The only shock here is that the New York Times is reporting it.
Money laundering: government pays for people to buy sodas. Soda companies then use that money to pay politicians to keep paying people buy their product....
Yup. And, they're hateful for doing it. Leave those poor people alone with some dignity, eh?
57% of Black females in the USA are obese.
In the wine and spirits department of a large grocery chain I witnessed on several occasions a customer paying cash for a bottle of cheap whiskey and whipping out his food stamp EBT card to buy the $1 soda to mix with it. Food stamp abuse could quickly be ended by limiting purchases only to healthy food items like the WIC program. I personally have seen food stamps being used to purchase not only soda, but junk food of every description, steaks and lobster tails as well as imported bottled water.
When we see signs like this one I saw in a supermarket near me, you know things have gone off the rail.
Perhaps my memory is faulty but when I was growing up, I seem to remember that food stamps could only be used for certain commodity items, such as milk, bread, cheese, butter, poultry, rice, and produce. I don’t think food stamps were originally used for frozen pizza, Doritos, skittles, soda pop, snack cakes and all that other junk I see filling up shopping carriages, almost always by obese woman in tight sweatsuits. Also, what is up with those motorized carts almost always driven by very obese people? You would think a legitimately handicapped person would already have their own motorized wheelchair or whatever you call them these days.