If they think it’s a horror, then maybe they should put their heads down by a naked and gaping vagina and have someone stick a vacuum cleaner wand into their skulls and start sucking their brains out - then they might understand the term “horror”... if ever so briefly.
”Women are not incubators” but basically that is the role a woman plays in nature and if they aren’t interested in giving birth, can’t say no to men, don’t want to use birth control, then get a surgical procedure to prevent pregnancy.
Good photos here of women in pro-abortion marches and demonstrations >>>>>>> https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10951577/Almost-100-prosecutors-29-states-vow-NOT-prosecute-women-seek-abortions-medics.html
Good for a laugh. Rage on nitwits!
I was waiting to hear from everybody’s favorite headboard CTE victim Alyssa Milano. LOLOLOL!!!!!
How ya like them rulings sweetie???
You know what the best part is? There’s more of that to come.
Really? How?!
Two words: (1) birth, and (2) control.
Relax Allison; California has no intention of banning abortions, and even if they did, Hollywood would have their own cadre of doctors willing to continue to provide abortions to the stars.
If they live in Hollywood they can still have all the abortions they want
They’re “terrified” that they might not be able to kill their children.
Wake me up when someone in Hollywood cannot get an abortion. It is a baby sacrifice center.
Then, on 24 June 2022, the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade!
Abortion kills 1,000 black babies every day in America. Abortion is not just a woman’s issue. It’s a human rights issue.
Abortion is the number one killer of black lives in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, abortion kills more black people than HIV, homicide, diabetes, accident, cancer, and heart disease … combined.
In 2019, black women had 38.4% of all abortions in the U.S., despite African-Americans comprising only 12.4% of the total population.
In Michigan, black women make up only about 14% of Michigan’s female population, but they had 55.4% of all abortions reported in the state in 2020.*
Disgusting how those Hollywood hoes use black people as a human shield for their evil opinions.
Alyssa is worried that blacks won’t be able to kill their babies. I guess she doesn’t like black babies.
“LGBTQ+”? How can the Federals getting out of the abortion business POSSIBLY AFFECT QUEERS AND LESBIANS?
Last time I checked they can’t naturally reproduce anyway!