This example of Big Tech censorship shows just how weak and pathetic the Biden administration and their Big Tech sycophants really are.  As the mother of fallen marine hero Kareem Kikoui, killed in the terrorist attack at Kabul airport, shares her opinion of Joe Biden and the administration, the social media platforms suspend her accounts.

Mrs. Shana Chappell is furious at the Biden administration, and now that we know the military was aware of the pending attack before it took place – the horrific event is even worse.  Mrs. Chappell’s voice cries out in anger and grief.   The incompetence and failed leadership in the Afghan withdrawal led to the death of her son, Kareem Nikoui.  Her Facebook and Instagram accounts have now been suspended.  Screengrab Below:

Based on what we know about the objectives and intents of those who are attempting to control opposition (DOJ, FBI and Big Tech), it looks like the next segment is what they fear… and the reason her voice was silenced.  The White House fears Shana Chappell will start a grassroots movement and spotlight the illegitimacy of the Biden regime.

The DC operatives have been working on every angle possible to paint their political opposition as terrorists.  They cannot allow Mrs. Chappell to organize massive numbers of people heading to Washington DC.   She must be shut down… so they did.