Marshall Steinbaum is Research Director and a Fellow at the Roosevelt Institute, where he researches market power and inequality. He works on tax policy, antitrust and competition policy, and the labor market.
The GOP tax bill is providing a $1.5 trillion windfall,”
Now I remember why I haven’t watched CBS in over 30 years, they believe My Money belongs to the Government and I am receiving a Windfall by Not having to PAY AS MUCH???
The economy grows as businesses spend more and invest, not by “consumer spending”. GDP is a false statistic. GO (Gross output) shows it is a better gauge of the economy, as well as showing how business spending is more growth oriented than consumer spending.
So, white kids in debt have to pay it off. But, black kids get that tougher debt—so we should give them a break.
Am I summarizing that correctly?
Because I am a fat guy. And us fat guys have trouble doing everything. So, I want a break on my mortgage for that. OK?