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To: knighthawk
All about baby killing. They have to sacrifice babies to Moloch...
To: knighthawk; Hiskid
Theyre really pulling out all the stops arent they.
To: knighthawk
Satan is laughing.
4 posted on
10/14/2020 11:09:53 AM PDT by
M Kehoe
To: Mrs. Don-o; ebb tide
To: knighthawk
Who cares about some girl who fought for an abortion. The point is the feds have no right to make laws, like RvW.
It’s a state issue moron.
6 posted on
10/14/2020 11:11:07 AM PDT by
To: knighthawk
A 16-year old who wanted to abort against her parent’s wishes isn’t going to garner much sympathy with most voters.
7 posted on
10/14/2020 11:11:17 AM PDT by
Buckeye McFrog
(Patrick Henry would have been an anti-vaxxer.)
To: knighthawk
What does that have to do with ACB’s qualifications?
Graham should gavel that down
8 posted on
10/14/2020 11:11:22 AM PDT by
Mr. K
(No consequence of repealing obamacare is worse than obamacare itself)
To: knighthawk
Did they arrest the baby-daddy for statutory rape?
11 posted on
10/14/2020 11:11:58 AM PDT by
Mr. K
(No consequence of repealing obamacare is worse than obamacare itself)
To: knighthawk
“Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., will present a witness who “fought” for the “right to obtain an abortion at age 16” during Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s third day of Supreme Court confirmation hearings on Wednesday.”
Why did she try to obtain an abortion during the hearings?
To: knighthawk
In other words, their ‘witness’ has not in fact witnessed anything material to the nominee.
13 posted on
10/14/2020 11:13:03 AM PDT by
(Attitude adjustments offered here free of charge.)
To: knighthawk
The left is ALL about murdering babies, that is their holy grail, murdering babies all day everyday
To: knighthawk
If linda were a man, he would say NO, Stop the hearings, Hold the Vote and send it to the floor. Then he would immediately move to have Fineswine EXPELLED from the Senate for attempting to put on a circus in the United States Senate.
15 posted on
10/14/2020 11:15:40 AM PDT by
To: knighthawk
Such bullsheit. And so evil, too. How to retire the sickening old Feinstein? Shes gone from bad to worse
16 posted on
10/14/2020 11:16:03 AM PDT by
(Politicians are not born, they are excreted. Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 to 43 BCE))
To: knighthawk
Irrelevant to the proceedings. linda should tell Feinstein “NO!”.
17 posted on
10/14/2020 11:18:01 AM PDT by
( #My2ndAmend! ----- Enlisted in the Navy in '67 to protect folks rights to strip my rights. WTH?)
To: knighthawk
No witnesses should be permitted from either side. Preposterous. This isn’t a trial.
To: knighthawk
"fought for her right to obtain an abortion at age 16" and "will speak about the importance of reproductive rights and justice," All of the above is pure American rot,meaningless dogma and falsehood. Just think,there is one less human on Earth who had no rights,justice or chance. The sob story will be quite thick.
According to the left ,the killing needs to keep going at all cost. The Nazis felt the same.
20 posted on
10/14/2020 11:24:27 AM PDT by
(...To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.-S.Adams)
To: knighthawk
ACB has already answered . . . SCOTUS does not make law. If the marxist Senators want abortion . . . then make a damn law for abortion. Till then STFU!
To: knighthawk
This is not a debate. The only "witness" is Amy herself. Dragging oddballs in off the street has nothing to contribute to the process, pro or con. It seems highly irregular.
22 posted on
10/14/2020 11:28:43 AM PDT by
Governor Dinwiddie
(Guide me, O thou great redeemer, pilgrim through this barren land.)
To: knighthawk
I am waiting for that Witch from Hawaii to come on. I suspect she isn’t through with the Sexual Assault line of questioning. I wouldn’t be surprised if she comes up with a former Student who will make allegations against Amy. Stay Tuned.
To: knighthawk
The Senator is a liar. At the age of 16 the girl is a minor. No Doctor, even in California will touch a female minor without the parents permission. No Doctor will examine a minor female without the parents signed permission and a female nurse present. A minor cannot legally consent. This story is bullshit at so many levels. A doctor could lose their license to practice for even consulting with a minor without the parent or agent for the minor being present. A Doctor could be prosecuted for examining a minor without the parents written permission and a female nurse being present. This story is bogus at so many levels. But so are the Democrats, They masquerade at being human 24/7/365 when they are actually demons from hell personified,
27 posted on
10/14/2020 11:35:15 AM PDT by
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