Many gun and knife and car and mototcycle and bicycle wounded go to the Hospital with serious, but not life threatening injuries.
In the hospital they acquire Sepsis and many die of Sepsis. How often do the hospitals admit that they made a mistake in allowing Sepsis in dirty wounds, dirty hoapital linen, dirty hospital equipment, dirty hospital employees?
Beware of statistics. We can make the say whatever we want. Especially watch for comparisons where gun-wound-sepsis is counted one way and knife-wound-sepsis is counted a different way.
From PEW to NYT to CDC to medical journals to law enforcement journals, almost everybody cherry picks.
All knives MUST be banned.
Even the butter knives in our homes.. AND the ones we use to carve up the turkey at Christmas dinner. Every knife ...
There are two groups of people - and only two groups... those willing to ban ALL knives - AND those who want people murdered.
(sound familiar?)
Let’s ban knives....and cars, horses and anything that will kill us...