Does anyone know if Twitter shows the “joined date” of the posters?
Ya well , that happens when all the racist natzies get fired first day.
They go home and tell everybody the new boss and buddies are racist Nazis.
A clasic prog move as old as dirt.
The biggest problem with such vulgar posts is their being anonymous.
When these people are identified and publicly shamed, it will turn out they are all leftists who were willing to post these things to justify their need to control and restrict speech and thought.
They can’t even control themselves. They certainly have no ability or right to control anyone else.
If you are looking who to follow on TwitsRus, do not follow people who write K__kes or N-——rs in posts. See? problem solved, let them speak or express themselves freely into a vacuum where you can’t see or hear it.
Whatever happened to sticks and stones...