So was slavery
Clyburn needs to visit the Holocaust Museum in DC.
Another old timer...will be 79 in the Summer months...
Sick and tired of using the U.S. Capital as a ‘Senior Day Care Center’
We need age/term limits, NOW more than ever..
Clyburn is about 5 cans short of a 6 pack, and more dangerous than spilled beer. He is one of the most extreme leftists of the Congressional Black Caucus and that takes some doing with Ryan, Lee, Lee Jackson, Waters, Carson, Lewis Cummings and Johnston in the competition.
So Clyburn, a guy who has made a career out of playing the “but slavery” card from 159 years ago doesn’t see the irony in him minimizing the holocaust in favor of Somalia’s muslim genocide of Christians. A war by the way, in which Omar supports the genocidal islamist murderers and then used the conflict as an excuse to get into the united states. The democrat party hates America and needs to be destroyed before they destroy this country