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Barack Obama, the Quintessential Liberal Fascist (Timely archived article)
The American Thinker ^ | May 12, 2009 | Kyle-Anne Shiver

Posted on 11/14/2012 10:25:26 AM PST by yoe

"They fear that the development and building of People's (community) Organizations is the building of a vast power group which may fall prey to a fascistic demagogue who will seize leadership and control and turn an organization into a Frankenstein's monster against democracy." - Saul Alinsky responding to his critics, Reveille for Radicals; p. 199

When Saul Alinsky began building his community-organization movement in 1930s Chicago, observers were watching Alinsky with one eye, while with the other eye observing the building of communist and fascist movements in Europe. It wasn't hard then to see in Alinsky's programs at home, elements of the people's revolution from Russia, as well as some of the same "in your face" tactics being employed by Hitler's Brownshirts.

What Alinsky's critics saw was the burgeoning of a national movement, the carefully manipulated construction of people's organizations, which all had two elements in common: (1) a collectivist creed, which denied the existence of personal responsibility; and (2) an amoral dogma, in which all means were justified by an imaginary utopian end.

While most modern Americans remember well Hitler's Holocaust and the Cold War waged by a solid U.S.S.R., many of these same Americans have swallowed some false history regarding the movements that spawned such widespread, horrendous results. In what may be regarded as the most triumphant propaganda victory of our time, fascism has been scrubbed of all its Marxist roots, while communism has been scrubbed of its millions of callous murders.

This post-WWII propaganda coup undeniably set the stage for the early Alinsky critics' most feared eventuality, that the massive organizations could be shrewdly adopted by a fascist demagogue, someone who could "seize leadership and control" and turn them into a "Frankenstein's monster against democracy."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Extended News; Front Page News
KEYWORDS: 2012; alinsky; bhofascism; democrats; elections; liberalfascism; liberalism; liberalprogressivism; liberals; obama; obamatruthfile; progressives; socialistdemocrats; tyranny
Want to know what's ahead for America? READ this article in full...fascinating.

The evil doers against the Remarkable & Exceptional American - free enter prize for all who are willing to work for it.

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened----"

Norman Thomas, six-time Socialist Party presidential candidate and one of the founders of the ACLU.

It is those Americans that Voted for Obama that are so ill-informed it is frightening that have destroyed their country....Obama couldn't have done it without them.

1 posted on 11/14/2012 10:25:32 AM PST by yoe
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To: yoe


                   Seig Heil ?   Nein !   Fick dich, Barak !

2 posted on 11/14/2012 10:32:20 AM PST by tomkat (a million tiny cuts .. add yours daily .. be creative)
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To: yoe

and you wonder why I say to give up?

None of you will fight
None of you are willing to ACTUALLY defend the Constitution
None of you are going to do anything except to yap, yap, yap....

3 posted on 11/14/2012 11:18:00 AM PST by jongaltsr
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To: yoe

This song should be called obamatron

4 posted on 11/14/2012 11:42:19 AM PST by Captain PJ (Are we there yet?)
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