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To: janetjanet998
Keep lying CNN.
We wouldn’t expect anything else from you.
70 posted on
04/18/2019 1:04:40 PM PDT by
(Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
To: janetjanet998
The charge is failure to obstruct justice, which is inexcusable under Clintonian rules.
74 posted on
04/18/2019 3:23:44 PM PDT by
To: janetjanet998
Mueller: Obstruction by Trump failed because others refused to "carry out orders" (yep CNN)...yeah, and Trump complied with their resistance, did not override their refusals, and did not go around them to enforce what he had requested - it's called listening to your advisors......
To: janetjanet998
And to think that if it wasn’t for Jeff Sessions recusing himself we would never have been treated to all this crap. Was it Ryan and company who convinced him to do it, or the Democrats?
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