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To: Altura Ct.
[ Pelosi Says Illegal Aliens Make America More American ]
Nancy Pelosi lies like Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama .... and Hillary, of course.
32 posted on
03/08/2018 4:18:26 PM PST by
(Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
To: Altura Ct.
Nasty Pelosi must be one of those that the Congressional pharmacy is delivering dementia medication to. Whatever happened to that story? It seems successful buried and dutifully ignored.
34 posted on
03/08/2018 4:22:12 PM PST by
( I'm Not Tired of Winning)
To: Altura Ct.
And here I was (silly me!) thinking that they make us more Third World!
35 posted on
03/08/2018 4:22:32 PM PST by
Gay State Conservative
(Obama & Hillary: The Two Most Corrupt Politicians of My Lifetime.)
To: Altura Ct.
You can tell they’re great Americans by the way they wave Mexican flags.
37 posted on
03/08/2018 4:40:01 PM PST by
To: Altura Ct.
Is Pelosi suffering from dementia or just one more drugged out Californian?
41 posted on
03/08/2018 4:59:34 PM PST by
To: Altura Ct.
Pelosi needs to be in a dementia ward.
43 posted on
03/08/2018 5:01:55 PM PST by
(I always try to maximize my carbon footprint.)
To: Altura Ct.
Pelosi is incredibly fortunate to have been born with a vagina.
44 posted on
03/08/2018 5:21:01 PM PST by
Secret Agent Man
( Gone Galt; Not averse to Going Bronson.)
To: Altura Ct.
She can’t open without proving she’s stupid.
47 posted on
03/08/2018 5:29:54 PM PST by
Blue Collar Christian
(We Arizonans need to get rid of McCain/Flake as all of us pray for Trump.)
To: Altura Ct.
So, American citizens who voted for Trump are ‘deplorables’, but illegal aliens who broke the law coming here make America more American. Does she actually hear herself?
To: Altura Ct.
Bank Robbers make Banks more Banky.
51 posted on
03/08/2018 5:45:43 PM PST by
Kickass Conservative
( An Armed Society is a Polite Society. An Unarmed Society is North Korea.)
To: Altura Ct.
Will somebody PLEASE put this psychotic witch in a straight-jacket and get her to the Happy Dell Home For The Crazed...where she belongs?????
52 posted on
03/08/2018 5:47:13 PM PST by
(America Supreme!)
To: Altura Ct.
Did Nancy take the Ellis Island Tour again ,LOL
To: Altura Ct.
Pelosi is a Dreamer. She needs to give up her day job and become a fiction writer.
Undocumented aliens have never been accepted unconditionally in the US. The Naturalization Act of 1790 set forth the rules for citizenship. All of the enforcement was done by the states. Regulation of the immigration process became federalized when the Supreme Court in 1875 declared regulation of immigration a federal responsibility. When economic conditions worsened in the 1880s because of the high immigration numbers, Congress passed new regulatory bills that blocked the entry of idiots, lunatics, convicts, and persons likely to become a public charge. Lucky Pelosi is of such great wealth because I suspect she would have been put back on the ship she came on.
55 posted on
03/08/2018 6:00:35 PM PST by
(Trump continues to have all the right enemies.)
To: Altura Ct.
56 posted on
03/08/2018 6:10:53 PM PST by
(I'll take a bad dog over a good politician any day!)
To: Altura Ct.
Sort of like botox makes Nanzi’s face more lifelike.
57 posted on
03/08/2018 6:27:06 PM PST by
(13 Russian Facebook trolls ... and a Siberian partridge in a Russian Olive tree.)
To: Altura Ct.
Dear Ms. Pelosi, Your senility is showing.
To: Altura Ct.
Pelosi is so screwed up in the head that she makes Mad Maxine Waters almost look partially sane.
To: Altura Ct.
I see senility continues to go wild......
60 posted on
03/08/2018 7:52:24 PM PST by
To: Altura Ct.
What kind of mookabooking drugs is this crazy bitch on?
61 posted on
03/08/2018 8:18:04 PM PST by
Joe Boucher
(President Trump makes obammy look like the punk he is.)
To: Altura Ct.
Over and over and over again Nancy P. keeps sending the message that she has lost touch with reality.
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