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WTAS: Support for President Donald J. Trump’s State of the Union Address (comments from members of congress, cabinet officials, state officals, media and political commentators) ^ | February 5, 2020 | Members of Congress, Cabinet Officials, State, MEDIA

Posted on 02/05/2020 5:22:47 PM PST by ransomnote

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY): “I was proud to attend President Trump’s State of the Union address and hear him discuss the crucial work we’re doing together for the American people.”

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA): “America is better off because of President Trump’s policies. As we heard this evening, in just a few short years this administration has carried out a pro-growth, forward-thinking agenda that has delivered for the people we have the privilege to serve.”

Senate Majority Whip John Thune (R-SD): “I share the president’s optimism about the opportunities that lie ahead – that America’s brightest days are yet to come. I look forward to working with the administration and with my colleagues in Congress to continue building on the pro-growth, pro-jobs, and pro-national security agenda the American people elected us to pursue.”

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA): “Tonight, President Trump delivered a message of relentless optimism and unapologetic strength. … Our national story over the past three years has been one of triumph over the forces of decline.”

Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AK): “Tonight, @POTUS @realDonaldTrump delivered a strong #StateoftheUnion, an optimistic speech—optimism that is based on real results that we’re seeing in America and Alaska. #sotu”

Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL): “The President’s address to Congress tonight was an encouraging reminder of all that we have accomplished throughout his time in office.  From fostering a thriving economy and generating job creation to building a robust military and protecting our national security interests, the nation has experienced tremendous growth.”

Sen. John Boozman (R-AR): “@realDonaldTrump outlined a good vision for the future. I look forward to working w/ him to achieve even more, building on the success of the last few years. Here’s my response to some of his #SOTU themes and where we’re headed in the weeks & months to come. God Bless America.”

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR): “Tonight, the president outlined an agenda that will continue to build on the achievements of the last three years. I share his commitment to building a strong economy that helps American workers and a strong military that keeps us safe from threats like China and Iran. Our efforts implementing this ambitious agenda must begin now, especially protecting Americans from the Wuhan coronavirus and dangerous sanctuary city policies.”

Sen. Martha McSally (R-AZ): “I thought it was President Trump’s best speech. I had tears in my eyes — first time in my life in a State of the Union address, a couple of times. … I thought it was so strong on President Trump’s accomplishments, but then also so touching with the stories.”

Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO): “Tonight the President offered a call to put division behind us and to come together to create new opportunities for Americans from every walk of life. … We must remember that much more unites us than divides us as Americans. I hope that our nation’s elected leaders can rise to meet this moment to work in a bipartisan fashion to solve the most challenging issues facing the American people.”

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL): “President Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night was a much-needed and refreshing reminder that life does indeed exist outside the Washington bubble.The president spoke to the real hopes and anxieties felt by Americans who live outside of the Beltway bubble. He spoke to the hundreds of millions of Americans who do not spend each day refreshing their Twitter accounts to find out the latest ‘hot take.’”

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL): “Incredible speech by @realDonaldTrump… Over the last 3 years, America is on the move! Lower taxes, less regulation, energy independence, freedom & democracy abroad. America truly is the best country. God Bless the USA!”

Sen. David Perdue (R-GA): “Tonight, President @realDonaldTrump laid out an optimistic vision for our country that continues to build on the successes of the past three years. Americans from all walks of life are thriving because of this president’s agenda, and we’ve only begun to see the results.”

Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA): “Call it the American Comeback, call it the American Dream. I call it @realdonaldtrump’s agenda of promising & delivering results for Americans & for Georgians. I look forward to working with him & his administration to continue lifting up all Americans.”

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA): “Honored Pres @realDonaldTrump recognized my bipartisan work to lower prescription drug costs in his State of the Union address Pres Trump called on Congress [to] pass a bipartisan bill & thats Grassley-Wyden Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act NOW is time [for the] Senate to act.”

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA): “President Trump has kept his promises to the American people. Tonight, the president laid out a strong vision for the country that focuses on the issues affecting the lives of Iowans across our state.”

Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID): “In his third State of the Union address, President Trump delivered a strong and optimistic message that highlighted the many economic and national security successes his Administration and Congress have developed throughout this presidency.  Significant progress has been made in the last three years to deliver commonsense approaches that address the needs of all Americans.”

Sen. Jim Risch (R-ID): “You know, I hope every American will take the time – a little over an hour – to listen to the speech of the President tonight. This speech was an instant classic speech.”

Sen. Todd Young (R-IN): “Tonight, President Trump delivered an optimistic message about the great successes we have achieved over the last three years and the work that remains in order to keep America strong.”

Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN): “Along with record-low unemployment, President @realDonaldTrump’s #BlueCollarBoom includes … 75,000 new Hoosier jobs … 11,000 new Hoosier manufacturing job … New Hoosier business applications up 23% … Median household income in Indiana up 3% #SOTU is STRONG in Indiana.”

Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS): “As a Kansan, I work every day to ensure the success of my state. The current unemployment rate in Kansas is at 3.2 percent while real household income is up 8 percent. As the president stated, tax cuts and opportunity zones continue to create new jobs and investments across our nation. I am glad this president understands and shares Kansans’ goal of economic prosperity and a safe, strong and proud America.”

Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS): “I am pleased @realDonaldTrump discussed support for our great military and veterans at #SOTU. As Chairman of @SenateVA, I look forward to working with him to pass and implement policies that prioritize veterans and ensure they receive the care they deserve.”

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY): “I stand with @realDonaldTrump! Let’s bring our troops home! Time to leave the endless wars in the Middle East.”

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA): “Our country has made enormous strides under the leadership of @realDonaldTrump. … More than 7 million jobs added and record 50-year low unemployment rate … 187 judges confirmed, including two Supreme Court justices … Space Force established as 6th branch of the military”

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA): “All Americans have reason to be optimistic and confident again. And Congress has every reason to renew our efforts on behalf of workers, families and kids in Louisiana and throughout our country.”

Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS): “Tonight President Trump presented a strong message of growth and opportunity for Americans. Over the past three years, we’ve supported American workers by cutting taxes and creating new jobs. We’re investing in the future workforce, and promoting development in areas that need it. We’ve unleashed America’s energy production potential and rolled back scores of unnecessary regulations. Unemployment rates are near record lows and wages continue to grow.”

Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS): “I applaud President Trump for remaining optimistic despite these contentious times.  He reminds us that there is more work to do to continue the great American comeback. The President’s strong America-first, pro-growth agenda is succeeding. We have millions of new jobs, record-low unemployment rates, manufacturing growth, new trade agreements, and a soaring stock market.”

Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT): “Promises Made, Promises Kept. America is winning under @realdonaldtrump. #SOTU”

Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC): “Today, two years into the Trump Administration, our economy is booming, our job market is flourishing, and millions of Americans now get to keep more of their hard-earned paychecks each week. … By working together, however, we can continue laying the foundation for a bright and promising future. I hope my colleagues across the aisle listen to the President’s call for unity, and join us in focusing on the issues that matter the most to the American people.”

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC): “Tonight, the President laid a wonderful foundation for answering that age old question: are you better off now then you were four years ago? Record low unemployment. Record high job creation. New trade agreements with Canada, Mexico, and China. Job creation opportunities for small businesses and farmers in North Carolina, unlike anything that we’ve seen in years. I’m proud to have been there to support the President on these policies.”

Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND): “The President’s address covered key priorities for our nation and for North Dakota. Economic growth continues to be strong, providing higher wages and the lowest unemployment rate in five decades. In fact, our country experienced wage growth at or above 3 percent for 16 months straight, well above any other gains since the Great Recession. The tax and regulatory relief we passed helped unlock this potential, and the President made clear we will continue working to advance this kind of pro-growth agenda.”

Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND): “President @realDonaldTrump delivered a strong #SOTU with an optimistic outlook for our country and a compelling case for continuing the policies which have led to this Great American Comeback.”

Sen. Deb Fischer (R-NE): “Tonight, @realDonaldTrump laid out a forward-looking plan and put forth an optimistic vision for the country. I hope it will inspire Congress to work together across party lines to ensure a brighter future for Nebraskans and all Americans. #SOTU”

Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH): “Over the past three yrs, we’ve created millions of jobs, raised wages, rebuilt our military & expanded opportunity. Tonight, @realDonaldTrump laid out a plan to build on this progress & continue working towards a stronger, more prosperous country. #SOTU”

Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK): “If there is one thing made clear tonight it is this: The Great American Comeback is here under the direction of President Trump. Our economy is the greatest it’s ever been, and it’s only getting better. We’ve confirmed more conservative judges than ever before, and illegal border crossings are down by 75 percent. The president made a lot of good points tonight, but I was especially glad to hear him talk about rebuilding our military; vital trade deals like the USMCA; and key parts of this year’s NDAA: Space Force and paid family leave.”

Sen. James Lankford (R-OK): “Tonight, @RealDonaldTrump gave a moving, patriotic #SOTU speech were he set a clear vision for the nation. He challenged America to continue its frontier spirit—to be innovators, risk-takers, & leaders.”

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA): “President Trump’s State of the Union address highlighted the great strides our nation has made over the past three years and set an optimistic and ambitious agenda for the future.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC): “In my view, this was an outstanding speech by President Trump. … The compelling nature of the economy was well explained. How everybody, from all walks of life, are benefiting from this economy.”

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC): “Last night during the #SOTU, @POTUS recognized how #OpportunityZones are working and revitalizing the most neglected communities in our nation. Thank you, @realdonaldtrump, for your support! I look forward to visiting more zones this year and seeing the opportunities created.”

Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD): “The American dream is alive and well thanks to the policies we’ve been able to enact during President Trump’s time in office.”

Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN): “The president’s address was uplifting and powerful. I especially liked his focus on the good economy, higher incomes, record low unemployment and working together to lower health care costs.”

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN): “At the #SOTU, we heard how @realDonaldTrump is supporting working families, securing our southern border, and filling the bench with judges committed to upholding the rule of law.”

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX): “Thanks to the leadership of @realDonaldTrump, his administration, and Republicans in Congress, Americans from every walk of life are experiencing the lowest unemployment in 50 years, higher wages, and more opportunities than ever before. #SOTU”

Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY): “The president spoke loud and clear tonight about putting partisan politics aside to pass a monumental American infrastructure plan. … We should answer the president’s call and the call of American workers, to put the partisan fights behind us, and get this done now.”

Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY): “In @realDonaldTrump’s State of the Union address, he made it clear he believes in America. We can do great things if we focus on creating opportunities & strengthening the economy for working families. For my remaining time in the Senate, I hope we can focus on our shared goals.”

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV): “Tonight, President Trump delivered an important message to remind the American people of the significant progress we’ve made since 2016, while also outlining a clear vision to continue building on this momentum. Thanks to President Trump’s vision and pro-growth policies, our economy is booming, our unemployment rate is at a 50-year low, and we are creating more opportunity for all Americans.”

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL): “@realDonaldTrump SOTU was GREAT, MAGNIFICENT…a political combination of Super Bowl, Iron Bowl, March Madness…with a pinch of Roman Coliseum as flavoring.”

Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-AL): “Tonight’s #SOTU was one to remember – thank you @realDonaldTrump for calling on Congress to pass my education choice bill!”

Rep. Gary Palmer (R-AL): “Tonight, the President highlighted every reason why Americans are optimistic and have hope for the future. President Trump has delivered on his promises.”

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-AL): “In his magnificent State of the Union speech, President Trump unapologetically & boldly defined American greatness. Because of his vision & policies, America is great again.”

Rep. Rick Crawford (R-AR): “The President not only gave a great speech last night, he showcased the American spirit that is held in each and every one of us. In so many ways, the President’s speech showed that our comeback is being led by the American people and I agree that the best is yet to come!”

Rep. Steve Womack (R-AR): “Tonight, President Trump delivered a powerful and inspiring message to Arkansas and the nation. The United States is strong, and we have forged a new path of progress and opportunity.”

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ): “In his fourth major address to Congress, President Trump infused optimism across the homeland and inspired all Americans to reflect on how far we have come to make this country a great and prosperous nation. The state of our Union is indeed strong because of President Trump’s tireless and visionary leadership.”

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ): “President @realDonaldTrump’s third State of the Union featured a Presidential Medal of Freedom awarding and a surprise homecoming by one of America’s heroes? Going to be hard to top this one! #SOTU”

Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ): “After listening to President Trump’s speech tonight, we can all agree that our union is strong and continues to strengthen. President Trump has kept the promises he made to cut taxes, modernize our trade agreements, secure the southern border, and stand by our military.”

Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA): “Thanks to President Trump and Republicans in Congress the state of America is strong. … President Trump has delivered on the promises he made to America and I believe the best is yet to come. I look forward to working together with him and all of my colleagues to maintain our strong economy, military, and border.”

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL): “The #SOTU is of historical significance, it exemplifies democracy in action— the president uses this platform to emphasize his priorities. I thank @realDonaldTrump for inviting @JGuaido to the #SOTU2020. It’s clear that the cause of freedom in our hemisphere is a top priority.”

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL): “President @realDonaldTrump’s State of the Union speech was a comparison of two worldviews: The free market, freedom-loving America First approach @POTUS has championed for the American People vs. the America Last, apologetic, anti-freedom approach of the Obama Administration.”

Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL): “@POTUS’ #SOTU Address was a positive & uplifting message of the great progress being made for America!”

Rep. Michael Waltz (R-FL): “We can’t be #1 on Earth and #2 in space. Proud President @realDonaldTrump fully supports @NASA’s Artemis mission to get the first woman and next man to the moon!”

Rep. Daniel Webster (R-FL): “The State of our Union is strong.  Thanks to three years of this administration’s leadership to get the government off the backs of hardworking Americans and put America first; our economy, our military, our families, our environment, and our communities are stronger.”

Rep. Doug Collins (R-GA): “President Trump laid out a strong vision for our country that should encourage every American. With unemployment at a 50-year low and job creation at an all-time high, our booming economy is opening the door to new opportunities and bringing forward a renewed spirit of optimism for all Americans.”

Rep. Tom Graves (R-GA): “@realDonaldTrump’s optimism & pride for #US tonight is built on a record of success. Under his leadership Americans are seeing lowest unemployment rate in 50 yrs. #POTUS kept his promise to deliver America 1st trade deals, to secure our southern border & keep the homeland safe.”

Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA): “‘The years of economic decay are over,’ @POTUS @realDonaldTrump. Strong start to President Trump’s #SOTU speech as he discusses the #GreatAmericanComeback.”

Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL): “One of the greatest moments in tonight’s address. Thank you to all our men and women serving in our military.”

Rep. Darin LaHood (R-IL): “@realDonaldTrump laid out a bold message focused on issues #IL18 cares deeply about—trade, the economy, our military, and education. I hope Congress will heed his bipartisan call to action so we can forge a better America for years to come. My full statement on @POTUS’ #SOTU”

Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN): “President Trump delivered an optimistic message tonight and had a lot of accomplishments to highlight. We have a president who has fought so hard to deliver on his campaign promises. He’s fought for results, and we are now beginning to enjoy the fruit of those results. #SOTU”

Rep. Susan Brooks (R-IN): “President Trump delivered a strong State of the Union speech tonight. The President challenged Congress to continue working with him to deliver strong results for the American people and to create a country where people from every background and every walk of life can find new opportunities.”

Rep. Greg Pence (R-IN): “The American economy is booming, unemployment rates are the lowest in the history of our nation, and wages are growing for middle class families. With the USMCA signed and the Phase One trade deal with China negotiated, Hoosiers in my district are thriving.”

Rep. Ron Estes (R-KS): “Speaking to media after a powerful and uplifting #SOTU by @realDonaldTrump. As the President reported, thanks to tax reform, less regulations and trade deals like #USMCA, our economy is strong and so is the state of the union.”

Rep. Roger Marshall (R-KS): “Tonight’s #SOTU made it clear: @realDonaldTrump is laser-focused on strengthening American families, promoting our interests around the world, and continuing to usher our nation into an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity. #SOTU2020”

Rep. Andy Barr (R-KY): “The President delivered a relentlessly optimistic, positive and upbeat SOTU speech last night celebrating promises kept, American exceptionalism and the success of his pro-growth policies which have fueled a great American comeback and a blue collar worker boom.”

Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY): “Tonight we heard a strong, optimistic vision for America from President Trump. As a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee and as a member of the House Education and Labor Committee, I appreciated hearing from President Trump about his plans to lower health care costs, to fix surprise medical billing, and to increase workforce development opportunities.”

Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA): “By any objective measure, the Trump presidency has been a tremendous success. The people of Louisiana are reaping the benefits of a booming economy, more jobs and higher wages, energy independence, new trade deals, key judicial appointments, and a revitalized military. This evening, President Trump began writing the next chapter in our ‘Great American Comeback’ story.”

Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI): “The American people have numerous reasons for optimism, and in tonight’s speech, President Trump made a strong and compelling case why. Our economy is hitting new heights with wages climbing, unemployment at a 50-year low, and more Americans employed than ever before.”

Rep. Billy Long (R-MO): “Tonight’s address is a reminder of the president’s many accomplishments and proves that while Democrats have focused on impeachment, the president has been working for the American people. The president has called on Congress to empower American families, and I look forward to working with my colleagues to eliminate the roadblocks, like the exorbitant cost of prescription drugs, that impede their success.”

Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO): “Tonight’s #SOTU was a celebration of American strength. The President’s speech laid out opportunities where Americans can work together and put our political bitterness behind us for the sake of a shared American future. The President is right – America has made a comeback!”

Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC): “Thanks for the shoutout @realDonaldTrump ! Proud to be a cosponsor of the Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act with @buddforcongress @RichHudson @ThomTillis. We need to keep America SAFE … #SOTU”

Rep. Ted Budd (R-NC): “American confidence and optimism are at historic levels. Our country is better off than it was three years ago. #SOTU”

Rep. George Holding (R-NC): “Last night’s State of the Union highlighted President Trump’s commitment to delivering on his promises to the country. Renegotiating trade deals and reforming our tax code has made our economy strong.”

Rep. Richard Hudson (R-NC): “President Trump delivered an optimistic vision of American greatness, and I agree that Congress must work together on real priorities like providing for our service members, improving care for our veterans, and lowering the cost of health care for all Americans.”

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC): “Unequivocally the best State of the Union I’ve heard to date. Bravo, Mr. President. God bless our country. God bless our people. God bless AMERICA.”

Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-NC): “Tonight, President Trump delivered a powerful message highlighting all that has been accomplished over the past three years. Through the new trade agreement with China, the USMCA, and pro-growth policies like opportunity zones, President Trump has delivered meaningful results that have helped improve the lives of American families and kept our economy booming.”

Rep. Mark Walker (R-NC): “Tonight, we heard a progress report from President Trump and one thing is clear: this is truly the story of the Great American Comeback. North Carolina and our nation are stronger as a result of our focus on putting people first while creating a brighter future. #SOTU”

Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-ND): “The State of the Union is Strong! #SOTU”

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY): “Tonight, President Trump delivered an incredibly strong State of the Union as he highlighted his record of results for the American people. I’m honored to work with him on behalf of #NY21.”

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY): “Fantastic State of the Union address this evening! Wow. Honored to attend in person. Beautiful tributes to America throughout. Powerful words. We live in the greatest nation in the world, but we are still a young nation with the best years, generations & centuries still ahead.”

Rep. Warren Davidson (R-OH): “Excellent #SOTU by @realDonaldTrump”

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH): “.@POTUS: -Praised the #bluecollarboom -Gave scholarship to young student -Lauded a 100 y/o Tuskegee airman -Celebrated little girl born at 21 weeks -Honored @limbaugh -Reunited a military family -Stood for sanctity of life Pelosi can’t rip up the things that make America great.”

Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH): “President Trump delivered a powerful address tonight, outlining many things we have achieved on behalf of the American people and providing a bold vision for the future.”

Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK): “Tonight, @POTUS delivered a masterful speech inviting all Americans to remember and appreciate just how far we’ve come in three years.”

Rep. Kevin Hern (R-OK): “President Trump starting out strong! Our American economy is stronger than ever – lowest unemployment, wages on the rise,& more tax dollars in your pocket.”

Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK): “‘Whether we are Republican, Democrat, or Independent, surely we must all agree that every human life is a sacred gift from God!’ We must be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.”

Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR): “The record of success that @realDonaldTrump  focused on tonight is one for the history books. The lowest unemployment in 50 years, strong economic growth predicted, breakthroughs in medical research – you can go on, & on, & on. This President has delivered on his promises.”

Rep. Fred Keller (R-PA): “I thank President Donald Trump for delivering a forward-looking message of unity that strikes an optimistic tone for the future of our country. Thanks to President Trump’s leadership, we are in the middle of the great American comeback. In Pennsylvania, wages are up, unemployment is down, and new jobs have created a blue-collar boom for the middle class.”

Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA): “The State of the Union address tonight was a call for Republicans and Democrats to set aside differences and build on the blue-collar boom that is providing so much opportunity for millions. I look forward to working with the president and my colleagues in Congress on a robust policy agenda to build an even better future for America.”

Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA): “@realDonaldTrump has an optimistic vision for our nation’s future. Under his strong leadership, we are lowering health care costs, strengthening our national security, and supporting working families. Together we will move our country forward. #GreatAmericanComeback #SOTU”

Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC): “President Trump’s bold and visionary State of the Union Address was a spectacular dedication to the Great American Comeback. Our nation is experiencing tremendous success – a comeback like no other – because we have a promises made, promises kept President in the White House. And he isn’t done yet.”

Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC): “Regardless of the Democrat’s insulting false impeachment inquiry, @realDonaldTrump has worked toward his pro-jobs, pro-family, and pro-America agenda. POTUS continues his record of promises made, promises kept.”

Rep. Dusty Johnson (R-SD): “The economy is hotter than a pistol. More than 35,000 South Dakotans have been lifted out of poverty in the last few years and manufacturing wages have increased 9 percent this year alone. We all know there’s more work to be done.”

Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN): “A clear message was sent tonight: America is strong in so many ways and our nation is marching on to a bright and prosperous future. Middle class families are benefiting from a strong economy, businesses and workers are competitive once again thanks to new international trade agreements, and our citizens are safe from bad actors.”

Rep. David Kustoff (R-TN): “Thanks to the President’s leadership, our economy is thriving, the security of our nation is stronger than ever, and working families have a brighter future to look forward to. Tonight, President Trump made it clear that he has and will continue to work tirelessly on behalf of all Americans.”

Rep. Phil Roe (R-TN): “President Trump once again delivered an optimistic State of the Union address and it was a privilege to attend. Our country is making great progress under his leadership with the strongest economy of my lifetime.”

Rep. John Rose (R-TN): “President Trump detailed an optimistic and inspiring vision for our country… Under the Trump Administration, the entire world knows that the United States is strong once again.”

Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-TX): “@rollcall: ‘#SOTU⁠ ⁠ in three words’ Keeping America Great, means Keeping America Free. @realDonaldTrump’s address tonight was strong, resolute, & inspiring.”

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX): “I’m proud of the achievements @realDonaldTrump has delivered for the American people. His #SOTU speech was optimistic, strong, moving & encouraging. America should celebrate these results, and the lives it is changing.  Hope Democrats can set aside hatred & work with us.”

Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX): “Tonight, Americans heard a message of hope and fulfilled promises and a forward-looking plan for our nation. I appreciate the continued leadership of the President and will keep working for the American people.”

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX): “President Trump focused on the things Americans care about most tonight: growing the economy, creating jobs, lowering health care costs, securing our borders, and keeping America safe. It was an uplifting speech that Republicans and Democrats alike should applaud.”

Rep. Lance Gooden (R-TX): “The best is yet to come! @realdonaldtrump #SOTU”

Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX): “President Trump’s optimistic vision for our country puts hardworking Americans first, and I was pleased to hear him outline his continued commitment to policies that promote a strong economy, secure our nation’s border, and modernize our great military to protect the American way of life.”

Rep. Bill Flores (R-TX): “Tonight, @realDonaldTrump outlined the great American comeback that has occurred under his presidency. Thanks to his leadership, hardworking American families are doing far better than at any time in recent decades. Lets keep the progress going!”

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX): “Inspiring message from President Trump tonight in his State of the Union address. His policies have poised our country for continued success, and I couldn’t agree more that the best is yet to come. #SOTU”

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX): “Thanks to @realDonaldTrump for standing up for the #2ndAmendment rights in #StateofTheUnion.”

Rep. Randy Weber (R-TX): “‘America is a land of heroes.  This is the place where greatness is born, where destinies are forged, and where legends come to life.’ Thank you @realDonaldTrump for giving us the #GreatAmericanComeback”

Rep. Roger Williams (R-TX): “Tonight I took great pleasure in celebrating the Great American Comeback – under President Trump’s leadership, our economy is stronger than ever and our military remains the finest fighting force the world has ever known.”

Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT): “So much energy here tonight because President @realDonaldTrump has it right. ✔️Strongest economy in 50 years ✔️School choice ✔️Lower price of prescription drugs ✔️Protect our borders ✔️Destroy ISIS ✔️Keep America strong!”

Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-VA): “President Trump put forward an agenda that will build on his Administration’s successes and continue to advance the well-being of the American people. I was pleased by his commitment to progress on issues that affect Southwest Virginians in their daily lives, including lowering health care costs and energy independence.”

Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-VA): “You heard the President speak about the great American comeback and what that means for American workers. There is no doubt we are in the midst of a blue collar boom in this country. Thanks to Republican led, pro-growth policies, the American economy is stronger than ever.”

Rep. Rob Wittman (R-VA): “Tonight, President Trump outlined a strong, visionary path forward for America that builds upon the successes of the last three years. Since the president took office, we have had unparalleled accomplishments: landmark tax reform, record job numbers, and unprecedented investments in our nation’s military.”

Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-WA): “I just left President Trump’s third #SOTU, and I think it was the best he’s ever delivered. It was full of hope & optimism & listing a lot of the accomplishments we’ve seen over the last couple of years. I think the President’s message was good: The future of America is bright.”

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI): “Tonight, in his speech, the President outlined a bold and optimistic vision for a safer and more prosperous America–expanding on economic successes, strengthening our military, confronting the ever-present issues in our healthcare system, and enacting a safe and legal immigration system. I look foward to working with the President on these important issues.”

Rep. Bryan Steil (R-WI): “During President @realDonaldTrump’s State of the Union address, a soldier returns from deployment and surprises his wife and children. Great moment! #SOTU”

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY): “President Trump’s speech tonight was excellent. He outlined a bold and hopeful vision for our nation. He highlighted the historically strong economy that families in Wyoming and across the country are benefitting from.”

Rep. Carol Miller (R-WV): “Under the leadership of @POTUS, America is stronger and safer than ever! #SOTU”

Cabinet Officials

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: “President Trump continues to lead an American foreign policy that bolsters our security and prosperity, strengthens our alliances and partnerships, and protects our precious freedoms… All Americans can be proud of President Trump’s resolve to put American interests and values first and restore respect American leadership on the world stage.”

Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin: “President Trump’s message tonight was clear: he is delivering on his promises to the American people. As a result, families are taking home more money in their paychecks, businesses are investing, the economy is growing, and the Nation is safer. I applaud the President’s continued commitment to a robust economic freedom agenda, which is lifting up all Americans.”

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper: “In his State of the Union, @POTUS shared the extraordinary successes of our @DeptofDefense & outlined a bold vision forward. The accomplishments include the creation of the @SpaceForceDoD, which postures us to defend our interests & maintain our superiority in space.”

Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt: “The state of our Union is exceptional. Three years ago, President Trump promised to tackle the real issues facing Americans, and he has delivered on those promises across the government… We will continue to advance President Trump’s agenda for a safer, stronger and more prosperous America.”

Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue: “Tonight, President Trump’s State of the Union address showcased our country’s relentless optimism and his vision of brighter days that lie ahead. The President has rural America and agriculture close to his heart and has kept his promises when it comes to striking stronger trade agreements, eliminating burdensome regulations, strengthening the economy for all Americans, and making our country strong again… President Trump is delivering a brighter future for America’s patriotic farmers, ranchers, foresters, and producers. The great American comeback that he has been laying the groundwork for is in full force, and the best is yet to come.”

Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross: “Because of President Trump’s leadership, we are experiencing a comeback like never before. Our great nation is strong again and Americans who need it the most are experiencing an incredible Blue Collar Boom. From renegotiating trade deals that work for Americans to a jobs agenda that has led to the lowest unemployment rate in half a century, the American Dream is being restored for millions of American workers. The Commerce Department is proud to work with Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle, industry leaders, workers, and State, local, and tribal officials to promote America’s leadership in the global industries of the future and grow the Great American Comeback beyond anything being projected today.”

Secretary of Labor Eugene Scalia: “Three years ago, President Trump entered the Oval Office with a promise to bring back jobs and prosperity for the American worker. Tonight, the President reminded us that he has delivered on that promise. His policies have created an economic boom that is lifting up all Americans. Through lower taxes, deregulation, and free and fair trade deals like the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, the economy is surging under the leadership of President Trump.”

Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar: “Lowering the cost of healthcare and improving the health of Americans has been a key priority of President Trump during his first three years in office, and tonight, he laid out the results that his leadership has produced… The President is fulfilling his promise to protect what works in our healthcare system and make it better, and more success is still to come.”

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson: “President Trump’s State of the Union address presented a moment to reflect on the historic accomplishments of the Trump Administration and paved a path forward for the continuing prosperity of our nation… Tonight’s address underscored a reality—Americans all across the country are experiencing greater opportunity under President Trump. There is a wise old saying: ‘Fix the roof while the sun is shining.’ Due to wise and practical management, the sun is currently shining brightly in America. Now is the time to stop fighting each other and work together for an even brighter future for all.”

Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao: “Tonight President Trump issued a bipartisan call to keep our economy strong, encourage innovation, cut red tape and create more jobs.  Without innovation, our transportation systems cannot keep pace with the changes needed to remain competitive in the global economy. And without a focus on trimming unnecessary red tape, communities will continue to wait years for critical infrastructure they desperately need.  So we look forward to continuing to work on this Administration’s initiatives to help deliver infrastructure more quickly, and cut the red tape hampering innovation.”

Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette: “Under President Trump’s leadership, it is innovation, not regulation, that drives our nation’s energy success. America has become energy independent this year, leading the world in oil and gas production as well as carbon emissions reductions, notably surpassing every Paris Accord signatory. While exporting LNG to 37 countries across 5 continents, we are sharing our energy bounty with our allies around the world, and look forward to building upon our progress in the months to come.”

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos: “Tonight, the President delivered a strong message in support of America’s students and their futures. Every student, parent and teacher should be excited by this bold agenda to free them from a government system that limits their success… President Trump is ensuring these forgotten students are forgotten no more. This Administration wants every American, no matter their age, income, zip code or stage in life, to have access to K-12 and higher education options that work for them, unlock their individual potential, and help them pursue successful careers in our booming economy. That’s evidenced by the President’s strong commitment to career and technical education and apprenticeship expansion, higher education reform, Second Chance Pell expansion, and Education Freedom Scholarships.”

Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie: “America’s accomplishments during President Trump’s first three years in office are nothing short of historic, and tonight the president set forth a bold and optimistic vision to build on this progress. Whether it’s the expanded health care choices of the MISSION Act, the increased educational options of the Forever GI Bill or the enhanced flexibility of the Appeals Modernization Act, millions of Veterans are benefitting from the landmark reforms VA has implemented under President Trump’s leadership. Tonight, President Trump made clear that our future will be filled with many more successes for Veterans and all Americans.”

Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf: “Once again, President Trump proved he will stand strong to secure our borders. Under his leadership, DHS has implemented a series of common sense reforms that utilize the authorities granted to us by Congress. We’ve built more than 100 miles of new border wall system and reduced the number of illegal border apprehensions for eight consecutive months. We are also rooting out meritless and fraudulent asylum claims while prioritizing humanitarian protections for those who are in need, and at the same time, we have naturalized more new Americans last year than in each year of the previous decade. Most importantly, President Trump is keeping the American people safe.”

Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency Andrew Wheeler: “Tonight, I was honored to attend the President’s State of the Union address, and I wholeheartedly agree with the President: The State of our Union is strong. All American’s should be optimistic with the progress we have made over the past three years, and with the vision the President has for our future.”

United States Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer: “Thanks to President Trump’s strong leadership, America is thriving under his economic and trade policies… President Trump has kept his promise to chart a new and better course for U.S. trade policy through fairer and more balanced agreements.  This enormous success is only the beginning of what we will accomplish under his leadership.”

Administrator of the Small Business Administration Jovita Carranza: “The President made a powerful case that his pro-growth economic policies are not only sustaining record-high levels of optimism among America’s 30 million small businesses, but also driving upward mobility among historically underrepresented minority entrepreneurs. Last year, Latino-owned small businesses saw their average revenues increase by an astounding 46%. This Administration’s commitment to reducing the cost of healthcare, opening new international markets, providing paid family leave, and expanding access to affordable childcare will further reduce barriers to entrepreneurial development and growth, particularly among minorities. I’m particularly encouraged by this President’s efforts to steer more private sector investment into more than 8,700 undercapitalized communities through Opportunity Zones. These critically important investments will help more low-income Americans climb the economic ladder and realize the American Dream.”

State Officials

Governor Mike Dunleavy (R-AK): “Tonight in the #SOTU we heard from President @realDonaldTrump about the great American comeback our country is currently experiencing and about the inspiring future he is creating for all Americans.”

Governor Asa Hutchinson (R-AR): “I’m grateful for the well-deserved recognition given in the #SOTU to our men & women serving in the military overseas. I’m glad they were honored last night by @realDonaldTrump.”

Governor Doug Ducey (R-AZ): “Arizona is proud! An eighth grader, AZ resident & great-grandson of Tuskegee Airman Charles McGee, Iain plans to attend the Air Force Academy and eventually go to space. He was also the top grad of the Aerospace Career Education program last summer.”

Governor Brian Kemp (R-GA): “Last night, @realDonaldTrump delivered a powerful #SOTU address that highlighted his historic accomplishments at home & abroad. He honored the true heroes among us & shared a bold vision for a safer, stronger nation. I’m proud to back @POTUS and his efforts to Keep America Great!”

Governor Kim Reynolds (R-IA): “Tonight, President @realDonaldTrump talked about the great American comeback and how the best is yet to come for our nation and every single American! #SOTU”

Governor Brad Little (R-ID): “I applaud @realDonaldTrump for highlighting the importance of supporting America’s moms, dads, and children in tonight’s #SOTU. Idaho’s Families First Act gives eligible state employees 8 weeks of paid family leave. The @WhiteHouse is leading by example in supporting families.”

Governor Eric Holcomb (R-IN): “I appreciate ‪@POTUS’ commitment to building an inclusive economy and empowering people from every background with the tools to achieve their dreams. In #Indiana, we’re offering multiple pathways to opportunity and we won’t overlook anyone who aspires to be successful. #SOTU”

Governor Mike Parson (R-MO): “Glad to hear President Trump announce a new focus on vocational training at the high school level! We need to ensure our students understand every opportunity, whether it’s going into the workforce, military, community college, technical school, or four-year degree. #SOTU”

Governor Chris Sununu (R-NH): “Thrilled to see @POTUS highlight the importance of lowering prescription drug prices. We must act quickly, which is why I testified before the Senate Commerce Committee just days ago in favor of common sense legislation that provides relief to the people of New Hampshire. #SOTU”

Governor Doug Burgum (R-ND): “Tonight President Trump outlined a vision for America that builds upon the economic growth, historic low unemployment and rising wages that have benefited citizens in North Dakota and across the nation under his administration.”

Governor Pete Ricketts (R-NE): “President @realDonaldTrump truly is delivering on his promises to the American people in the ‘most exceptional Republic ever to exist in all of human history.’ From millions of new jobs to new trade deals, he is helping create great opportunities for Nebraska’s working families.”

Governor Henry McMaster (R-SC): “Tonight the world knows that America is winning again!  And South Carolina is winning!  Thanks to President @realDonaldTrump our nation is stronger, our people’s resolve is unmatched and our enemies are destined for failure.”

Governor Kristi Noem (R-SD): “Tonight, @realdonaldtrump delivered a strong and inspiring message to the American people. Our country is strong, and our President is laser-focused on creating a better future for businesses and families.”

Governor Bill Lee (R-TN): “Tennessee is right with you @realDonaldTrump. #SOTUPro-Life ✅ School Choice ✅ 2nd Amendment ✅ Criminal Justice Reform ✅ Family Leave ✅ Rural Broadband ✅”

Governor Greg Abbott (R-TX): “Tonight, President Trump laid out a clear and compelling vision for our nation—one where all Americans have access to even greater opportunity and shared prosperity. Through the first three years of his presidency, President Trump has kept his promises to protect America’s national security, make our communities safer, and build an economy that lifts up every American.”

Lt. Governor Tim Griffin (R-AR): “Our economy—booming. Our military—being rebuilt. Our taxes—lower. Trade deals—in place. Conservative judges—on the bench. School choice—a priority. Thank you President @realDonaldTrump for making the state of our union so strong!”

Lt. Governor Dan Forest (R-NC): “‘The best is yet to come…” The many accomplishments speak for themselves. Congratulations, President”

Lt. Governor Pamela Evette (R-SC): “Americans across the country, and those at home here in SC, are seeing the benefits of President Trump’s pro-growth policies combined with Gov @henrymcmaster’s leadership! #SCWinning #SOTU”

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (R-TX): “Best #SOTU speech ever! @POTUS @realDonaldTrump’s amazing accomplishments and vision for America’s future inspires us all. Many great moments, but I was especially moved by @POTUS honoring our military and law enforcement.”

Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge (R-AR): “#SOTU is further proof @realdonaldtrump has kept his promises. @POTUS has posted historic economic advances through business growth & deregulation, appointed two talented jurists to the #SCOTUS & signed outstanding trade deals that will continue to improve our quality of life.”

Attorney General Ashley Moody (R-FL): “Congratulations on a job well done President @realdonaldtrump! #SOTU.”

Attorney General Daniel Cameron (R-KY): “@POTUS/@realDonaldTrump delivered a strong #SOTU tonight underscoring his commitment to public safety, protecting the unborn, and strengthening families in Kentucky and across America.”

Attorney General Jeff Landry (R-LA): “America is safer and stronger under the leadership of President Donald Trump and our 26 Republican attorneys general. Republican attorneys general work diligently to abide by the rule of law, stand with law enforcement, and keep America safe. The Trump administration’s policies enacted over the last three years have resulted in a thriving economy, increased national security, decline in drug overdose deaths, and a renewed respect for society’s most vulnerable, the unborn.”

Attorney General Lynn Fitch (R-MS): “I am proud to be here at the State of the Union as a guest of @RepTrentKelly & to hear @realDonaldTrump say, “We will not quit until we have beaten the opioid epidemic once and for all.” Mr. President, we will fight that fight with you in Mississippi.”

Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft (R-MO): “Great SOTU tonight by @realdonaldtrump. During his speech he and his guests told the story of America. Family, faith, and freedom. The State of Our Union is strong.”

Commissioner of Agriculture Andy Gipson (R-MS): “Thank you President Trump for delivering new and better trade deals for our American farmers!  Promises made, promises kept.  #SOTU”

State Senator Shannon Grove (R-CA): “Beautiful moment during the #SOTU when Jody Jones received a standing ovation. Jody’s brother, Rocky, was shot and killed in Tulare County in December of 2018. Thank you Mr. President for honoring Rocky Jones and his loved ones!”

State Senate President Larry Obhoff (R-OH): “A great #SOTU tonight, detailing the progress that we have made as a nation over the past three years. A strong economy, better trade deals, improving educational opportunities, strengthening national security. Promises made, promises kept by @realDonaldTrump.”

State House Speaker Lee Chatfield (R-MI): “That was perhaps @realDonaldTrump’s best speech of his presidency. It was clear, concise & spoke to the heart of what it means to be American. Economy is booming. Border is secure. Terrorists are on notice. Unemployment is down. Future is bright. Let’s go! USA! #StateOfTheUnion”

State House Speaker Mike Turzai (R-PA): “We fight for students like Janiyah. We can have thriving public school districts, public charter schools, and private and parochial schools available for our kids & parents. Competition raises the quality of each, ensuring that the needs of every student and family are being met.”

State House Speaker Cameron Sexton (R-TN): “The State of Our Union is strong under President @realdonaldtrump. I applaud the President for making our economy great again – seven million new jobs since 2016. #SOTU2020”

Speaker Robin Vos (R-WI): “Excellent #SOTU. @POTUS is delivering on his promises to the American people.”

County Commissioner Michelle Stone (R-Marion County, FL): “President Trump showed us just how great America is by sharing the stories of the guests invited tonight to witness his State of the Union Speech. The accomplishments we celebrate come from a position of commitment and love for our great nation. I’m proud of our President and I am grateful for his leadership. I believe the best is yet to come!”

County Commissioner Christian Ziegler (R-Sarasota County, FL): “President @realDonaldTrump announcing that Janiyah will be receiving a scholarship is the best moment of the SOTU for me. We should ALL be fighting for kids like Janiyah. All-the-time.”

Media, Commentators, and Policy Advocates

ABC News’ Jordyn Phelps: “Applause for Venezuela’s Juan Guaido stands out as a unifying moment in the SOTU so far, with Republicans and Democrats honoring Guaido with a standing ovation”

CNN Contributor Scott Jennings: “My god that story about the Task Force 814. Heartbreaking. Beautiful. Perfect inclusion in this speech.”

The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway: “Not just Trump’s best speech but the best State of the Union address I’ve ever heard.”

The Heritage Foundation President Kay Cole James: “It’s a powerful moment to see Venezuela’s rightful leader, interim President @jguaido, recognized during the #SOTU. Prayers for the Venezuelan people in their efforts to free themselves of the tyrannical Maduro regime.”

Forbes Media Chairman and Editor-in-Chief Steve Forbes: “Powerful, positive and optimistic State of the Union address. President Trump’s best ever. U.S. strength verbally, graphically and movingly displayed. Speaker Pelosi’s paper-tearing poutines and pettiness big political put off.”

Fox Business’ Lou Dobbs: “The President Gives a Stemwinder of a Speech! @realDonaldTrump takes on ‘radical left’ in defiant and dramatic State of the Union address”

Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo: “So far @POTUS @realDonaldTrump #killing it.  Great story to tell”

Fox News’ Lisa Boothe: “Very powerful and moving speech tonight.”

Fox News’ Tammy Bruce: “It was an undeniably beautiful touch having @flotus present Rush w his Presidential Medal of Freedom.”

Fox News’ Judge Jeanine Pirro: “We are rebuilding OUR country!  America First @realDonaldTrump is knocking it out of the park….er Congress”

Fox News Contributor Jason Chaffetz: “I thought it was clear, it was visionary, and it was emotional… And I sat through all the Obama speeches and they talk about what a great orator he was… This was, by far, a better speech.”

Fox News Contributor Ari Fleischer: “Ian Lanphier and his 100-year-old great grandfather are the highlights of this speech.  Wow.”

Newsmax’s John Cardillo: “WOW, this is one of the, if not the, most well crafted #SOTU speeches I’ve ever heard.”

The Resurgent’s Erick Erickson: “Best State of the Union Ever”

NBC News’ Maria Shriver: “The President paints a thriving picture of the United States telling the nation the country is respected again.”

Political Commentator Frank Luntz: “President Trump gets high scores from both GOP- and Dem-leaning voters on proposals for technical training in every high school and permanent funding for HBCUs.”

Radio Host Hugh Hewitt: “We must always remember that our job is to put America first.” Then @realDonaldTrump pivots to school choice. Nicely done  Dems not going to like this speech at all but a majority of Americans will.”

Radio Host Mark Levin: “President Trump is a truly remarkable man. This speech was fabulous.  And to think the Democrats in that body sought to remove him.  But he beat them.  Again.  What a beautiful, patriotic, emotional, and thoughtful speech.  Incredible.”

Reagan Legacy Foundation President Michael Reagan: “My father would’ve stood and applauded Donald Trump‘s State of the Union address. Bravo @realDonaldTrump”

Turning Point USA Founder and President Charlie Kirk: “President Trump just gave the best State of the Union speech in the history of our country.”

TOPICS: Miscellaneous
KEYWORDS: congress; media; sotu

1 posted on 02/05/2020 5:22:47 PM PST by ransomnote
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To: ransomnote

Bumping cause I want to.

2 posted on 02/05/2020 5:32:38 PM PST by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.)
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To: ransomnote

what, no Pierre?

3 posted on 02/05/2020 5:34:52 PM PST by dontreadthis (A TIMELINE OF TREASON on Profile Page)
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To: little jeremiah

Nice to see. I thought it was the best SOTU I have ever heard.

4 posted on 02/05/2020 5:42:00 PM PST by McGavin999 (Queen Fancy Nancy Of North Poopistan)
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To: ransomnote

Loved reading the comments. Thanks for posting!!

5 posted on 02/05/2020 5:45:07 PM PST by Track9 (Air Force One should have red white and blue contrails. Troll city)
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To: McGavin999

I agree, best I have ever seen.

Remarkable how many of the names that are praising him now, excoriated him for running and us for nominating and then electing him to stop what they have been doing for 30 years, fundamentally transforming the USA into North Mexico.

6 posted on 02/05/2020 5:49:06 PM PST by Lurkinanloomin (Natural Born Citizens Are Born Here of Citizen Parents_Know Islam, No Peace-No Islam, Know Peace)
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Reagan Legacy Foundation President Michael Reagan: “My father would’ve stood and applauded Donald Trump‘s State of the Union address. Bravo @realDonaldTrump”

7 posted on 02/05/2020 5:51:09 PM PST by novemberslady
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To: ransomnote

Looks like there are some EX-Never-Trumpers on that list!

Bravo, Mr. President!

8 posted on 02/05/2020 5:59:57 PM PST by left that other site (For America to have CONFIDENCE in our future, we must have PRIDE in our HISTORY... DJT)
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To: ransomnote

Our President has no fear of the Democrats. He took the battle right to them. Especially in his awarding Rush the PMOF. You could tell what little the Democrats have left for brains was disintegrating. Pelousy showing her petulance and immaturity at the end was the coup de gras. Fun to watch! And next year’s will be even more fun! Trump 2020!

9 posted on 02/05/2020 8:23:26 PM PST by DennisR (Look around. God gives countless clues that He does, indeed, exist.)
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To: AdmSmith; AnonymousConservative; Arthur Wildfire! March; Berosus; Bockscar; cardinal4; ColdOne; ...
The Demwits had found there was no stopping President Trump before, at most they could slow him down a little. Those were the good old days, you treasonous partisan scumbags!

10 posted on 02/06/2020 1:47:39 PM PST by SunkenCiv (Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie.)
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To: ransomnote

Nice - thanks for posting.

11 posted on 02/06/2020 6:20:46 PM PST by GOPJ (
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To: ransomnote

Unknown person from Facebook : Only Trump could get Democrats to attend an award ceremony for Rush.

12 posted on 02/08/2020 11:39:55 AM PST by Nateman ( Unless the left is screaming you are doing it wrong.)
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To: Nateman

Unknown person from Facebook : Only Trump could get Democrats to attend an award ceremony for Rush.

hahahahahah! I read hateful comments by lefties about the awarding of Rush at the ceremony. Considering the sources, high praise indeed! Makes the award that much sweeter. :D

13 posted on 02/08/2020 11:41:22 AM PST by ransomnote (IN GOD WE TRUST)
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To: ransomnote

If anybody sees one of the RATs who boycotted the speech (like Mad Maxine) yell at them: Hey you missed it! You could have joined your friends at Rush’s award ceremony!

14 posted on 02/08/2020 12:11:57 PM PST by Nateman ( Unless the left is screaming you are doing it wrong.)
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