Sure. Why is is that when you put a bunch of muzzies together in one place, you always get violence?
OK. Simple solution: Start speaking out!
I don't see how this Muslim is doing that. He doesn't need to talk to non-Muslims; he needs to talk to his fellow Muslims and convince them to unite and eliminate this cancer from their religion; because if they don't, then the rest of the world is going to indiscriminately impose the solution from outside, and then there will be no such thing as Islam.
So this guy's little public relations "crusade", while well-intentioned, utterly fails to focus the persuasion and anger where it is most needed: on those who have ostensibly hijacked his religion: those are the people who need to be destroyed.
If there were Christians running around blowing themselves up and slaughtering civilians indiscriminately, we would take care of business and wipe such fools out.
Why can't Islam clean it's own house?
on 9/11 3000 Americans met Muslims but they can’t talk about their encounter since they are dead
How about someone wearing a T-shirt teaching them about Christ, in their enclave.
P Off, lying servant of satanallah!
The few Muslims who do bad things, the many Muslims who turn a bind eye and the mosques where they are indoctrinated are where this person’s work should be done.
There’s nothing wrong with Americans who want to live without Muslim violence, and also aren’t interested in living under Sharia law.
If Islam had been a peaceful religion for the past 1400 years, that would be their reputation. Anyone who can read the quran and the hadith can see what true islam is....a system of world domination, just like the nazis, only with a twist of religion so that you don’t dare criticize.
Al-taqiyya sessions.
They can lie all they want to deceive infidels if they believe it will further islam.
You cannot trust them, their book tells them its their duty to lie until they can be in positions to openly do violent jihad.
“the rest of us (Muslims) are not speaking out “
This is the problem. WHY aren’t the “peaceful” Muslims condemning those who brutally murder people in the name of Islam??????
That means 1.6 million are barbarians.
1.6 G times .001 equals 1,600,000 terrorists. Enough to ruin the entire world. LOL!
“and the rest of us (Muslims) are not speaking out”
Yes, thank you for that confirmation of what we were saying for years.
Beslan is the true face of Islam.
All pigdog murder muzzies out now.
Jihadis are cool activists.
In other news, McDonald’s has nothing to do with obesity.
“The vast majority of Americans don’t know a Muslim and a lot of Americans are afraid of Muslims,” he said. “I can understand why. There are a lot of negative things that a very, very, very small percentage of Muslims across the world are doing and the rest of us (Muslims) are not speaking out and so that’s what I’m here to do today, to educate my fellow Americans.”
I actually agree. I have worked with quite a few Muslims. Most are honest and moral people who want to show the world what a good Muslim looks like.
If he wants to show the positive side of his religion to America, the best way to do that is to do unrewarded acts of kindness to people. Offer homeless services. Offer food for the poor. Offer free medical help for the poor. Etc. Christian charities do this. They also do not require those helped to be Christian.
But here is the real problem...
He is doing these things to make things easier for Muslims here because he thinks most Americans do not understand them and may discriminate against them. But if he really believes that Muslim terrorists do not represent Islam, he SHOULD be doing more outreach to THOSE supposed Muslims. He SHOULD be trying to convince the Muslim terrorists that they do not represent Islam.
Where are the Muslims who are willing to stand up AGAINST Islamic terrorists? Don’t just say “we don’t do that”.
If anyone claiming to be Christian anywhere in the world were kidnapping children, raping them, and killing them, real Christians would be more than just saying “we don’t do that”. Real Christians are willing to do what’s necessary to put a stop to it.
Why won’t these peaceful Muslims do this as well?
HUGE percentages of Muslims across dozens of countries support terrorism. No, not 100%, but proportions ranging from 20-90 % in many locales. So much for “Religion of Peace.”