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Philosophical Problems with the Mormon Concept of God
Christian Research Institute ^
| Francis J. Beckwith
Posted on 02/13/2003 6:03:04 PM PST by scripter
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To: drstevej
You are sure persistent in telling me what I believe and yet are consistently wrong. No, I am not wrong. And it isn't even because I am so wise, but because I believe what the scriptures say.
You cannot accept PART of the Gospel; it is all, or none.
You cannot hold on to the dead philosophies of men mingled with scripture, taught by the blind in your institutions of "learning," dead and decaying philosophies without a shred of power in them, and then expect to have the words of life by default.
If you repent, and accept that Jesus is the Christ, that Joseph Smith was the prophet of this Dispensation, and the divine origin of the Book of Mormon, then you have NOTHING, because those things hold the key to life eternal.
Belief in man-made creeds gets you only mortal and spiritual death.
posted on
02/17/2003 2:53:39 PM PST
(If the hunger for liberty destroys order, the hunger for order will destroy liberty. - Will Durant)
To: Illbay
"How sad to see damnation made sure, just because of pride in clinging to the dead corpse of that which was never alive to begin with"
And we are back to "God screwed up" and it took J.Smith to set it all straight. So he really IS your true God.
posted on
02/17/2003 2:54:32 PM PST
To: Illbay
You are the funny guy. I accept Christ and the prophets who come preaching of Him, and not of themselves or of some "church" that saves. You know nothing of any of us yet you are quick to denounce the defenders here of God and His Word.
To: Illbay; drstevej; CubicleGuy
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is THE Church of Jesus Christ, period. You fight against the church, you fight against Christ. And I thought the Mormon Church had been trying to be accepted by Christian churches as merely another denomination for the past few years. Is this true; or not?
If so, has the Mormon Church become apostate or in danger of becoming apostate like it has claimed about all other churches? Seems that CubicleGuy expressed this very concern on more than one occasion in the past.
To: Illbay
If you repent, and accept that Jesus is the Christ, that Joseph Smith was the prophet of this Dispensation, and the divine origin of the Book of Mormon, then you have NOTHING, because those things hold the key to life eternal. What is your evidence that Joseph Smith was a true prophet and that the Book of Mormon is both devine and true?
To: Illbay; White Mountain; Grig; rising tide; CubicleGuy
I know you have strong feelings for the distruction they incur. It is not very pleasant to see day after day the unkind way these ignorance people continue to dispaly their intense animosity towards the Restoration of the "Church of Jesus Christ".
Yet,we must remember God love's them inspite of their bitter enmity.
In the recess of our mind we should hope always that they will make it back home to the Father in Heaven!
posted on
02/17/2003 3:07:15 PM PST
(More holiness give me, More strivings within,More gratitude give me, More trust in the Lord)
To: connectthedots
devine = divine
To: Illbay
If you repent, and accept that Jesus is the Christ, that Joseph Smith was the prophet of this Dispensation, and the divine origin of the Book of Mormon, then you have NOTHING, because those things hold the key to life eternal.The insistence that anything, OTHER than Christ, is needed for a soul to be saved, is the rantings of a nonbeliever, pure and simple.
To: Illbay; P-Marlowe; connectthedots; scripter; Wrigley
***Belief in
man-made creeds gets you only mortal and spiritual death.***
Please, keep it up. Lurkers need to hear you!
You are My Favorite Mormon.
To: restornu
posted on
02/17/2003 3:13:29 PM PST
To: drstevej; Illbay
You (Illbay) are My Favorite Mormon. I know why Illbay is your favorite Mormon.
To: Wrigley
Mormons on FR have admitted they do not know if even Joseph Smith has even become a god yet, or even if he is in the Clelestal Kingdom. If there is no assurance that the man who restored the 'true church' has made it, what hope is there for any other Mormon?
To: bonfire
I know that you know this--but it's fun to lie, isn't it?
God never screws up. But His children do, frequently.
You DO recall the flood thing, don't you?
Or are YOU on this kick that everything has been peachy the last 2,000 years?
Here's a clue: It wasn't. The original church died because men were wicked, and they no longer deserved it. They wouldn't listen to the apostles at that time, just as you won't. And they didn't have the truth in them, just like you don't.
posted on
02/17/2003 3:23:22 PM PST
(If the hunger for liberty destroys order, the hunger for order will destroy liberty. - Will Durant)
To: JesseShurun
If you reject the truth of the gospel now, you would have rejected it then. Make no mistake.
All YOU accept is a bunch of dead and decayed "traditions," not the gospel.
posted on
02/17/2003 3:24:20 PM PST
(If the hunger for liberty destroys order, the hunger for order will destroy liberty. - Will Durant)
To: Illbay
So the Torah and the New Testament, Hashem and Jesus themselves, are "not the gospel"?
To: connectthedots
And I thought the Mormon Church had been trying to be accepted by Christian churches ...That's YOUR interpretation. All we've actually asked is that you stop lying. You don't have to accept our beliefs; you don't even have to LIKE them. We don't like YOURS; we think they are just a bunch of hokum drummed up by a bunch of people with not a clue as to what the truth of the Gospel was, and a political axe to grind.
If we didn't we wouldn't need our own Church, would we?
We aren't just "Christians," we are the ONLY Church of Christ, period.
The rest of you are playing pretend.
Does that mean you're evil and wicked? No, that's YOUR game to play.
You simply don't have the truth, and you have no authority, and you have no true baptism, you use only part of the Bible (much less the other scriptures that are now available by the holy Prophets of this dispensation).
There are many, many good people among your sectarian hodge-podge, but you have no power to save and you do NOT have the gospel of Jesus Christ, period.
posted on
02/17/2003 3:29:57 PM PST
(If the hunger for liberty destroys order, the hunger for order will destroy liberty. - Will Durant)
To: connectthedots
I know it because I WANTED to know it. According to James 1:5 (a part of the Bible that is outside your canon that I call "Bible-Prime"), if you lack wisdom, you are ENTITLED to ask of God, who giveth to ALL MEN (even you) liberally, and He WILL manifest the truth of that thing to you.
The Catch: You have to ask IN FAITH, nothing wavering, with the expectation of an answer (not simply a validation of what you already THINK you know).
This is how I found it out originally.
I'll tell you something else: Years later, while in College--when I wasn't even sure there was a God for a time--I decided to try it again, because I just wasn't sure of anything.
But I asked in faith, and I asked to sincerely know what the truth was, and I received that witness ONCE AGAIN.
In short, I know these things exactly the same way that the ancient Saints learned the truth of what THEY knew.
posted on
02/17/2003 3:33:35 PM PST
(If the hunger for liberty destroys order, the hunger for order will destroy liberty. - Will Durant)
To: JesseShurun
Of course Christ is necessary. But what did Christ say? He told you to keep His commandments.
Are you honestly saying that as long as you BELIEVE IN CHRIST, even if you ignore His commandments, then you're perfectly Okay?
If so, how is it YOU can command Christ?
posted on
02/17/2003 3:35:11 PM PST
(If the hunger for liberty destroys order, the hunger for order will destroy liberty. - Will Durant)
To: Wrigley
I have comfort from the Lord Wrigley! I know what path I am traveling. I also know when I off the path so there is no mystery!
All I need to do is to honor each Covenant I make with the Lord and Keep His Commandments to the best of MY ability. The Lord knows what I am capable of and won't abandon me if I fall short.
Those who dismiss this wisdom do it at their own peril!
posted on
02/17/2003 3:35:17 PM PST
(More holiness give me, More strivings within,More gratitude give me, More trust in the Lord)
To: drstevej
Whatever. If they heed the words of life, then they will have salvation. If they reject it then they are damned.
I am commanded to bear witness. I am not commanded to convince those like you, whose minds are darkened by the lies of the adversary.
posted on
02/17/2003 3:36:18 PM PST
(If the hunger for liberty destroys order, the hunger for order will destroy liberty. - Will Durant)
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