Does the left want to see what "triggered" means to 2nd amend Republicans?
Good to hear!
The moron is helping to elect Trump.
Lefties can’t help themselves.
That’s actionable both criminally and civilly.
Best comment anywhere:
MadisonConservaliberaltarian 2 minutes ago
“Trump is a fascist!”, he yelled, as he threw a molotov cocktail at innocent people who opposed him politically.
This Emmett Resin a$$hole should be dragged out into the street and given a taste of the violence he advocates.
‘eff him.
Most lefty trash are cowards anyway.
An article today on The Federalist website excuses Beck and Thor’s death threat against Trump, calling it “as American as apple pie.” How does the article arrive at that?
Well, taking Trump Derangement Syndrome to the max, the article says America has always condemned “tyrants” and backs this statement up by pointing to the flag of the Commonwealth of Virginia which depicts the Goddess of Victory standing over a vanquished tyrannical king.
See, the flag of Virginia shows us it’s practically our patriotic duty to threaten and destroy tyrants such as Trump. So there’s no justification for the backlash against Thor and Beck.
Emmett thinks that he will not suffer any physical harm in the disorder that he advocates. He may be wrong about this.
Emmett Rensin’s a totalitarian thug... he’s the kind of brown shirt Hillary’s goons love.