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Jewish lawmakers threaten walk-out over reference to Jesus ^
| April 3, 2003
| Diana Lynne
Posted on 04/03/2003 6:25:58 PM PST by honway
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To: F16Fighter
that somehow prayer or the evocation of the Deity of our Founding Fathers is suddenly offensive and taboo. I don't recall reading much about the Founding Fathers invoking Jesus. Lots of references to God, however.
To: sinkspur
posted on
04/04/2003 3:52:37 PM PST
To: Bella_Bru
Don't put words in my mouth. I have stated fact, you figure out the rest. My statement stands.
posted on
04/04/2003 3:52:56 PM PST
(Yes, let us allow the economies of gerdung, frunk, mexiztlan, chirushcom and canadastan to wither...)
To: Bella_Bru
Dear Friend, Have you ever read in the New Testament where Jesus says, "ask anything in my name". I take him at his word a man who never lied, so when I pray, I ask it in the name of Jesus, apparantly this gentleman does too. I must say also that I am shocked at the tone of the majority of the replies, I would expect many of them to be on a liberal site but not I am praying for you all, in Jesus' name of course.
To: so_real
"I wish they [Adams and Madison] were here discuss this with us."And some of the same people on this board would accuse them of "insensitivies" and tacit "evangelism."
posted on
04/04/2003 4:02:58 PM PST
(Democrats -- The Party of Stalin and Chiraq)
To: ApesForEvolution
I'm a Deist, whatever that is, but I would never permit a prayer invoking God related to anything government, like the Pledge of Allegience or prayer in Congress, out of respect to those who claim to be Atheists, whatever that is. It's called separation of state and church, like that now in Iraq. I feel all of you are wrong here as you are on the invasion of Iraq. We can win the war but lose the peace for generations to come. And that's stupid.
To: sinkspur
"I don't recall reading much about the Founding Fathers invoking Jesus. Lots of references to God, however."True, they weren't over the top in their respective public evocations of Jesus Christ...
But then again they were consciously intent in maintaining a secular government in the early days, and thus were understandably more reserved about their personal Christian beliefs.
posted on
04/04/2003 4:15:40 PM PST
(Democrats -- The Party of Stalin and Chiraq)
To: F16Fighter
But then again they were consciously intent in maintaining a secular government in the early days, and thus were understandably more reserved about their personal Christian beliefs. They were wise. Maybe they foresaw 800 posts on a FR thread involving people on the same side politically fighting like cats and dogs over a prayer.
To: Illbay
That's a word more people should tell them.
posted on
04/04/2003 4:26:32 PM PST
To: sinkspur
"They were wise. Maybe they foresaw 800 posts on a FR thread involving people on the same side politically fighting like cats and dogs over a prayer."LOL -- I guess it's part of what makes FR so "special."
posted on
04/04/2003 4:27:23 PM PST
(Democrats -- The Party of Stalin and Chiraq)
To: Illbay; so_real; Wrigley; drstevej; Revelation 911; ksen
They are very gracious, and used to the word "no." Sorry Illbay, they're not all so gracious.
We lived in an apartment building in Arlington, VA for 8 years. The building was owned by a very kind older [FR 5th Amendment] gentleman. When we first moved in our rent went up every 6 months. When our son was born and my wife stayed home with him, our rent didn't go up again for the next five years.
He rented (perhaps donated) an apartment in the building to [FR 5th Amendment] missionaries. For the most part they seemed like nice young men.
But on more than one occasion, when my wife was trying to get our 2-year-old and an arm full of groceries up the three flights to our apartment, she would actually have to walk around the group of missionaries standing talking on the sidewalk.
I'm not trashing your boys. But they're not all so gracious.
After all, they're still far....
To: Bella_Bru; Wrigley
Ya gotta whack them JWs over the head with yer land shark mallot...
To: Corin Stormhands
You mean they wouldn't even lend a hand to a woman?
posted on
04/04/2003 4:33:04 PM PST
To: Wrigley
A woman with a baby.
To: Corin Stormhands
For shame.
Maybe manners weren't part of the training.
posted on
04/04/2003 4:36:57 PM PST
To: aruanan
Thanks again, and may I say "Yay!"
Also, great quote. I'll have to add that to my little collection. :-)
posted on
04/04/2003 4:37:45 PM PST
("Mercy, detached from Justice, grows unmerciful." - C. S. Lewis)
To: Wrigley
They offered to put a book in one of her grocery bags...
To: sinkspur
Maybe they foresaw 800 posts on a FR thread involving people on the same side politically fighting like cats and dogs over a prayer. We're not at 800. ...Yet. :-)
And I think these two might object to your analogy.
posted on
04/04/2003 4:48:58 PM PST
("Mercy, detached from Justice, grows unmerciful." - C. S. Lewis)
To: TopQuark
tact? No thanks, that is too PC for me! LOL I said it once, I will say it again, I believe what I believe because I have read and studied the Bible! I know exactly what it says!
With that said, for those two Jewish fellows to threaten to walk out, they are the ones that are soooooo wrong by doing so!!!!! I respect their beliefs! They do not believe in the Messiah....He has not come yet according to their beliefs,(but I don't threaten to walk out because they say Shalom!!!!!), however we as Christians do and for us to deny Christ is slapping the Holy Spirit in the face.......something I will never do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For PC reasons or under threat of death! I wish to go to Heaven, I can turn the other cheek at a personal insult, but not one to my Lord!
To: Corin Stormhands
Was it a 3 in 1?
posted on
04/04/2003 4:53:32 PM PST
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