This guy is beyond the pale. He doesn't regret the Rich decision because the guy was a tax-evading, traitorous low-life but becaue it tarnished Bill's reputation with the last vestige of Democrats who supported him through eight years of the most thoroughly corrupt administration in history.
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To: Roy Tucker
Asked if he would do it again, "probably not, just for the politics," This how this pathetic president negotiates through life. No principal or core beliefs...simply politics.
2 posted on
03/31/2002 4:51:08 PM PST by
week 71
To: Roy Tucker
For what it's worth, I found out a lot more information about Al Gore's past here.
To: Roy Tucker
Either it wasn't the right thing to do to begin with, or (as he claims) it was the right thing to do. Now he is basically saying it was the right thing to do, but he wouldn't do it again because it makes him look bad.
Either way, you see Clinton's true nature. A self-serving, lying piece of human debris.
4 posted on
03/31/2002 4:52:27 PM PST by
To: Roy Tucker
Clinton Regrets Making Rich Pardon
and slowly but surely america is regretting ever puting you in the white house in the first place
To: Roy Tucker
That scrutiny, Clinton said, made him "just angry that after I worked so hard and after all that money had been spent proving that I never did anything wrong for money, that I'd get mugged one more time on the way out the door." I can't decide if Criminal X42 is a particularly piggish 9 year old brat, the result of a deal with the devil, a psychopath, or a dirty old man. I guess he's a blend of all four.
To: Roy Tucker
Asked if he would do it again, "probably not, just for the politics," he said in an interview with Newsweek magazine. "It was terrible politics. It wasn't worth the damage to my reputation. But that doesn't mean the attacks were true."How spineless can you get? Principle means nothing to that guy.
8 posted on
03/31/2002 5:01:16 PM PST by
To: Roy Tucker
after all that money had been spent proving that I never did anything wrong This guy doesn't have a clue.
For somebody who is supposed to be so smart . . . he sure is stupid!
To: Roy Tucker
He actually thinks this interview helps justify the pardon and himself.
Totally delusional.
13 posted on
03/31/2002 5:11:23 PM PST by
Dog Gone
To: Roy Tucker
On a lighter note, Clinton said he is getting a chocolate Labrador puppy, a descendent of his late dog, BuddyHa! I wonder if Buddy sperm donation came from a stained blue pantleg.
To: Roy Tucker
"The fact that his ex-wife ... was for it and had contributed to my library had nothing to do with it" What a lying pig.
To: Roy Tucker
tarnished his reputationCrap doesn't tarnish.
18 posted on
03/31/2002 5:16:51 PM PST by
To: Roy Tucker
The only things he regrets about this sorry tale is that he 1) didn't ask for more money and 2) didn't get more hummers from Denise.
19 posted on
03/31/2002 5:24:51 PM PST by
To: Roy Tucker
Asked if he would do it again, "probably not, just for the politics," he said in an interview with Newsweek magazine. "It was terrible politics. It wasn't worth the damage to my reputation. But that doesn't mean the attacks were true."In other words, "It was the right thing to do, but I wouldn't do it again because it damaged my reputation."
Even when lying and trying to cover his tracks, Clinton reveals his utter lack of morals.
To: Roy Tucker
Somehow, I don't think Clinton regrets a thing. Bad as he was, I am less troubled by him than by the revelation that millions of our fellow citizens think this sort of thing just fine. Well, Jefferson said that the friends of liberty were always few.
To: Roy Tucker
I guess Marc Rich stiffed ol Bill on the payoff............R O T F L M A O !!!!
To: Roy Tucker
Clinton and Rodham Clinton showed time and time again that they have inherently criminal minds. Always on the edge, often over it, in pursuit of personal gain. I believe him when he says that he thinks he did absolutely nothing wrong except get caught-- that is the story of his life (and her, for that matter). Even now, divisiveness and paranoia for the VRWC is the principle focus of his life. Thank God he is gone now that our country needs unifying and inspired leadership.
To: Roy Tucker
"It was terrible politics. It wasn't worth the damage to my reputation." What was your first clue??
To: Roy Tucker
All just Clintonspeak for "I'm sorry I got caught".
26 posted on
03/31/2002 5:48:55 PM PST by
El Gato
To: Roy Tucker
What reputation? An impeached, rapist sodomite! Excuse me doofus but what repuration are you referring to?
To: Roy Tucker
Former President Clinton says he regrets the last-minute pardon he gave to fugitive financier Marc Rich (news - web sites) because it has tarnished his reputation. Liar!
On a lighter note, Clinton said he is getting a chocolate Labrador puppy, a descendent of his late dog, Buddy.
Wasn't Buddy neutered? How could this puppy be a descendent? Liar!
Who wants to bet he gets a new puppy the same day he and Hillary adopt a kid?
29 posted on
03/31/2002 6:10:19 PM PST by
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