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America’s OTHER Department of Homeland Security
Israpundit ^ | 31 jul 06 | Bill Levinson

Posted on 08/01/2006 5:42:47 AM PDT by white trash redneck

The recent shooting attack in which a fundamentalist Muslim followed terrorist leaders’ pleas to “carry the war to the United States” underscores the importance of our Constitution’s Second Amendment: the right to own weapons for defense of home, family, and country. If the terrorists plan to behave here as they feel free to behave in largely-disarmed Europe, the Second Amendment must become our “other” Department of Homeland Security.

This article’s purpose is to demonstrate to even the most ardent rank-and-file gun control supporters that the anti-Second Amendment’s leaders are dishonest and hypocritical at best (their attitude being that gun laws are for the commoners and not themselves) and convicted criminals at worst. We would be prepared to offer expert testimony in any court that the Brady Campaign (formerly Handgun Control Inc.) has issued statements that are incompetent and inaccurate at best and border on fundraising fraud at worst: soliciting money on the basis of willfully fraudulent and deceptive statements.

The gun control movement, in fact, uses the quasi-legal and nonviolent equivalent of the militant Arabs’ anti-Israel strategy: lying about the extent of its aims (abolition of the Second Amendment as opposed to “reasonable” gun control laws, just as the Arabs want to destroy Israel and not just get some land for the Palestinians), incrementalism, and the nonviolent equivalent of terrorism: frivolous lawsuits against firearm manufacturers. As shown by the destruction of the Million Mom March, the proper answer consisted of the legal and nonviolent equivalent of total war: destroying the enemy totally instead of fending off his attacks month after month and year after year. Israel must similarly answer Hezbollah’s violent terrorism with genuine total war.

This is absolutely not, by the way, a push for the National Rifle Association. Although we have a life membership in said organization, we have not contributed money to it for years. We do not believe that the NRA gives much bang for the buck in terms of effectiveness. Although the NRA complained and preached to the choir about the Million Mom March holding a “thinly-disguised campaign rally” for Albert Gore in 2000, an activity for which 501(c)(3) tax-exempt money was used, it fell to us to put this information to practical use by breaking the Million Mom March’s back with a devastating scandal. Not only that, the NRA failed to follow up on this golden opportunity with the political equivalent of a pursuit to the death that should have devastated the gun control movement (and the career of every politician associated with it) for all time.

In any event, if we can question whether we are getting our money’s worth from the NRA, gun control supporters can seriously rethink the wisdom of giving time, money, and/or votes to proven liars, frauds, and even criminals. Now back to the incident that prompted this opinion piece.

ADL tells Jews to run and hide because of domestic terrorism

Per Moshe Finberg, Chairman, Bnai Elim,

I read with great disappointment that the director of the Seattle chapter of the Anti-Defamation League “issued a recommendation to all Jewish institutions, including synagogues, to cancel services and evacuate the buildings” following the murderous attack on the Seattle Federation building last Friday.

Now we remember why we have such little use for the Anti-Defense League: this is the same batch of Kumbaya-singers that supports gun laws like those enacted to disarm Jews in Nazi Germany and thus facilitates exactly the same kind of terroristic violence that took place last Friday.

New York, New York, June 8, 1999 The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has reaffirmed support for gun control initiatives “designed to make it more difficult for extremists as well as children to acquire and use guns and other dangerous weapons in this country.”

Well, ADL-supported gun control laws didn’t do Pam Waechter much good. They didn’t keep her alleged assailant from obtaining a gun or misusing it. On the other hand, the mentality of the ADL and its fellow travelers doubtlessly helped assure that no one at the Jewish Federation bulding was in a position to stop the terrorist’s murderous rampage by putting a bullet in his head. While Washington is, as we understand, among those states that will issue concealed-carry permits to law-abiding citizens, the Jewish Left’s anti-Second Amendment propaganda helps hold down the number of law-abiding citizens who will actually serve as our nation’s second line of defense through responsible ownership of firearms.

How the gun control movement helped cause the 9/11 disaster
While no one argues seriously that airline passengers should be allowed to carry firearms onto airplanes– noting that even Federal Marshals need special training to qualify to use handguns against hijackers who will doubtlessly be surrounded by innocent people– it can definitely be argued that the poisonous self-destructive mentality that is being spread by the ADL, the Brady Campaign (Handgun Control Inc.), and Million Mom March was at least indirectly responsible for the disaster of 9/11. These instutions doubtlessly convinced many Americans that it is a bad idea to fight back when confronted with danger; instead, one should call the police and hope for the best. There is in fact a book, Dial 911 and Die, that is offered through the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, and the following pretty much underscores the basic concept.

Forty or fifty years ago, most American men would have known what to do upon seeing a hijacker slit a female flight attendant’s throat with a box cutter. A box cutter is unlikely to stop an able-bodied adult human male or even hurt him very badly and, as the hijackers were outnumbered, they should have been beaten to bloody pulps or even to death. They should not have survived long enough to enter the cockpits and kill not only everyone aboard but 3000 other people. Only in the politically-correct 2000s can four or five punks with boxcutters take over an entire airplane, because the politically-correct Kumbaya-singers taught Americans not to fight back. We have tried it their way long enough, a conclusion underscored even further by the fact that Great Britain, which outlaws nearly all private ownership of firearms, is now the most violent industrialized nation on earth. Britain’s streets are essentially ruled by droogs from A Clockwork Orange, and no law-abiding citizen dares fight back because they and not the criminal will be sent to prison.

Jeff Cooper’s excellent book To Ride, Shoot Straight, and Speak the Truth sums up the entire problem in two paragraphs.

Fifty years ago young people were made to understand– around the dinner table– that strife was part of liife, and that they might well encounter it, and that it would then be their duty to face it without blinking– ready, willing, and able to use force quickly and expertly if necessary. Boys were taught to shoot and use their hands, and girls were taught to expect that in their men.

And that society was infinitely safer and more serene that what we have now. Mugging, rape, piracy, and terrorism… were so rare as to be sensational. In that society it would have been futile for two punks to assume physical command over 159 people. They would have been quickly killed.

Cooper goes on to describe how two hijackers tried to take over an Air Iberia flight from Madrid to Rome. “The passengers killed them, the stewardesses covered them up with blankets, and opened the bar.” (What’s Spanish for “Now Comes Miller Time?”) “More recently a troll seized a girl in a Philippine bank, doused her with gasoline, and threatened to burn her if he was not given all the ready money. The customers not only beat him to death, they actually dismembered him.”

The fact that something like this did not happen on all four airplanes the instant the hijackers began to slit the flight attendants’ throats shows just how much damage the anti-Second Amendment Left has done to our country’s culture and values. Cooper, by the way, has no television-induced ideas about violence being glamorous or desirable. As a Marine Corps officer during the Second World War, he doubtlessly had plenty of opportunities to see what real firearms do to human bodies and anyone who has experienced that doubtlessly agrees with General Sherman’s observation that war is hell. Cooper may also have seen what the Japenese did to civilians in the Philippines and prisoners of war from Bataan, either of which would have driven home a vital lesson: The only things worse than winning a war all come with losing it.

What part of “For defense of home, family, and country” does the Left not understand?
There was in fact a time when the equivalent of the Second Amendment was England’s “other” Department of Homeland Security. One of the nation’s kings– Henry VIII or a predecessor– outlawed all Sunday recreation other than longbow practice. The English, or more precisely Welsh, longbow was the deadliest projectile weapon on earth prior to the invention of the breech-loading rifle. A competent archer was expected to shoot twelve rounds per minute and hit a man-sized target at 240 paces. The longbow’s arrow could even pierce armor plate at close range, as the French discovered the hard way at Crecy and Agincourt.

By way of comparison, the renowned Tower musket could fire a maximum of six rounds per minute with a loose-fitting ball and its effective range was less than half that of a longbow. An enemy soldier had to be very unlucky to be hit by Brown Bess’ projectile at 150 paces, at least by the Redcoat who aimed at him. The Baker rifle (made famous by the Sharpe television series) could hit at 300 or more paces but it used a tight-fitting ball and could fire perhaps one round per minute, and the Pennsylvania or Kentucky Rifle had the same problem. Only the introduction of the von Dreyse breechloading rifle in the early 1840s produced a weapon that was superior to the longbow in all respects. The British Army issued muskets instead of longbows only because it took years of practice to make a longbowman. Recruiting sergeants could, however, go into London’s worst neighborhoods, hire the Duke of Wellington’s “scum of the earth” for a shilling a day, and make them into passable musketeers in a couple of weeks.

It is to be noted very clearly, though, that whatever king not only encouraged his subjects to own these highly-lethal weapons but insisted that they practice with them was far less afraid of some medieval Lee Harvey Oswald “voting from the rooftops” than he was of foreign enemies. England’s sovereigns were wise enough to recognize that the longbow allowed them to dominate the battlefields of western Europe as thoroughly as Poland’s winged hussars ruled those in the east.

A child learns a valuable skill under responsible adult supervision. As shown by the shooters’ helmets and chain mail, this is obviously not just about hunting.

The ADL is part of the problem

At a meeting last week of the National Executive Committee, ADL’s top policymaking body, in Philadelphia, members adopted a resolution in support of efforts to expand the regulation of firearms and other weapons.

ADL’s support for gun control measures at the state and federal level goes back to 1967.

ADL must therefore be regarded as part of the problem, as underscored by its advice that “Jewish institutions, including synagogues, to cancel services and evacuate the buildings…” In other words, ADL’s position is that American Jews cannot exercise their First Amendment right to assemble peacefully and practice their religion because some fundamentalist Muslim is likely to walk into the event and “carry the war to the United States.” This underscores yet another point: the Second Amendment helps guarantee the First Amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights.

The Union for Reform Judaism, formerly known as the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (a double oxymoron, there is very little Hebrew or American about it) also is part of the problem. Its leader Eric Yoffie wants to sing Kumbaya with the terrorists, and he also gave a campaign speech for Albert Gore at the May 2000 Million Mom March in Washington. Although 501(c)(3) organizations are not allowed to attempt to influence elections, Yoffie exhorted his listeners, “we’re going to find out who’s getting NRA funds, and benefiting from NRA ads, and we’re going to vote for the other guy.” “The American people, I believe, are ready for a leader who will take on the fanatics and support sensible gun control.” Yoffie continued his unique interpretation of Judaism as follows. “Controlling guns is not only a political matter, it is a solemn religious obligation. Our gun-flooded society has turned weapons into idols, and the worship of idols must be recognized for what it is-blasphemy.”

The bottom line is that Yoffie may not only misused 501(c)(3) tax exempt money (if UAHC paid for his expenses to tout Al Gore at the Million Mom March) but he is obviously a liar. There is nothing in Jewish tradition that supports gun control; in fact, had the Maccabees practiced sword control, there would be no Jewish religion because we would all be worshipping real idols just the way Antiochus wanted. There would be no Christian religion either because Jesus would have been an idol-worshipper and not a rabbi. This brings us to our next point: the personal character and integrity of the typical gun control movement leader.

You aren’t allowed to own a gun but I am
When Rosie O’Donnell says, “You aren’t allowed to own a gun,” she means exactly that: YOU and not WE. As an affluent limousine liberal she (or her bodyguard) is of course allowed to own a gun. While any of us would doubtlessly be arrested and sent to prison for even possessing an unregistered handgun in Washington DC, Ted Kennedy’s bodyguard did not get into trouble for carrying a loaded machine pistol into a Senate office building. This is because Ted Kennedy is a rich man’s rich boy who never did a lick of useful work in his worthless life, and a different set of laws applies to his kind. (”All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.”)

The same goes for columnist Carl Rowan, who said that anyone who possesses a gun should go to jail. He was not even arrested for shooting a trespasser with an unregistered pistol, even though few if any jurisdictions sanction the use of deadly force against someone who is committing at most a nonviolent misdemeanor. (The trespasser was on Rowan’s land but was not trying to invade his home, which would have justified deadly force.) Again, there is one set of gun control laws for Rowan’s kind and another for us commoners and peasants.

Representative Cynthia McKinney is yet another typical gun control supporter (and Israel-hater). Any of us would doubtlessly be handcuffed, arrested, and prosecuted for first trying to bypass a security checkpoint and then assaulting a police officer who tried to stop us. Members of Congress are, as shown by McKinney, apparently allowed to try to bypass metal detectors and shove or hit police officers.

Criminals (and terrorists) don’t want honest people to own guns
The gun control movement’s leadership includes not only liars and hypocrites as shown above but actual criminals. International financier George Soros, who is strongly anti-Israel and who calls the United States a threat to world peace, is funding the gun control movement. He is also a criminal, having been convicted of inside trading by a French court. Here are some more paragons of the gun control movement:

Million Mom Marcher Barbara Graham (aka Lipscomb) was convicted of “trying to avenge her son’s death by shooting a young man she blamed for the killing.” Donna St. George, “Mother Convicted in Shooting,” Washington Post, Friday, 2/2/01.

Former New York Congressman (now just “con,” as in convicted felon) Mario Biaggi said that only police officers should be allowed to have guns. Civilian Biaggi had to surrender two handguns after he was convicted of a felony in the Wedtech scandal.

Congressman Dan Rostenkowski (D-IL) undoubtedly supported Bill Clinton’s gun control initiatives. He had to do some time in the Federal “country club” after a felony conviction.

Associated Press, “Amy Fisher to Begin Anti-Gun Campaign” ” Amy Fisher, who set off a frenzy of tabloid headlines a decade ago when she shot her lover’s wife, celebrated the end of her parole by announcing her intention to work for causes aimed at keeping handguns away from minors.” [Like the laws Ms. Fisher violated when, at age sixteen, she used a handgun to commit a violent felony?] “…Fisher was released from prison in 1999 after serving seven years for shooting Mary Jo Buttafuoco in the head …Fisher was having an affair with Buttafuoco’s auto mechanic husband at the time.” Amy Fisher, a paragon of the character and integrity of the leaders of the anti-Second Amendment movement.

Florida legislature candidate Eric Kaplan supported handgun registration, a ban on some firearms, and mandatory exams for handgun ownership. He received an “F” rating from the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, a true badge of honor in the antigun community. He chose a very dramatic way to show why certain people shouldn’t have guns by firing several .38 slugs into the home of his opponent, Robert Starks (rated “A” by NRA-ILA) and wounding Judith. Starks According to the Naples (Florida) Daily News (Associated Press), 10/13/97, Kaplan pleaded “no contest” to attempted second degree murder.

The gun control movement is led by liars
Million Mom March leader Mary Leigh Blek provided the following testimony to the United Nations on July 16 2001 as shown by the UN’s own Web site.

MARY LEIGH BLEK, Million Mom March: The gun lobby has been talking for 40 minutes. During that time, 40 people have died from the use of small arms and light weapons in this country. That figure, not the statement of those representatives, is further proof that this country is at war.

One death per minute times 60 minutes per hour times 24 hours per day times 365 days per year = 525,600 deaths per year, more deaths than our country suffered from the Second World War. The Million Mom March also solicited funds under fraudulent pretenses by telling prospective donors that handgun misuse kills “12 children a day.” Investigation proved that the Million Mom March counted 18- and 19-year olds as children even though they are legally adults. Since this age group is among the highest in terms of violent crime, though, it served to inflate the sensationalistic casualty figure.

This is far from the only example of the Brady Campaign’s leaders lying and engaging in taqqiya just like militant Arabs. Michael Bellesiles, the author of Arming America, meanwhile had to resign from Emory University after “evidence of falsification” was discovered.

Hollywood and Gun Control
Perhaps Hollywood’s empty-headed celebreties should be banned from owning firearms, if the way they handle them in movies illustrates the actors’ and screenwriters’ understanding of gun safety.

As an example, Arnold Schwarzenegger in Commando sneaks up on a friend, pulls a sidearm from his friend’s holster, and points it at him– a stunt that, in real life, would qualify as reckless endangerment or worse. There was a Star Trek episode in which one person let his phaser point at another who complained, “Watch where you point that.” The first replied, “Don’t worry, the safety is on.” Scenes are common in which one character will point a weapon at another without first identifying the target as hostile, and then keeping the weapon pointed at their friend for several seconds afterward. These poor examples on the screen have in fact extended into real-life tragedy; actor John-Erik Hexum was killed by a blank round from a .44 Magnum that was fired too close to his head. Actor Brandon Lee was apparently killed by a live round from a pistol that was thought to contain blanks, while OSHA could probably have written numerous safety violations for the set on which he was performing.

These people have no standing, moral or otherwise, to talk to the rest of the country about gun control.

The Million Mom March made the mistake of getting caught
The Million Mom March’s back was, however, broken in the spring of 2000 when columnist J.R. Labbe publicized its use of 501(c)(3) tax-exempt money to post “Apple Pie” award pages for antigun Members of Congress while threatening Second Amendment supporters with defeat at the poll. We are intimately familiar with this because we provided Ms. Labbe with the information– just as we are now looking into the Middle East Children’s Alliance’s transfer of tax-exempt money to the International Solidarity Movement.

The Million Mom March’s collapse was almost visible, with other tax-exempt organizations making haste to distance themselves from it the way one might back away from a leper, while its leaders struggled with what is known politely as “damage control.” As shown here, their efforts were not successful.

It is quite likely that the group liquidated because the Internal Revenue Service would have revoked its tax exemption. Furthermore, it is on record that the group’s Form 990 tax return for 2000 contains, to say the least, some very inaccurate information. As with some of the Islamofascist tax-exempt groups we are now investigating, the MMM told the IRS it made no effort to influence legislation despite widespread evidence to the contrary.

Hillary Clinton’s central role
We must now remind our readers that Hillary Clinton was very closely involved in the Million Mom March. It was organized by her close friend, Donna Dees-Thomases, and Clinton used the event to gain political capital for herself. Her husband’s creative fundraising is well known (e.g. taking money from Mainland China) and it is reasonable to conclude that Hillary Clinton knew about and condoned the use of tax-exempt money for electioneering.

Nor is Hillary Clinton the only one. Senator Carl Levin (D-IL) is another, as shown here.

It is in fact unfortunate that many gun control leaders’ names begin with “Levin,” “Fein,” and so on despite the experiences of German Jews during the 1930s and 1940s, and Israel’s experience in 1947-1948 when Great Britain tried to prevent Jews from obtaining weapons. A Jewish-American for gun control makes as much sense as an Irish-American for potato blight but Dianne Feinstein, Carl Levin, Frank Lautenberg, Charles Schumer, and Feinberg are in the forefront of the gun control movement along with the Senate’s worst Gentile specimens, i.e. John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, and Dick Turban, excuse us, Dick Durbin. In any event, New York’s voters should be reminded of Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the Million Mom March scandal to prevent her from ever becoming President and subordinating the United States to the United Nations, as her husband and George Soros want.

Last Friday’s shooting at a Jewish Federation building, which followed an explicit threat by the terrorists to “carry their war to the United States,” underscores the need for a responsible armed citizenry that can stop or at least mitigate terroristic violence. The experiences of Europe and the United Kingdom, which have enacted exactly the kind of gun control laws that the United Nations, the Brady Campaign, and Rebecca Peters’ IANSA would like to impose on the United States, proves the gun control movement’s intellectual, ethical, and moral bankruptcy. In Europe, terrorists feel free to kidnap people and torture them to death as they did with a Jew in France, rampage through the streets and set fires, slit throats as they did to Theo van Gogh, and gang-rape any unveiled woman they happen to fancy. With the exception of arson of unoccupied vehicles, every single one of these activities justifies the use of deadly physical force in almost every jurisdiction of the United States. The right to use deadly force to protect one’s life or the life of another is meaningless unless the means is available.

This is the Left’s vision statement for our country:

This is our vision statement.

If the latter makes more sense than the former, the following actions should be taken.
(1) Publicize Hillary Clinton’s involvement with the Million Mom March and its scandalous use of tax-exempt money. Her defeat in 2006 will hopefully prevent her from ever becoming President and working with the likes of George Soros to subordinate the United States to the United Nations.
(2) Refuse to support organizations like the ADL and Union for Reform Judaism as long as they support laws that will make it easier for terrorists to rampage through the United States the way they are rampaging through Europe.
(3) Anyone who wants to own a firearm for self-defense should learn to use and store it safely and responsibly. Police departments and gun clubs all over the country offer firearm safety courses.

TOPICS: Editorial; Government; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: bang; banglist; haq; mdm; rkba; selfdefense
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If the Seattle shootings don't convince Jews (as well as other Americans) of the wisdom of the 2d amendment and RKBA, it's hard to imagine what will.
1 posted on 08/01/2006 5:42:50 AM PDT by white trash redneck
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To: white trash redneck

Viva The 2nd Amendment!

2 posted on 08/01/2006 7:03:15 AM PDT by butternut_squash_bisque (The recipe's at my FR HomePage. Try it!)
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To: Joe Brower


3 posted on 08/01/2006 7:51:53 AM PDT by EdReform (Protect our 2nd Amendment Rights - Join the NRA today -
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To: harpseal; TexasCowboy; AAABEST; Travis McGee; Squantos; Shooter 2.5; wku man; SLB; ...
Somewhat of a refresher course. Love the graphics! $;-)

Click the Gadsden flag for pro-gun resources!

4 posted on 08/01/2006 8:02:03 AM PDT by Joe Brower (The Constitution defines Conservatism. *NRA*)
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To: white trash redneck
Only in the politically-correct 2000s can four or five punks with boxcutters take over an entire airplane, because the politically-correct Kumbaya-singers taught Americans not to fight back.

I have been saying the same thing since 9-11. Now we have no choice as our Air force will just shoot us down.

5 posted on 08/01/2006 8:13:22 AM PDT by beltfed308 (Nanny Statists are Ameba's.)
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To: white trash redneck
If the Seattle shootings don't convince Jews (as well as other Americans) of the wisdom of the 2d amendment and RKBA, it's hard to imagine what will.

It won't and nothing will.

6 posted on 08/01/2006 8:16:55 AM PDT by from occupied ga (Your most dangerous enemy is your own government)
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To: Joe Brower
Great stuff here too.
7 posted on 08/01/2006 8:31:09 AM PDT by 1066AD
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To: 1066AD
Yes, Oleg Volk is a true patriot and activist, not to mention mighty skilled with a camera. His way of getting his message across is irrefutable to all but the evil and the brainwashed. It's good to have him on the side of freedom.

Click the Gadsden flag for pro-gun resources!

8 posted on 08/01/2006 8:33:52 AM PDT by Joe Brower (The Constitution defines Conservatism. *NRA*)
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To: white trash redneck

Two things:

1) Isn't Levin from MI not IL?
2) What does guns have to do with defimation? The ADL should not have any stance on guns.

9 posted on 08/01/2006 8:51:12 AM PDT by looscnnn ("Olestra (Olean) applications causes memory leaks" PC Confusious)
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To: white trash redneck; 2nd amendment mama
I'm a bit surprised (and disappointed) that this writer has apparently never heard of Second Amendment Sisters. After all, we did manage to get over 5000 people to a counter rally in Washington DC, against the MMM's on Mother's Day 2000.

In the intervening years, the MMM's have more or less faded from the scene, while SAS continues to grow and thrive.

10 posted on 08/01/2006 8:54:42 AM PDT by basil (Exercise your Second Amendment Rights--buy another gun today!)
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To: 1066AD

Love Oleg's work. The man is not only a great 2A supporter, but one heck of a photographer too...

11 posted on 08/01/2006 9:14:39 AM PDT by Dead Corpse (It is not the oath that makes us believe the man, but the man the oath.- Aeschylus)
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To: white trash redneck
The gist of the article is good and presented in a fairly coherant manner. The graphics are ridiculous and really detract from the information.
12 posted on 08/01/2006 9:24:21 AM PDT by paul51 (11 September 2001 - Never forget)
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13 posted on 08/01/2006 10:15:49 AM PDT by stainlessbanner
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To: white trash redneck

Well said, and well done!

14 posted on 08/01/2006 10:18:34 AM PDT by TC Rider (The United States Constitution © 1791. All Rights Reserved.)
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To: white trash redneck

A common sense and historically proven way to keep those dangerous and destructive GUNS out of YOUR life. MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE NOW!

Details below.

Concerned about the easy availability of guns in our society?

Are you as alarmed as the United Nations and some within our own government about the "gun nuts" and other freedom wackos allowed to run loose?

Wish the government would just repeal the Second Amendment and confiscate all the guns because you believe sensible people shouldn't suffer because of some idiotic notion about some antiquated “right?”

While we can't take the guns away from the people, we CAN take the people (or at least SOME of them) away from their guns.

At CAMP GUNFREE, we have created an atmosphere of near-total tranquility where you and your family will experience the benefits of a GUN FREE environment.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

The unique main gate at Camp GunFree.

The sign over the beautiful wrought iron gate declares: “NO FIREARMS ALLOWED!” Most arriving camp guests never see this view from their comfortable rail cars.

Each of our camps is a gated community designed to keep guns away from camp guests. Firmly enforced security measures ensure that these dangerous and destructive devices are kept outside. Each camp boasts 24 hour, 7 day a week sentries and state-of-the-art enclosure systems, guard dogs, trenches and surveillance equipment to absolutely GUARANTEE that no firearms enter the facility. Rigidly controlled access ensures that no guns will ever be smuggled in.

No cost has been spared to ensure that Camp GunFree remains gun free.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

All camp members are given distinctive uniforms to distinguish them from any gun-toting barbarians who might attempt to evade our security measures. Each camp member is also assigned a distinctive ID number to ensure that only the right people are allowed within the camp.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Camp Director, Oberstfurher Koch, and his crack staff are here to see to your COMPLETE safety from dangerous firearms.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Spacious and comfortable sleeping accommodations are a hallmark of Camp GunFree. Room and board are provided to each member in exchange for rewarding tasks designed to provide a sense of accomplishment and to demonstrate that large numbers of people CAN exist – even if for a short time -- in a gun violence free community.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Camp members engaged in one of our many fun-filled organized play activities.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Current headlines prompt us to remind you that there has NEVER been a shooting by a student in any of the camp schools and we can GUARANTEE that there never will be!!

For more information, call 1-800-GUNFREE OR visit our new website at http://www.privategunsareabadthingandwe'llseethatyouare”safe”

(This idea from a pamphlet originally created by The Minnesota Center for Individual Liberty, PO Box 32170, Minneapolis, MN 55432-0170)

15 posted on 08/01/2006 10:39:54 AM PDT by Dick Bachert
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To: Joe Brower
An Armed Citizen, Is A Safe Citizen!

The Second Amendment...
America's Only Homeland Security!

Be Ever Vigilant!

16 posted on 08/01/2006 2:48:42 PM PDT by blackie (Be Well~Be Armed~Be Safe~Molon Labe!)
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To: basil

I stopped reading after the insults to the NRA. I did catch the ommision toward the SAS. The Second Amendment Sisters did a magnificent job against the million morons. You showed that true ladies can defend themselves.

17 posted on 08/01/2006 3:20:16 PM PDT by Shooter 2.5 (Vote a Straight Republican Ballot. Rid the country of dems. NRA)
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To: white trash redneck
If the Seattle shootings don't convince Jews (as well as other Americans) of the wisdom of the 2d amendment and RKBA, it's hard to imagine what will.

1. My wife and some friends will shortly be taking a CHL class and be able to carry concealed.

2. I spoke this past weekend (in synogogue, while carrying my .45) with the head of the local Jewish Community Center (who was there to talk about security). Today I went there, and the sign prohibiting CHL holders from carrying inside the building wasn't there.

Of course, I'm in Texas. This never would (or could) happen in my former state, the PRNJ.

18 posted on 08/01/2006 3:24:11 PM PDT by Ancesthntr
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To: from occupied ga

See #18.

19 posted on 08/01/2006 3:25:15 PM PDT by Ancesthntr
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To: basil

Bump!!!! Thanks for the ping.

20 posted on 08/01/2006 5:37:21 PM PDT by 2nd amendment mama ( • Self defense is a basic human right!)
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