Someone brought up the point that according to most liberals and evolutionists that we all evolved from apes to begin with. So what’s the rub?
Ive yet to even see the new show. And I read the tweet once yesterday off a link from Drudge. But the MSM has been repeating it over the air over and over.
I blame Rosanne for saying it but the MSM for repeating it, perpetuating it, and keeping a stupid joke alive.
The old Roasanne series re-runs have been pulled by HULU, CMT, LAFF, TV Land - and I’m sure others.
They were looking for something to get her on. She dared say she liked Trump. It was only a matter of time before they got her.
And the biytch who was happy that Barbara Bush had died? nothing happened to her, as was very predictable.
The country is experiencing collective insanity.
This appears to be a list of all ABC shows, current and reruns:
I reserve the right to be wrong.
“Rahm Emanuel oversees the daily black on black bloodbath in Chicago yet hes in his second term as Mayor. Roseanne made a joke and got her show cancelled! I guess a joke deemed as racist is a bigger issue to Democrats than blacks dying and that is pathetic!” - Elder Lansing
“Muslim” is not a race.