Some synonyms for "fulsome" are "excessive, extravagant, overdone, immoderate, inordinate, over-appreciative, flattering, adulatory, fawning, unctuous, ingratiating, cloying, saccharine". So I'm sure she will make further "fulsome" statements.
Yes, there are bigger issues...except they argue for Kavanaugh to be confirmed.
After this dumpster fire is over, where does Judge Kavanaugh go to get his reputation back, the one he's spent a lifetime building?
So, she is being unfair to be fair?
“And the Alaskan Native corporations that back me insisted that they wanted a moderate or liberal court . . .”
No, Lisa, if you really want to be honest about this, admit you are a COWARD. Wouldn’t it be great if Sarah Palin replaced you!
she read these on the floor of the Senate?
Nobody cares “why”. The left has made this their hill to die on and Murkowski chose to join them on that hill. Now everyone knows where she stands in the war against decency and justice.
So shes worried about the integrity and credibility of the institution? This is the most idiotic excuse possible. By letting the character assassination continue and not vote for Kavanaugh, she is complicit in the severe corruption exhibited by the Democrats. This is where she should take a stand against their corruption while supporting her party and institutional integrity.
In short, perception is more important than truth.
After she votes ‘no’ she will realize that the people who contacted her are all democrats who were told to. The did not vote for her and will not next time. Senator Murkowski is really being stupid.
If the Democrats had any real respect for the Supreme Court, they would not have subjected the country through this mess.
The most effective action against Tory traitors is ostracism. Sell her no food, no clothing, no shelter, no water, no energy, no gas.
“Her Remarks Declaring Why.”
because she’s a feckless cuck ...