Condi Rice? More neocon adventures abroad? Uh no.
Rick Perry? Like Trump hisself said, “he should have to take an IQ test.” Right.
Lots of poor choices on that list. But those two are the worst.
Put Sessions as AG maybe, make Sheriff Joe head of FBI (wouldn't that shake things up.), Palin head of RNC, which she could clean up.
Allen West
Guy called into a local radio show today and suggested that Trump might want to choose Rand Paul because this might add Paul supporters to the people who would vote for Trump. He said it is the only person he could think of who could actually draw/add voters to the ticket who might otherwise go elsewhere, like to Johnson. Not sure what I think about this, but even if you aren’t a Paul supporter, what do you think about the potential additive effect?
Yes on Cotton, Sessions, Blackburn
Half of these 20 have already said No.
Needs experience working w Congress.
Needs name recognition.
Military casts Foreign involvement pal.
Forget the age factor, we need sober experience to offset Trump’s wandering mind.
Newt is the only choice.
Hell no to # 11, that gun-grabbing idiot Stanley McChrystal.
He recently teamed up with Mark Kelly and David Petraeus to form a “gun control” group.
In addition, I saw McChrystal on CBS Sunday Morning a year ago. He prattled on about how “assault weapons” (i.e. semi-automatic rifles) are weapons of war, they should be banned, etc. No thanks.
As for Tom Cotton of Arkansas, he was at that “What should we do about Trump?” conference at Sea Island, Georgia a few months ago. In addition, he was at Romney’s “let’s cry in our beer about Trump” summit in Park City, Utah a few weeks ago. I can’t see Trump picking a closet #NeverTrumper for his VP.
a list this long tells us almost nothing
Michael Flynn (retired Lt. General)............... He’d be better as the top of the ticket!
Sessions is the guy I want to see picked for Trump’s VP.
Sessions was early supporter of Trump and he knows Capitol Hill and is well liked in the Senate. He would be a asset to the Trump campaign and to a Trump administration.
Isn’t Jim Webb a Democrat? Stanley McCrystal? Seriously? Half those names are non sterters.
It’s also bovine excrement from a very sick bull.
Donald Trump, Jr. or Eric Trump. Both are very impressive.
Bob Corker: Sounds like a hillbilly. I’m shocked a U. S. senator speaks like that.
Newt Gingrich: Unfortunately he and Trump have 6 marriages and 4 ex-wives between them, which could turn off women. Didn’t Newt leave his first wife while she was battling cancer?
It’s got to be Kasich. Like Trump he’s a principled conservative and he can win Ohio.
None of the above.
How about Michele Bachmann?
Jeff Sessions
My pick is Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors.
If you’re going to run as an outsider, then run as an outsider. “Hillary and the other politicians talk. Mary and I do.”
Have no idea what her politics are, but she checks a lot of boxes including putting states in play and constituencies in play.
Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Tomi Lahren
Imagine each one of them as president of the US
Not 4 years from now but by next year if a bad thing happened
That scrubs the list of affirmative action UNVETTED one trick pony amateurs
Which is most of those names
Condoleeza Ruce? Joni Ernst?
Puh leeze
Condi, no, please no. Never, no, nada.
She’s an Obama freak, just like Jeb.