You see, I can't argue against him anymore - he's not taking my money by force to teach pseudoscience.
The title says it all.
DNA is a program, therefore there must have been a Programmer or Programmers.
Whether that means GOD, or another deity or deities, or advanced aliens are the programmers, I don't know.
All I know is that we are created beings.
Initially the article refers to the Intelligent Design as a "theory". This reference morphs in short order into Seattle is ground zero for the intelligent-design agenda. Hmmm --- a theory has quickly become an agenda and supposed science-talk "goes nuclear" with ground zero. Certified Bias holds full sway from that point on in the article. "Bias", though, is too kind a word. It's lies. Liberal lies.
Let's parse a little more just to secure the point. and religion exist in distinct domains, what Gould called magisteria (domains of teaching authority). This is indeed classic Gould, attempting to establish Evolution as science and place it on an equally authoritative footing with religion, specifically with Catholicism. Magisteria are, in truth, official pronouncements by the Pope/Catholic Church. Here is a link to the 1996 Magisterium wherein the Pope specifically denies Atheist Materialist Evolution (next time an Evolutionist tells you that the Pope endorses Evolution, tell him/her to read this Magisterium). Here, in this particularly egregious lie, one can clearly see what is being attempted by the Libs in this most fundamental of battles in the Culture War.
It's clear that Mindy Cameron is an acolyte of Gould: Gould, one of America's most widely respected scientists [well, hardly, to say the very least] and a prolific essayist, died just two weeks ago. Among his many fine books [?] is one I kept by my bedside for many weeks [my, my] after it was published in 1999, "Rock of Ages: Science and Religion in the Fullness of Life." Kind of harks back to the time when folks would keep a Bible by their bedside, doesn't it? Well, we should all remember that Gould was the great promoter of "chance" as explanatory of not only the origin of life but the universe itself. And this utterly bizarre, surreal, asinine proposition (on its face!) by "one of America's most widely respected scientists" had a fairly long run in the popular press and on the talk boards. Gould is no scientist or he would have understood that chance is random and explains nothing.
The article is about politics, the Culture War, not science, and we know which side Cameron's on. Given her now-established Liberal credentials and fast-and-loose treatment of the truth, I think the article can now thus be dismissed with a wave of the hand.
All and always, of course, in my humble opinion . . . ;-}
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