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God is in the details for Powerball winner
Washington Times | 12/27/02 | Gavin McCormick, AP

Posted on 12/27/2002 12:16:35 AM PST by kattracks

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To: Revelation 911
Do you buy insurance for your home and business ? If the answer is yes, how do you determine the value and how much insurance you purchase ? When you insure your business and those "screws"you produce, are you overinsured just in case something unpredictable happens. How about postage, ever buy more insurance than your product is worth ? Ever collected more than something was worth on an insurance claim ? Well if the answer to any of these questions is yes, then dont consider yourself a "bad" person because you have bought excess protection for those events that are unforeseen. If you are a good businessman you have prepared for these things, but this can be construed by some as gambling by some (like you).

Most every religion has an inherint conflict in that there are those who want to follow the doctrines "word for word" and have this Fundamentalist attitude while there are others (usually the young) who interpret things differently and pursue their own paths. Who is to say who is right ? Is a red flower better than a pink one ? Isn't the problem with these Taliban folks they want to keep their women in caves and covered up for just themselves because they read the Koran and interpret the words in a way to suit themselves ?

How about seeing the world is composed of people just like yourself, no better or no worse. The only difference between everyone are different stages of awareness'. As you made errors when you were young and nieve, see others doing the same regardless of their age and dont consider them bad or evil, just uninformed and try to enlighten them instead of castigate them. Forget this dog and bone mentality...If I am a good boy God will throw me a bone....How about the more you learn in life, the easier things get and the more you can understand others ? That could be your eternal reward ....UNDERSTANDING and AWARENESS....

Forget this heaven and hell concept and see the energy that is in all life is the same that is in you, which manifests itself in consciousness. So the same energy that is in you is in everyone else, we are a part of something but the point is we are all a part of a whole and to summarize all this Jesus said "tis not I who doeth the works but the father that dwells within" and "that where I AM you may be also". Seems to me he is saying that God is within all of us. Most "sins" are errors done in ignorance and to make someone think they are eternally damned for eating a ham sandwich on Friday (remember those days ?). Mankind has freewill which is the best learning tool our creator has given us, so some can go harmful things out of ignorance, they have the free will to do it. Being non material, this energy we have cannot be destroyed so if you are in a plane or car crash the I AM within, lives on as it is an energy which is a part of a whole which cannot be destroyed, and you live forever in a different place along with everyone else who has ever lived.

Now we are faced with a situation with terrorists who have no place in this world and are trying to destroy our world. If they had a productive way of life the last thing they would want is to destroy their young but since their "fundamentalist" views do not allow room for others to live their own lives, they are self destructing, what else could they do under these circumstances, they have nothing to live for (suicide bombers).

221 posted on 12/29/2002 6:31:12 AM PST by Searching4Justice
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To: Revelation 911
so now its the size of the tithe that matters, not the heart?

Well, obviously it's not the heart that matters since you two are giving this guy so much crap for daring to tithe from his winnings in the first place. My whole point is that it IS the heart that matters. He's not a drug dealer, he's not an abortion doctor, he's not a slum lord, he's a guy who takes care of his family, who goes to church on Sunday, believes in Christ as his Lord and Savior, who plopped down a couple of bucks at a convenience store and won $170 million. Now he wants to do the right thing and tithe 10%. And you guys are giving him hell about it. THAT is ridiculous to me.

222 posted on 12/29/2002 6:47:07 AM PST by Future Snake Eater
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To: Searching4Justice
see #217 - so in your paradigm - no one goes to hell? - living just a "good" (not your quote) life will get us there? Seems like a pretty wide path

To respond to your question - over insuring will not aid you if you have a claim - market value is what prevails. I had the same discussion with our Church - Theyve insured the building for x and its worth y - They will only get paid y if there is a claim. Furthermore, I do not nor have I ever participated in insurance fraud.

Being non material, this energy we have cannot be destroyed so if you are in a plane or car crash the I AM within, lives on as it is an energy which is a part of a whole which cannot be destroyed, and you live forever in a different place along with everyone else who has ever lived.

never heard you mention Christ as a condition of getting there

223 posted on 12/29/2002 10:01:45 AM PST by Revelation 911
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To: Future Snake Eater
Now he wants to do the right thing and tithe 10%. And you guys are giving him hell about it. THAT is ridiculous to me.

Im unclear where the Bible says good stewardship with Gods money begins in the lotto line.

The crap I am giving him is based on the fact he gambled and didnt trust God

Luke 12

The Parable of the Rich Fool

13Someone in the crowd said to him, "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me."

14Jesus replied, "Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?"

15Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions."

16And he told them this parable: "The ground of a certain rich man produced a good crop.

17He thought to himself, 'What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.'

18"Then he said, 'This is what I'll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods.

19And I'll say to myself, "You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry." '

20"But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?'

21"This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God."

Do Not Worry

22Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear.

23Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.

24Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!

25Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[2] ?

26Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?

27"Consider how the lilies grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.

28If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith!

29And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it.

30For the pagan world runs after all such things, and your Father knows that you need them.

31But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.

32"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.

33Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.

34For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

224 posted on 12/29/2002 10:24:18 AM PST by Revelation 911
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To: Revelation 911
see #217 - so in your paradigm - no one goes to hell? - living just a "good" (not your quote) life will get us there? Seems like a pretty wide path

Seems to me that one who is angry at everyone, judges everything according to his own values (never realizes that different things have different meanings to different people based on their own experience ), and one is is at constant battle on this message board trying to "dictate" morality is already living in hell . YOU CREATE YOUR OWN HELL IN YOUR HEAD AND IT FOLLOWS YOU WHEREVER YOU GO UNTIL YOU LEARN BETTER

To respond to your question - over insuring will not aid you if you have a claim - market value is what prevails. I had the same discussion with our Church - Theyve insured the building for x and its worth y - They will only get paid y if there is a claim. Furthermore, I do not nor have I ever participated in insurance fraud.

Nobody is talking about insurance fraud here, I think you are so in denial I am wasting my time going into the attributes of insurance coverage with you .....I will pose this question for you in closing, "do you have life insurance and if so how much do you have ? Are you sure you are not overinsured ? how do you equate your value ? "

never heard you mention Christ as a condition of getting there

Jesus tells us that GOD is within ourselves and that is the direction all must follow in order to realize their core (soul). It is the Lord's work through us that we come to realize the more we see his presence in all of life. For those of other faiths, they have their own prophets and messengers who say the same thing in ways their people can understand. Ask yourself now does your knowledge give you peace of mind ? that is the true test not the number of "brownie points"you earn in your own opinion. Here is another thing you might ask yourself looking in the mirror, Ï have just condemned a man for giving 3 churches 11-17 million dollars so they can help people in ways known to them, and I condemn these churches for taking the money, WHAT HAVE I DONE FOR MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS LATELY ?"

225 posted on 12/29/2002 10:49:05 AM PST by Searching4Justice
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To: Revelation 911
"Im unclear where the Bible says good stewardship with Gods money begins in the lotto line. "

NO ONE is saying that it begins in a lotto line. This man was a GOOD STEWARD BEFORE the lottery. And how do you know that this man has not trusted God and how do you presume to know that God did not choose to bless this man via the winning ticket??? You are judging thoughts and intents when you have nothing, not one thing, concrete on which to pass judgement of such.

In response to your previous post ( re: vows of poverty ), I find nothing scriptural that says God desires for his children to live in poverty. Not one thing! Now, I don't know why some of His children do live in poverty but I know that it is not His desire for His people to lack. If, by vow of poverty, you mean simple life, then I will concur but one can be a billionaire and live a simple life. Again, God is not a poor God nor should His children be poor as we have the promises of His mightiest blessings. I do not believe that His Son walked in poverty ( He had a treasurer, a home, etc )and I don't believe that He intended for us to be in poverty.

Poverty is a curse Rev 199. It is a curse as the scriptures call it such. If you need references I am happy to oblige.

226 posted on 12/29/2002 11:58:28 AM PST by PleaseNoMore
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To: Searching4Justice
For those of other faiths, they have their own prophets and messengers who say the same thing in ways their people can understand. Ask yourself now does your knowledge give you peace of mind ? that is the true test not the number of "brownie points"you earn in your own opinion.

Thier "own prophets" were not the divine child of God - again by holding them on the same plane as Christ, you destroy the trinitarian aspect of Christianity. Christ is on a plane by himself - every other prophet is beneath Him.

I came across a book title the other day which summed it all up

No Jesus

No Peace

Know Jesus

Know Peace

227 posted on 12/29/2002 2:05:35 PM PST by Revelation 911
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To: Searching4Justice
Ï have just condemned a man for giving 3 churches 11-17 million dollars so they can help people in ways known to them, and I condemn these churches for taking the money, WHAT HAVE I DONE FOR MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS LATELY ?"

I will condemn him and those churches for they are no better than the Romans who drew lots for Christs clothing - Both were games of chance Both take advantage of the condition of the participants. The child who goes hungry because mom or dad bought tickets is not a dollar I wish to be a part of. The Bible is quite clear about not being worldly or of this world - we are told to separate ourselves from it -

were the Romans honoring God in thier actions or were they being worldly?

228 posted on 12/29/2002 2:15:55 PM PST by Revelation 911
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To: PleaseNoMore
2 Chronicles 1

10 Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people, for who is able to govern this great people of yours?"

11 God said to Solomon, "Since this is your heart's desire and you have not asked for wealth, riches or honor, nor for the death of your enemies, and since you have not asked for a long life but for wisdom and knowledge to govern my people over whom I have made you king,

12 therefore wisdom and knowledge will be given you. And I will also give you wealth, riches and honor, such as no king who was before you ever had and none after you will have."

By gambling - it is my contention the winner did just that - he "asked for wealth" by means of the ticket- and while this passage demonstrates we can be rich, it is by Gods doing.

229 posted on 12/29/2002 2:31:00 PM PST by Revelation 911
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To: Revelation 911
OK FINAL COMMENT .....with all of these "dirty money" opinions of others and churches, you are only enhancing your own ego thinking "I am special and better " than all the rest so GOD will have a special place for ME"?

As many will testify that they are used by the Lord to be gifted enough to help others, then you will understand that you are nothing and GOD is everything. It's not like being for the top guy (Jesus), but it's more like playing on the top team . You have no control over what comes to you. You don't know if you are going to wake up in the morning. If you were a parent of 2 children who saw that one child did everything to enhance himself while the other did things for others, which would you be most proud of ? God is NOT an arm that reaches out of the sky and gives us stuff, he uses mankind to do his works through their hearts and this man who won the lottery is EVERYTHING you or me could ever hope to be in life, and that is why it probably happened that he won....GOD's work was done !

230 posted on 12/29/2002 2:50:12 PM PST by Searching4Justice
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To: Revelation 911; smith288
a number of us read your "cradle" comment (#135) as accurate and truthful (albeit passionately)- (fyi - I am former RC)

A little bit of that "cradle Catholic" stuff goes a long way with me. Try this analogy on for size. My little Cairn terrier is being raised in a Catholic household. I have no expectation that he will become either Christian or a devout Catholic. It takes a little more than accident of birth or environment.

FYI I am a Catholic convert, and not through some accident of marriage or whim.

My pilgrimage was long and broad ... and I met and left behind many that you two remind me of.

231 posted on 12/29/2002 5:17:17 PM PST by iconoclast
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To: HiTech RedNeck
You can't build a whole theology on a single passage of the Bible. "Rich" refers to the relationship you have with your money. Is it your ultimate treasure that you can't bear to part with even for God's sake? Or is it your tool to do good? Is it your master or is it your servant? A man can be rich with $10, or "unrich" with a billion dollars.

You nailed it. Great post.

232 posted on 12/29/2002 5:30:54 PM PST by NittanyLion
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To: Revelation 911
My work is unimportant - however, I own my own machining business and produce medical components for the Pharm industry

The pharma industry? To which companies do you sell your product? It's a safe bet a portion of the money paid to you by your customers was paid to them in exchange for birth control products, abortion-related devices, etc. It's a certainty that a portion of the money paid to you has come from profits made in the stock market (which you eschew later in this thread).

You've suggested Whittaker's church not accept his tainted money,yet it appears you are not so careful regarding the money you accept.

233 posted on 12/29/2002 5:51:47 PM PST by NittanyLion
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To: Revelation 911 asking for wisdom Solomon was granted wealth. Now, I ask you to show me that this man did not ask for the same thing thus his wealth..........
234 posted on 12/29/2002 8:10:36 PM PST by PleaseNoMore
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To: PleaseNoMore asking for wisdom Solomon was granted wealth. Now, I ask you to show me that this man did not ask for the same thing thus his wealth..........

This guy asked for wealth instead when he bought the ticket - The act of purchasing the ticket was when he asked for wealth - Solomon got wealthy WITHOUT having to gamble Gods money like a Roman for Christs clothing

235 posted on 12/30/2002 2:31:19 AM PST by Revelation 911
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To: iconoclast; smith288
My pilgrimage was long and broad ... and I met and left behind many that you two remind me of.

I am glad you found a faith that allows you a particular relationship with Christ.

236 posted on 12/30/2002 2:45:03 AM PST by Revelation 911
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To: NittanyLion
It's a safe bet a portion

no bets here - I assure you our products are quite morally acceptable -as the owner, I would have it no other way.

Now, personals aside (again), If Christ appeared before us today - would He play the lottery? - plainly no - would he take money from a starving family whos parent spent the last dollar on a game of chance, or would He tell them to stop laying up earthly treasures and lay up eternal ones instead?

237 posted on 12/30/2002 2:52:57 AM PST by Revelation 911
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To: Searching4Justice
OK FINAL COMMENT .....with all of these "dirty money" opinions of others and churches, you are only enhancing your own ego thinking "I am special and better " than all the rest so GOD will have a special place for ME"?

final comment here as well, no ego served - I am a sinner and Gods only Son died for them - past, present and future - I am then obligated to be extremely careful in my life - as each one (sin) is a fresh nail in the cross.

238 posted on 12/30/2002 3:10:28 AM PST by Revelation 911
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To: iconoclast
My pilgrimage was long and broad ... and I met and left behind many that you two remind me of.

Im happy for you and would never hinder your efforts for a closer relationship to the Savior.

Why you take offense to the word "cradle Catholic" is beyond me when all it means is people who were born into a particular Catholic family and know of nothing else. It can be good for a person or not helpful at all. Its not uncommon for someone born into any type of family, be it methodist, lutheran or muslim, they may see greener grass on the other side and find out it is. I also noted that you are a Catholic convert. Which means none of this applies to you anyways as you cannot relate to the term "cradle Catholic".

Like I said, its my opinion and no kind of insults you throw at me and my family will change it (nor will it improve my perception).

I hope you understand what Im trying to say. I never said Catholocism is the wrong path to salvation. I simply said its not the most spirtually charging path. If you are charged by the church, then go for it, they believe in Christ and thats all you need.

239 posted on 12/30/2002 5:05:19 AM PST by smith288
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To: Revelation 911
I assure you our products are quite morally acceptable -as the owner, I would have it no other way.

And what of the products your customers produce? And the money their customers pay them, which they in turn pay to you?

As you've recommended the church not accept Whittaker's tithe, so I must recommend you stop accepting money from your customers. There's simply no way you can be certain none of that money is ill-gotten.

240 posted on 12/30/2002 8:45:03 AM PST by NittanyLion
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