You've got to click for each one. Then you get a photo and a brief summary of their qualifications. This is a week old.
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To: The people have spoken
This list, like most others, are full of choices that the GOPe would be thrilled with. If we have learned anything in this unconventional campaign, it is that the VP choice will be unconventional. It will be somebody that is not on any list.
Trump must consider carefully his choice for VP. The PRIME consideration is that he pick a VP that will not undo all his achievements. Like Bush did to Reagan.
130 posted on
06/22/2016 1:49:53 AM PDT by
(Rules of engagement #1: Take no prisoners. And to the NSA trolls, FU)
To: The people have spoken
To: The people have spoken
Jeff Sessions looks to me to be the only one on this list that is not a Cheap Labor Express stooge.
149 posted on
06/22/2016 4:25:38 AM PDT by
(Know Islam, No Peace - No Islam, Know Peace)
To: The people have spoken
To: The people have spoken
Surprised no one has mentioned Alveda King yet.
Would certainly cause heads to explode around the Uniparty.
158 posted on
06/22/2016 4:51:05 AM PDT by
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