Snake Skin Sonny
Since Sep 14, 2000

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Retired US Army Sergeant Major, 4 years Infantry, 2 years Aviation, 14 years Military Police.

Now a dropout from Society.

Ride an ol' motorsickle, drive an old CJ beater when it rains bad or gets REAL cold.

Own lots of guns.

Ain't never had a boating accident...but, who knows? Could happen any day, you know?

Got lots of knives, a few I made myself.

Live on my own land, paid for...but still subject to the whims of the stinkin' tax man, which serves to piss me off once a year when I have to "pay" for the privilege of living on MY land.

Mind my own business...usually, until some dipshit tries to force some crap down my throat.

Got no use for islam or a damned muslim.

Never have had, never will have.

As for the LGB...what the hell ever alphabet crap...well, anybody that can't figure out God's plan for the intimacy of the TWO sexes...let's just say I got no need to be around 'em and that I have absolutely no use for them.

I won't treat them harshly...unless they treat me harshly...but I'll have no truck with them willingly.

Ain't never voted for a damn democrat...never will.

And I know a RINO when I see one.

And last, but certainly not is my considered opinion that Joe Biden is a treasonous, perverted pedophile, a damned fool and a tool of those that would like to see the United States...Un-United.