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'Cruz, citing recent reports of abuses by large companies to facilitate outsourcing, said he was working on a bill with Sen. Jeff Sessions -- a leading GOP hawk on immigration -- to "fundamentally change the H1B program."'

I hope this bears fruit - Cruz needs to remove tha albatross of H-1B support from around his neck.

1 posted on 11/12/2015 8:58:13 AM PST by ConservingFreedom
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To: Parmenio; ColdOne; Yossarian; knittnmom; sf4dubya; Mr. Peabody; wally_bert; dowcaet; ...
H-1B ping. Let me know if you're not on the list and want to be added (or are and want to be removed).
2 posted on 11/12/2015 8:59:12 AM PST by ConservingFreedom (a "guest worker" is a stateless person with no ties to any community, only to his paymaster)
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To: ConservingFreedom

Rand Paul and Rubio also have a problem in the H1-B Visa area.

3 posted on 11/12/2015 9:03:31 AM PST by Calpublican (Republican Party Now Stands for Nothing!!!!!(Except Conniving))
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To: ConservingFreedom

No one is more conservative on immigration than Jeff Sessions. Since he and Cruz are working on the H1-B issue together, that means that Cruz bashers will no longer have this issue to use against him.

This new move of drawing contrasts between the candidates has been needed for a while.

4 posted on 11/12/2015 9:03:51 AM PST by conservativejoy (Pray Hard, Work Hard, Trust God,,,, We can elect Ted Cruz!)
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To: ConservingFreedom


11 posted on 11/12/2015 9:17:30 AM PST by jospehm20
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To: ConservingFreedom

Does Sen. Cruz support deporting illegals, as Trump does? If not, blah, blah, blah.

12 posted on 11/12/2015 9:18:09 AM PST by LS ("Castles Made of Sand, Fall in the Sea . . . Eventually" (Hendrix))
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To: ConservingFreedom

:: everyone talks about how compassionate it is to grant amnesty to 12 million people here illegally ::

It is also terribly “mean” to prosecute the homeless armed bank robber, right? He’s just trying to survive and banks have all that money, ya’know.

And how terribly mean is it to arrest, jail and prosecute the 80-year-old who grabs grade-school girls for his sexual desires. It’s not like they are never gonna have sex when they grow up; it could be considered a social contribution for them. are just “laws” and everything.

17 posted on 11/12/2015 9:21:34 AM PST by Cletus.D.Yokel (Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Alterations: The acronym explains the science.)
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To: ConservingFreedom

“Cruz’s aides have promised an increased effort to highlight policy differences with his rivals, and his remarks teed up a primary race increasingly headed for a collision over immigratio”

Note in this entire article that there is not a single mention of what Cruz’s POLICY on immigration actually is???

Hard to establish policy differences when you don’t articulate any policies.

Pure POLITICIAN. Waiting for the focus group tested responses Ted?

18 posted on 11/12/2015 9:22:43 AM PST by datura (Check their OWNERSHIP)
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To: ConservingFreedom

Recent abuses? LOL. This has been going on for decades. Cruz is trying to take the immigration issue away from Trump. The problem is that Cruz has a record that contradicts his present stance. This concern for American workers is a recent epiphany.

19 posted on 11/12/2015 9:23:14 AM PST by kabar
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To: ConservingFreedom

Cruz and Trump are the only ones who are acceptable on the most important issue that we face.

28 posted on 11/12/2015 9:29:22 AM PST by amnestynone (Political Correction is a tactic based social intimidation to suppress opposing views.)
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To: ConservingFreedom
He added that nominating a clear "amnesty" opponent was essential to Republican chances for victory, since conservatives won't turn out for a candidate they view as weak on the issue.

In the last cycle nominating a clear Obamacare opponent was essential to victory, but R's managed to choose the one candidate who wasn't one. Oh, sure, he sounded like he opposed it during the election (and we most likely wouldn't have it today if he had won) but he couldn't overcome his record.

33 posted on 11/12/2015 9:34:51 AM PST by Gil4 (And the trees are all kept equal by hatchet, ax and saw)
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To: ConservingFreedom
He can cite anything he wants to but Trump was the first one of the candidates that came out on immigration and he wants the ILLEGAL immigrants out of this country to save our economy and to put Americans to work then go after the manufacturing jobs for more Americans, and that's LEGAL Americans...

If the others want to obey our laws on coming into our country Trump has no problem with that, but they are not staying: THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS....

34 posted on 11/12/2015 9:36:18 AM PST by HarleyLady27 (I have such happy days, I hope you do too!!!)
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To: ConservingFreedom

Cruz needs to concentrate not just on Rubio being against deportations, but also on him being in favor of “a path to citizenship.” See

Making illegals citizens, even 10 years down the line, cements a Dem majority FOREVER. They are already working feverishly through HUD (thanks, La Raza Castro, the Latino Obama - complete with America-hating mother) to put immigrants on the public dole into purple states, but making a few million more of them citizens would tip the scales for good.

They’ve been working on this project since 1965, when Bobby Kennedy drew up the immigration act and Teddy Kennedy proposed it in the Senate. Letting them win on this issue will guarantee a loss for us on EVERY OTHER ISSUE WE CARE ABOUT - abortion, freedom of religion, the 2nd Amendment, fiscal responsibility, a strong defense and foreign policy, speech codes, etc., etc. Cruz needs to hammer this home EVERY DAY.

No citizenship for illegals, EVER! Those who stay must have a PERMANENT addition to their papers and other records that they are forever ineligible for citizenship here. Further, we need a law invalidating birthright citizenship - but barring a blanket repeal of the concept, at the least it must be applied to ALL illegal and also to ANY children whom they have had.

40 posted on 11/12/2015 9:43:11 AM PST by Ancesthntr ("The right to buy weapons is the right to be free." A. E. van Vogt)
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To: ConservingFreedom

Multi-national politicians are more concerned about fraudulently documented foreigners than they are about the citizens or the rule of law.

Don’t vote for them or you will lose your country.

45 posted on 11/12/2015 9:44:36 AM PST by Lurkinanloomin (Know Islam, No Peace - No Islam, Know Peace)
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To: ConservingFreedom

“The topic comes up often at Republican events in New Hampshire, and Cruz received several related questions. One woman asked about his prior support during the 2013 immigration debate for legislation expanding H1B visas for high skilled workers.

“Cruz, citing recent reports of abuses by large companies to facilitate outsourcing, said he was working on a bill with Sen. Jeff Sessions — a leading GOP hawk on immigration — to ‘fundamentally change the H1B program.’

“’These stories are horrifying, those stories are a serious abuse of the program,’ Cruz said.”

Glad Cruz is stepping up on the H1B fraud. Let’s see how far he is willing to go to curtail the massive legal immigration problem that is overwhelming us.

62 posted on 11/12/2015 9:59:41 AM PST by SharpRightTurn (White, black, and red all over--America's affirmative action, metrosexual president.)
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To: ConservingFreedom

Ted Cruz on Immigration

Support Kate’s Law: oppose our leaders who won’t enforce

Q: About the murder of Kate Steinle, allegedly shot down by an illegal immigrant—will you support Kate Steinle’s Law, which would impose a mandatory five-year prison term for an illegal who is deported and then returns to this country?

CRUZ: Absolutely yes. And not only will I support it I have authored Kate’s law in the United States Senate and filed that legislation. I tried to get the Senate to vote to pass Kate’s law on the floor of the Senate just one week ago, and the leader of our own party blocked a vote on Kate’s law. You know, there was reference made [by Donald Trump] about our leaders being stupid. It’s not a question of stupidity. It’s that they don’t want to enforce the immigration laws. That there are far too many in the Washington cartel that support amnesty. There’s 7 billion people across the face of the globe, many of whom want to come to this country. If they come legally, great. But if they come illegally & get amnesty, that would fundamentally change this country.
Source: Fox News/Facebook Top Ten First Tier debate transcript , Aug 6, 2015

Path to citizenship is profoundly unfair to legal immigrants

The Texas senator is pretty unequivocal: “I think a path to citizenship for those who are here illegally is profoundly unfair to the millions of legal immigrants who followed the rules,” Cruz told ABC in 2013.

Cruz has repeatedly referred to President Obama’s executive order as “lawless amnesty,” and in 2013, he filed an amendment that would deny a pathway to citizenship to undocumented immigrants. However, Cruz has shown some vague support for a “path to legal status,” according to The New York Times. He has also proposed doubling the number of green cards given out each year.

Cruz has opposed the DREAM Act, which would “provide illegal immigrants who were brought to the United States as children a path to permanent residency if they attend college or serve in the military.” In 2014, he unsuccessfully tried to reverse Obama’s executive order to halt the deportation of young, undocumented immigrants.
Source: National Journal 2016 series: Republicans on immigration , Feb 23, 2015

End Obama’s illegal amnesty via Congress’ checks & balances

Q: How to respond to the split within your party on immigration? What you’re saying is that the Republicans should vote to fund the governments for all departments except one: no funding for the Department of Homeland Security, which handles immigration, rescinding President Obama’s executive action, and if he vetoes that, he’s responsible for shutting down the department. The problem is that’s almost exactly what you did with the government shutdown across the entire government in 2013 with ObamaCare, and it backfired badly on your party.

CRUZ: All across this country, Republicans campaigned, saying: if you elect a Republican Senate, we will stop President Obama’s illegal amnesty. We need to honor what we said. We should use the constitutional checks and balances that we have to rein in the abuse of power of the executive. Step #1 is if the president implements this lawless amnesty, that the Senate will not confirm any executive or judicial nominees.
Source: Fox News Sunday 2014 interview of 2016 presidential hopefuls , Nov 23, 2014

Defund amnesty; and refuse any nominees until rescinded

Q: How would you rescind President Obama’s executive action on immigration?

CRUZ: We should use the constitutional checks and balances that we have to rein in the abuse of power of the executive. Step #1 that I have called for is the incoming majority leader should announce if the president implements this lawless amnesty, that the Senate will not confirm any executive or judicial nominees, other than vital national security positions, for the next two years, unless and until the president ends this lawless amnesty. That is an explicit authority given to the Senate.

Q: Are you saying the Senate should refuse to confirm the president’s new nominee for attorney general?

CRUZ: We have to rein in the executive. In the Federalist Papers, our Framers talked about a president who would behave like a monarch. And step #2, we’ve got is the power of the purse, and we should fund one at a time the critical priorities of the federal government, but also use the power of the purse to attach riders.
Source: Fox News Sunday 2014 interview of 2016 presidential hopefuls , Nov 23, 2014

No path to citizenship for 1.65 million illegals in Texas

When discussing what to do about the 1.65 million illegal immigrants living in Texas, Cruz weaved into the Second Amendment, alleging his opponent didn’t support gun rights. “What does this have to do with the question?” Sadler asked before fiercely denying his opponent’s allegation. Cruz again said he didn’t support a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants living in America, while Sadler said the opposite, as expected.
Source: WFAA-TV Dallas-Fort Worth on 2012 Texas Senate debate , Oct 2, 2012

Give police more power to ask about immigration status

Cruz accused Dewhurst of using his position as head of the Texas Senate to kill a bill last year that would have given police more power to ask anyone they detain about their citizenship status—a charge Dewhurst denied.

Both agreed that the US has failed to secure its border with Mexico, and said they oppose amnesty for illegal immigrants and the Obama administration’s new directive allowing many young illegal immigrants brought to the US as children to be exempted from deportation.
Source: San Francisco Chronicle on 2012 Texas Senate debates , Jun 22, 2012

Boots on the ground, plus a wall

Border wall: James and Leppert oppose a wall, Dewhurst and Cruz tout “boots on the ground” and a wall in some places.
Source: on 2012 Texas Senate Debate , Apr 18, 2012

Triple the size of the Border Patrol

Cruz on immigration: Wants to triple size of Border Patrol. Says Dewhurst supported in-state tuition for kids of illegal immigrants.

Source: KVUE coverage of 2012 Texas Senate debate , Mar 29, 2012

Strengthen border security and increase enforcement

Ted Cruz has worked to strengthen border security and help ensure that America remains a nation of laws. Among other efforts, he has worked on efforts to increase penalties for felons who enter the country illegally.

Ted authored a U.S. Supreme Court amicus brief on behalf of 10 states in Lopez v. Gonzales, urging the strictest enforcement of laws punishing those with prior felony convictions who entered the country illegally.
Source: Campaign website,, “Issues” , Jul 17, 2011


Ted Cruz on more issues with links to detailed quotes.

The bottom of the page has links to the other candidates.

I’ve found this site to be quite accurate and reasonably unbiased. [Note: I have not found a detailed discussion on his H1B history and current positions, which seem to be the only objections I hear to Cruz other than whether he’s “likable”.]

65 posted on 11/12/2015 10:02:35 AM PST by Pollster1 ("Shall not be infringed" is unambiguous.)
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To: ConservingFreedom

Rubio’s a closet ‘amnesty’ guy...

68 posted on 11/12/2015 10:07:05 AM PST by GOPJ
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To: ConservingFreedom; onyx; JustAmy; trisham; DJ MacWoW; RedMDer; musicman; Lady Jag; TheOldLady; ...

Trump is right. Hope Cruz signs on:

End the economy-killing, jobs-killing, culture-killing, society-killing, capitalism-killing, sovereignty-killing, freedom-killing illegal alien invasion.

Build the wall, secure the borders, enforce the law, deport the illegals, end anchor babies, end sanctuary cities, fine or jail the corrupt employers knowingly importing/hiring cheap illegal foreign labor.

Impeach/remove corrupt government officials and judges who refuse to abide by the constitution and enforce laws of the land.

Most of the illegals will go home on their own when they can’t get jobs or government handouts (and they’ll take their families with them). Deport the rest as they’re caught committing crimes.

97 posted on 11/12/2015 11:52:33 AM PST by Jim Robinson (Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God!)
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