The crackdown on these workers and the construction companies that hire them should begin as soon as Trump becomes president and the penalty should be deportation for the illegal immigrant workers and revocation of all licenses and building permits for the construction companies that hire the illegals.
There are still plenty of degreed Americans in the oil industry in Houston looking for work.
Guess who is stuck holding the bag if one of these workers gets injured on the job? To the tune of millions. Which means higher costs for honest wage earners and bosses.
Jose and israel can afford to work for $6.42/hr because they brought mamacita with them.
She quickly popped out a couple of "American Citizens" who are loaded on the welfare gravy train.
Full welfare ride is very lucrative. Cash, food, housing, utilities, car, medical.
Their employer pays them under the table, no with holding.
They get sick or hurt, go to the hospital and dn't pay the bill.
These 2 are probably doing better than most middle class Americans.
Weve never seen any Americans carrying cement, picking up stone, working from sunup to sundown, Israel said. Never.
There is a reason for that, stupid...YOU’LL do it for DIRT!
Use and abuse of illegal workers has become institutionalized with dayworker agencies supplying them to worksites in most states via buses. Yes, the illegals work harder, longer for less and complain less than native born. And the left is quick to point out that the 11 million illegals in the US are gainfully employed.
BUT this in most cases means that there are millions of native-born Americans who via this employer-driven scam are dis-employed or otherwise unemployed.
These millions of native-born Americans “living on the bubble” who have depended on low-skill work have been driven to alcohol and drugs and to living with relatives and on the street.
I would like to meet these willing workers you believe exist. I am in that industry And I have never seen it. Even if you can find them, if you hire US citizens illegally and cheap, you invite a lawsuit for any number of things. Then if you hire them legally and within all applicable laws it will cost you a minimum of $7.25 + 20% and the potential for even more lawsuits. But even then the employee will pay taxes of around 20%. So that what cost you almost $9/hr will net the employee about $6/hr. For many people if not most Citizens that is not worth the effort.
The kids next door won’t cut grass for any less than about $10/hr but I hire them anyway, illegally for cash, and then pray they do not get hurt lest I get sued into poverty.
Let every American who never hires for cash and and complies with all local/state/federal wage and hour laws cast the first stone!
Cause and effect. Americans used to do it, but then illegal aliens became the go-to group for such tasks. It's now so common, I can't imagine many (if any) Americans going for such jobs, especially in TX.
It's a job illegals do, period. Get rid of illegals, maybe then Americans will start coming in to do it. Not every teenager wants to flip hamburgers.
Where these workers are at if you notice on a Thursday afternoon around 4 pm you’ll see
many of them in local stores cashing their checks and tranferring money to their orgins
back south of the border.
Also where they do manual labor in the fields you see them come and go by the seasons, planting,
harvesting, etc. And in low cost rental areas you’ll see many living in a large house with bare
necessities, no a/c etc.
BS, that's a pack of lies.
The only reason these illegals are working and getting hired is because the unscrupulous greedy AH's who hire them at low substandard wages.
I'm behind enemy lines in CA. I know first hand.
Sure and the Texas “conservative” Businessmen who hire them of course need more tax cuts so they can go out and hire more workers. Been there done that no more tax cuts to them no way.