Posted on 12/18/2002 5:56:04 PM PST by 2sheep
Edited on 05/26/2004 5:10:44 PM PDT by Jim Robinson. [history]
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The above graphs, based on the official death numbers as recorded in the Official Year Books of the Commonwealth of Australia, are taken from Greg Beattie's excellent book "Vaccination A Parent's Dilemma" and represent the decline in death rates from infectious disease in Australia. They clearly show that vaccines had nothing to do with the decline in death rates. (Note: Graphical evidence on the decline in death rates from infectious disease for USA, England, New Zealand and many other countries shows the exact same scenario as above). So what were the true reasons for this decline? From his book 'Health and Healing' Dr Andrew Weil best answers it with this statement; "Scientific medicine has taken credit it does not deserve for some advances in health. Most people believe that victory over the infectious diseases of the last century came with the invention of immunisations. In fact, cholera, typhoid, tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough, etc, were in decline before vaccines for them became available - the result of better methods of sanitation, sewage disposal, and distribution of food and water." |
Do you argue against the history of the vaccine, and how it CAUSED widespread smallpox epidemics?
Most medicines are perfectly fine and are formulated and tested utilizing REAL science. Vaccines on the other hand had their birth in quackery and deception. That hasn't changed..
You are obviously intelligent and have spent considerable time researching the issue. For that, I highly respect your efforts and applaud you.
As I research your sources, they all seem to be advancing their own personal agendas. Some believe in homeopathy, spiritual cures, and other subjects. It is in their vested interest to make people question modern medical advances.
Vaccinations initiated our very foundation of modern medical theories and how the human body can be trained to combat deadly diseases by the introduction of mild forms of a virus. By stimulating the human immune system with mild infections, it is then prepared to combat the similar but deadly forms, if they are contracted.
To be honest, it has been difficult for me to locate honest research papers that dispute the claims that vaccinations simply do not work.
If someone claimed that gravity is a false concept, I would have a very difficult time locating any honest research reports directed toward proving the reality of gravity, and for similar reasons.
I have a strong feeling that you are pushing an agenda, and personally hope that you will be honest enough to let us know what it is.
As long as the smallpox virus has not been introduced into the American population, this is only an intellectual debate with minimal risks if you are wrong.
For the sake of argument, if the live smallpox virus is introduced into the America population and people start to die, what is your suggested medical treatment?
I don't know if I could find THAT, but I am able to find a picture of a cow...
From Making Vaccines
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To create a vaccine that will protect you against a pathogen, you usually begin with that pathogen and alter it in some way. Not so with smallpox. To create this vaccine, you begin with another virus that is similar to the smallpox virus, yet different enough not to bring on the smallpox disease once it enters your body. This similar virus is cowpox. The cow to the left has been intentionally infected with cowpox virus. The fluid that you collect from virus-caused pustules on the cow's udder contains many copies of the virus. |
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Smallpox vaccines contains cowpox viruses but not the bacteria and other impurities found in the fluid collected from such pustules. To make the vaccine, therefore, you'll need to separate the cowpox viruses from the rest of the fluid. |
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The smallpox vaccine is a live vaccine; the cowpox viruses it contains will invade cells in your body, multiply, and spread to other cells in your body, just as the smallpox viruses would. And as with smallpox, the body's immune system will mount an attack against the cowpox and subsequently always "remember" what it looks like. Then, if cowpox or the similar smallpox ever enters the body, the immune system will quickly get rid of the invaders. |
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Congratulations. You have just created a vaccine for smallpox. At one time, cows were used to create the smallpox vaccine. In fact, the decades-old stockpile in the U.S. today was made using live calves through a process similar to the one outlined here. Advancements in biotechnology, however, have led to more efficient procedures that make use of bioreactors. |
And here's where they've gotten vaccinia from over the years..
From Smallpox: Bringing a Dead Disease Back to Life
How Was The Smallpox Vaccine Made?
From an original monograph by Dr Walter Hadwen, here is an account of how smallpox vaccine was first made:
1. A 3 month old calf was tied down on its side.
2. 30 - 50 one inch incisions were made in its stomach
3. Smallpox pus rubbed into each incision
4. Calf is returned to its pen, restrained so as to be unble to lick the sores
5. Wait one week.
6. Smallpox pustules form
7. Calf strapped down again
8. Encrusted pus is scraped off each sore and the remaining blood, lymph,and pus is then drained out.
9. It is placed in a crucible and heated, adding glycerine as a binder
10. Mixed and strained to remove hair and dead flesh.
11. Poured into tubes as sold as pure calf lymph - or smallpox vaccine.
Very scientific. This formula was used for decades, even up to modern times, until it was replaced by Dryvax, which today employs far more sophisticated science: Dryvax is cultured on the cells of an aborted human fetus. (PDR, 2002 [19])
Because I care about America and am trying to present the truth concerning this in order to bring these facts onto the table in the hope of saving lives.
Vaccinations initiated our very foundation of modern medical theories and how the human body can be trained to combat deadly diseases by the introduction of mild forms of a virus.
Innoculations have been performed for thousands of years due to the mistaken belief that causing disease in a healthy person under the right conditions would give immunity to that disease. It is such practices that led to wide spread pandemics in the past.
Jenner invented the idea of using a surrogate virus, coxpox, in order to provide immunity to smallpox. He named it Variolae Vacciae, or smallpox of the cow. His methods were laughable even for then, being the late 1700's. It is this impressive sounding Latin name that led to the word, vaccine.
It is through fraud and deception that this practice still exists today..
By stimulating the human immune system with mild infections, it is then prepared to combat the similar but deadly forms, if they are contracted.
That has never been proven to be a valid premise. In fact, historical evidence demonstrates the exact opposite, where those vaccinated have proven to be MORE susceptable to that disease..
As long as the smallpox virus has not been introduced into the American population, this is only an intellectual debate with minimal risks if you are wrong.
But if I am right, the stakes are dramatically increased.
For the sake of argument, if the live smallpox virus is introduced into the America population and people start to die, what is your suggested medical treatment?
There is a promising new drug that is said to be effective against the smallpox virus..
Was that in the early 60's or more recently?
Like you, I honestly want the facts to be presented in an effort to save lives.
You and I will continue this debate for some time. Believe me, I do read and study each and every item that you have been presenting on this issue.
As with my previous the example of gravity, it is darn difficult to refute your arguments. Why would a student write a doctoral thesis proving that gravity is real?
We are talking about real lives on this issue, so please be careful. I do think that your concerns are valid and have an honest motivation.
It wouldn't be that hard to prove that gravity is real, as it already has been done. An interesting thesis would be to define EXACTLY what gravity is..
Thanks for your kind words by the way. I'm simply doing what I think is right, and hope that I can do some good..
If someone claimed that gravity is a false concept, I would have a very difficult time locating any honest research reports directed toward proving the reality of gravity, and for similar reasons.
Not really. The mathmatical relationships between mass and gravity are well known, and the existence of gravity IS easy to prove. It is the WHY and HOW gravity acts as it does that is VERY hard to prove, and hasn't yet been done.
I will be the very first one to agree that vaccinations have risks. Anytime you are infected with a virus, your body is under attack. For some people, that mild virus can be just as dangerous. People die by the thousands around the world from the Flu virus.
As an intellectual debate, I appreciate your information. However, this may be the difference between life and death in the event of an actual outbreak of smallpox in America. So, be darn sure of your facts before you encourage people to not be vaccinated.
Do your sources have any bias for their own special "extra-medical" cures?
Gravity is a known fact, even if the how and why is not fully understood.
When someone comes along and states that gravity is false, I would have a very difficult time finding any doctoral thesis written to dispute that challenge.
We see the same thing happening today, with people challenging if NASA actually landed on the Moon.
However, unlike the Moon and Gravity debates, lives may be at risk with an actual smallpox outbreak.
If you have an alternative that has been subjected to the same medical standards and has been proving to be much more effective in preventing a smallpox infection, then I will be standing right beside of you.
You and I are both concerned about saving lives.
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