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‘Desensitize, Jam, and Convert’: Silencing the Biblical Viewpoint
BreakPoint with Charles Colson | September 29, 2004 | Mark Earley

Posted on 09/29/2004 10:33:07 AM PDT by Mr. Silverback

Note: This commentary was delivered by Prison Fellowship President Mark Earley.

“Peace came to Michael Shackelford last year inside a psychiatric ward,” the story began. Michael “was 16, and his mother had just discovered his relationship with another young man.” Unable to contemplate his future as a gay teenager in rural Oklahoma, Michael attempted suicide.

That story, which ran above-the-fold on the front page of the Washington Post this past Sunday, put forward every piece of propaganda from the gay rights movement. Not least among that propaganda was that Christians are ignorant, hate-filled bigots; a society’s stand against homosexuality drives homosexuals to suicide; and gay “marriage” is reasonable and righteous—even good for society.

But as Prison Fellowship Senior Vice-President Mike Snyder writes, articles like these are part of a sophisticated marketing strategy designed to break down opposition to the gay agenda. “Do you ever wonder,” Snyder writes, “why positive messages about same-sex desire and practice are delivered winsomely, unceasingly, and at ever-increasing rates through film, television, music, and the news? It doesn’t happen by accident. In fact, it’s the hard-won harvest of an intentional plan to control impressions, opinions, and speech about homosexuality.”

Gay activist groups are utilizing principles of marketing and psychology to develop a three-pronged strategy: Desensitize . . . Jam . . . and Convert.

Paul Rondeau describes this strategy in Selling Homosexuality to America. “Desensitization is described as inundating the public in a continuous flood of gay-related advertising, presented in the least offensive fashion possible,” he says. “Jamming is a psychological terrorism meant to silence support for or even expression of dissenting opinion.” Conversion “means the conversion of the average American’s emotions, mind, and will, through a planned psychological attack, in the form of propaganda fed to the nation via the media.”

We may think this media blitz doesn’t affect us, and we may be right, but it sure affects our children. Polls reveal that children today are more than ever accepting of the gay agenda, and much more so than adults.

On Thursday (tomorrow), the House is expected to vote on the Federal Marriage Amendment, which defines marriage as a union between one man and one woman. The vote, along with the Senate vote earlier this year, puts every member of Congress on the record as willing to protect traditional marriage—or willing to allow it to be destroyed.

Many Christians feel uncomfortable talking about why gay “marriage” would be so destructive for society. We have to help fellow Christians understand where this feeling of discomfort came from: It came from a sophisticated campaign to indeed “desensitize, jam, and convert.” And then we ought to give them the tools to lovingly make the case for the Federal Marriage Amendment. If you go to, you’ll find sample sermons for pastors and other material for lay men and women. And please call your member of Congress. Ask him or her to support the Federal Marriage Amendment.

We need, with our congressmen and our neighbors, to stand up to attempts to jam our message—and boldly speak the truth in love.

Take action:

Call your representative TODAY and urge him or her to SUPPORT the Federal Marriage Amendment. The vote is TOMORROW, September 30. The Capitol switchboard is 202-224-3121. Or find out who your representative is and what his or her direct phone line is by typing in your zip code in the search engine at

TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Editorial; Government; News/Current Events; Philosophy; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: breakpoint; homosexualagenda; markearley
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Before supporting (or even failing to oppose) gay marriage, you might want to check these out:

Gay Marriage? What could it hurt?

Results of gay marriage in Scandinavia.

Results of gay marriage in Holland

Where it will lead sociologically.

More on Holland (and why contraception, secularization, etc. aren't the reason for the European problems)

Let's be nice, live-and-let-live libertarian types, just like in Canada.
(In Sweden and Canada gay activists got parts of the Bible made "illegal." Do we want to encourage them in the USA?)

Why libertarians should stand up against gay marriage.

Anything else is covered here.

1 posted on 09/29/2004 10:33:08 AM PDT by Mr. Silverback
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To: agenda_express; applemac_g4; BA63; banjo joe; Believer 1; billbears; Blood of Tyrants; Boxsford; ...

BreakPoint/Chuck Colson Ping!

If anyone wants on or off my BreakPoint Ping List, please notify me here or by freepmail.

2 posted on 09/29/2004 10:41:58 AM PDT by Mr. Silverback (If the Cambodia "lie" 100% discredits John O'Neill, what do 50 Cambodia lies do for Kerry?)
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To: Mr. Silverback

Gay marriage (which don't make no sense atall...) is a sin.

And stupid.

How's THAT for being sensitive??????

3 posted on 09/29/2004 10:45:11 AM PDT by Brad’s Gramma
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To: Mr. Silverback


4 posted on 09/29/2004 11:03:16 AM PDT by Fiddlstix (This Tagline for sale. (Presented by TagLines R US))
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To: Mr. Silverback
From The Overhauling of Straight America^:
The first order of business is desensitization of the American public concerning gays and gay rights. To desensitize the public is to help it view homosexuality with indifference instead of with keen emotion. Ideally, we would have straights register differences in sexual preference the way they register different tastes for ice cream or sports games: she likes strawberry and I like vanilla; he follows baseball and I follow football. No big deal.

At least in the beginning, we are seeking public desensitization and nothing more. We do not need and cannot expect a full "appreciation" or "understanding" of homosexuality from the average American. You can forget about trying to persuade the masses that homosexuality is a good thing. But if only you can get them to think that it is just another thing, with a shrug of their shoulders, then your battle for legal and social rights is virtually won.

Have you shrugged your shoulders lately?

The queers and fagots actively and willingly encourage a lifestyle that is twisted and perverted. They cleverly promote behavior that is diametrically opposed to the Judeo-Christian principles upon which this nation was founded. Their promiscuous behavior spreads incurable diseases and causes agonizing death. Let's not lend credence to a bunch of perverts seeking to hijack this country's moral foundation.

Make no mistake about this... although they comprise, at most, just 3% of our population, they are one of Satan's most powerful and influential forces.

And Mr. Satan is betting the vote tomorrow (9/30) will fail. Are we gonna let him get away with that?

Make that call or send that email NOW.

Powerful stuff at the link above.

5 posted on 09/29/2004 11:25:54 AM PDT by upchuck (Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.)
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To: EdReform; GrandMoM; backhoe; Yehuda; Clint N. Suhks; saradippity; stage left; Yakboy; ...

Homosexual Agenda Ping - very good, simply written analysis of what homosexual indoctrination is, and how it will affect everyone.

Anyone who thinks "there is no "gay" agenda" must like the "gay" agenda.

Let me and Scripter know if anyone wants on/off this pinglist.

Note: the above article (plus Mr. Silverback's excellent links) would be good ammunition to give to people who haven't woken up yet, especially young people.

6 posted on 09/29/2004 11:27:11 AM PDT by little jeremiah (Islamo-Jihadis and Homosexual-Jihadis both want to destroy civilization.)
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To: Mr. Silverback
Many Christians feel uncomfortable talking about why gay “marriage” would be so destructive for society.

The social implications of homosexual marriage are readily apparent to the average American who has not been "enlightened" by the pro-ankle grabbing crowd.

But, one point that's seldomn discussed, and perhaps even more significant to our society, is the medical research being done on homosexual behavior.

The facts, and statistics, showing alarming amounts of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as mental instability, should give any caring parent pause to think about what awaits their child in a society desensitized to the homosexual lifestyle.

Let's not forget that when AIDS/HIV came to the American shores it was first quickly spread by homosexual contacts before it reached into the rest of American society.

7 posted on 09/29/2004 11:29:42 AM PDT by Noachian (A Democrat, by definition, is a Socialist.)
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To: djreece


8 posted on 09/29/2004 12:16:45 PM PDT by djreece
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To: Mr. Silverback
"Gay activist groups are utilizing principles of marketing and psychology to develop a three-pronged strategy: Desensitize . . . Jam . . . and Convert."

One wonders where they learned this .... oh, let me think .... yep, let's recall the folks that founded the Nazi party...

The homo pederasts that are never talked about in the history books.... folks like Hess and Roehm ...

They, the Left-Wing Darwinian Evolutionary Socialist pederastic fiends, were the ones that were the absolute 'soul' of getting the Nazi machine in Germany running. And their initial meetups were in gay bars during the Weimar Republic.

( The Pink Swastika documents how the Society for Human Rights, founded by members of the Nazi Party, became the largest homosexual rights organization in Germany and, further, how this movement gave birth to the American homosexual rights movement. (Can anyone say "Human Rights Campaign"?) )
9 posted on 09/29/2004 12:53:58 PM PDT by gobucks (
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To: Mr. Silverback; little jeremiah; scripter

Anything else is covered here.

And here:

What We Can Do To Help Defeat the "Gay" Agenda

Homosexual Agenda: Categorical Index of Links (Version 1.1)

Myth and Reality about Homosexuality--Sexual Orientation Section, Guide to Family Issues"

10 posted on 09/29/2004 1:08:57 PM PDT by EdReform (Free Republic - helping to keep our country a free republic. Thank you for your financial support!)
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To: gobucks

"The Pink Swastika" is a GREAT read and give tremendous insight into the nature of homosexuality and the "gay" rights movement. Have you read "Hidden Hitler" by a German historian - Lothar something or other? I have read it and it supports "Pink" entirely. And the author is a respected German academician.

One of the founders of ACT-UP admitted that the original "gay" radicals read Mein Kampf for inspiration and techniques.

11 posted on 09/29/2004 1:12:23 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Islamo-Jihadis and Homosexual-Jihadis both want to destroy civilization.)
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To: EdReform


12 posted on 09/29/2004 1:12:47 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Islamo-Jihadis and Homosexual-Jihadis both want to destroy civilization.)
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To: little jeremiah

"One of the founders of ACT-UP admitted that the original "gay" radicals read Mein Kampf for inspiration and techniques."

I would not be surprised. One wonders, really, how many of the agenda drivers in the home movement have read M. B. The Secret Doctrine as well ... (I would suspect more than a few).

13 posted on 09/29/2004 1:18:10 PM PDT by gobucks (
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To: little jeremiah

btw, it was here at FR that I learned of the P. Swastika. What was so dismaying to me when I first reviewed the material was the utter and complete extent which my history text books are written such that these kinds of details are ignored ....

It's surreal...

14 posted on 09/29/2004 1:19:37 PM PDT by gobucks (
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To: gobucks

Yup, history has been rewritten by leftist ideologues.

What's the M,B. Secret Doctrine?

15 posted on 09/29/2004 1:21:08 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Islamo-Jihadis and Homosexual-Jihadis both want to destroy civilization.)
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To: little jeremiah

The Secret Doctrine by HP Blavatsky, aka Madam Blavatsky. I could be ill informed, but this lady was more than mildly influential ... esp with godless supranational leftist types.

Bottom line, Hitler, and many, many others, LOVE this book. Hitler's copy was reported to have been marked everywhere. It's a sort of Bible, if you will, of those who see a kind of spiritual strength in being 'in the know'.

Mme. Helene Petrovna Blavatsky
Founder of Theosophy

16 posted on 09/29/2004 2:26:23 PM PDT by gobucks (
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To: little jeremiah

Another gem you might be interested in ....

Also, the United Nations has some kind of meditation room set aside for followers of this bunk, fyi ....

17 posted on 09/29/2004 2:30:14 PM PDT by gobucks (
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To: gobucks

Hmmm, interesting. Blavatsky is mentioned in "Pink" IIRC. She may have been a homosexual, her next in command - some fat dude with a white beard - was likely a homosexual if not pedophile. They served up a sickening mish-mash of phony so-called Hindu mysticism laced with nasty, nasty stuff. Kind of similar to Alistair Crowley's black magic/homo/hedonism.

Makes my skin crawl.

There was an article some time ago on FR called something like "Hitler's Library". I copied it and have it somewhere (doubt if I can find it immediately though). It was highly interesting, with the main point that Hitler likely considered himself some kind of "god" or avatar. Influence highly by the impersonalist "I am God" faux mysticism and power mad Neitzce-esque ideas. Sickening and evil.

(Sorry, I never can spell "Neitczhe" right. It's hit or miss every time.)

18 posted on 09/29/2004 2:40:36 PM PDT by little jeremiah (Islamo-Jihadis and Homosexual-Jihadis both want to destroy civilization.)
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To: little jeremiah

There was an article some time ago on FR called something like "Hitler's Library"...

yep, and I was absolutely thunderstruck by it .... again, for the reason that the portrayal of this man was so completely flat and one dimensional when I was pulik skooled.

Sort of like learning about the Civil War too .... I had to move and live in the South awhile, a good while, before pieces of the big picture fell into place regarding the underpinnings of religious war embedded within the Civil War (e.g., Harvard's rejection of trinitarianism as early as 1810, and the deep influence of Knox in the south.)

here's the link to Hitler's FR thread

19 posted on 09/29/2004 3:10:17 PM PDT by gobucks (
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To: Mr. Silverback

Homosexual activists use the straw man fallacy a lot. They won't try to argue with the pertinent facts, as we're seeing in another thread right now. In that discussion, the issue is Proctor and Gamble funding homosexual publications, and by that, their activist propaganda and whatever else those publications' revenues go to. P&G has also pushed at least one campaign for legalizing homosexual so-called "marriage."

But the anti-family opposition continues to bring up the canard that P&G is only offering its products to "gays."

20 posted on 09/29/2004 4:22:26 PM PDT by familyop (Essayons)
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