They should come to Texas. I’ve got something for them. 9mm
I am so sick of these people.
As I see it.. Every person who hates Trump for trying to save our nation.. And sides with Biden who has raked in millions from nations he gave info and weapons to.. Who opened the border and let millions in.. They know not who.. Who is a creep with moral inadequacies and does not know where he is.. Who has no love for our country nor anyone but himself..
You who side with Joe and Barry, you are also in contact with the devil itself.. Doing its bidding.. It spills out..
This that has been going on.. It will end.. It has reached the zenith.. The stench.. Everything you think you have won.. Was done on stealing, lying, breaking every law and selling this nation to the third world order..
God said “ Vengeance is Mine. I will repay.” this country is His.. You won’t have it!!
Words of hag wisdom.
Madow needs a hekocopter ride.
For the Lord’s sweet sake will this crazed mentally ill lesbian ever shut the HELL up? EVER? Such a miniscule mind and such a large mouth. IDIOT. Proving it every day.
The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they do turn.
I dont even blame the jurors, I blame the DA and the judge in particular.
Based on what they saw and how they were instructed, this verdict was not surprising.
They shou;d fever for their lives.