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Obama Wears Many Different Faces Along The Campaign Trail To Get Votes
The Bulletin ^ | October 9, 2008 | Herb Denenberg

Posted on 10/09/2008 9:24:37 AM PDT by jazusamo

Let me introduce you to the many faces of Sen. Barack Obama. There is Barack "Neville Chamberlain" Obama; Barack "Herbert Hoover" Obama; Barack "Jimmy Carter" Obama, and Barack "Storm Trooper" Obama. There are many more; they are ever changing; and they seem to be unguided by any core values but controlled only by political expediency.

But before introducing you to some of these people reincarnated in Sen. Obama, let me introduce you to the most concerning of all of the many faces of Sen. Obama: Barack "The Cat in a Bag" Obama.

We're at the most dangerous and uncertain times, not only in the history of the U.S., but also in the history of the world. Do we really want a president with a razor-thin resume, who has not been fully vetted and who won't answer questions about such things as his association with terrorists? Do we really want a political toddler, who has never accomplished anything of note in his career and who seems to spend almost all of his time not in doing things for people and doing things of value, but only in enhancing his political career?

Let me give you the nature of his work. For example, when he was elected to the U.S. Senate, he was writing his second book, so he had little time for the business of the Senate. And, after only brief months in the Senate and book writing, he started running for president. Then he had no time for Senate work. He even said, "If you need me, call me. I have a phone." But this is his pattern and why he never accomplishes anything but his own self-promotion.

Even as a community organizer, those who observed that phase of his career say he was merely laying the foundation for a political run. As an adjunct professor of constitutional law at the University of Chicago, he never published a single sentence. At a prestigious school, the rule is publish or perish. They expect you to publish articles and books and make a contribution to scholarship and knowledge in your field. But Sen. Obama had no time for publishing, as he was probably laying the groundwork for his next career move. Even as a member and editor of the Harvard Law Review, an important scholarly publication, no one seems to have found anything he ever published.

He spent years in the Illinois legislature and his main distinction there was leading the battle against legislation that would have made infanticide illegal and would have prevented doctors from not providing medical care to an infant born alive after a botched abortion. That pretty well sums up his career, and when you cut through all the pretty speeches from Obama, the only thing you find by way of accomplishment is a cloud of smoke and a bunch of mirrors.

Barack 'Herbert Hoover' Obama Then we come to Barack "Herbert Hoover" Obama. One of the ways Hoover helped us into the Great Depression is that he followed the Sen. Obama plan for tough economic times: He raised taxes and he went to protectionism (high tariffs and other barriers to international trade), making international trade difficult.

Sen. Obama proposes tax increases for the wealthy and cuts for everyone else. First, you can't believe him, as he also proposes more thaan a trillion dollars in new spending in addition to the $700 billion bailout package just enacted into law. When asked at the debate which programs he would cut as a result of the bailout package, he launched a speech on the programs that so important that they require additional spending. He sounds like he'll bring the budget into balance by spending even more, but a Messiah can do things like that.

His plans don't pass the smell test: Tax cuts for almost everyone; college tuition for everyone; the same kind of health insurance coverage Congress gets for everyone; a new plan to make the taxpayers pay to eliminate global poverty; and about everything else he can think of that might get some votes.

At the same time, he is giving 95 percent of families tax cuts when a hefty percentage of families don't even pay taxes. So all the non-tax payers are getting a check from the government. So his tax cut for many is just another government spending program. That means his promise of tax cuts is in part another Obama lie, something he is quite proficient in telling.

The burden of all this new spending, the burden of paying for national defense, the burden of paying for education, will be put on 5 percent of the taxpayers. That would practically wipe them out and certainly drive many of the most creative businessmen to other shores.

In this process, he is almost certain to kill the economy, wipe out investment, end job creation and make entrepreneurship impossible. His tax program is aimed at virtually wiping out the group most likely to be investing in new job-, wealth-creating enterprises. He wants to increase the capital gains tax and the tax on dividends. He's in an economic dream world. But remember, this is a man who has never met a payroll and never managed even a corner convenience store.

Barack 'The Socialist And Redistributionist' Obama While in passing, meet Barack "The Socialist and Redistributionist" Obama. He admits he went for Marxists professors while in school. He had a communist mentor during the early years of his education. And he was closely associated for 20 years with Rev. Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright and his Trinity Church, a center of the Marxist black liberation theology. He is a firm believer in redistribution of the wealth and clearly has socialist tendencies.

Barack 'Jimmy Carter' Obama Then we come to Barack "Jimmy Carter" Obama. In case you've forgotten, Mr. Carter is probably both the worst president and the worst ex-president in our history. He has many similarities to Sen. Obama. First, he carries a strong tinge of anti-Americanism. As this column has extensively reported, Sen. Obama's anti-Americanism is about as strong as it can get. In addition, a fascinating column in the Weekly Standard (Oct. 13) by Stephen E. Hayes titled "The Spirit of '76: What McCain can learn from Gerald Ford about closing a gap," points out other striking similarities between Sen. Obama and Mr. Carter:

* Mr. Carter had enormous popularity but much of that was based on his media popularity. So much for the wisdom of the media, in trying to give us Sen. Obama and in having succeeded in giving us that total presidential failure named Mr. Carter.

* Mr. Carter's image of "newness" and of a "winner" carried him to the heights he reached. By like token, Sen. Obama seems new (even though he is just another ambitious politician produced and nurtured by the most corrupt political machine in America, the Cook County Chicago machine, perhaps better referred to as a gang).

The "winner" aura seems to have attracted the Democrats, who would be willing to run Mickey Mouse if that would get them back into the White House. How a responsible party can nominate the most inexperienced and dangerous candidate in history is a mystery, perhaps best explained by the deterioration of the Democratic Party into a more liberal, radical, extremist zone.

* At the time, the Democratic Party enjoyed a big numbers advantage over the Republicans, as they do now.

* Mr. Carter's support, at the time ,was very thin and vulnerable. That's where Sen. Obama is, as even his supporters know little about him and the truth might easily shake them lose.

* Mr. Carter could match Ford in campaign contributions, something the Republicans weren't used to at the time. Now Sen. Obama will beat Sen. John McCain in that department, even though to do so, Sen. Obama had to break one of his most central and solemn promises to adhere to public financing. That's just another tidbit documenting Sen. Obama's enslavement to political expedience, his own advancement and his desertion of core principles and solemn promises.

Facing that scenario, the Ford campaign decided Mr. Carter could be beaten if they could bring voters to their senses. To do so they portrayed Mr. Carter as too much of an unknown and as too risky in perilous times. This strategy enabled Ford to cut Mr. Carter's margin from 33 percent to 2 percent in 10 weeks and almost win the election.

Sen. Obama is even a more unknown and a more dangerous candidate than Mr. Carter. His background of close association with terrorists, racists, bigots and anti-Americans and his unsound and even wacky policy prescriptions, proves he is riskier and more dangerous. When you are riskier and more dangerous than Mr. Carter, you've reached about the worst candidate that can be imagined.

Barack 'Neville Chamberlain' Obama Then let's not forget Barack "Neville Chamberlain" Obama. Chamberlain was the appeaser and bootlicker who actually gave Adolf Hitler more than he even demanded. He broke the British promise to Czechoslovakia to come to its defense against German aggression. And he almost single-handedly set the scene for World War II and the 77 million casualties it took to stop Hitler, when he could have easily been stopped earlier.

Sen. Obama is in the same tradition. He is eager to negotiate with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without precondition, the Hitler of our times. And he would also be jetting off to meet every other anti-American dictator including Fidel Castro, Kim Jong-il and Hugo Chavez. Like Chamberlain, he thinks diplomacy and negotiation is the answer to all threats and would probably be afraid to use force. Like Chamberlain, he does not know pure evil when he sees it in its various forms.

After 9/11, Sen. Obama advised understanding the terrorists, not killing them. At the Rick Warren panel, when asked about evil, he danced around and advised caution in it, as it may be just a pretense to make a move rather than fight against evil. He made the moral equivalence between illegal Russian aggression in Georgia and the legal American liberation of Iraq. Note the contrast with Sen. McCain. When he was asked what you do when you face evil, without hesitation, he said you defeat it. Sen. Obama said you dip and dance like a professor of constitutional law trying to show the class all the hidden issues in a law case.

Barack 'The Storm Trooper' Obama Finally, let me introduce you to the most troubling face of Sen. Obama - Barack "The Storm Trooper" Obama. For this I'm indebted to Andrew McCarthy who wrote a piece titled "Obama's Assault on the First Amendment: Stifling political debate with threats of prosecution is not the 'rule of law' - it's tyranny." Here's what he wrote for the National Review Online:

"In St. Louis, local law enforcement authorities, dominated by Democrat-party activists, are threatening libel prosecution against Sen. Obama's political opposition. County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch and City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, abetted by a local sheriff and encouraged by the Obama campaign, warned that members of the public who dared speak out against Obama during the campaign's crucial final weeks would face criminal libel charges - if, in the judgment of these conflicted officials, such criticism of their champion was 'false.' "

Mr. McCarthy added, "The chill wind was bracing. The Taliban could not better rig matters. The prophet of Change is only to be admired, not questioned. In the stretch run of an American election, there is to be no examination of a candidate for the world's most powerful office - whether about his radical record, the fringe Leftism that lies beneath his thin, centrist veneer, his enabling of infanticide, his history of race-conscious politics, his proposals for unprecedented confiscation and distribution of private property, his ruinous economic policies that have helped leave Illinois a financial wreck, his place at the vortex of the credit market implosion that has put the U.S. economy on the brink of meltdown, his aggressive push for American withdrawal and defeat in Iraq, his easy gravitation to America-hating activists, be they preachers like Jeremiah Wright, terrorists like Bill Ayers, or Communists like Frank Marshall Davis. Comment on any of this and risk indictment or, at the very lest, government harassment and exorbitant legal fees."

And this is not an isolated incident. Mr. McCarthy cites three other examples of an organized attempt by Sen. Obama's campaign to stifle free speech. I've noted in this column how the Sen. Obama campaign organized a plan of confrontation and intimidation to keep critics of Sen. Obama - Stanley Kurtz and David Freddoso - off of a radio program in Chicago. Mr. McCarthy writes, "Supporters, armed with the campaign's non-responsive talking points, dutifully flooded the program with calls and e-mails, protesting Kurtz's appearance and attempting to shout him down."

Here are Mr. McCarthy's other examples:

* "When the American Issues Project ran political ads calling attention to Obama's extensive ties to Ayers, the Weatherman terrorist who brags about having bombed the Pentagon and the U.S. Capital, the Obama campaign pressured the Justice Department to launch an absurd criminal prosecution."* "Both Obama and his running mate, Senator Joe Biden, have indicated that an Obama administration would use its control of the Justice Department to prosecute its political opponents, including Bush administration officials responsible for the national security policies put in effect after nearly 3,000 Americans were killed in the 9/ll attacks."

* "There is a troubling report that the Justice Department's Civil Rights Section, top officials of which are Obama contributors, has suggested criminal prosecutions against those they anticipate will engage in voter 'intimidation' or 'oppression' in an election involving a black candidate. (Memo to my former DOJ colleagues: In a system that presumes innocence even after crimes have undeniably been committed, responsible prosecutors don't assume non-suspects will commit future law violations - especially when doing so necessarily undermines the First Amendment freedoms those prosecutors solemnly swear to uphold."

So take your choice of the many and ever-changing faces of Sen. Obama. None are pretty and none belong in the White House. I knew Sen. Obama had strong leanings to socialism and strong associations with Marxists and communists, but now I find there is a strong odor of fascism coming from the Sen. Obama campaign. However, the mainstream media seem able to perfume even the vilest stench blowing like a storm from the Obama campaign.

Herb Denenberg is a former Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commissioner, and professor at the Wharton School. He is a longtime Philadelphia journalist and consumer advocate. He is also a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of the Sciences. His column appears daily in The Bulletin. You can reach him at

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Editorial; Front Page News; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2008; democrats; denenberg; election; electionpresident; elections; nobama08; obama; obamatruthfile
The Bulletin is a small Conservative newspaper and has other good articles, try checking it out at link.
1 posted on 10/09/2008 9:24:38 AM PDT by jazusamo
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To: jazusamo

Obama lies like a lying commie liar. Get ready for the gulags. This thug’s hatred of conservatives and white people is going to get bloody.

2 posted on 10/09/2008 9:31:18 AM PDT by pallis
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To: jazusamo
Herb, Herb, Herb.

You failed to mention multiple personality disorder.

Schizophenia combined with Sociopathic conduct!

Obama and his vile campaign are a curse of vast proportions.

Give him power? Unlikely.

He is going down!

3 posted on 10/09/2008 9:36:11 AM PDT by Candor7 (Fascism? All it takes is for good men to say nothing, ( member NRA)
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To: pallis

A thug is right, he’s been trained by them.

4 posted on 10/09/2008 9:39:20 AM PDT by jazusamo ( |
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To: Candor7

Bump to that!

5 posted on 10/09/2008 9:39:57 AM PDT by jazusamo ( |
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To: jazusamo
Note the contrast with Sen. McCain. When he was asked what you do when you face evil, without hesitation, he said you defeat it. Sen. Obama said you dip and dance like a professor of constitutional law trying to show the class all the hidden issues in a law case. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

OUCH! That must have left a mark!

Great Read!

6 posted on 10/09/2008 9:41:48 AM PDT by Candor7 (Fascism? All it takes is for good men to say nothing, ( member NRA)
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To: Fred Nerks
Ping to thread article reference our earlier exchange concerning multiple personality disorder.
7 posted on 10/09/2008 9:43:05 AM PDT by Candor7 (Fascism? All it takes is for good men to say nothing, ( member NRA)
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To: Kid Shelleen


Dennenberg slays Obama in the Bulletin today...

8 posted on 10/09/2008 10:07:30 AM PDT by JrsyJack
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To: jazusamo

He tossed Ayers under the bus talking to big media pal Charlie Gibson. Okay so that means he has -0- friends. What a mysterious fellow. Actually his comments have left him open for more attacks. He’s still in full denial like Ayers is radioactive. That’s good. That means he fears being connected to Ayers. He’s connected allright. It’s up to the diggers to nail him.

9 posted on 10/09/2008 10:08:38 AM PDT by kinghorse (Franklin Raines, Tim Howard, Jim Johnson: McCain are you paying attention??!!??)
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To: jazusamo

You darn right they are. Did you see that lily white punk Communications director call Hannity a Jewish hater? That guy needs his world rocked first person. I’d do it if he was in the same room. These Chicago dem thugs think we’ll back down. I hope they are wrong.

10 posted on 10/09/2008 10:17:03 AM PDT by kinghorse (Franklin Raines, Tim Howard, Jim Johnson: McCain are you paying attention??!!??)
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To: kinghorse

I did happen to be watching H&C when that worm laid that on Sean. As much as I dislike Colmes I give him credit for jumping in and calling him on it.

11 posted on 10/09/2008 10:26:41 AM PDT by jazusamo ( |
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To: jazusamo
Remember the show "To Tell the Truth?"
Will the real Obama, please stand up:

Barack Obama & Raila Odinga:

If you want the US "kenyated", vote for this man.

Can you say: "Wright" "Odinga" "Ayers" "Alinsky" "Marshall" "Farrakhan"??
12 posted on 10/09/2008 12:12:05 PM PDT by wubjo (nO Terrorists; nO Tyranny; nObama)
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To: wubjo
I'd like to add:

Judge a man by the company he keeps! (wisdom of the ages!)
13 posted on 10/09/2008 12:32:58 PM PDT by wubjo (nO Terrorists; nO Tyranny; nObama)
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To: wubjo
Judge a man by the company he keeps! (wisdom of the ages!)

Absolutely! BO has no integrity nor do his mentors.

14 posted on 10/09/2008 4:06:14 PM PDT by jazusamo ( |
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To: jazusamo

There’s also the Barack America ad just now running in Ohio, which begs the question:

How could 0bama be sitting on his grandfather’s shoulders with an American flag waving to the astronauts in 1969 if he was enrolled in school in Jakarta, Indonesia?

Or are there other missions besides Apollo 11 where astronauts landed and then were celebrated in Hawaii?

15 posted on 10/09/2008 7:31:59 PM PDT by JavaJumpy (The gloves are off, the heels are on - GO SARAHCUDA, GO!)
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To: JavaJumpy

Yes, there were several Apollo moon landing missions but I don’t remember exactly how many, 4 or 5 maybe. They were big things at the time, I was a adult and they were fascinating.

16 posted on 10/09/2008 7:51:21 PM PDT by jazusamo ( |
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To: jazusamo

Did they all land off the shores of Hawaii and then have parades afterward?

17 posted on 10/09/2008 7:54:08 PM PDT by JavaJumpy (The gloves are off, the heels are on - GO SARAHCUDA, GO!)
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To: JavaJumpy

All I know about that is they all landed in an ocean, don’t know which one. :)

18 posted on 10/09/2008 8:05:13 PM PDT by jazusamo ( |
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