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Daschle Beat Bush in Election, Aide Claims
NewsMax ^
| 11/17/02
| Limbacher
Posted on 11/17/2002 2:17:17 PM PST by Tumbleweed_Connection
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To: oprahstheantichrist
All he has to do to remain in office is to make sure he cooks up enough fraudulant votes in advance of the count, and he's home free. He got away with it again, no one will challenge him, and now he's taunting his opposition, and their honesty and graciousness.I thought I'd heard that the allegations of fraud at the reservations were still being investigated. The investigation was started by the FBI prior to the election, and a concession speech by Thune doesn't stop it.
Is that not true?
To: speekinout
I was pretty rough on Thune a few days ago here, when he refused to contest this obvious fraud, or even ask for an automatic recount.
However, I wonder if he knows something we don't? Like there is a major FBI voter-fraud investigation in progress, and Johnson will not be seated in the (Republican) Senate in January?
There seems to be at least a fighting chance that we will see Senator Thune in 2003. (And it would be even sweeter if this moronic Daschle aide's spouting off to the press, basically rubbing our faces in their fraud and corruption, was what caused the Executive Branch to take a closer look at this election...)
I don't see how the President can let blatant voter fraud go unchallenged- since that is the one thing most likely to suppress Republican turn-out in 2004. (Why bother to go to the polls, if you know the fix is in already?)
To: Tumbleweed_Connection
Little Tommy, you are nekkid.......we know it, everyone knows it, you seem to be the only who doesn't know it.....but trust are nekkid!
However, I wonder if he knows something we don't? Like there is a major FBI voter-fraud investigation in progress, and Johnson will not be seated in the (Republican) Senate in January?Yes, that is what I wonder, too. If the voter fraud investigation has not been complete, a recount might not do any good. Except to maybe make Thune look like a gore clone.
On the other hand, Thune being gracious and waiting for the results of the investigation might make a big difference - as you say, even giving Thune the seat.
To: ambrose
Yes, I knew that. I just mis-typed. Thanks for the correction, though (that's not sarcasm if it sounds like it).
"I was pretty rough on Thune a few days ago here, when he refused to contest this obvious fraud, or even ask for an automatic recount."
I heard a South Dakota Republican say that an "automatic recount" would come out the same way because it would just automatically recount the same fraudulent votes. He said what would come next is an investigation just to get the fraud exposed and under control. It won't change anything for Thune but might strengthen him in the future.
To: RANGERAIRBORNE; speekinout
I wonder if he knows something we don't? Like there is a major FBI voter-fraud investigation in progress, and Johnson will not be seated in the (Republican) Senate in January? If the voter fraud investigation has not been complete, a recount might not do any good
Glad to know I'm not the only one who's been thinking along these lines. Remember, the man who handpicked Thune for this race is the same man who's been "misunderestimated" again and again. I'm hoping the other shoe has yet to drop.
To: oprahstheantichrist
No. (As I have made clear in other posts on this sad subject.)
To: Otta B Sleepin
Remember, the man who handpicked Thune for this race is the same man who's been "misunderestimated" again and again. I'm hoping the other shoe has yet to drop.Yes. The important thing is to uncover voter fraud. Crying about having lost the election unfairly doesn't resonate unless there is evidence that the election was rigged. The GOP gets that; the Dems don't.
To: The Great RJ; Tumbleweed_Connection; Bogie; Imal; lonestar; rellimpank; Intolerant in NJ; ...
I am here today because I want my vote to be counted and I dont know if it will be, said Lucia Wright of New Castle. I am outraged that my vote may be thrown out because people are more interested in winning an election than protecting our rights as citizens to vote, this is terrible to witness.
A Democrat attorney for Chris Hall is disputing some legitimate ballots because the voter used a blue or black pen, instead of a pencil, in casting their vote for Fossel. Nothing in Maine law allows a ballot to be disqualified on these grounds. These partisan actions are putting these ballots in jeopardy of not being counted.
The Senate District 16 voters gathered today demanded that the contested ballots be reviewed by an impartial third party and that their votes not be disallowed by the actions of an unaccountable partisan attorney.
We are rioting for our voting rights. What are you wimps out in SD doing? Never mind Thune. Start kicking some ass at the courthouse.
To: Kenny Bunk
The Senate District 16 voters gathered today demanded that the contested ballots be reviewed by an impartial third party and that their votes not be disallowed by the actions of an unaccountable partisan attorney....Good luck - keep us informed.......
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