The definition of middle class is entirely dependent on where one lives. 56K/year in the mid-west is not the same as 56K/year in California.
Interesting how the author is so focused on money and material things. When I grew up in the 50s the term middle-class was more about complete family. War widows and their kids were only gratuitous middle class. Divorced and single parent households were lower class.
Money was part of the definition. But it was not the single focus of the author.
The definition of middle class changes with what is politically expedient at the time.
Pathetic article. Class isn’t simply about annual income.
Put a plumber and a senior-level nurse together in a household and you have your $200K of income—but yes, they are “middle class”. (Actually “lower middle class” at that.)
I like that we all like to pile into the middle when considering where we fit with our fellow Americans.
Not surprising at all.
The communists have always hated the bourgeois, and as a key goal, the destruction of the class.
Those communists have been running the country for nearly a decade now, and they’ve been working hard to destroy the bourgeois, also known as the middle class.
Marx & Engles hated the middle class.