Then they did their job and kept the President out of trouble. So what’s your point CNN?
If he had issued orders to obstruct justice, he would have been charged with obstructing justice.
It’s obstruction when you defend yourself against a frame concocted by a bunch of vicious “lawyers” trying to run a game on you.
Got that?
Mueller and Comey are judge, jury and executioner and no opposition to them is to be brooked. If they say yer guilty of their fake charges, why you’re a criminal if you say no.
Comey actually tried this with Martha Stewart and the judge in the case eventually threw it out. He charged her with perjury for pleading not guilty.
These two a**holes tried to take the United States back 1000 years to the days of cave “justice” inflicted by the thugs who called themselves the “nobles”.
McGahn saved Trump by disobeying him.
excepting that President had legal right (and I would argue at least, responsibility) to fire the entire Mueller witch-hunt, at any time he wished). In other words, this report is just more CNN propaganda bs. Makes them look like super-jerks... which is why their audience, ratings are plunging so badly.. the American public (even those who dislike President Trump) can see through CNN
Trump can fire anyone he wants to and since 100000% no collusion how do you get to obstruction:-) You don’t!
CNN- Pants on fire...
Mueller comments most of the "obstruction" evidence was in public comments ("witch hunt," etc.) and not private acts. Trump told Sessions he just wanted to be treated "fairly" which is not obstruction. Trump had every reason to believe he wouldn't get fair treatment. With the press, the leaks, the texts suggesting conspiracy to undermine his candidacy and presidency, it makes sense he lacked faith in the process and the people investigating.
There were a few times Trump asked people to do things (releasing a statement the campaign didn't promise things to Russia) but they didn't do them and it looks like he dropped the issues. Even when the angry Trump demanded him to resign, Sessions even offered his resignation, but Trump changed his mind.
Again and again he's asking for fairness, he's concerned for the legitimacy of his presidency and ability to do the job. Executive privilege was not asserted, Mueller had access to anything he wanted. That is NOT obstruction.
It’s amazing. The press has lied for 2 years now about this and they continue to lie. It’s not just putting out lies but it is more and more evident that this was a concerted effort of a coup. These people need to be on trial for sedition and treason!
Mindless and groundless fabrication of a charge out of whole cloth!
Yup-That’s what it is!
These guys are misplaced Hollywood script writers. Dream it up, print it up, throw it up... voila.. It’s REAL!!!
“orders?”...exactly what ORDERS were given to fire people.
Through President Trump’s TWEETS?
If he wanted those people fired HE WOULD HAVE DONE IT.
Our President is no shrinking violet.
What nonsense
There was obstruction.....of Trump’s Presidency!
As the noose tightens around CNN for its roll in Obstruction.
This is really ambiguous. We ask questions daily and make suggestions daily about doing things only to learn that they may be of dubious legal nature. Meaningless. Clearly, lawmakers do not know what is legal as their laws are often overturned in court.
Figuratively, there was no bank heist (Russian collusion). So you can’t go after a guy for driving the getaway car.
CNN is now ATT.
Dump ATT
“eat the cat poop” narrative
Lying and leaking FIBBER Comeystain obstructed any investigation of Hillary Clinton.
No way they could know if thta’s true w/o another illegal leak.....the air is out of their balloon and it is as limp as their dicks.