I try to do the right thing and let that dictate my daily life. I'm always surprised more people don't react with action, exercising their precious right to protest, in particular. Condit cons a whole nation, or attempts to, and only a small number publicly protest. Imagine how long he would have clung to his job had thousands taken to the streets in Modesto. Even for a few hours. But it's just my opinion, I could be wrong. (Probably not).
whatever the reason, on december 21, 2011 I was in the group of 5 out of every hundred that survive sudden cardiac arrest.
More recently, the anti-war protesters have had a field day in the streets carrying their workers world party "A.N.S.W.E.R." signs with not nearly enough good counter speech. The only cure for bad speech is good speech, at the same time and place and with the passion it deserves......

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