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Posted on 01/17/2003 5:28:21 PM PST by doug from upland
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To: The Finman
No matter that a vast majority of Americans do not want this warHey Pansy Pitt...
And besides...What's your definition of "Vast Majority"?? I don't believe a simple "Majority" has ever been against this war??
To: doug from upland
in the same thread:
Told me he was "pissed," cursed a bunc of times, didn't get hysterical, but yo I had his goat by the f**king throat.
Bwa ha ha ha.
posted on
01/17/2003 6:22:08 PM PST
(I salute you.)
To: Petronski
This has been a fun adventure. I sent the thread to Molly Levinson at CNN. If he were not insane, he might have had a shot at promoting his POS little book on CNN.
posted on
01/17/2003 6:24:37 PM PST
doug from upland
(May the Clintons live their remaining days in orange jumpsuits)
To: Petronski
He called me
Yeah, I'm jazzed. Ready to protest tomorrow. Mother*uckers call me at my house ready to shame me better pack a *ucking lunch.
He didn't.
posted on
01/17/2003 6:27:15 PM PST
To: doug from upland
Do you mean the POS book that he co-wrote with Skat el-Ritar?
posted on
01/17/2003 6:27:54 PM PST
(I salute you.)
To: doug from upland
Yes, those really are pictures of William Pitt from a Liberal social event sponsored by the board that he spends most of his time on.
I've got a lot pictures from that event...I was able to save most of the images to my hard drive before the original thread was deleted.
To: The Finman
He's so....analytical. So relevant.
posted on
01/17/2003 6:30:47 PM PST
(I salute you.)
To: Petronski
t r u t h o u t | Letter
William Rivers Pitt, Author "War on Iraq"
to: Staff / Aaron Brown CNN
Subject: Flawed Report; Iraqi Warheads Found
Thursday 16 January 2003
My name is William Rivers Pitt. I am the author of the book 'War on Iraq,' which has appeared on the New York Times bestseller list, and has cracked the top ten bestseller lists of the Washington Post, L.A. Times, San Francisco Chronicle and others. I am also a writer for the publication
I apologize for flouting my resume at you, but I wanted to make sure that you do not dismiss this email as coming from someone not very well versed in this Iraq situation. A correspondent named (name deleted) at CNN gave me your address, so that I might pass a note through you to Mr. Aaron Brown. I am hoping he is prepared to hear what I am saying.
First things first: The warheads.
Let's be clear. These were not 'chemical warheads.' In the Iraqi arsenal, a warhead is a warhead - an empty ordnance space strapped to a missile. What matters is the payload, be it explosive or chemical or nuclear. The item placed in the warhead denotes the designation. These warheads were stone-cold empty, so by definition they are not 'chemical warheads.' They are, in fact, nothing, because they were loaded with no payload. Furthermore, the word 'warhead' is in itself misleading, as these were artillery munitions.
Second. Iraq is allowed by UN resolutions to have a variety of weapons, including the Al Samoud missile. We did not want to pull Iraq's fangs completely after the Gulf War, considering the neighborhood they live in. We allowed them to keep missiles that fly only a certain distance (150km most often). Many people will not know this, and will think the presence of these munitions will represent a breach of the UN resolution. This is not the case.
Third. Scott Ritter informed me today that these munitions were part of Iraq's declaration last December. I await further confirmation of this, and so should the journalism world.
Fourth. This is absolutely a vindication of the inspections regime. They found the stuff, and it will be destroyed, an no American soldiers or Iraqi civilians died in the process. Inspections work.
Fifth. Recall how the UNSCOM inspections were undermined by meddling from the American intelligence community. Understand that this warhead story did not come from Blix, or through the normal channels, but through a Japanese (read: close ally) inspector whop contacted the news media and let rip before the facts were in hand. Why?
Finally, I want to address a comment you made earlier this week. You said on your show that it was unconscionable that viewers were writing in claiming that CNN wants war because war is good for the media business. I understand that this idea offends the core of your professionalism, but I wonder if you have been watching CNN today.
Your station has referred, over and over again, to these discovered warheads as 'chemical warheads.' The debate has not been centered on what the facts are behind these items - when they were made, whether they were loaded with anything, how long they have been there, whether they were declared - and instead has focused on whether the White House can use this as a pretext for war. Calling these things 'chemical warheads' is a gross exaggeration, which I have heard on CNN no less than seven times during the period I have been writing this message. Mull that.
Please, take the data I have given you and air it, for the sake of a reasoned and complete debate. I remind you that CNN's viewership increased by 500% after 9/11 and that your network made its bones on the first Gulf War. I beg you to get this data out to the American people, who desperately need facts and not overheated innuendo.
With great appreciation,
William Rivers Pitt
posted on
01/17/2003 6:30:47 PM PST
To: The Finman
I've got a lot pictures from that event...I was able to save most of the images to my hard drive before the original thread was deleted.Well...The prudent thing seems to be for you to post those pictures over on a Freep New World Order, Randy Weaver or Waco thread. See what those fellas do with that information!
To: doug from upland
Great work Doug!
posted on
01/17/2003 6:32:35 PM PST
To: kcvl
I apologize for flouting my resume at you....Flouting? That resume?
posted on
01/17/2003 6:33:43 PM PST
(I'm not always cranky.)
To: The Finman
To a degree
Yes. I made the point about hown overheated the coverage had been, and he agreed, but begged off, a la, "I don't make make the news," etc. Tagged him there, too.
Much of the conversation was about
'chemical warheads.' He got the message.
Pretty much
We went back and forth, his offended professionalism vs. my intent to tell him where and how his network had blown it repeatedly.
They can have my freedom when they pry my cold, dead fingers from around their necks.
posted on
01/17/2003 6:34:57 PM PST
To: kcvl
Let's be clear. These were not 'chemical warheads.' In the Iraqi arsenal, a warhead is a warhead - an empty ordnance space strapped to a missile. What matters is the payload, be it explosive or chemical or nuclear. The item placed in the warhead denotes the designation. These warheads were stone-cold empty, so by definition they are not 'chemical warheads.' They are, in fact, nothing, because they were loaded with no payload. Furthermore, the word 'warhead' is in itself misleading, as these were artillery munitions.Look you little twerp...I just saw Spearker Gingrinch tell us that those were warheads that are used for chemical weapons ONLY. He also said they could be loaded in a matter of minutes.
Check your facts dumbass. I'm just some nobody on some message board...You're supposedly some kind of "Author". Well...So far, you suck.
To: kcvl
He really is full of himself.
posted on
01/17/2003 6:37:01 PM PST
doug from upland
(May the Clintons live their remaining days in orange jumpsuits)
To: The South Park Republican
Furthermore, the word 'warhead' is in itself misleading, as these were artillery munitions.The 122mm shell is IIRC the Katyusha rocket (the famed "Stalin Organs" of the Ostfront in WWII). It has always been considered a rocket, as propulsion continues after the ordnance has left the launcher (as opposed to artillery which, like a bullet, is propelled solely by the expansion of gases in the breach of the gun).
Oh, and rockets have warheads.
posted on
01/17/2003 6:41:00 PM PST
(I'm not always cranky.)
To: All
This is too funny. He blew a chance to be on CNN. Apparently Aaron Brown called again, probably because they got another message and link showing them what Pitt and the RATS think of him and CNN.
WilliamPitt (12813 posts)
Jan-17-03, 09:38 PM (ET)
Aaron Brown just called to say I am "Shameless" - :o)
He did. Just called me at home again and scolded me again. Said I am shameless. Said he had never been so offended.
Some of y'all must have written him. So much for my mainstream career.
F*** the whores.
Did anyone see something about wanting to contact Dan Rather. I suspect that Rather is going to have to be informed about the mental patient. Anyone want to help?
posted on
01/17/2003 6:43:36 PM PST
doug from upland
(May the Clintons live their remaining days in orange jumpsuits)
To: doug from upland
Wow. If Brown actually called Pitt at home at 9:30 tonight, even more angry than before, then he must be reading their threads.
posted on
01/17/2003 6:47:07 PM PST
(I'm not always cranky.)
To: Petronski
MIDI - YELLOW RIVER There's a guy who's a lunatic
..on the fringe, man, he is really sick
Some medication might do the trick
William Rivers
He's not voted for Kennedy
this is funny, you must agree
He's in John Kerry's district, you see
William Rivers
William Rivers, William Rivers
he's teaching our kids everyday
William Rivers, William Rivers
he is a toon, what can we say
Should he be in a padded room
it should be understood
That's like asking do grizzlies crap out in the woods
Foolish William Rivers
He claims Reagan conceived a plan
the Beirut bombing had been a scam
Through Ollie he sent the bomb to Iran
William Rivers
He does not like our president
he's nuts, that is evident
I laugh out loud when I'm hearing him vent
William Rivers
William Rivers, William Rivers
he's teaching our kids each day
Yes, William Rivers, William Rivers
he is a toon, what can we say
Should he be in a padded room
it should be understood
That's like asking do the grizzlies crap out in the woods
Foolish William Rivers
William Rivers, William Rivers
he's teaching our kids each day
William Rivers, William Rivers
he's a toon, what can we say
posted on
01/17/2003 6:49:15 PM PST
doug from upland
(May the Clintons live their remaining days in orange jumpsuits)
To: kcvl
Fourth. This is absolutely a vindication of the inspections regime. They found the stuff, and it will be destroyed, an no American soldiers or Iraqi civilians died in the process. Inspections work. Both Pitt and el-Ritar make the classic and fundamental error of assuming that the items found are the ONLY items to be found: an arrogant and potentially fatal error. I sure would love to play poker against such foolhardy minds!
If Pitt and el-Ritar are so bloody confident, they ought to take up the challenge of General McInerny (Ret.), and drive the lead tank in the assault without ABC gear.
posted on
01/17/2003 6:53:11 PM PST
(I'm not always cranky.)
To: doug from upland
Wow, cnn dumping on a fellow liberal for being too insanely leftist (stupid).
posted on
01/17/2003 6:54:02 PM PST
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