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Olympia Snowe Must Go Now, No really, NOW

Posted on 12/21/2010 2:06:44 PM PST by hausermann

Her DADT and START votes are now a bridge too far. Health Care flirtations and Financial reform gave me indigestion, as did earmarks, but this is as serious as it gets: aiding and abetting our political opponents in an unprecedented un-Americam un-democratic lame-duck cram-down. Those votes make Oly my personal number one electoral target now for 2012. I cannot take the unreliability any more. I would rather see a (D) there from ME (as with CT) than sweat whether she can be wheedled and coerced to see things Rightly.

Somebody please tell me where should I be place my online marketing/technology efforts and/or money to see Oly Snowe challenged and ousted. If we cannot find a national fundraising place online for her specific removal, I will start one of my own.

I saw this, but not sure there is coalescence or if this fellow (no grudge nor brief) is electable, or just another grassroots rushed mistake waiting to happen:

And this: OMG the level of web (and spelling) sophisticado is appalling.... I mean really: Ning?

And Maine Refounders on various sub-sites.

ASIDE: Does nobody with conservative credentials understand the web AT ALL? Feel free to call or write if you need help.

Freedom Works and other places have taken no position I can discern. The time is now in the run-up to 2012.

Let me know if it is time for a new site to pass the hat for a challenger to Snowe.

Snowe Removal by Money Bomb if need be.

TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Front Page News; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Maine
KEYWORDS: 111th; chat; elections; freeperpac; maine; rinofreeamerica; snowe; snowemustgo; snoweouster; snoweremoval; snowerino; vanity
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To: ridesthemiles

Up in 2012:

Jon Kyl of Arizona (will he bail or will he stay?)
Richard Lugar of Indiana (fossil, DADT and START flipper; time to go, you, Dick)
Olympia Snowe of Maine (what this thread is all about)
Scott Brown of Massachusetts (what to say about this guy...should we roll dice and try winning there again? Maybe we will get lucky and Zero will fly in with Bubba and rally with the Dem candidate)
Roger Wicker of Mississippi (I carry no brief...anybody want to dish on Wicker for me?)
John Ensign of Nevada (this guy is a lying bribing cheat embarrassment to all real Republicans [yeah I said “real” Mr. Medved, I am a Purginator], he may as well have done a Tappy McWidestance maneuver when sucking on his DADT vote)
Bob Corker of Tennessee (Bob, wtf with the START, man? Thought you were smarter than that.... They say Hank Williams would like a crack at it, Bob, but I’m not so sure about celebrities anymore, so straighten up man.)
Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas (Kay is fine by me, excepting her age and some easily forgiven hiccups in her Perry challenge.)
Orrin Hatch of Utah (Orrin has a fine history on the Judiciary, but he may be getting a tad old, but certainly not as old as Byrd was, and he is nowhere as vulnerable as uber-squish Bennett. I expect he will ride out his life as Byrd did. Better places to monkey-wrench than UT.)
John Barrasso of Wyoming (Dr. John is my bud, him and Dr. NO! of Oklahoma, who himself is not up in 2012, but to whom I wanted to give a shout out because he rules.)

21 posted on 12/21/2010 2:57:38 PM PST by hausermann (Barackus Primus Libertatis Malleus)
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To: TruthHound; All

“It’s Maine. A RINO is the best you’ll get.”

Really. Why is that? My 86 year old father was born and raised in Maine but left after WWII to move the Okla. and marry my mother and raise a family. He is very conservative.

What happened to make Maine liberal? It isn’t a very populous state.

I really am curious. I haven’t been there myself since 1969. So, my memory of the people is very dated.

22 posted on 12/21/2010 3:00:58 PM PST by Sola Veritas (Trying to speak truth - not always with the best grammar or spelling)
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To: bilhosty

I see, I missed that. (There are 100 Senators after all!)

Thanks for the (outside) tip on her Amnesty(?) leanings?

23 posted on 12/21/2010 3:01:04 PM PST by hausermann (Barackus Primus Libertatis Malleus)
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To: hausermann
Our Party “leaders” will keep pandering to these RINOs just because they claim to be moderates.
Snowe, Collins and Brown probably vote with the Rats 75% of the time on major issues so I don't know why we keep them around?
24 posted on 12/21/2010 3:04:59 PM PST by tobyhill
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To: cowtowney

KBH though has a decent voting record, but it is so apparent that she hates her own voting record, would much rather vote like her ME sisters than forces in TX compel her to do. I wonder if she will even run again. Democrat John Sharp is after her.

25 posted on 12/21/2010 3:07:41 PM PST by Theodore R. (Rush was right when he said America may survive Obama but not the Obama supporters.)
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To: Sola Veritas

ME was part of MA until 1821. It has a spillover from popular MA liberals moving “north” or “down east” as they say. People there like Hillary Clinton and the “It Takes a Village” concept.

26 posted on 12/21/2010 3:10:13 PM PST by Theodore R. (Rush was right when he said America may survive Obama but not the Obama supporters.)
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To: hausermann
Perhaps you and several thousand of your like-minded friends and family should move to Maine and vote appropriately.
27 posted on 12/21/2010 3:11:59 PM PST by douginthearmy
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To: 9YearLurker

Yes, that is my question as well.

I am Left Coast, but I seethe to buy an online blowtorch to make Snowe melt politically like the Wicked Witch of the East would. If that buys Maine a (D) I could not care less, it could not get worse, in exact analogy with CT. My State has fallen into the Pacific and the Right can’t get a fingerhold here for love or money right now. I want my money to work maximally. Eliminating the political threat of Snowe sounds like a very worthwhile venture to me.

Who is with me?

Let’s do this, just help me identify how. I am a web programmer and online marketing genius who would work long hours for minwage or even gratis to see her succumb to the votes of our Maine brethren.

28 posted on 12/21/2010 3:12:46 PM PST by hausermann (Barackus Primus Libertatis Malleus)
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To: TruthHound

“It’s Maine. A RINO is the best you’ll get.”

No, no no!

Look at Pennsylvania. We voted for RINO Specter in 2004 because of that kind of philosophy. And we paid for it for 6 years.

But in 2010, Specter’s gone. Lost to a conservative.

Maine can dump Snowe (and Collins too) and be better off for it, no matter what.

29 posted on 12/21/2010 3:14:58 PM PST by FroggyTheGremlim
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To: Da Coyote

“Polonium soup?”

How about Palinium soup served hot at a Tea Party?

30 posted on 12/21/2010 3:21:03 PM PST by oldfart (Obama nation = abomination. Think about it!)
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To: TruthHound

We elected a Tea Party conservative here in Maine on Nov. 2nd.

That being said, Snowe and Collins must go.

31 posted on 12/21/2010 3:22:17 PM PST by july4thfreedomfoundation (A Jimmy Carter got us a Ronald Reagan......A Barack Obama will get us a Sarah Palin)
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To: eCSMaster

Doesn’t seem as if there’s much RINO about their new guv. Wonder if he’d have any candidates in mind or would be afraid to rock the boat—and not have Snowe fall overboard.

32 posted on 12/21/2010 3:22:20 PM PST by 9YearLurker
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To: Theodore R.

KBH made everybody in the DFW area pay more for flights. She is solely responsible for the scheme to give American and Southwest Airlines more power and less competition. She makes me sick.

She took care of her corporate contributors at the expense of every here.

33 posted on 12/21/2010 3:28:54 PM PST by cowtowney
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To: hausermann

Call Mitch McConnell’s office he is after all susposedlly IN CONTROL of his senators. Remind them of NOVEMBER and we are taking names and recording votes of GOP breaking their oath of office and siding with bambi.


Sen. Corker’s office 202-224-3344

Sen. Lamar Alexander 202-224-4944

Mitch McConnell 202-224-2541

Toll-Free number to the Congressional Switchboard (866) 338-1015.

34 posted on 12/21/2010 3:32:19 PM PST by GailA (NO JESUS, NO CHRISTmas!)
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To: 9YearLurker

Here, read this on potential RINO-ism in the Maine Statehouse coming up:

This one says Pete “the Carpenter” Harring, a TEA party fellow of some repute, was made part of LePage’s transition team, much to the consternation of some Lefty site I have read.

I have no idea about either Andrew Ian Dodge, presumably a Brit in a Yankee Court, nor Scott D’Amboise, whose site I refer to in the original thread.

If anybody would like to comment on their reliability and electability, I am all eyes.

35 posted on 12/21/2010 3:35:56 PM PST by hausermann (Barackus Primus Libertatis Malleus)
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To: Theodore R.; All

“ME was part of MA until 1821. It has a spillover from popular MA liberals moving “north” or “down east” as they say. People there like Hillary Clinton and the “It Takes a Village” concept.”

Yes, Maine was split for MA, but that was a very long time ago. Maine was a backwoods place and mainly rural. Those types tend to be conservative. If they have gone liberal, it had to have occurred in the later part of the 20th Century. What caused them to change? Are the Republicans in Maine just the remnants of Lincoln? Are they the post Theodore R. Republicans? There has to be a better explaination as to why these, primary rural people vote for such liberal Republicans.

Can someone speak better on this, I’m really curious?

36 posted on 12/21/2010 3:36:58 PM PST by Sola Veritas (Trying to speak truth - not always with the best grammar or spelling)
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To: bilhosty

If the best you can get is a traitor. Then give me the known enemy.

37 posted on 12/21/2010 3:38:22 PM PST by itsahoot (We the people, allowed Republican leadership to get us here, only God's Grace can get us out.)
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To: hausermann

I hasten to point out that LePage has familial loyalty to Snowe, which is commendable, but costly for all of us. I have no data on whether Snowe conduited funds over to LePage to ensure extra loyalty.

38 posted on 12/21/2010 3:39:18 PM PST by hausermann (Barackus Primus Libertatis Malleus)
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To: itsahoot


39 posted on 12/21/2010 3:40:03 PM PST by hausermann (Barackus Primus Libertatis Malleus)
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To: hausermann
If she wins the primary, I swear to god, I`ll support her rat opponent. Whats the freekin difference, god, I hate those stinking republicrat faithful party-crats.We SO need a THIRD PARTY!
40 posted on 12/21/2010 3:51:33 PM PST by nomad
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