourning, famine, burning with fire—all the rich; the kings of the earth and the merchants (and surely also the false princes of the conciliar church) who “committed fornication and lived in delicacies with her” will weep, bewail, and mourn (Apoc 18:8-9).  And then they too will be judged.  There will be “weeping and gnashing of teeth” when those “that work iniquity” are gathered out of God’s Kingdom and cast into the furnace of fire (Mt 13:41-43). 

The Faithful are Immoveable

And then, the faithful will be vindicated and rewarded.  For on that day, says the Lord, the just will “shine as the sun, in the kingdom of their Father” (Mt 13:43).  So, it is written that while in the evening “weeping shall have place”, in the morning there will be gladness” (Ps 29:6).  While all the earth shall be shaken and broken, God’s vengeance shall pass over His children; they shall not be moved (Ps 15:8).  For on the day of God’s wrath, an amazing phenomenon will occur.  While a horror will descend upon the ungodly at His coming, the same ‘coming of the Lord’ will be a day of rejoicing and gladness for all the just.  “Rejoice, ye just, in the Lord:  and give praise to the remembrance of His holiness” (Ps 96:12).  For God is the “Most High Lord over all the earth” (Ps 96:9), and He shall judge the world with justice and the people with His truth” (Ps 95:13). Thus, the prophet Isaias proclaimed that while sinners and hypocrites become afraid as the wrath of God draws near, the just man who speaks the truth need not fear, for he can dwell with “devouring fire” and “everlasting burnings” (Is 33:14-15).  How can this be?  While today it is a mystery, it is an assurance to those who take refuge in the Lord.  For St. Paul explained that if a believer continues in the faith, grounded, settled, immoveable from the hope of the Gospel, he will receive his reward and will be presented holy, spotless, blameless before God (Col 1:22-23).  St. Paul further confirmed that the wrath of God will not come against true believers, for although He will once more move heaven and earth, He will move only the things that are moveable.  The faithful shall remain because they are immoveable, and those who serve God with “fear and reverence” will receive, by His grace, his immoveable kingdom (Heb 12:26-28).

It would thus follow logically that if God’s Kingdom is immoveable, it is because it is built upon His unchangeable judgements and commandments, which have been guarded and preserved by the Church founded by Christ.  Today, one could consider the term “immoveable Christian” to refer to those who refuse to abandon Tradition, who have kept the old faith by continuing to believe what the Church has taught for over 2,000 years.  These will not accept the modern “evolved” teachings of the conciliar church; they will not insult their Lord, who laid down His life for their salvation.  As reward for their steadfast faith, these Christians receive a gift greater than any the world has to offer—the “holy Bread of eternal life”, and the “Chalice of everlasting Salvation”—which strengthens them and enables them to adhere to God’s just commandments and live as Christians in an increasingly paganized world.  Christians must endure and persevere, warned St. Paul, for “our God is a consuming fire” (Heb 12:29).

Conclusion:  The Gift of Faith and the Mystery of God’s Creation

Thus, the immoveable must continue to stand upon the word of God and the tradition of the Church on this day; the day when the mists of confusion envelope the world and the strange teachings of the conciliar church.  Christians cannot be obedient to Rome when Rome is not obedient to Christ; they must choose whom they will serve.  As the psalmist warned, believers are not to trust in princes or “in the children of men in whom there is no salvation” (Ps 145:2-3).  The “ravening wolves” have clearly entered the Body of Christ and infiltrated the hierarchy—they will continue to faithfully serve the world and the cult of man—they will not spare the flock.  They have arisen, they are speaking perverse things and drawing men away from God unto themselves (Acts 20:29-30).  “Who is wise, and will keep these things; and will understand the mercies of the Lord” (Ps 106:43)?  Christians have been given this great privilege. Through the gift of faith, they can believe the mystery of God’s creation and of his careful, continual control over all His creation.  They can know this is true, even though they understand only in part, as “seen through a glass in a dark manner” (1 Cor 13:12). 

This wonderful gift has not been bestowed upon the “princes of the world”, for if they had known, said St. Paul, they would never have crucified the Lord of glory (1 Cor 2:8).  This mystery is also hidden from the false prelates and teachers who have chosen to follow the spirit of the world. In their quest for personal greatness and by the weakness of their pride, they have been blinded to the plain truth:  Jesus is the light of the world through whom the world was made.  Those who follow Him will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life (Jn 8:12).  Nothing will separate them from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus (Ro 8:39), for He will be with them all days, “even to the consummation of the world” (Mt 28:20).).



  1. All Scripture references are from the Douay Rheims Bible, Tan Books, 1989
  2. Catechism of the Council of Trent, Tan Books, copyright 1982, pp 27-28
  3. Catechism of the Council of Trent, Tan Books, copyright 1982, p 30
  4. Pascendi Dominici Gregis, #34
  5. Lowentrout, Peter, “Pierre Teilhard de Chardin 1881-1955”, California State University/Long Beach website,
  6. Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre SJ, The Heart of the Matter, Harcourt 1978, pp 100-101
  7. Owen, Hugh, “The Traditional Catholic Doctrine of Creation”, Kolbe Center for the Study of Creation
  8. Pascendi Dominici Gregis, #13
  9. Pascendi Dominici Gregis, #26
  10. Letter of His Holiness John Paul II to Reverend George V Coyne, SJ, Director of the Vatican Observatory,
  11. Ratzinger, Joseph, “Faith and Knowledge”, Faith and the Future, 1969, Kindle, Franciscan Herald Press, 1971
  12. Lefebvre, Marcel “The Popes Unmask the Conspiracy of the Sect”, Chapter XXII, They Have Uncrowned Him, Angelus Press, 1988


Published in Remnant Articles

TOPICS: Apologetics; Catholic; Theology
KEYWORDS: evolution; francischurch; hoax

1 posted on 11/18/2018 9:08:22 PM PST by ebb tide
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To: Zionist Conspirator; Al Hitan; Biggirl; Coleus; DuncanWaring; ebb tide; Fedora; ...


2 posted on 11/18/2018 9:09:36 PM PST by ebb tide (We have a rogue curia in Rome.)
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To: ebb tide
If you can't believe Genesis 1, how can you believe Jesus rose from the dead or was conceived by the Holy Spirit? You don't get to choose what you take and what you reject. It's all written by the Holy Spirit. You are saved by faith. Faith in what? Whatever you want to believe? No, Faith in something not in the Bible is idol worship. You have carved out an idol as sure as carving a piece of wood. Denominations are "traditions of men". Most of the arguments on faith is what someone interprets what's in the Scriptures.

If we can't believe in Genesis 1, we will miss much of what the rest of the Bible says.

3 posted on 11/19/2018 12:09:59 AM PST by chuckles
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To: ebb tide

Too much. Post ib digestible segments next time.

4 posted on 11/19/2018 2:43:37 AM PST by imardmd1 (Fiat Lux)
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To: imardmd1
Too much. Post ib digestible segments next time.

My kids are now grown. I no longer spoon-feed.

5 posted on 11/19/2018 8:03:18 AM PST by ebb tide (We have a rogue curia in Rome.)
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To: ebb tide

No, you need to put the shovel away

6 posted on 11/19/2018 9:09:56 AM PST by imardmd1 (Fiat Lux)
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To: imardmd1

Your mouth is that big?

7 posted on 11/19/2018 9:18:22 AM PST by ebb tide (We have a rogue curia in Rome.)
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To: ebb tide

Not as big as your ego

8 posted on 11/19/2018 11:02:08 AM PST by imardmd1 (Fiat Lux)
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To: ebb tide
Here's part of your problem....

Catholics are at liberty to believe that creation took a few days or a much longer period, according to how they see the evidence, and subject to any future judgment of the Church (Pius XII’s 1950 encyclical Humani Generis 36–37).

Your OWN denomination's position is the problem.

9 posted on 11/19/2018 6:23:23 PM PST by ealgeone (SCRIPTURE DOES NOT CHANGE!)
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To: ebb tide
It is interesting to note that the document does not provide a Biblical reference to justify this last statement, which appears to contradict the instructions Christ actually gave to His apostles, which was to preach “penance and the remission of sins” in His name unto all nations (Lu 24:47).

Another mis-translation of the Greek on Rome's part leading to more bad theology.

The Douay Rheims is the only major translation that renders the passage in this manner.

The key word in the Greek Rome mis-translates is μετάνοιαν:

Cognate: 3341 metánoia – literally, "a change of mind" ("after-thought"); repentance. See 3340 /metanoeō ("repent").

It is another example of Rome's poor handling of the Scriptures.

10 posted on 11/19/2018 6:31:10 PM PST by ealgeone (SCRIPTURE DOES NOT CHANGE!)
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To: ealgeone
Your OWN denomination's position is the problem.

It's not a "demonination"; it's the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, outside of which there is no salvation.

11 posted on 11/19/2018 7:31:37 PM PST by ebb tide (We have a rogue curia in Rome.)
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To: ebb tide

Sorry to break it to’s a denomination in which salvation is not found.

12 posted on 11/19/2018 8:01:17 PM PST by ealgeone (SCRIPTURE DOES NOT CHANGE!)
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