A nuclear superpower with a sock puppet as figurehead and shadowy power brokers pulling the strings, and our vaunted news media is totally complicit. “Democracy dies in darkness” - and the MSM supplies the darkness.
Hoping his health holds up. The witch-in-waiting would be a thousand times worse.
I don’t see a 25th Amendment removal. That would look to contentious to the powers behind the throne. I think he’ll announce his resignation, perhaps ‘borrowing’ from Ronald Reagan’s farewell address (in keeping with Joe’s habit). This will set up a scenario of Harris reluctantly assuming power from ‘brave old Joe’ with the hope that she’ll get the political ‘bounce’ that L.B.J. got.
But her ascension to the Presidency leave the Senate Republicans with a tie vote and able to block any crazy legislation as long as they don’t approve Kamala’s choice for VP
Joseph Stolen is an idiot.
Joe Biden’s visit to a hardware store in DC ......
A visit to a 7-11 would have been more fun.
Ya think? We’ve known this for over a year.
Wait til he pisses himself on camera. That will be the dealbreaker.
It’s pretty obvious this country is under the control of anything but Joe Biden. No press conferences, no questions, the militarization of D.C., etc..
This isn’t the USA anymore - they just haven’t officially disclosed it. It’ll be interesting how long this charade goes on.
He made that stupid “Don’t jump! We need you!” joke again.
Lame then and lame again.
Could be-he has had at least one incident with a brain aneurism-that certainly could have caused damage-but there are some small business owners out here who are well over 80 doing estimates, mechanic work, running a feed store, etc-so if Biden-puppet isn’t brain-injured, then he is being drugged with psychotropics by his handlers to keep him docile and stoned-he has that stoner look a lot-totally dilated pupils, blank look, flat affect, limited attention span, etc-he acts like a guy I went to college with who did a lot of acid-he ended up in a psych facility...
Even before, he hasn't had a free wheeling presser in a year.
And a lot of States......too.
It's the albatross sitting in the front window....
THIS ELECTION WAS STOLEN...and they that stole it.. know it.
That is why they are so afraid...having 24/7 guards around the Capital.
Of course most law abiding people are not going to do anything.
We always thought or mostly thought elections were run honestly...LOL!!
My two Senators are Repub's RINO's....and I live in OK...One of the reddest states around...
They both are USELESS...
IF the GOP had any balls they’d be filing suits against the executive orders being signed by Biden, who is clearly not of sound mind. Let him get tested to prove that he is..
“.........since winning the presidency”
since STEALING the presidency.