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Mizzou: A Generation of Sheltered Kids -- and the Adults Who Cave to Them
Rush ^ | November 10, 2015 | Rush Limbaugh

Posted on 11/10/2015 4:53:54 PM PST by Kaslin


RUSH: You have a small number, a genuinely small number of malcontents. Look, I want to be very precise in the way I characterize these student protesters, because they are actually -- and they're legit. Don't misunderstand. But they are being manipulated.

These people, these young people, these students I think are a product of the self-esteem movement that so many parents seemed to have adopted over the last generation or two. The self-esteem movement that found its way into schools. Look, I don't have kids, so you people out there that disagree, you're gonna have to call and correct me on this if you think I'm missing the point here, but I don't think I am. I think we have a young generation, a generation of young people that -- let me set it up by pointing out the things they're demanding.

They're demanding safe spaces at places like Yale and at Mizzou and many other college campuses. What are safe spaces? Where they are not subjected to people that disagree and where they're not subjected to symbols that hurt their feelings, and they're not subjected to negative comments, and they're not subjected to jokes that they don't like. In other words, they are shielded and protected from reality. They are basically -- I don't know any word to describe them but cowards. They're just scared to death of reality. They're scared to death of life. And they have been raised and educated to believe that it is legitimately possible to shield yourself from anything that's upsetting.

And if somebody gets through that shield and succeeds in upsetting you, then they have to go. We've got to do something about them. We can't handle symbols that offend us. We can't handle speech that bothers us. We can't handle actions. We can't handle just the normal day-to-day aspects and characteristics of life. They have been shielded from them. I'm not talking about the leaders of this, the Black Lives Matter. These are hardcore leftist community organizers out of the Saul Alinsky, Barack Obama school, and they have manipulated these kids.

They've recognized what they've got, and they're manipulating them perfectly. They have turned them into their own little army, and once they got the football team on board... Do you realize how this changes college football going forward? Do you realize the pressure that's going to be brought to bear on every college football program to now get involved in politics? And if they don't, can you imagine the peer pressure that's gonna be brought down on these athletes on college football teams who decide they don't want to get involved in things like this?

This is going to change forever if people don't get a handle on this. But right now, the adults are totally caving the politically correct crowd, including manipulative adults and shielded-from-reality students are running the show. The inmates are running the asylum. You know, I'm fascinated by cultural shifts, cultural evolution, 'cause I care about the future of the country. I'm very much concerned about the kind of people we're raising, educating, how we're raising them, how we're educating them.

What kind of country are we going to have when these little brats end up becoming adults and someday become the targets of the kind of treatment they are handing out? These people are no more prepared for the realities of life anywhere in the world... In fact, they may be less prepared for it than people who are not going to college. I think college is regressing. It's causing... It's stunting the growth. I think it is giving these kids a false sense of their power and their security. I think it's creating a convoluted and distorted version of what's possible and what isn't.

And I think it's the exact opposite of preparing them for lives as adults, and I fear for what is going to happen when this country's in the hands of people like this. Not just the manipulators, but the students as well. When you read, you'll hear some of the comments from some of these students. What happened in Ferguson traumatized 'em. They were literally traumatized. But they don't know the truth of what happened in Ferguson. They still, like I said yesterday, most of them believe that the Gentle Giant was a gentle giant and that he was trying to surrender.

They still don't know the truth.

Do you know that the University of Missouri Law School class demanded that their exams be postponed because of the trauma they were dealing with having watched what went down in Ferguson? And it was so close, they didn't feel protected. They didn't feel shielded. They feared the same thing could happen to them. They feared the cops could just start roaming the streets of Columbia, Missouri, and start shooting anybody they wanted. And they were so traumatized, they asked to be excused from taking the test. And what did the university do?

They bent over, grabbed the ankles, said, "Fine and dandy." They're coddling them. It's the exact opposite of the way anyone would think is a responsible way to educate kids, to raise kids, what have you. At Yale University we've got even more evidence of the student body there being traumatized by everyday occurrences and their inability to deal with it. Jason Whitlock, of all people, has characterized it thus. "Young people -- of all colors and economic levels -- are not nurtured the way they used to be.

"They're far more sensitive and vulnerable than previous generations. What rolled off our shoulders crushes them. They see themselves as unwilling to take [BS]. We see them as soft and unprepared for a world that has never once been fair or concerned with individual feelings." I don't subscribe to all of that, but I think it's a fairly accurate characterization of many of the students, the joiners in these protests. Not the leaders. The leaders are a whole different ball of wax, just like it always is throughout liberalism.

The liberal leaders are a far different breed of cat than the rank-and-file followers are, and I'm talking about the followers here, the average, ordinary student getting caught up in all this. But it's not getting caught up. I think it's legitimate. I think they're genuinely afraid. Somebody goes driving down the street with a Confederate flag flying from the car, and they get scared to death. They feel personally threatened. They demand something be done about it. And the school didn't do anything about it, so the university president had to be fired.

They got scared with somebody driving around town with a Confederate flag. Well, no, scared or oppor... The leaders... This is any point: The leaders see an opportunity in this. I think there's genuine fright over this. That's my whole point. I think in some of these young people, there is a total inability to deal with anything that is outside their comfort level. What's most fascinating is the way the adults are dealing with it. By adults, I mean, the faculty and the administration.


RUSH: Where do you think Obama comes down on this situation at Mizzou? Oh, you're right. He absolutely loves it. Obama is reliving his own childhood going through this. The Regime "is praising protesters who successfully forced University of Missouri President Tim Wolfe to announce his resignation. White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest praised the group of protesters for rallying together and demanding change, pointing out that Obama’s first presidential campaign was embodied by the same spirit." It reminds me during the Arab Spring, when Egypt was trying to get rid of Mubarak...

I should say, the Muslim Brotherhood was trying to get rid of Hosni Mubarak, and the youth were protesting in Egypt in Tahrir Square, 'cause Egypt had fallen on hard economic times much like the United States has. So CNN sent the esteemed Nic Robertson over to Tahrir Square to ask the protestors what it meant to them that Barack Obama had inspired their priest. And they said, "Who? Barack what? Obama's got nothing to do with what we're doing."

"All right, well, Mustapha, let me ask you. What do you think about Obama's proposal that the young people get jobs and workable wages and...?"

"I don't know what Obama believes."

My point is, the Regime tried to take credit for what happened in Egypt and they deserved it. It's a mess. And the Regime clearly wants to be seen on the side of the malcontent children, because it's all about overthrowing the current power structure wherever it is as part of the transformation of the United States into a nation not at all like it was founded. "Earnest praised the group of protesters for rallying together and demanding change, pointing out that Obama's first presidential campaign was embodied by the same spirit."

There is some truth to that, though not in the way Earnest means it. But certainly a subtext in the Obama campaign was that he was owed the presidency because of his skin color. He played on that. He got a lot of people voting for him simply for that reason, because of what they hoped it would accomplish, and that would be the end of racism. How many people voted for Obama thinking that's what their vote meant and how many of them are today regretting it, shocked, dismayed, sad that racial relations have worsened and are epitomized by what's going on at Mizzou? What happened in Ferguson, Missouri.

Obama hasn't made any of it better. But he has not failed. This kind of thing is exactly what Obama dreamed of and inspired.

Naturally, he associates with it.


RUSH: As usually happens during discussions of the youth of America on this program, and particularly on college campuses, I will report something factual and be deluged with e-mails from people who do not believe me, accuse me of making it up. So I then am forced to go get evidence, which I'm happy to do. I have some here in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers. Just one story, but this is one of many. They're all over the place. The University of Missouri police -- this is the university police force, not the Columbia, Missouri, police force. The University of Missouri police asked students to report "hurtful speech."

The Missouri University Police Department, MUPD, sent an e-mail to students Tuesday morning --" that's today, for those of you in Rio Linda "-- urging them to call them and report any hurtful speech they encounter on the campus. In an email that was flagged by several Missouri-based journalists, the MUPD asked 'individuals who witness incidents of hateful and/or hurtful speech or actions' to call the department’s general phone line 'to continue to ensure that the University of Missouri campus remains safe.'"

We have a bunch of children, folks. We have a bunch of four- and five-year-olds who see the bogeyman outside the back door. And everybody's the bogeyman, everyone. It doesn't matter. Everything outside the comfort level, and it's very narrow, the comfort level is very narrow. You'd better be 100 percent politically correct. You cannot be in any way, shape, manner, or form conservative. You can't be self-reliant. You can't be self-confident. All of that offends. All of that scares.

I'm not kidding. If you're confident running around campus, sure of yourself, having a good time, you pose a threat because nobody's supposed to be that sure of themselves. Nobody's supposed to be that confident, because there are too many outside forces that are working to undermine people. And you're not supposed to be able to just have that stuff roll off your back. And anybody who can is a suspect, because it's not natural. You are to be vulnerable. You are to be exposed. You are to be very wary of those things that can hurt you. If anybody says anything outside the doctrine of climate change, they're gonna be reported. If anybody makes any kind of a stereotypical joke, they are now going to be reported to the campus cops.

This is another example of the adults caving. They're trying to buy peace. This is not the way to get it. This is not the way you deal with bullies. I don't care if they're children bullies, coward bullies, or what have you. This is not the way you deal with them. You stand up to them. You push back against them. But nobody's willing to do that. Nobody's willing to do that to the Democrat Party bullies; nobody's willing to do that to the White House bullies; nobody's willing to do it to student bullies; nobody's willing to do it to race hustler bullies. So we end up with a bunch of stories that are fabrications and out-and-out lies such as "hands up, don't shoot."

We have students 120 miles down the road literally scared to death and feeling unsafe because there was not an appropriate response from the university administration after Ferguson happened. Never mind that the students don't know the truth of what happened in Ferguson, and if they're told it, that makes them feel unsafe. That frightens them. That worries them. They don't want to hear anything other than what they, quote, unquote, know to be true. Be it climate change; be it fossil fuels; be it blood for oil; be it you name it, "hands up, don't shoot."

So the University of Missouri police department is suggesting that students provide a detailed description of the offender, the location of the offender, or the license plate number of the offender's car, and if the car is offensive. And they're being urged to even take pictures of the people saying or doing things that offend them, that make them feel unsafe. Take pictures of people engaging in hurtful speech. You know what hurtful speech is? It's anything our little children don't understand. It's anything our little children don't agree with. It's anything our little children don't want to have to deal with. It's all hurtful and they demand to be protected from it.

The only way to be protected from it is to find the people engaging in hurtful speech using the First Amendment and somehow penalize them, kick them out of school, kick them out of town, put them in jail, whatever it takes to protect our precious treasure of young college children. Yes, because they must not be upset. They must not at all ever encounter anything that makes them the slightest bit uncomfortable, otherwise they may have to postpone taking tests because they will not be in proper mental attitude of success to take one. It is a terrible, terrible downward cycle that we have put our children in, all because of the mean-spirited, racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic American culture.

In the email, MUPD readily admits that hurtful or hateful speech is not against the law," but that doesn't matter. Only the feelings of our young children students matter. The police department writes, if the individuals identified, the hurtful speech students, if they're students, the University's Office of Student Conduct will be informed and will take disciplinary action. Do you realize the power this gives the children? (crying) "I saw a Confederate flag two blocks away going through a green light!" And they're gonna track down that car, they're gonna find the Confederate flag, and if it's a student, student's gonna hear from the university administration department and explain him- or herself. And if they don't have a valid reason for driving around with a Confederate flag somewhere on their car -- and who could in this day and age -- then I shudder to think what's gonna happen. They might be thrown out of school because they're unnecessarily upsetting the student body.

The Confederate flag example is real. This hunger strike student says that he was walking along campus one day and heard somebody shouting the N-word. He doesn't know who, doesn't know where it came from, so he tried to get the university president, Tim Wolfe, whatever his name is, do something about it, and the university president's office didn't respond to the guy, and that's what started this. Did you know that? Did you know that that's what started this? Theoretically that's what started this. What started this is political correctness, the multicultural curriculum and liberal community organizers decades ago started this, but the specific event was started by this hunger strike kid walking along campus.

He's been on campus for seven years. Do you know that? Seven years! How does one stay on campus seven years if you can't afford it? How does one stay on campus seven years if you're passing your classes? How does one stay on campus that's so rotten and horrible and racist and bigoted? Why would you stay there for seven years?

Anyway, apparently he's walking down the street minding his own business, being a good liberal -- highly attuned to anything that might offend or upset everybody -- and from somewhere over there across the street, building, something he hears the N-word, and he can barely go on. In his quaking fear he calls the university office, the office of the president, and reports the incident. He can't identify anybody. He just says it happened, and therefore the climate is unsafe. Therefore it's not safe, the environment.

Nothing is safe. Everybody feels threatened. The student feels threatened. Apparently the president of the college didn't respond, didn't do anything. The office of the president didn't react, and therefore the students felt ostracized. They felt ignored. They felt irrelevant. They felt like nobody cared. Nobody from upper management, theoretically, cared. Nobody was upset whatsoever. And we have an unsafe, dangerous environment, and nobody cared to do anything. And that's what started all of this. The football team?

Look, that's a whole 'nother thing, and you have no idea what that's gonna mean. I mean, weeks or months from now, next season, you wait 'til these people learn that they can get their universities to do anything if they can co-opt the football team into joining whatever they're protesting. And imagine the peer pressure on African-American football players. "You better join our protest or else! You better join us in our protest. You better.

"You better sign this pledge that you not play, not practice. You better sign the boycott pledge." Can you imagine this happening Ohio State? Can you imagine this happening at Clemson? Can you imagine it anywhere? Mizzou has a record nobody cares about. If Mizzou never plays another game, nobody'd miss it. You take it to a program that's got a national championship possibility -- and it's going to happen -- and you're going to have... I've warned you for decades, folks, about how the politicizing of sports is taking place. Nothing is safe from it any longer.


RUSH: There is a professor. She's being misidentified as a journalism professor. That is not who this woman is. This woman is a media... She's an assistant professor of mass media, which is not the journalism school. Mass communications is the degree that people who couldn't get into the journalism school get. Athletes, for example, get this degree: Mass communications. Now, this woman is named Melissa Glick, or is it Elisa Click? You know, I'm seeing it both ways in different stories, Glick or Click.

Either way, I want to read to you her resume. I'd like for you to hear it, 'cause this woman is telling the media they are not welcome among the students as they protest on the Mizzou campus. You know why? Because media is making them feel unsafe, the media is forcing its way in. The left is totally creating... This is what I mean. They created this situation. They're running the show. You know, this whole state is run by Democrats. The university is run by Democrat. The governor's a Democrat, the senators are Democrats -- or one of them is.

How in the world can all of this hell happen when Democrats, who love and feel and touch and have sensitivity and compassion and tolerance, run it? How can this hellhole of a university exist as it does when the whole show is run by Democrats? Anyway, according to the University of Missouri website Melissa Click specializes in... This is the woman; she's teaching your students at the University of Missouri. This is what you're paying 50 grand a year for. She "specializes in 'audience studies, theories of gender, and sexuality and media literacy. Her research interests center on popular culture texts and audiences, particularly texts and audiences disdained in mainstream culture.'"

You would think that she would be writing about conservatives, but no. She means African-Americans and women. Those are the minorities often "disdained." In her corrupted, perverted world of the mainstream media, this woman actually believed the mainstream media's unfair to minorities, unfair to women, and that's why she's not permitting them in the midst of the protests. Her work in this area is guided by audience studies, theories of gender and sexuality, and media literacy.

Current research projects involve 50 Shades of Grey readers, the impact of social media in fans’ relationship with Lady Gaga, masculinity and male fans, messages about class and food in reality television programming, and messages about work in children’s television programs." That's your mass media, mass communications studies teacher. And she was interviewed. We have a sound bite. This is number 1A. She's on CNN This Morning with Carol Costello. Her name is Elisa Glick. And here's how that went.

COSTELLO: Rush Limbaugh said colleges have become an endless parade of victims. Your response?

GLICK: I would say that it's actually difficult to exaggerate the degree to which our campus is in crisis, has been in crisis for some time. Some of our activists are truly talking about being called the N-word on a daily basis. There have been trucks with Confederate flags sighted by the campsite. Students continue to feel threatened and unsafe.

RUSH: You still think I'm making this up? The campus... Have you seen this? The students attending this university are pitching tents and living in tents because it's unsafe elsewhere. They're living amongst themselves where it is safe. Yeah, so there are trucks with Confederate flag driving around, and people... You don't see them. You just hear the N-word. It's really a campus in crisis. Here's a media professor at Mizzou trying to incite the mob against the media. Melissa Click. Here you go.

REPORTER: I'm media. Can I talk to you?

CLICK: No. You need to get out. You need to get out.

REPORTER: No, I don't.

CLICK: You need to get out.

REPORTER: I actually don't.

CLICK: All right. Hey, someone help me get this reporter outta here.

RUSH: "Help me. Help me. Who wants to get this reporter out? Help me. You can't be here." He's a journalist. He's on your side, you dope! He's there to help spread your propaganda. They do not even recognize their friends, 'cause that's what it is. You know, if I had kids -- and I don't. I readily admit it, not that I know of. I wouldn't send 'em to college these days. They'd learn on the Internet or at my knee. I wouldn't pay for this crap. I wouldn't pay anywhere near it.


RUSH: Okay. Here's where I was confused. It's worse than I thought. There are two of these women, okay? Melissa Click and Elisa Glick. The mass media lady (impression), "Get outta here! You can't be in here! You journalists, get out of here!" That's Melissa Click. The gender studies professor, that's Elisa Glick. It's a pure coincidence. Who would have thought? Two of 'em! Oh, my God.


RUSH: You know, I was a student back in the sixties when stuff like this happening now was happening then, too. I wanted no more part of it then than I do now. And honestly, folks, the reason why this stuff is so important to me, is this is totally destructive. We now have... Those students that were protesting in the sixties, those malcontents -- these you name it, whatever motive -- they're running the country now. If you wonder why things where in such a mess, the sixties protesters and their heirs are running things.

Remember, Obama has lamented that he missed them. He feels very bad that he missed them. The people that hate this country, people that despise it, people who grew up being taught what a rotten place this was all the way back in the sixties through today are running the country now. It's why it matters to me. They're tearing it apart. They are destroying this great country as it was founded. It isn't gonna be long until you're gonna start seeing pieces, journalistic pieces -- you're gonna see news stories, commentary -- on all the things Obama did that changed America for the worse.

As we move beyond his terms of office, you're gonna start seeing these kinds of things. People are gonna write about it once it's safe to do so. Because there isn't any question. No matter how you look it, no matter how you examine it, there is an unsettledness about the future of the country, and it's legitimate feelings that people have, differentiated from the feelings that exist on college campus. We just... These feelings, these kids on college campus, they're just asking to be shielded from the reality they are making.

As I said yesterday, these universities somewhat deserve this.

They've been teaching this garbage. They have been teaching this crap. What do they expect after so many years of indoctrinating students with this kind of propaganda? What do they think the students are gonna do? What do they think the students are going to think? When you have years and years and years to get into young skulls full of mush and tell 'em what a rotten place their country is and how life's unfair and how they're never gonna amount to a hill of beans, the deck's totally stacked against 'em and they don't have a chance, what do you think they're gonna do?

Exactly what they are doing. But these people in the faculty think they're teaching in a vacuum or in a bubble where it isn't going to have any impact on them. But it's destructive. This is not useful for these students. It's not furthering their humanity. It's not improving very much about them at all. It's endorsing their cowardice. It is keeping them perpetually childlike. It is shielding them from a world that they can't change. They're never gonna be able to get rid of mean people. They're never gonna.

The problem here is that they're defining people as mean and whatever, who really may not be. It's a quest for utopia that can't be found because it doesn't exist. So they are built-in disappointed. The disappointment, the crushing disappointment is built into the way they're being raised. They're not being raised with any optimism. They're not being educated with any. They're not being educated with the alternate to overcome adversity and obstacles, which everybody has to. Everybody always has.

Listen to the hunger-strike leader. His name is Jonathan Butler. This is last night on Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN. Anderson Cooper said, "You were really prepared to go that far?" Meaning: You were gonna die. Your hunger strike. You are gonna starve to death over this?

BUTLER: I've been facing issues on this campus as an undergrad since 2008, and now as a graduate student here, and I've been facing these issues.

COOPER: As an undergraduate, you're saying you've been facing these issues going back to 2008. Did you feel unsafe on campus?

BUTLER: I felt unsafe since the moment I stepped on this campus.

RUSH: Why are you still there? Eight years. Why are you still there? This is the only place you could get in? Is the only place you don't have to pay to get in? Why are you still there? Eight years and you don't like it? Eight years you feel threatened? Eight years you don't feel safe? Why are you still there? I imagine if old Jonathan was sitting here, his answer would be, "Because I am committed to change! I am committed to overthrowing the racism and the bigotry," whatever it is that's making him feel unsafe. "I am committed to revolution and transformation."

Really? Sounds like you just want to be safe. Sounds like you've willingly kept yourself in places that you don't feel safe. I would love to know what it is that's made him feel unsafe. How many of you feel unsafe how many times a day? How many times do you feel unsafe when you're driving? Something happens, you look like you're driving defensively, a driver looks like he's gonna go through a red light, or you see somebody on your phone in your rearview mirror.

You say, "Oh, my gosh, I hope they're paying attention. Do I have to put the brakes on?" I mean, how many times do you feel unsafe? How many times do you feel unsafe when you are part of a crowd at a sporting event? Who knows what can happen? I mean, feeling unsafe is part of life. Adapting to it is what we have the ability to do. This attempt here to avoid feeling unsafe? I don't know. It's unrealistic to me. And therefore, the demands that come with it are totally unrealistic, and yet the adults cave to it. Everybody's caving to this stuff.

"I feel unsafe because and respected in Ferguson."

What happened in Ferguson?

Well, the Gentle Giant was shot in the back when he was running away, after being stopped illegally by a cop who was a racist and just wanted to murder him."

No. What happens if I tell you that none of that happened? What happened was that the Gentle Giant had just robbed a convenience store. Do you realize that would make them feel unsafe? Telling them the truth about what happened in Ferguson would make them feel unsafe. You know one of the excuses given for all this rabble-rousing at Columbia? The grand jury decision in Ferguson, because the grand jury totally exonerated the cop. They felt unsafe, 120 miles away. They didn't feel secure. They felt unsafe.

Yeah, yeah, I know. The hunger strike began on Friday. This is another thing. This Butler guy wins his hunger strike last Friday, it goes through the weekend, and all during the weekend the media is acting like some giant medical emergency is in the process of taking place here. He looks like he's in his forties to me, the hunger striker, the student (for eight years on the Mizzou campus) who feels unsafe. He's a big guy. I don't know why he would feel unsafe. Frankly, I'm not even convinced he does. I think this is all just something to say.

You have professors running around, saying, "The campus has been in crisis for years now. Our campus... You take your camera away. You can't come in here! You can't! You can't! You can't bring your camera." Play that sound bite again. This is sound bite number two. This is the mass media professorette, Melissa Click, and a videographer (which means a photojournalist), tried to get in the midst of the protests yesterday.

#ConcernedStudent1950 vs the media

REPORTER: I'm media. Can I talk to you?

CLICK: No. You need to get out. You need to get out.

REPORTER: No, I don't.

CLICK: You need to get out.

REPORTER: I actually don't.

CLICK: All right. Hey, someone help me get this reporter outta here.

RUSH: "Help me! Get this reporter out! I feel unsafe. Help me get this reporter outta here." Try being a conservative with the media running around you. Try being Ben Carson for five seconds. You want to know what unsafe is? I don't know. Folks, I hope I'm not making too big deal of this. I just... I think if half of this stuff could be stood up to and stopped, we would save ourselves a lot of agony down the road in the future. I just letting the inmates run the asylum. And you know what I see? I see microcosms here.

This is exactly how the Republicans deal with the Democrats, scared to stand up to 'em, let 'em have whatever they want, believe the notion that if you do criticize 'em, if you stand up to 'em, somebody's gonna hate you. I'm sure these adults on campus at the University of Missouri think if they stood up to the bullies, that somebody would say bad things about them and they can't win. And the football team joining the fray was the last straw.


RUSH: Let's try Joe in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Joe, do you happen to be with us? Are you there on the EIB Network?

CALLER: Yes, Rush. Can you hear me okay?

RUSH: Yeah, I hear you fine. Slow down a little bit and we'll be cool.

CALLER: Okay. Okay. I wanted to call and tell you, for one, I'm a big fan. I listen to you every day before my job. And then, two, what I wanted to say was I've kind of been listening to the radio today, and I'm a big fan of yours when it comes to, you know, when you discuss economics, but not so much when you talk about social issues. But as far as what's been going on in the University of Missouri, I understand the sentiment of the young people there. And I'm not necessarily in total agreeance with a lot of this being mixed up with Ferguson and things of that nature. But ultimately I do, like I was telling your screener, I really do feel that what they're trying to achieve is, you know, some more attention towards some of the social and discrimination that goes on with the United States of America, like during, you know, like I was talking to your screener --

RUSH: Wait, wait, wait just a second. You really think they're protesting against discrimination and racism on the campus of the University of Missouri?

CALLER: I don't necessarily -- I feel like it's more they're trying to bring attention to the way they feel. I feel that in today's society, whether it be the -- it's the same I believe with the Trayvon Martin situation, that was kind of the catalyst.

RUSH: What was the Trayvon Martin -- wait a minute. What was the Trayvon Martin situation? What happened there?

CALLER: Okay, well, you know, I mean contrary to some belief, you know, a lot of people believed that he was a criminal walking the streets and was, you know, about to perpetuate a crime and was killed by George Zimmerman who was a good citizen. In my humble opinion, I believe that he was afraid of this young man he saw walking the street and he approached him and --

RUSH: Let me stop -- whatever happened there, whatever happened, what does it have to do with the University of Missouri and the way anybody there feels?

CALLER: I digress. I digress. Let me get back on point. Okay, so what I wanted to say was this. During the times of slavery or segregation or Jim Crow, whatever, you take, for instance, if you were to get those people from that time, that day and age, they would look at today's society and say this is totally unacceptable --

RUSH: Wait a minute. Joe, do you actually think there are vestiges of slavery at the University of Missouri?

CALLER: No, no, no. That's not what I'm saying.

RUSH: So we have to throw Trayvon Martin out. We have to throw slavery out.

CALLER: Let me just get to main point, Rush, please. My main point is this. I just feel like they want more attention on the fact that there are racial disparities here in the United States. That's it. And I feel like you have to understand and appreciate their way of going about doing it. They're doing it in a peaceful manner. They are bringing attention to the fact that there is, that this exists.

RUSH: Okay, then let me ask you now, why do they keep voting Democrat, then? Because the Democrats are responsible for all this. The Democrats ran Ferguson, ran Missouri, Democrats run the University of Missouri, Democrats run Baltimore, Maryland, the Democrats were the prosecutors and so forth in the Trayvon Martin case. I mean, in the first place, so much of this seems bogus to me and too convenient. I think what the students want is no grades and no tuition. They just want to be able to go to school, get a degree, they want A's and they want no tuition and they want free meals, and they get it by claiming they're discriminated against, they feel unsafe, they're being treated unfairly or of what you.

You know, this generation's actually a little smarter than the one -- can you imagine the damage the sixties protesters could have done if they had figured out that they could have just stayed in bed and gotten the football teams at these campuses to boycott? Whoever's running these protests, I mean, you gotta give 'em some credit for some smarts here in figuring out how to max what they're trying to do. But I think most of it's bogus. There isn't all this racism in this country they claim there is.


RUSH: Drudge just put up his lead item, something I told you about an hour ago. The university police -- Mizzou University police, not the City of Columbia. Mizzou university police have told students to report to them any "hurtful speech." Snerdley missed that because he was screening calls, but let me go through this quickly since Drudge just put it up. We had this an hour ago. " The Missouri University Police Department..." (interruption)

No, no, no. I'm just telling you. We're on the cutting edge here. "The Missouri University Police Department (MUPD) sent an email to students Tuesday morning urging them to call them and report any hurtful speech they encounter on the campus. In an email that was flagged by several Missouri-based journalists, the MUPD asked 'individuals who witness incidents of hateful and/or hurtful speech or actions' to call the department's general phone line 'to continue to ensure that the University of Missouri campus remains safe.'"

So the little children are being told now, any time anyone says or does anything that is hurtful, they are to call the police. Yes, the police. Further, "They suggest that students provide a detailed description of the offender, their location or license plate number, and even to take a picture if possible," of the offender. "In the email, MUPD readily admits that hurtful or hateful speech is not against the law. But, they write, 'if the individuals identified are students, MU's Office of Student Conduct can take disciplinary action.'"

Mediaite asked the cops about this, and they said, "We are simply asking them to report what they feel is hurtful and/or hateful speech." Report it to the cops. We laughed when they call 911 in Port St. Lucie when they were out of Chicken McNuggets. We laughed. And now look. Now it's becoming policy. "Hurray! Hurrah! Mizzou! Mizzou! Hurray! Hurrah!" It's embarrassing, Mizzou. The whole thing is embarrassing. Are there any adults left there?


TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; US: Missouri
KEYWORDS: education; limbaugh; mizzou; politicalcorrectness; rush; rushlimbaugh

1 posted on 11/10/2015 4:53:54 PM PST by Kaslin
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To: Kaslin

Colleges used to be places where you were exposed to new ideas and learned how to deal with difficult situations, i.e. become an adult. Sadly, they are now cocoons where children are to be protected and sheltered from the world where no one gives a tinker’s damn about your delicate feelings.

2 posted on 11/10/2015 5:00:59 PM PST by Blood of Tyrants (There's a right to gay marriage in the Constitution but there is no right of an unborn baby to life.)
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To: Kaslin

First, they are adults. Second they are not being manipulated. they are enacting a shared vision with other leftists.

Lastly they are manipu-lating. They are aggressors, not precious little snowflakes. they learned aggressive in the passive forms and the open forms and are acting on their skillset with forethought and malice.

3 posted on 11/10/2015 5:06:31 PM PST by Norm Lenhart (Existential Cage Theory - Embrace it)
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To: Kaslin

I hope BYU kicks their commie bRAT, racist @$$es.

4 posted on 11/10/2015 5:20:50 PM PST by FlingWingFlyer (#blackfridaysmatter)
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To: Kaslin

“””We have a bunch of children, folks. We have a bunch of four- and five-year-olds who see the bogeyman outside the back door. And everybody’s the bogeyman, everyone..”””

I heard this and I wished I could have gotten through. I disagree with this - these “kids” aren’t afraid they are on the attack. They have been taught to use any means necessary to get what they want. Soon we’ll hear them demand physical punishment for those who disagree with them. Then they’ll start getting violent when they don’t get their way.

5 posted on 11/10/2015 5:21:48 PM PST by raybbr (Obamacare needs a deatha panel)
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To: Kaslin

Nothing to do with coddling kids and everything to do with leftist ideology. These are young reds behind this.

6 posted on 11/10/2015 5:28:43 PM PST by Impy (They pull a knife, you pull a gun. That's the CHICAGO WAY, and that's how you beat the rats!)
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To: Kaslin

Liked George Will tonight - “They’ve been raised as delicate snowflakes and are all afraid they might melt - good”....

7 posted on 11/10/2015 5:29:02 PM PST by Intolerant in NJ
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To: FlingWingFlyer
I hope BYU kicks their commie bRAT, racist @$$es

With Mizzou's offense this year, anyone can kick their butt.

8 posted on 11/10/2015 5:36:28 PM PST by NewsJunqui
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To: Norm Lenhart

I checked out the Mizzou alumni Facebook page. Not a lot of traffic, but it is almost universally against the protest actions. Maybe they will vote with their wallets.

9 posted on 11/10/2015 5:54:42 PM PST by USNBandit (Sarcasm engaged at all times)
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To: USNBandit

Hopefully. Defunding liberals works.

10 posted on 11/10/2015 6:08:53 PM PST by Norm Lenhart (Existential Cage Theory - Embrace it)
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