Giving this it's own thread due to the developing story hitting a "mainstream" outlet, and the way it absolutely nails the timelines between Oversight requests and the questions on Reddit.
1 posted on
09/19/2016 2:41:08 PM PDT by
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To: Dr.Deth
34 posted on
09/19/2016 5:00:18 PM PDT by
doug from upland
(She is evil, corrupt, and brain damaged.)
To: Dr.Deth
35 posted on
09/19/2016 5:15:40 PM PDT by
((WildHighlander57, returning after lurking since 2000)
To: Dr.Deth
Reddit needs to change their name to ShReddit.
36 posted on
09/19/2016 5:17:15 PM PDT by
Pilgrim's Progress
( D)
To: Dr.Deth
ILLARY memo to Barry Soetoro . . . “Bubbha, when are you going to give away the internet? Hurry up will ya? If you don’t we are BOTH going down . . . and not in a Huma way. You feel me?
37 posted on
09/19/2016 5:22:07 PM PDT by
Pilgrim's Progress
( D)
To: Dr.Deth
So drudge has not picked up on any of this?
38 posted on
09/19/2016 5:27:41 PM PDT by
To: Dr.Deth
WikiLeaks @wikileaks 6m6 minutes ago
Hillary Clinton's IT consultant ('stonetear') has been erasing his secret comments from Reddit on redacting her emails made two years ago.
41 posted on
09/19/2016 5:57:51 PM PDT by
To: Dr.Deth
42 posted on
09/19/2016 5:59:45 PM PDT by
((WildHighlander57, returning after lurking since 2000)
To: Dr.Deth
45 posted on
09/19/2016 6:05:02 PM PDT by
To: Dr.Deth
49 posted on
09/19/2016 6:21:47 PM PDT by
SE Mom
(Deplorable and Proud mom of an Iraq war combat vet)
To: Dr.Deth
The issue is that the “advice” sought was for how (technically) to commit acts which were ILLEGAL, yes??
The reporters massacres the lede. No one is impressed with the claim that an IT tech consulted anonymously about some random IT move that only techies would be interested in.
The important matter is that the tech was trying to enable Hillary & co. to evade or break the law, yes??
56 posted on
09/19/2016 7:41:36 PM PDT by
(Hillary's new campaign slogan: "Guilty as hell, free as a bird!! Laws are for peasants!")
To: Dr.Deth; gaijin; grayboots; Principled
What kind of a forum is Reddit? I took a look at it. It looked like a bunch of nothing to me...
60 posted on
09/19/2016 8:30:20 PM PDT by
(I am a proud Deplorable)
To: Dr.Deth; gaijin; grayboots; Principled
61 posted on
09/19/2016 9:32:42 PM PDT by
(I am a proud Deplorable)
To: Dr.Deth
62 posted on
09/19/2016 10:01:41 PM PDT by
(A woman who votes for Hillary is voting with her vagina and not her brain.)
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