Yeah, we all know who you are. 'What' you are requires a test.
The SOB Todd ( I haven't seen who did the interview, so I'll assume it is him ) is trying to help her get this issue behind her.
That tells me her internals are sucking pond water.
Now this from Wayne Allen Root, I saw it on CTH:
"A new Axios/Survey Monkey poll came out before all this amazing news. It showed that if the 2018 election were held today, five Democrat incumbent U.S. Senators in West Virginia, Missouri, North Dakota, Montana and Indiana would be defeated decisively. And three more in Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin are leading by only single digits. The voters in this poll didnt know about the new jobs numbers or the North Korea breakthrough.
And this from Ashley Parker:
For those watching this Trump rally with... interest, many West Wing aides say this what to expect in the midterms: Trump, unleashed, traveling the country, campaigning as he pleases.
Hmmm, does Hope Hicks join Brad Pascale, as they both work on a possible Senate with 60 members?
So my bottom line?
She is beatable, Please Team Trump if you are lurking, Campaign in MA ( and MI, Stabenow is even more vulnerable IMHO ) and give the suffering MA conservative residents a life line, help elect a Republican Senator from the State of Mass...
And yet a quick Google search shows this to be a lie. One has to customize the Google search a bit to avoid the snowstorm / chaff of current articles on Warren, but if you limit the search range to articles before 12/31/98, you get this from the October 22 1996 article of "The Harvard Crimson".
Of 71 current Law School professors and assistant professors, 11 are women, five are black, one is Native American and one is Hispanic, said Mike Chmura, spokesperson for the Law School.
Although the conventional wisdom among students and faculty is that the Law School faculty includes no minority women, Chmura said Professor of Law Elizabeth Warren is Native American.
Lieawatha still at it
Warrens white privilege wasnt enough to overcome her intellectual and academic shortcomings to get jobs she wanted, so she lied about being a woman of color and took positions that were supposed to go to unrepressed people.
Native Americans arent the only minorities harmed by her lies. The jobs she got as an affirmative action hire could have gone to any real minority person. The woman is a disgrace.
Libtard mentality: my identity is native American and that is what matters
The article repeated a lie several times. It said that President Trump uses a “racial slur” and called Warren “Pocahontas”. He calls her “Fauxcohontas” which means that she is a fake and is in no way a “racial slur”.
Already a known liar, why not a PROVEN liar?