A pardon won’t grant them citizenship or the right to live here.
Send them back with the same mules that brought them here.
I suggest, instead, that they self-deport before January 21st - thereby retaining at least some control over the process. :)
POTUS cannot pardon the Citizen of another Country
There’s apardon vetting process. Each pardon is handled on an individual basis, just like they had to do in VA.
Adios, y'all!
Millions of illegal aliens who claim to be law abiding, with the exception that they jumped the line and got in front of immigrants lawfully entering this country.
It would be nice if the rabble rousing community organizers would instead help to understand and characterize the issues and options.
I thought that Trump wants to do a couple of things first, like secure our borders to stop the flow of illegal aliens, and drug traffic, and deport convicted criminals, those with criminal histories, gang members, drug dealers, etc. to get them out of our jails and out of our country.
Then take a look at how best to deal with illegal aliens who otherwise are law abiding, tax paying visitors without work permits. The issue is that we do not have a country if we selectively enforce our laws. Right now we are shamefully ignoring our immigration laws, and figuratively spitting on those who lawfully entered our country. Is that fair?
If we had an honest and competent media, they would be helping instead of encouraging the law breakers to be coddled and catered to, and calling everyone who disagrees with them racists.
Illegal alien invaders have no “right” to “demand” anything. Send them home. They wave the Mexican flag and say Trump is not their president. Well, this is not their country.
Wonder what would happen if one of us went to a bank and "demanded" money. Or walked up to a woman in a bar and "demanded" sex. Or....
They re going back. The fruit of their criminal activity is coming home. Deport all illegals and build the wall.
Oh sure. Obama wants to add THAT to his soon to be dismantled legacy.
What we will actually see is considerably different, and has its own order to things:
1) ICE and CBP will get heavy reinforcement and clear directives to stop the illegal flow across the border.
2) The wall will actually be built quickly, now that the POTUS actually wants to build it, instead of jerking everyone around and pretend to build it at a snail’s pace.
3) A directive will be issued to the FBI and US Marshals that felon deportees will be rounded up, along with foreign gang members (MS-13 and Mexican Mafia). Since Mexico probably cannot handle too many at once, either it lets us fly them to central and southern Mexico with a hundred jumbo jets, or we will kick them across the border, even if they are then rounded up by the cartels and given guns. Not our problem.
4) The biggest collection of deportees will be based on their receiving government largess, for an extended period.
That is, if an illegal family is on welfare of any variety, including medicaid care, it is not a problem. What *is* a problem if they have stayed on welfare for an extended time. This puts them at the head of list for wide scale deportation. Other factors are if any are employed, if they have paid taxes, if any are “frequent flyers” with the police, etc.
5) A number of things will mitigate deportation. If they have lived in the US for a long time (based on a sliding scale), if some are engaged in successful business, how many members of the family are legal vs. illegal, what level of education have they received, any military service, and importantly, *intent to integrate and take US citizenship*.
This last one is an oddity, because many Mexican citizens working in the US do not want to become Americans, just to work here and send money home to Mexico. At some point they want to return to Mexico, their homeland.
6) There must be serious reform to immigration. Not all countries should be allowed to immigrate to the US. The Visa system needs major reforms:
And most of all, there needs to be a means for legal immigration from those nations we want immigrants from, that can be done both outside the US, as it is currently done, but also within the US.
On top of that, immigration quotas need to be brought back. Not all immigrants are equal, and many are undesirable. The Democrat idea of “everybody in the world should be treated equally”, is both stupid and destructive.
How can he pardon someone who has not yet been charged with the crime of illegal entry into the USA?
Oxymoron. Doing something illegally isn't exactly law-abiding...