Elect Hillary and then protect and march against her. That's the spirit Glenn!
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To: Rennes Templar
Just how unethical, illegal and criminal is Hillary as compared to Trump? I’d say miles ahead. If not by her history, we can compare the Wikileaks expose in her unethical National Security violations to Trump. She wins that race hands down. Therefore, Hillary should be a NO VOTE.
128 posted on
10/12/2016 11:13:46 AM PDT by
To: Rennes Templar
The words moral and Beck parted ways long ago. He simply tries to cloak himself in some kind of twisted moral authority to support a very destructive agenda. For the sake of his remaining listeners, I hope he gets some serious psychiatric help. Maybe leave the air for 10 or so years.
129 posted on
10/12/2016 11:30:15 AM PDT by
(Other people's money is the only language a politician respects; starve the bastards)
To: Rennes Templar
Absolutely lost his mind.... or we just found out he never had it to begin with.
136 posted on
10/12/2016 1:12:12 PM PDT by
(~Woe to the Conquered~)
To: Rennes Templar
Beck needs to be institutionalized with no access to a computer.
137 posted on
10/12/2016 2:22:10 PM PDT by
("Winning isn't everything, it's the only thing." -- Vince Lombardi)
To: Rennes Templar
I’m proud to say I saw through this guy early on. It started with the Jimmy Swaggart tears.
So, it’s morally wrong to vote for an immoral person but by not voting for the immoral person and helping to elect another immoral person is moral? I’d wager Beck would understand what I just posted.
138 posted on
10/12/2016 3:44:35 PM PDT by
Terry Mross
(This country will fail to exist in my lifetime. And I'm gettin' up there in age.)
To: Rennes Templar
Glenn Beck....didn't he have a radio show at one time?
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