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I Don’t Care What Mueller Says. Trump Is the Target.
Rush ^ | April 4, 2018 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 04/04/2018 1:22:07 PM PDT by Kaslin

RUSH: The other big story is Robert Mueller apparently telling Trump’s lawyers a month ago that while Trump remains under investigation, he’s not a target. And apparently Trump has received this news exceedingly well with a great sigh of relief. And now we know this is one of the reasons Trump wants to talk to Mueller. Since Trump thinks he’s not a target, he can go in there and dazzle Mueller with his personality and salesmanship and what have you.

And of course anybody can figure out, you know, Richard Nixon was never a target and he got impeached. Well, he was gonna be impeached. He resigned before they could get to that. Trump would be making a grievous mistake if he ever believed that he’s no longer being paid attention to in this. The thing for Donald Trump, President Trump to remember is that he is the target. He is the sole reason any of this is happening. Getting rid of him or nullifying his presidency is the sole reason any of this is happening.

And if Mueller claims, “Hey, you know what? You’re under investigation. Everybody still is, but really you’re not a target here of any criminal proceeding.” It could change tomorrow. It’s an old trick, and it’s been used successfully by prosecutors for years.

But there’s much more to this than that. Because now, remember, one of the things that we constantly discussed on this program was that Mueller was not given a specific crime to pursue and that Justice Department regulations require that. Whenever a special counsel is hired and employed, he must be given a crime to pursue. And in this case, it would have been the deputy attorney general since Sessions has recused himself.

So Rod Rosenstein would have had to specify a crime that Mueller was to investigate, and then if in that investigation Mueller comes across anything else that he wants to look into, he would have to go back to Rosenstein and get permission for it. And it would have automatically been granted more than likely, if it had anything even tangently to do with Trump, it would have been granted because objective is to get Trump.

Well, all this time we thought there wasn’t one of those memos. We thought that this whole special counsel procedure had been engaged in outside the rules and regulations. But it turns out that Rosenstein, probably after hearing so much commentary about this said, “You know what? I’ve screwed up here.” So he went back and wrote a memo detailing what it is that the special counsel is to investigate.

And one of the interesting things about this is that the raid, the predawn raid on Paul Manafort’s house happened before this memo was written. The memo is written in a way to justify the special counsel’s pursuit of Manafort, but it’s ex post facto as it appears to the surface. Now, this, all of this is a little bit more complicated than that which I have just explained, because this is the federal government.

All of this is actually, in my humble opinion, the politicization of policy differences. The attempt to politicize and criminalize the fact that Donald Trump won the presidency. And the sole purpose of this investigation is to find some way to either get rid of Donald Trump or to render his presidency paralyzed so that it’s basically stuck in the mud and cannot move forward.

None of that has changed. But some of the details in this and some of the timing makes this a fascinating story. This is one of the things, I have to tell you, it depresses me. Because there aren’t any scales of justice here, much less balanced.

I mean, all of this is happening with all of the weight and all of the power in favor of the federal government who, on the surface, the Feds, Mueller, Rosenstein, feel entirely free to violate and break their own regulations by essentially saying, “Well, you know, I could have gone back, and I could have asked for permission to investigate Manafort. And since I could have gone back and since I could have asked and it would have been granted, then I really haven’t violated anything here because, had I asked, I would have been given permission.”

But you didn’t! If you and I try this defense, we’re gonna be blown to smithereens. We don’t have a prayer. They can break their own laws or they can treat them around the edges, and we are subject to whatever their desires are in the so-called pursuit of justice.

So I want to take a brief amount of time to try to explain with details that which I have just said. Because this whole thing — you realize that Paul Manafort, Paul Manafort, nobody would have even noticed the guy, much less charged him with anything criminal if Donald Trump had not run for president and been elected. If Trump hadn’t run, he wouldn’t have hired Manafort, and thus nobody would have cared about Manafort.

And in fact I’m told that the DOJ did look into Manafort and what he was doing with Ukraine, whether or not he had filed legally as an agent and decided there was nothing there! There was nothing to pursue! Years before. But then he hires on as Trump’s guy. And you remember why Manafort was hired? Does anybody remember this?

It was because Cruz was making mincemeat of Trump in these states, in these primary states that Trump was winning, Cruz was going in there and basically rounding up all of the unpledged, uncommitted delegates. And Trump’s looking at this and saying, “This doesn’t make any sense.” It’s kind of like Crazy Bernie. He was winning everything and Crazy Hillary, Crooked Hillary’s getting the delegates.

Well, in this case, Trump was winning primary after primary, but a lot of delegates were going to Cruz. So Manafort was hired to basically put a stop to that, to go in there and run the delegate procurement operation, the unpledged, unsecured delegates after every primary, because somebody told Trump that’s what his area of expertise is.

Anyway, had Trump not run, had Trump not hired Manafort, then none of this that Manafort’s been indicted for would have ever come up. So how can this not be the result of a politicization of disagreements over who won and who lost an election? And the chicanery here is never ending, the way they got the Trump dossier, the Steele dossier into the public domain.

Remember how they did this. You’ve got Comey, you have three other people from the intelligence — you got the CIA, the NSA, Mike Rogers, and they’re all meeting with Trump, and then after so much time passes, Comey asks the rest of them to leave and it’s just Comey with Trump, and Comey presents the Trump dossier to him that contains the golden showers.

And when Comey did that, that made it news. The media had been struggling for a way to write about this dossier for months, but it was bogus. It was uncorroborated, unverified. So they couldn’t really write about it. But Comey telling Trump about it and showing it to Trump and then leaking that that had happened, that made it news. And it was shortly thereafter that BuzzFeed published the whole damn thing from beginning to end with all kinds of caveats.

“We can’t confirm it. None of it’s been corroborated. We don’t think any of it’s true. However, we think you need to know and make up your own mind,” blah, blah, blah. Countless examples of things like this. But the ex post facto characteristics of the Rosenstein memo to Robert Mueller authorizing his investigation into Manafort, to me, is the top of the news today.


RUSH: Okay. Let’s swerve here into the Mueller investigation story. And in a semblance here of chronological order, not entirely, but a semblance of it. The Washington Post reported that “Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III informed President Trump’s attorney’s last month that he is continuing to investigate the president, but does not consider him a criminal target at this point, according to three anonymous people familiar with discussions,” which means somebody from Mueller’s staff.

Three people there are leaking, although I guess it could be Kellyanne Conway. Just kidding. I’m just kidding. I’m bouncing off a story the other day where they had her as the primary leaker. Somebody’s leaking this, most likely from Mueller’s team. Not a criminal target at this point.

“In private negotiations in early March about a possible presidential interview, Mueller described Trump as a subject of his investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. Prosecutors view someone as a subject when that person has engaged in conduct that is under investigation but there is not sufficient evidence to bring charges.”

Now, what this means — let’s take this as an isolated incident and let’s assume for the sake of our discussion here that it’s factual. Let’s say that Mueller means it. “Hey, you know what? You’re not a target. We don’t have any evidence. We’re still investigating you, but it you’re not a target.” So how many months has it been now?

How many months have the best and the brightest and the most powerful in the American Washington establishment, the intelligence community, the Obama administration, how many months, how many years have they been looking for the smoking gun to prove Trump colluded with Russia and they don’t have it yet? And they don’t have it because it doesn’t exist.

There isn’t any evidence that Trump colluded with Russia. And I feel perfectly safe in asserting so because even the leaks that claim there has been evidence have been blown to smithereens by fact learned later. There isn’t any evidence. And Mueller effectively, if we believe him here, is admitting the same thing by claiming Trump still is a subject but not a target. So all this time later Mueller’s team has still not been able to find any evidence of a crime.

“The special counsel also told Trump’s lawyers that he is preparing a report about the president’s actions while in office and potential obstruction of justice, according to two people with knowledge of the conversations.” So five leakers now.

“Mueller reiterated the need to interview Trump – both to understand whether he had any corrupt intent to thwart the Russia investigation and to complete this portion of his probe,” three anonymous people leaked. So if we believe this, Mueller reiterated the need to interview Trump to ask him if he had any corrupt intention to thwart the Russia investigation and if he had any intent to steal the election by working with the Russians.

Now, if this is true — and that’s always a question with anything in the Washington Post and this many anonymous leakers — Mueller could just be trying to put Trump’s fears at ease so that he will agree to be interviewed by him so they can at least salvage a perjury charge out of this. Again, if you take this at face value and if you accept that all of this is aboveboard, then it seems they’re searching for a process crime.

Now, it’s almost clichéd, and therefore it may not be true, it’s almost cliched to say that Mueller is trying to entrap Trump by saying, “Hey, buddy, you know what? Yeah, we’re still looking, but we haven’t found anything. Yeah, you’re still under investigation, but you’re not a target, man. Come on in and talk to us.” A first grader would realize that this could be a trap.

Mueller could figure out that everybody else could figure out that this is a trap. So my thinking is that this is not Mueller’s intention. This is too easy to figure out, although keep in mind who they think they’re dealing with. They think they’re dealing with a bull in a china shop rogue who is not very bright, not very sophisticated. They think he is obsessed with an uncontrollable ego.

And so they may believe that getting Trump into an interview would be the best thing they could do to ever find anything they could charge, because once the guy starts talking he won’t stop. And there’s no way he won’t contradict himself, something he said two years ago, yesterday, day before with what he says under oath, if he’s under oath, being interviewed by Mueller’s team.

On the other side of this, the leftist side of this — this is more interesting to me than our side — the leftist side of this consists of two different reactions. On the one hand you have a bunch of leftists who are fit to be tied. They can’t believe that Mueller would announce he doesn’t have any evidence. They can’t believe that Trump’s not a target.

The only reason they have been breathing, the only reason they’ve been getting out of bed since Election Day, is every day they hope and pray that that’s the day something comes along to prove that Trump colluded and that’s the end of Trump. That probably makes up most of the American journalist population. They get up every day thinking that’s gonna be the day, that somewhere, somehow, evidence, incontrovertible evidence that Trump colluded with Putin, steal the election is gonna be found. And that they’re gonna be the ones to find it. They’re gonna be the ones to whom the evidence will be presented.

So they get up, typical day thinking, “Man, it’s gonna happen, it’s gonna happen. We’re gonna get Trump today.” And then Mueller says, “By the way, you’re not a target.” That’s all they hear, and they go bat crazy, they go paranoid, they start looking for therapists, they need counselors, people to hold their hands. The other reaction on the left to this is similar to a reaction had on the right.

And that is that Mueller is a fox, this guy is so sly, and he’s got Trump dead to rights, he’s got him! He’s got him! And he knows he’s got him! He’s got him so bad, he can announce publicly that he doesn’t have him. This faction on the left believes no matter what they see, read, or hear that Trump did it and it’s only a matter of time and that Mueller has already found it and they’re just toying with everybody and they’re playing this out and playing this out as close as they can get to the midterm elections. Sort of like a late October Surprise, to make sure the Democrats win everything and then go impeach Trump.

Now, those two factions on the left of course are at odds. Then of course the Never Trumpers, it’s fun to ponder them in this because I, frankly, think, folks, that in the case of some Never Trumpers, I think they hate Trump more than Hillary Clinton does. I think some of our own Never Trumpers hate Donald Trump more than the most hate-filled leftist that you can find. And it’s a deeply rooted and personal hatred that our Never Trumpers have for the guy.

But there’s more to the Mueller story. And that is this now memo that was I guess written on August 2nd last year that finally did authorize Mueller to investigate specific things, including Manafort. Except that the raid on Manafort’s house happened a week before Rosenstein’s letter or memo authorizing such a thing was written.

Now, Manafort has moved to have all charges dismissed, the indictment quashed and so forth precisely because of this and a couple of other things. And depending on who you talk to, which legal beagle you talk to, some think Manafort might have a case, but most of them say, “Nah. Manafort’s never gonna get this thrown out. It doesn’t matter.” And that’s what’s depressing, in that the government can never lose.

The government can break its own regulations. The government can violate its own laws, regulations on what a special counsel can investigate. There has to be a crime, but there wasn’t one, but he can still go fishing. Doesn’t matter. The regulations have been violated, but it’s not gonna change anything Mueller does. You and I can’t get away with this kind of skirting regulations or skirting laws, but they can, and they fully expect to. And it’s a bias that exists. And that is, if you’re charged, you’re guilty. I mean, they wouldn’t take the time to charge you if you weren’t, goes the thinking.


RUSH: By the way, Byron York has confirmed that Mueller never told Paul Manafort’s lawyers about the August 2nd memo authorizing his investigation into Manafort until he filed his response to Manafort’s motion to dismiss it on Monday.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 2018election; 2020election; election2018; election2020; jamescomey; limbaugh; lisapage; mueller; peterstrzok; robertmueller; rush; rushlimbaugh; trump

1 posted on 04/04/2018 1:22:07 PM PDT by Kaslin
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To: Kaslin

Would Mueller be a target of investigation if we had a real prosecutor on the job?

2 posted on 04/04/2018 1:26:17 PM PDT by depressed in 06 (60 in '18.)
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To: Kaslin

But it provides cover later if Mueller finds out President Trump had Russian dressing on his salad or some equally insidious action.

3 posted on 04/04/2018 1:27:28 PM PDT by freedumb2003 (robert mueller is an unguided missile)
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To: Kaslin

Actually the words Mueller used was Trump is not a criminal target, not that he wasn’t a target. Rush is being very misleading.

4 posted on 04/04/2018 1:28:09 PM PDT by joesbucks
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To: freedumb2003

I’m only upset if the charge is Russian dressing and it was French the president used.

5 posted on 04/04/2018 1:29:38 PM PDT by joesbucks
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To: Kaslin

Bob Mueller is dirty & criminal from head to toe. He should be the target, not POTUS, Trump, along with his low life, scum & vermin Democrat Party dregs.

6 posted on 04/04/2018 1:31:47 PM PDT by JLAGRAYFOX (Defeat both the Republican (e) & Democrat (e) political parties....Forever!!!)
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To: Kaslin

Rosenstein has admitted to granting Mueller’s request to expand his investigation BEYOND Russian collusion, happened last August.

The REAL question is, since Sessions only recused himself from Russian collusion investigation, WHY DID HE ALLOW ROSENSTEIN to do this?

There is just no good reason to allow Rosenstein & Mueller to go witch hunting in search of a crime. Issuing General Warrants with no evidence of a crime is what King George used to do to those who criticized him, and since August Sessions has allowed it here in our country. The FF must be so proud of Sessions/s.


7 posted on 04/04/2018 1:40:00 PM PDT by Kalamata (Meat hooks for Tyrants)
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To: joesbucks
Actually the words Mueller used was Trump is not a criminal target, not that he wasn’t a target.

An impeachable offense target? I would think that a president can't be a criminal target until after he's been removed.

8 posted on 04/04/2018 1:40:45 PM PDT by FreeReign
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To: Kaslin

If the coup plotters succeed, then the real shooting to defend the Republic should start and the plotters meet their ends at the hands of patriotic forces who are forced to restore the Republic.

9 posted on 04/04/2018 1:45:27 PM PDT by Truth29
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As always, You are correct.

Believe and trust Robert Mueller? or B.Hussein Obama??

my opinion, enough said...

10 posted on 04/04/2018 1:53:50 PM PDT by haircutter
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To: Kaslin

President Trump should not talk to Mueller — even to tell him the time of day. You can’t charm a shark; he’s out for blood. I hope President Trump’s advisors make this clear, and if need be, lock him in the Oval Office til Mueller’s gone.

11 posted on 04/04/2018 1:56:16 PM PDT by KittyKares (Drain the Swamp)
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To: Kaslin

August 2nd, 2017 DOJ Letter From Rod Rosenstein To Special Counsel Mueller Outlining Investigative Authorization…

Posted on  by 

When reviewing new information against the backdrop of existing information it is important not to get so caught up in the weeds that you miss the obvious.  This is the important aspect to a new information release from Robert Mueller.

Overnight last night Special Counsel Robert Mueller released an attachment as part of a responsive court pleading.   The attachment was a previously unknown letter from Asst. Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to Robert Mueller outlining the specific authority of his investigative appointment.  The letter from Rosenstein to Mueller is dated August 2nd, 2017.

View this document on Scribd

There are several elements to break down, and one of the best ways to review the information is to first ask “why”?

First, it is important to put the Rod Rosenstein releases into context.

On Wednesday May 17th, 2017 Rosenstein announced the following:

Notice no-where in this public announcement does AAG Rosenstein mention President Donald Trump.

Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein today announced the appointment of former Department of Justice official and FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III to serve as Special Counsel to oversee the previously-confirmed FBI investigation of Russian government efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election and related matters.

The “previously-confirmed FBI investigation … efforts” is apparently code-speak for the counterintelligence investigation of the Trump campaign confirmed by FBI Director James Comey on March 20th, 2017 to congress.

The simultaneous release of investigative intent then includes a more specific and formal outline, which does include Donald Trump:

(pdf link)

So there we have the three areas of direct authority:  ¹Links or coordination between the Russian Government and the campaign of Donald Trump.  ²Matters that may arise from the investigation of the Russian government and the campaign of Donald Trump. And ³other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a). [<- ie. ‘Jurisdiction‘]

So there’s the instructions to Robert Mueller and his team on May 17th, 2017.

Now, as we previously discussed: “Robert Mueller didn’t necessarily appoint or select a team of lawyers and investigators…. the previously assembled team of lawyers and investigators selected him.”  The key player in that assembly was FBI Chief-Legal-Counsel and personal confidant to Robert Mueller, James Baker. (pictured right)

Remember, the “small group”, career officials inside the DOJ and FBI needed to continue their group effort after the election.  Therefore they needed to stay assembled as a group; they needed to stay on task, to facilitate the original intent of their association.  The Special Counsel was merely a way, an approach, a tool for this specific team to continue their efforts after the 2016 presidential election, nothing more – nothing less.

The team already existed. The objectives already existed. The only thing they needed was a willfully-blind leader and an excuse to continue their ideological efforts. Robert Mueller became their selected willfully-blind leader because the small group already knew him and they knew they could manipulate/use him.

Their ideological association is why the same people behind Phase 1 (Clinton Exoneration ’15, ’16), and Phase 2 (opposition research, counterintelligence and surveillance against Trump ’15, ’16, ’17), became the same people in Phase 3, the post-election vast Russian-Trump Collusion Conspiracy; also known as “The Insurance Policy”.  In many ways Phase 3 was/is more of a continued opposition research endeavor, part of the “resistance” per se, with a good dose of self-preservation binding them all together.

Robert Mueller could technically shut down the official Special Counsel tomorrow and for the ‘small group’ nothing would change much. The ‘group’ shifts back out of government work and reconnects with Fusion GPS (or similar).  They inform their media allies to change the official name of their tasks from ‘investigation’ back to ‘opposition research’. Sans Mueller all group tasks remain consistent, and three days from now it’s just another Friday.

If it is a paradigm shift to understand that Mueller didn’t select his team, but rather the team selected him…. then a similar paradigm shift will be found in the following motive behind Robert Mueller requesting Rosenstein to outline his investigation on August 2nd, 2017:

Mueller wasn’t asking Rosenstein to expand the focus of the endeavor; team Mueller was asking Rosenstein to NARROW the focus of their investigation.

Why would Team Mueller be asked to narrow the focus?

Because Inspector General Michael Horowitz just informed him/them of his discovery of the conspiracy behind the DOJ and FBI plan against Donald Trump.

On July 20th, 2017 IG Horowitz gets the Page/Strzok text messages.  Horowitz informs Mueller there is evidence of a conspiracy evident within his team.  That had to be an ‘oh, shit’ moment for the “small group”; and for Robert Mueller.

The investigation was going on for more than two months and the team was already moving on Paul Manafort.  Quickly, the investigative team needs Rosenstein to narrow the investigation.  The last thing the Special Counsel team needed, was an open door to investigate corrupt officials within their own ideological ranks.  Lord knows where that would end-up.

On August 2nd, 2017, Rosenstein does exactly that.

View this document on Scribd

Now, before getting to #3 (why the redacted memo from Mueller last night), and retaining the bigger picture, take a look at a few aspects that need to fall into place within this timeline.

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was was interviewed about his media leaks in May 2017.  He denied.  Notice what comes next… “a couple of months later” he was interviewed by IG Horowitz.  And he again denied.  Now think!  That conversation would be around July of 2017.  What happened right after/amid this period?  Answer: Horowitz gained the Peter Strzok and Lisa Page text messages.

Apply Occam’s razor.

Lisa Page is likely also questioned about the Wall Street Journal article and she told the truth. However, now her story conflicts with Andrew McCabe.  So to prove her side of the story, Lisa Page provides the text messages July 20th, 2017 to investigators. That’s where the “Page was already disenfranchised with the SC Mueller assignment” and the “removed earlier” aspect comes from.

Andrew McCabe lied in May and July 2017. Lisa Page likely gave a statement that conflicted with McCabe and used the text messages to back up her side. That’s how IG Horowitz gained the original access to the Page/Strzok messages. The rest is history.

The ‘good guys’ inside the investigative FBI unit have a motive to be angry.

♦Think about it…. McCabe admits to lying to the FBI on November 29th, 2017.  On November 30th, Michael Flynn is forced to sign a sketchy guilty plea for *presumably* lying to the FBI.  On December 1st the media pushes the Flynn lying guilty plea.  On December 2nd *some entity* within the process hits back against the corrupt insiders (around McCabe) and begins blasting out information about Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr and Nellie Ohr…  That’s where most people began to take notice.

Additionally, think about the time-frame knowing IG Horowitz informed SC Mueller about Strzok and Page and the potential criminal conduct outlined within their text messages.

In between the time McCabe lied to the FBI (May ’17), and then lied to Horowitz (July ’17), and then attempted to clean up his lie (Aug ’17), and then McCabe’s November 29th re-interview with Horowitz…. Prosecutor John Huber was brought on board.

There’s obviously a history of White Hats and Black Hats inside the DOJ and FBI while the entire operation against Trump was taking place.  There’s White Hats -vs- Black Hats playing out inside the intelligence apparatus (Rogers -vs- Clapper/Brennan). In 2017 there’s White Hats and Black Hats inside dueling investigative units (Horowitz -vs- Mueller).  And with Huber added there’s now White Hats -vs- Black Hats as prosecutors.

So lets look at a few interpersonal and organizational dynamics for examples.  [Forgive my plain-speak].  Taking some cues from inside the text messages already reviewed:

♦DOJ Attorney assigned to the FBI effort, Lisa Page, was willing to go along with the plans in 2015/2016 because she’s ideologically aligned with the political objectives to aid Hillary Clinton.  However, after the election she ain’t stupid.  By late spring she can see the writing on the wall… the intended outcome ain’t working.  Nervous already, with McCabe lying about the media leaks in July, she’s had enough… she shoots down “Andy’s” lies and exits.

♦FBI Asst. Director in charge of counterintelligence, Bill Priestap, was already likely not comfy with the entire scheme, and his #2 Deputy FBI Counterintelligence Agent Peter Strzok was too far out-of-bounds.  Priestap likely never agreed to ‘Phase-3’.  He’s also rich with a well-off spouse and too much to lose.

♦FBI Chief Legal Counsel James Baker did his earnest best to support the operation through Phase #1, Phase #2 and helped set up Phase #3… but after he found out congress was going to subpoena him, the next day something happened and FBI Director Christopher Wray removed him.  The ‘something’ was likely Baker realizing Phase-3 wasn’t working, and began working toward self preservation.

♦FBI Agent Peter Strzok is just all around FUBAR.  He’s busted all over the place… ‘where do I sign’?  Halp.

♦Comey’s former Chief-of-Staff James Rybicki knew his goose was cooked as soon as he saw the Page/Strzok text messages surfacing in December 2017.  But his loyalty to his former boss, and the actual physical risk to life and limb precluded his ability to help.  He quit.

FBI Communications Director Michael Kortan was caught within the media leaks and also inside the spin machine from the Clinton investigation the ‘small group’ intentionally sunk and he sold as valid.  Kortan decides to give the team the last help he can and releases an unauthorized FBI media statement in January, slamming the Nunes memo and undermining the official FBI position.  It was his parting shot to attempt cover for the remaining crew.  A few days later he was resigned by Director Wray.

On the Main Justice side:

♦DOJ-NSD Deputy Bruce Ohr was in too deep.  Demoted twice in between a series of twelve, yes twelve, FBI investigative interviews… Obviously Bruce knew too much, and the collaboration/connection with his wife Nellie and Fusion GPS just put a massive target on his back.    Bruce Ohr and Nellie Ohr connect the activity from the DOJ (national security division) and FBI (counterintelligence division) together with Fusion GPS (Nellie’s 2016 employer, Glenn Simpson) and Christopher Steele (the recipient of the unwashed intelligence product).

Nellie and Bruce didn’t exactly have an option… no doubt that’s why all the FBI investigative interviews from Horowitz and Huber.  Tick.Tock on the IG report.

♦DOJ-NSD Deputy AAG David Laufman sat in on the Clinton investigations and was part of the collaborative effort to construct the fraudulent FISA application.   In his former position, Laufman would have been involved and hold knowledge of the FISA “Title-1” surveillance program initiated on target Carter Page and the “incidental” Trump campaign officials. Laufman would also have close contact with former Asst. Deputy Attorney Bruce Ohr; husband of Fusion GPS employee Nellie Ohr.  Laufman quit in February, 2018.

♦DOJ-NSD Asst. Attorney General John P. Carlin quit in October 2016 immediately after notifying the FISA court of the misuse of FISA(702)(16)(17) database search queriesby contractors within the FBI and DOJ-NSD apparatus.  Carlin admitted misrepresentations to the FISA court and then immediate resigned.

♦DOJ-NSD Principle Deputy Asst. Attorney General Mary McCord replaced John Carlin in October 2016 and assisted Sally Yates in Phase-3 along with the Flynn scheme.  Mary McCord accompanied Yates to the White House.  Three things happened right before McCord resigned at the DOJ-NSD in April 2017.  First, Sally Yates was fired.  Second, the #2 re-authorization of the Page surveillance warrant occurred; and Third, IG Michael Horowitz gained oversight over the DOJ-NSD.

Sally Yates had blocked OIG oversight over the DOJ-NSD for the previous years.  In 2015 the OIG requested oversight and it was Sally Yates who responded with a lengthy 58 page legal explanation saying, essentially, ‘nope – not allowed.’ (PDF HERE) All of the DOJ is subject to oversight, except the NSD.  In April 2017 all of that changed.

Not coincidentally the first White Hat arrives at the DOJ-NSD leadership ranks when Dana Boente shows up, also in April 2017, from his prior position as U.S. AG for the Eastern District of Virginia.  Boente acted as interim Attorney General after Yates was removed. Boente left Main Justice in October 2017 and in January joined Christopher Wray at the FBI as Chief Legal Counsel to replace the removed James Baker.

OK, so that’s a long and rather exhaustive summary of the key inside-players without going directly into the White House (Obama), CIA (Brennan) and ODNI (Clapper) roles.

Why is this pertinent to Robert Mueller and the August 2nd, 2017 request to Rod Rosenstein for a clarification/narrowing of investigative authority?

Because Mueller’s team, the small group of political officials and lawyers, know all of these people inside the DOJ apparatus.  These are their peers, their comrades in ideology… this is their crew and social circle.  The last thing their legal endeavors need is to be put in a position of intel or information about their brethren.

And for Team-Leader Robert Mueller, against the back-drop of this information; and with IG Horowitz giving him details about Page/Strzok messages; there’s a strong motive to ask for a signed letter from Rosenstein prior to continuing to investigate the President of the United States knowing President Donald Trump was also a target of this plan – and these details were going to surface at some point.

Lastly, and specifically about Rod Rosenstein, perhaps at a certain point in the spring and early summer 2017 he might have thought there was a substantive way for the assembly to carry out their plan.  Perhaps he even believed the popular leftist narrative and thought there might be something to these ‘Trump-Russia-Collusion’ claims.  Perhaps that’s why he directed the Muller investigative mandate in May 2017 to the exclusivity of President Donald Trump with no mention of any other campaign (Hillary Clinton) contact with Russian entities.

However, by August 2017 with full information coming from IG Horowitz about the likelihood of criminal conduct by FBI and DOJ officials; at the time Rosenstein wrote the more carefully detailed outline; he had to know the investigation into Trump was heading no-where.


12 posted on 04/04/2018 2:05:29 PM PDT by Bratch ("The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke)
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To: Kaslin

Sure Trump is the target. Mueller is nothing more but just another lying seditious traitor.

13 posted on 04/04/2018 2:08:28 PM PDT by WKUHilltopper (WKU 2016 Boca Raton Bowl Champions)
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To: Kaslin

When will the media accept that Trump is not a criminal target?

14 posted on 04/04/2018 2:40:16 PM PDT by familyop (Yeah, the stick's real good for beating. But shouldn't we be using the carrot, too?)
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To: Kaslin
I Don’t Care What Mueller Says. Trump Is the Target.

If trump weren't the target, there would be no Mueller investigation.

15 posted on 04/04/2018 2:58:37 PM PDT by Yo-Yo (Is the /sarc tag really necessary?)
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To: Bratch

Wow, that will take a few readings to get it all.

16 posted on 04/04/2018 3:54:43 PM PDT by JohnnyP (Thinking is hard work (I stole that from Rush).)
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To: Kaslin

He is a lifelong criminal attorney: an attorney who is criminal.

17 posted on 04/04/2018 4:51:08 PM PDT by YogicCowboy ("I am not entirely on anyone's side, because no one is entirely on mine." - J. R. R. Tolkien)
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To: FreeReign

I think it may have to do with the timing of any crime.

18 posted on 04/04/2018 5:57:52 PM PDT by joesbucks
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